Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 22, 1907, Image 4

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When a man got» Into trouble we al
ways "look for the woman,'* but wheu
he »UiWib we do not, (hough wv have
more reason St Ixiul» Republic,
You will save a great deni of worry
and trouble every day If you do uot
bother your mind nltoul what you can
I'ot help Baltimore American
E. J. MURRAY, Editor.
The State Normal 8chooi at Ashland
Another New Bank
is on a firm basis and its prospects are
most flattering. The last legislature
granted this institution the largest ap­
Announcement was made this week
propriation ever allowed a Normal by the First National Bank of this city
School in the history of Oregon. The - that it would open tor business, as an
school is at last permanently estab- adjunct to this well known institution,
lished. Four new teachers have been the First Trust and Savings Bank. It
added, among them Mrs. Catherine E. I is expected that it will l»e rea»lv lor
Sloan of Portland, author of the SL an i business October 1.
Readers used last vear in the schools of
The incorporator« of the new bank
Portland. Mrs. Sloan will l»e critic are: G. W. White. J. W. Siemens.
teacher in the primary department of ' George T. Bablw in. George II. Lindley,
the training school. Cement sidewalks, George I*. Lindley, W. I. Vawter ami
large repairs on buildings, heavy addi­ E. IX-nton. These are identical with
tions of api>aratus, new furniture new the stockholders ot the First National,
rooms added to the dormitories, with i the capita! ot both institutions l>eing
elegant furniture for all dormitory i the same—$25,000. G. W. White will
rooms, a complete sewerage system and be president and J. W. Siemens cash-
an abundance of water brought from the : ier. Under tlie able management of
citv of Ashland are among the improve­
ments. The faculty will now consist of,
fifteen members. A four year course1
has been adopted conformably to the
action of the Single Board of Control for I
Normal Schools. The Ashland Norma'.
School now becomes one of the great
institutes of the state.
Rushing The Work
Dairy is pleasantly situated on the
west »ide of tomia Valley, near the
center of Klamath County. It has
two good general stores with enter­
prising up-to-date dealers who enjoy
a large trade from surrounding val­
leys; a hotel and feed barn, and a
school house. It is surrounded by a
rich fanning community with which
it is connected by a fai mere* tele­
phone line and also a long distance
line. Is on the stage line, twenty
miles east of Klamath Kalla.
l-'lour and grist milling first begun In
On the return from Klamath Falls this country near Jntuestow n, Va . In
la-t Sunday Henry Stoehsler was sup- 11121, when Governor Year,Iley Imllt a
prised to find his hottie filled with windmill.
friends and every thing having the ap­
('Itluiau Yes. she's married to a real
peal anee of a Sunday picnie. After» estat»’ agent. ami a g\»l. bonnet fellow
moments thought it occurred to hiui too. Subbulis <;.»■! gracious! Biga­
that it was his birthday and his friends my. eh? Plliln del ph in Press.
In fustlug feats the sect of Jains, in
soon informed him that they were
there to help him “make merry,*' ami India. Is far abend of all'rivals Fasts '
right welt did they succeed. Nor did of from thirty to forty days are not
they come empty-handed. “ All the uncommon
Th«» first town of many named after
delicacies of the season (were soon
spread on the tables ami everyone vied our first president wiih Washington.
with the other m having a most enjoy­ Wilkes county, Gn. Th»' first Wash­
ington county was In Virginia.
able time. Music and dancing werein-i
dulged in and many of the old German , Aunt (to her nephew, a studeut)—You
folk lore songs were sung. Among are taking much longer Hints usual to
those present were: Mr.Z and <Mre. i ask mo to lend you some money this
Nephew Really. auntie, how
Mike Rueck, Mr. an I Mrs. Hans' time
thoughtful you ar«»! If It hadn't been
Stoehsler, Mr. ami Mrs. Peter Peter- for your klud reminder, I should have
steiner. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Nelson, j forgot teu all alHjut it Mcggemhrfer
Mr. and Mrs. T. I*. Michael, Mr. and | Blatter
Mr«. Fred Heilbrenner, Arno Fisher
Natives of Borneo place rudely
and his sister, of Dairy; Messrs carved female figures at the entrances
Fte»l and Godfrey Beck, Mrs. George i to their huts. The imago represents a
Riehn, of Klamath Falls; Albert godd<»ss. which protects the bouse from
Walker ot Bly ; Joe Koesel and others., harui or sk-kneea. If there should lie
It was late m the night when the mor-1 llluess before placing the figure at
ry-tuakers bad»* adieu to Mr. Stoehsler, the entrance she prevent» It from Is»-
and uianv were the goo»l wishes com lug worse.
showered upon him.
The lion'» tongue 1» so rough that It
be used to rasp the dealt from the
Michael Rueck is exhibiting a Ger­
bone». The horny, clawlike papillae,
man paper that contains a unique piece or prickle», are very nearly a quarter
<»f advertising for this county. Recently of an luch long It has been said that
he wrote to a friend in Ft. Wayne, the cat uses her prickly tongue In the
Indiana, stating that then* was great same way, but she uaea It chiefly as a
need of housekeepers, c»>oks ami do­ co tub. —rearson's.
mestics in this section and that if he
“If you want to keep your little half
knew of any German girls in his part of curtains down." said the bachelor girl,
the work! who were desirous of work­ “put shot lu them. Either make little
ing out to send them out here, for they bags of It ami put them iu the bottom
could earn from $25 to $7"» a month. hem or put n lot of shot tn loose.
And what was more, there were a large That's the way they keep the little cur-
tnlus down iu the bathrooms of the big
number of eligible bachelors here. The hotels."
friend sent the letter to a German pa[a-r
Inquisitive Acquaintance Have you
and it was publish»*»!, and it is quite
likely that Mr. Rueck will hear further 1 ever thought what you would do in
from his unconscious piece of advi rtn- case your gas bag should co I lap».»
while you were half a uille or more In
the air? Irariug Aeronaut Often. I
Mi«s Pierce who has been visiting her should start at once for terra tlrma by
sister, returned to her home in the east the shortest possible route.—Chicago
this week.
“Get busy" seems to be the standing
order for all things connecter! with the
construction of the California North­
eastern into this city, It was an-
nounced a couple of weeks ag“ that the
clam digg r, with which the Mason
Construction company is to throw up
the grade through the marsh lands,
would await the arrival of the big barge
that is being transferred from the Upper
to the Lower lake. Friday, however,
this was suddenly changer!, and two of
the small barges owyied by the Naviga­ President of the First National Bank
tion company were secured and the big
machine placed on them and Lurried to Mr. Siemens ami with the prestige and
the site of operations. This was done assistance of the other officers of the
in order to save the few days necessary First National the new bank will be as­
to bring down the barge.
sured of a most successful career. Mr.
The next move on the part of Mr. , I .Siemens is no stranger to the financial
Mason w:as to secure theservicesof E. T. interests of the county and possesses the
Johnson to look after the work. Mr. ' ! esteem and confidence of practically
Johnson is a member of a Portland con­ every individual in the county.
tracting firm and is thoroughly familiar
Since its organizati. n the First Na­
with this class of work. Mr. Mason's tional has been blessed with the same
time is Wholly taken up with the con­ ; degree of prosperity that lias Iteen the
Mr. an.1 Mr«. Risley, wiio have been
tract he has on the Mt. Hood railroad good fortune of the other banka of this
and consequently he had to employ county as well as of all interests. With conducting religion* services in this sec-1
someone else to care for his interests | the aid of the new institution it will un- tion for sometime past, have gone to
here and in securing Mr. Johnson it j ■ doubtedly continue its successful career Swan Lake, where they will continue
their labors.
would seem that he is anxious to rush \ with adde»l impetus.
his part of the work to completion at an ,
Most of the farmers are through' u i th
early date. E. W. Gowan will have
their baying.'and are turning their at­
charge of the business end of the con­
Winema Floated
tention in other directions.
O'Brien this week started work with
The prosecution of this work under
Hansbury A Totten succeeded in float- his header, and he will be kept busy un­
the “rush order” schedule will require
the Winema Friday. The damage til the grain crop is harvested.
the services of sixty men, and most of
I. F. Davies is mourning the loss of
these have been secured. The second done to the boat was not serious, al­
dredger is expected to arrive at an early though the expeuse incurred in righting seven of his pullets, and it would not
date, as is also a small steamer. The ! her and the loss of time will pile up a fare well with those responsible for their
barge for the new dredger is now under 1 considerable bill o( expense to the firm. disappearance if they met him soon af­
construction and will be ready by the 1 A movement is on foot looking to the ter he discovered his loss. Touching
time it arrived. Mr. Mason contracted running of a bigexcursion next Monday. i the other fellow's hen roost should stop,
This idea was advanced by a number of for if it continues 'Someone is liable
for 1100 cords of slab wood while here.
i the business men of the city who are de- get into serious trouble.
* sirous of lending all the assistance pos­
’Tis Hunsaker
sible and showing their appreciation of
Quorum Tonight
j the enterprise of the owners of the boat.
It is to be hoped that there will not be a
Mayor Bishop announced Tuesday person in the city who will not buy a
It is likely that there will lie a quo- j
that he had decided to appoint R. E. , ticket. It is not imj»erative that the ex­ ru m tonight and that there is going to ,
Hunsaker chief of police. This will cursion be patronized bv your presence, be a lively meeting is almost certain.!
probably be satisfactory to everyone ex­ but it is the duty of everyone to show
Councilman Woodberry is down and i
cept the fellow who is in the habit of i this small token of esteem of the men
out and a successor will have to I m ? chos- (
transgressing, and it is more than like­ who have done so much to make it pos­ en to fill the vacancy. Under the char- '
ly that he will have cold shivers' around sible for the people of this city to enjoy
I ter a member who fads to attend three j
his spinal column when he see« Bob , the beauties of the Upper lake, as well
successive meetings loses his job of eerv-,
with a star on. There is one thing cer­ as opening up a rich country and mak­ ing the city. Thin Woodberry has done)
tain, and that is Hunsaker will be ing it tributary to thia city.
I and it is not presumed that be will shed !
“boss” of the job and will not have any
any tears when he learns that another is
sandy run on him.
wearing his old shoes.
Fine Studio
New appointments will I m ? made by
Councilmen Absent
the mayor to fill the »-arious city offices.
Mrs. Mae Mongold has just moved in­ It is understood that Hunsaker will bel
the new home she has erected for her marshall and Stone Citv Attorney.
Again the business of the city is tied
Then there will come up other questions
up on account of the abeence of mem­ studio. It is one of the l<est appointed that are apt to stir up the old dry Ixines
bers of the council from the city. The
of the council ami make this meeting
regular meeting of the council should rons enter a reception room 12x18. Off one of the most inteieating of the year.
have been held last Monday evening, from this is a dressing room, 10x8. En­
but on account of Woodberry being in trance to the operating room, which is
George C. Hill, manager of the Hol­
Portland, Shallock on an outing on the 18x30 feet, is gained from either the re­ comb Realty company, who went to
Upper lake and Bennett chasing bear in
Portland alxtut ten days ago on huaineM
mountains no quorum could be seewred of the operati ng room is the dark room. connected with his firm, returned \ome
and an ajournment'was taken subject to Alongside the former is the work room, Wednesday.
i 9x30, which is fitted up with every
the call of the mayor.
Mr. and Mrs. EdwinTucker, Mr. aril
modern convenience.
In the arrangement of the studio Mrs. Mrs. R. P. Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. I
Mongold has overlooked nothing that Masoa, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Faught and (
Estray Notice
would add to the convenience of her daughter, Neva, comprised a party that1
( patrons nor the easy and rapid comple- went to Crater Lake Wednesday morn­
Strayed from the Bigs and Mills pas- ! tion of the work in hand. It is located ing.
ture one white mare, weight about 1250 f on the ground floor ot the ornate little
Mrs. H. V. Mitchell is visiting friends '
branded T on calf of left hind leg; 11 structure on Fifth street, near Main.
I in this city.
____ _ ____
years old. One white mare, weight
about 1225; dappled on hips ; branded 5
Bring in your exhibits
W. H. Mason returned Monday from
on left shoulder. One bay bald faced
horse, branded T on the hip. Anyone a business trip to Bonanza and Langell I
finding them put then up and write me j valley. He states that they are having
at Little Shasta and I will come after the greatest grain crop in the history of
i the Upper country and that everyone
them and pay well for their trouble.
looks happy and prosperous.
,n «Il brani hen, including H *
Grandmamma What are you dolug
lu the pantry, Tommy? Tommy Oil,
I'm Just putting a few things away,
Amethyst quarts varies in color from
very light blue to very dark yellow,
then green, then transparent. Its col
oriug is dm» to manganese.
I aim to be reliable
Absurdly low prices on 65,000 ACRES of
Rent or Sell on Easy Terms.
Bolmcs Business College
Tenth and Washington Streets
Portland» Ore.
This is the only school in the Northwest which
prepares youn^ men and young women for Private
Secretary positions. We have ceased trying to till all
position which ane brought to our attention. Only the
best are selected, and for the best we must h ive the best
young people.
Write us today and ask us about this PRIVATE
Make your wife happy by buying an Acme Washer
Not family jars but the Genuine BALL MASON FRUIT JARS
Pints, 90c Doz.
Quarts, $1.00 Doz.
Half Gal. $1.30 Doz
lo», Minn
mathematica, et<
etc all
<0, mathnmatioB.
foundation that
am/X1 for Í.ÍÍ
that baa
haa won irmnt
rl1 7,""?'" í'**/"’11' ,'0/« w,l‘> ' »«not
Bring in your exhibits
Will G. Steel, of Crater Lake fan.e,
was in the city tuda).