Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 22, 1907, Image 7

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McKinl*/ R*m*mb*r*d Fao*s
Tbe i>r<«llgiil had returned
'Te­ i
ther.” he said, ”ur«.- you going m klU
the fatted calf?”
"No," reeponde<| the old mar, look­
e . R. HEAMEH, V^e-Presnlent
ing th«- youth over carefully; “no. I’ll ALEX MARTIN, Prertient
let you live But I'll put you to work
ALEX MARLIN, Jr., Cashier
LESLIE Kth.ERS Asst. Cashier
and train some of that fat off
land Ix-adsr.
Johann Httfiu»» comtKaied in ills life
A Pretty Neglige*.
"Perhaps one of the reasons for Pres­ lime over 4<s> waltzes
On«- or more pretty negligees an- most
On«< of the f«rlt«<-l|>111 eztKirta of Man neee»«sry to the dainty woman, so hers
ident McKInley’a popularity,” snld W.
H Hurt, tbe ('nail Hnwkhin of ”Th«< rtiiirlii Is beau oil, whose use at the are aom« g<x«l Ideas for making tiiein
Hquuw Mau.” "wan Ills rcmnrknble prroeut time 1« largely for llliiiiiiiiuting that will l»e lw>th useful and becoming.
uiul cooking pun«,*«’«
The first 1« rather elaborate for gen­
memory of fiicc*
E C Wbltliee of Rurrey, Me., baa a eral wear. It Is mude of |>nl«-«t ¡«Ink
The small l«oy hail been very HI. but
"1 was lending mun for Mme Rhea
, ««'ii eix-wt which his gn ut great grand
he was on th«- convalescent list, to tbe
M'vernl years ago when Mr M< Kinley I fllther <11 fried with him in the niigslilp liberty silk and I« accordion ¡«lalle«!
family's great Joy, and this 1» bow
wan governor of Ohio Although I am of I'aul Join's, under whom lie fought.
they knew. When tbe doctor came In
a tall man, In one of the playa I ap­
H ouk - usually well Informed persons
tbe other morning, tbe lad pitied ops
peared ns Nn|H)h-oii
It <!<«■« not mat
"Hay, 1 want something to eat. I’m
make the bliitMler of culling King Ed
ter how I made myself hwik small so ward tlie fatln-r In law of King Alfonao
tired of taking nourishment." - Boston
Hern id.
us to l«s>k like Napoleon I sat most of ' of Hpulu, who 1« bls nephew by mar
the time through the ¡day, mid when I ring«',
H.rt'harl«-» Not understand the «Ilf-
A large lioiindary atone, cousletlng of
did stand up I shrunk myself down,
fer«-n«'<- between convex anil concave?
iiiul no actor was allowed to vorn«
I will try to explain. Convex is like
vldga Hat following four M uhuik 'I iuhc H n
th«- outside curve <4 an umbrella open­
close to lue.
towns: Hailgu«, < licl«eu, Melrose and
ed. TI k - Inside view would lie «ou-
"Governor McKinley siiw (be
Aline I ■ ce, but how would
and after the performnn«-«- be
Vice Consul lluiliili Monfcamito
that I k - with a parasol? — Ixmdun
TreblXond write« that Amerlcmi com
merclal progn-ss might be greatly lielp-
Alcohol ha» no ¡dace, use or pur]«o*e
isl by the «■«labllHlinn'iit of 11 p 11 reels
In the relief of worry, and its so called
|w.«t «ystein b« tween America and Tur­
use in tills connection, at any rate—
in never anything but abuse or misuse,
A copy of III« Whit«- Hou««- painting
always dang« ion«, always productive
of l*r<'«|ih-lit McKinley Im« been Ullille
of more evil than It relieve* and only
for 1 on i-iu-s N BU m by W D M ur­
too frequently
suicidal.- Canadian
¡dry, mid It ha« b««'n given by Mr lili»«
to the Union (.«-ague club of New
Elderley Persevere, my l«y, ¡a-r«e-
vere! There's only one way t<> accom­
Uoneul J. ('. McNully write« froiu
plish your ptiqiose, and that is to
Liege Hint th«-io I* a growing Kent
"stick to IL" Youugsley-But suppose
uient III that 11« Iglmi city iiguln«t the
your purpose is to remove a «fn-et of
municipal pawiiehot«. Tide ln«tltiiHoii
tly paper that you've sat down upon
1« gradually losing Its Importauce, due
accidentally? Catholic Standard and
to the growing prosperity.
Thirty year* ago H ithern. Hie actor,
lost while hunting a gold match l>ox
Glass Feathers.
th«- Prince of Wales (now King E<1
A celebrated Irish Judge once passed
ward) had given him. ileccntly It was Tlie yoke la formed entirely of narrow sentence in tbe following manner. Tbe
turned up by u plow, mid Ham Hotliern,
blns bunds held togettx-r with berrlug prisoner was a butler who had been
the son of the loeer, now ha« It.
convicted of stealing bla master's
tame stitch.
An "ImluMtrlal committee" of mluls
Thia «ame pattern forma the girdle wine: "lx-ad to every claim of natural
ter«. r<-|ireseiiHng all tbe leading de­ to which the plaiting It attached. The affection, blind to your own rea) inter­
nomination« bn« lieen forme.) In ||||- front la finished t,y a large soft roaett» ests, you have burst through all tbe re- 1
no)» for the purpoae of Intliwnclrig leg of ¡>lnk autln ribbon, with long ends stralnta of religion and morality and
Islatlon Hint «ball protect Industrial hanging almost to the floor.
have for many years tieen feathering
worker« ngiilust accident mid dieeaae
Th«- sleeve« are made of a ja-rfeet your own neat with your master'« bot­
hi factories
»quart of the silk plaited In sun ray tles."—Ixmdon Mall.
Tin- Rtradlvariua violin known u« the faablon and art- hemstitched with u
A Big Man.
Hong« violin among v I o II u I n I s and con uurruw trnrdcr, the four points falling
Oue of tbe most literary of the Lon­
slden-d oue of the finest violin* by over the arm Just a little below tlie
don evening papers once made tbe fol-
Htradlvarlus In existence, wna sold by ell«ow.
lowrtig startling announcement: "A
auction In Mm«!ou the other day for I
complete set of hydrant« anil tire ap-
It Is rather shorter than the
Polka Dots Revived.
pliance« will be arranged, and the
J'HIB HWXT TIUI I axr YOU 1 IH'l-l' It
With the revival of modes and fan
usual violins of that make
stage is to be fittisl with a double as-
Tin- most difficult part of the coal ch-« of other <J h . vs come the ¡silk« dot«, Ix-stuH and steel tin-proof curtain, con­
be mid I conversed a long time about diint problem 1« to discover what ele­ vnrylng in size from n ten cent piece to trolled by one man. Tbe latter 1» de-
the great French »oldler. In whom the ruent* must neceaMrliy la- present in a the silver dollar As n matter of fact. siguisl to tie one of tbe largest in Lou­
governor sernted very much Interested, coal to make th«' dust dangerous Home It Is these larger dots which are most don namely, atiout eighty feet wide
probably been use lie bud lireu told so exfsrrlmenta have been carried on with fashionable. Tlie ¡sdka dot design Is aud fifty feet deep."—Glasgow Times.
till« end In view, but tlie result« oh- seen at Its best In tbe new foulards,
many times that lie l<«ked like him
A Curious Dislogu*.
showing n finely stripe«! background,
talne<l hnve not tieen enlightening
"When Governor McKinley left me I
A most blooiithimty drama was be­
Women sweep th«' street« In Munich the darker tone stripe complementing
«al<l to him, 'Governor, (he next time I
ing performed. The father of tlu- lead­ 1
They do It well. They art- <oi>»cien- the dot In some of these foulards the
«<«< you I bo|>e it will t>e In Washing­ tlous worker*. <h«-«-rful and alert, and dots graduate In size from the smallest ing woman came a« u«ual to tbe stage
ton'— he was being boomed for presi­ they M-etu to enjoy It. "I have never to the largest, the larger dots forming door and asked tbe d«K>rkee^-r:
"Has my daughter gone yet?"
dent st that time.
seen more wholesome, robust, content a l«onler above a three Inch «tripe in
"No; «be Is still on tbe stage. She
"Tbe following spring I was In Wash­ e«l working women than th«- »trwt the color of the dot.
ington, and McKinley was president. sweeper* of Munich,” writes a corre­
These tiordered silks come In the w ill not die for some minutes."
I was «taudlug with a group of men spondent of the Craftsman.
"Will you be kind enough to tell her 1
wider widths and are of course class­
th tile street one afternoon when we
a« moo 11 as «he Is dead that 1 aui wait­
Occult power» arc attributed to a ed among the higher ¡■rl<-e<l weaves i
Iwsin! some cheering, snd some one
ing for her at the theater cafe?”—Mot­
Dutch l«»y. son of Cornelius Van der Charming effects nre ¡«o««lble with
to l'er Rldcre.
crtnl Hint Hie president wns driving In
W(*Mthulzeu of lt««>deport farm, near these dotted foulards, inni c«|H-ela)ly I
u carriage toward us There was some
Kn«>n»tnd. Orange Hlver Colony, wlm. the bordered patterns. the Isirder lie-
excitement and we al) lined up on tbe
whenever In- stands over water In walk Ing u«cd a« tl.e trimming.
Guest (to lonesome looking man iu
curb to give lilm a cheer Ills carriage Ing
over th«- land, atop« Involuntarily
tbe corner)—Awfully stupid affair.
turned up toward us, and be was «low
Shirt Waist Frocks.
and la seized with facial contortions
don't you think?
ly driven a few feet sway, so near and muscular movements of ttie arma
The shirt waist frock. In forms hav­
"No doubt of It.”
that we could have shaken hl« hand. and leg».
ing little suggestion of the original shirt
"No man w-ould ever dream of
Now. I had sis-n him only once, mouths
waist Idea, Is as ¡>opular as ever and Ing a mixed up thing of this sort.
tiefore, yet the minute hl« eyes met
is usually made of fine linen or lawn
"That's what I told my wife.”
mine be smiled hik I leaned out <>? the celianeous division of th«- treasury th*- trimmed with Valenciennes Insertion
"Have I met your wife?'
carriage and snld. 'Well, you see tbe partmetit. has ucqulr«'«! tbe ownership mid frills of Ince mid often elai«>rntely
"Very likely you have. She's the wo-
next time we meet la In Washington ' "
embroidered with hand embroidery.
inau that's giving the party."—deve-
wnl « iu ' ii president. He ««-cured It
New York Morning Telegraph.
laud 1'lain Dealer.
In mi antique furniture «lore In George­
For the Amateur C ook .
town. It l»'nr» the Inscription, "Pre­
A Different Matter.
That girls love to dabble 111 cooking
Csrn*gi*'s Free Hou*«.
sented to hl« excellency, Andrew Jack-
trial recently tbe attorney
Is n well recognized fai t, mid Just now
"You've beard, I guess, that Andrew
son, by bis friend, Caleb Pierre.”
this Inclination la being wisely turned for the defendant started In to read to
Carucgle'a gifts of libraries mid ,tbe
In New York city there 1« a notable | to uscfulnew» by the systematic giving tbe Jury from a certain volume of the
like represent Rist slmut tbe surplus
Increase in the Industry of private of lessons. Here Is a really fascinating supreme court reports. He was inter­
of bls Income," said u man in Wall
coachmen mal chnuffeiirs carrying pas­ I little outfit that can lie slipped on over rupted by the court, who said:
street one day last week, "but few
“Colonel ----- , It Is not admissible,
people kuow Um story of how 'the sengers for hire whlh- they are waiting I any frock and which will render the
lain) of Hkltsi' got his fine residence on In attendance on tbelr employers occasion doubly faschiiitlng and Impor­ you kuow, to read law to the Jury.”
"Yes. I understand, your honor. I
upper Fifth avenue, New York. Here Every day they may be seen carrying tant whether the lessons are given nt
¡laying passengers short distances home or the child Is sent to one of the am only reading to tbe Jury a decision
In tbe story as I beard It:
"One of his friends went to Uie Fifth when they know that manter or mls- I schools devoted to the purpose. The of the supreme court.”— Philadelphia
avenue bouse to see Mr Carnegie. The
apron Is a pretty mid attractive one. Ijedger.
the sleeves lire genuinely protective,
ironmaster took him through tbe man «bop or restaurant.
In th* Wrong Order.
Th«- capacity of dogs to dlstlngutsb and tl»e cap I» simple In the extreme.
«ion, showing him the big organ tbe
"He was married and went craxy,
marble swimming pool, tbe conscrvnto-
she snld. ref-rring to a Maternent tn
Ject of elalsirate eiis-rlments by Dr.
rtoa, Uie terraces aud all the rest of It.
a morning ¡taper.
"'Thia bouie must have cost you a Otto Kalischer of Berlin, atol tbe re­
“Grantlug that be bad any sense In
sults have Just l«-en published In the
pretty penny,' said the visitor.
tbe first place,” he returned, "you
"'It didn't cost me a cent.’ replied proceedings of tlie Berlin Academy of
must have got the statement re
Dr Kalischer trained Ills
Mr. Carnegie.
"Tbe visitor whs so much snrpri»ed dog« to pli-k up and eat morsel» of
"How do you mean?' ahe demanded.
meat set tiefore them only when a cer­
he couldn't say anything
“ He went crazy and married.’
” 'You see. It was this way,’ eontln-
makes It seem more plausible," be an-
In China wag«-« of women operative*
tied bls host '1 Itought thia block of
land some time before I built tin' nre nearly nt tlie vanishing ¡mint. It Is
bouse Tbe value of It went up very aald that In the »Ilk mill« nt Sbmighal
An ol<l farmer who lived by himself
fast, so tlmt when I sold the M ik II hoii there lire 20.000 workers, among whom
sent for the parish gravedigger aud
avenue side of tin- lot J made enough an- children Hint work at 3 cents a day
explained to him where be wished to
out of it to ¡my for tlie Fifth avenue and women nt 5 cents. The highest
be buried. “An«l here. Sandy.” said
end As for the houae Itself—well, the paid get 2« cents for a thirteen hour
he, "is 10 shillings for digging my
money for that came from a divvy
grave. Ye see, ye wadua, maybe, be
best women workers get 14 cents a
th Frick.” New York Times
sac sure 0’ the pey efter I’m awa’.”
day, the poorest f> cents, tbe hours be
“ 'D«-ed, sir,” replied Saudy. over­
Making Him F**l Easy.
come at such unwonted liberality, "It
Ram Warren, the author of "Ten noon for dinner.
wad Lie a great pleasure tae me tae dig
Judge Uriah M. Rose of Arkansas,
Thousand n Year," hns been the sub­
grave for naethiug ony time.”
ject of many anecdotes, none of them one of the American delegates to The
Th* Hara’s N**t.
better than one which 1 first heard re­ Hague conference. Is regarded ns one of
In Swabia aud Hesse the children
lated about him by bla friend, Matthew the most scholarly lawyers In America.
111« writing«, speeches and public ora
are sent at Easter to hunt for the
Davenport HID.
"hare's nest." there to find colored
Looking In one day nt Warren's tlons, dealing with tbe subject of Juris­
Easter eggs.
This custom probably
chambers, Hill noticed tlmt lie seemed prudence in general, but particularly
with International relations, have mark
! grows out of the fact that the hare Is
11 little troubled. “It la,” snld the law
reputed by northern mythology to lie a
I ed him im a man most eminently titled
yer novelist,
fire and soul bringer anil perhaps also
ought to hnve dined tonight with the to uphold American dignity and Inter
lord chancellor, but Mrs. Warren la esls nt the conference. He 1* a Kcn- while It serves to keep fluffy hair well from the old belief that Frlgga. the
nbotit to present me with another olive tiicklnn by birth, and for the past qtinr- out of the way. In the llhistration they goddess who looked lifter children, al­
branch How can I leave her? 1 hope ter of a century lie bus I --'ii <in the are all made of white butcher's linen, ways wa« attended by liuri-s as her
train bearers.
Ida lordship won’t be annoyed nt my foremost rank of the Arkansas bur.
Imt plain and checked gingham and nil
A New York man Ims In-t patented
putting him <>ff ” "Oh." returned Hill,
What Is "China?’’
the simpler sturdier materia!« used for
"don't make yourself uneasy. I am 11 «levice for the encouru -luetit of aprons are equally appropriate, while i
There should be a clear understand­
one of the guests. I know him so well
white lawn also can be used if liked. ing of the use of the word "china."
I can put It nil right for you." •With bank with 11 clock attachment. The Tlie outfit Is genuinely practical and As a matter of fact, uinazlug though
H icho words the visitor prepared to clock 1» set In the face of the bank useful and In addition to nil Its other it seems, china collecting is mostly not
and cannot be wound unless n dime advantages inculcates habits of neat­
leave the room
of china. Technically dilnn means por­
As winding ness and care, which are In every way
At first profusely grateful, Warren Is dnqqied In the slot,
celain. writes Shuck in the Saturday
presently seemed 11 little perplexed and causes the dime to fall into the vault desirable. The apron is made with a Evening Post, but by the usage of all
said: “By and bye. after nil I won't nnd the clock will run but twenty four generously full skirt that Is Joined to a collectors and writers anil from the
trouble you to any anything nlsint me hours without rewinding, the contriv­ belt, and the bib Is attached at the hick of a more adequate term It in­
to the chancellor
Between ourselves, ance assures the accumulation of 70 front, while the straps pass over the cludes also the fine predicts of the
cents a week. Th«' theory Is that the shoulders and are buttoned Into place, early English ¡lotteries.
I have not been Invited."
"Well," rejoined Hill, "make your- ips'osslty of depositing a dime every keeping it firmly In position. For ii girl
-■lf com fort 11 bio <in Hint point.
For day will lend to slipping In «»ther coins of fourteen will be required four ynrd«
kni ninlter. neither hnve I."—P11U Mnll nt mid moments nnd thu« est ibliHli a of material twenty seven or three J urd»
hnblt of saving.
twenty-six Inches wide.
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
JUNE 2«, 1907.
sz Movants
Ix>ans and Discounts...................
Bonds and Securities...........
Beal Estate, Buildings and Fixture«
( ash and Hight Exchange............
1 314,962.7«
218,001 .»3
Capital Stock, fully paid
Hurplus and Profits.............
Due other flanks.................
DEPOSITS .......................
♦ 100.000,00
40,061. 98
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the a’xive named Bank, lo eolemnl
swear that the above statement ;« true to the best of niy knowledges«! belief
At.zr .M amtis , J r ., Cashier.
Subecribed and sworn to before me thia 8tb «lay of July, 1907.
A. M. Woven,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Lakeside Inn
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
Modern improvement?.
73 rooms and suites
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to
a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to ail points in South­
ern Oregon and Northern California; also to favorite
camping, hunting and fishing grounds.
Horses Boarded by the Week or Month.
.Special atttrdion girtn tramitut Hvck
Cor. Main and 9th Str.
and rpteial rater to frtigkUrt. drain
by the ratit. Jlay by the bale or ton. Phone-Main 44
Ol. EßsiEnti
City Meat Market
Every drop
Of Old Continental Whiskey
Water Hill Whiskey
Normandie Rye
F. F. V. Rye
is as pure as Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso­
lute purity.
is the word that tells the story, and when the
government places its 0. K. on whiskey you may
be sure it is pure.
Sold by
Wholesale and Retail Dealer
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all the Time
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