Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH VOL. XII. REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 22, 1907. Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. 21 I W. H. Mason wm up at Bonanza th is 1 lion service are powerlew to do or prom­ Additional Briefs Killed at Keno week on business. ise more than they have. That they re- 1 crel th" situation is not unbelievable. Mr». R. Hevelyri ol Keno was in the Charles J. Brow* of Oakland strived KENo, Aug. 20,- iBy special (.'orre- I At any rate recriminations will not as­ here Friday evening for a visit with his city 8aturdav. spondenre. < o-orge bolts wa« »hot and sist in solving the problem. friend, Leslie Rogers. Those fapiiiiar with the campaign to killed at the H iw A Maxwell lumber A. T. Langell of Bly was in the city f/re 8, Robinson of marsh land fame secure contracts from the landowners mill yesterday afternoon. Nolt» wu en­ this week. ■ I will recall that the signature was deavoring to make his eicajs- after rob­ was in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ifenrv Farrar are visit ­ I obtained under official assurance as to bing Mr*. Ida Martin of |B0. Mr«. Mr. ahd Mrs . E, I. Applegate visited ing relatives and friends in Ashland. I the limit of cost and the limit of time in Marlin w*s alone in the kitchen »hortly Nwan Lake this week. which construction work would begin. after noon when Holt* appear- I anil Mrs. C. R. DeLap and daughter are Miss Edna Houston returned Both limit« have sines I h -.- ii removed drawing a knife deinnn-le-l that ah-- give visiting friends and r^’atives in Wood­ ' w ithout the consent of the contracting him all th« money »he >« -»e»-e-l. After week from her trip to Purtian i land, California. landowners While it is tjue that the securing th« money Nolt* attempted to California point*. Deputy Interna. Revenue < •>!!«•. tor assurances ef the offlicials were not a»»ault Mr*. Martin, but is this he »a, S. M, Yoran of Eugene arrive-1 here Hobbs oi Eugene was in the city this given in’a manner that might con­ frustrate-!. He ran from the house nml last Friday evening ami delivered a week on official business. sidered legally binding ii|sm th< asso­ «-night to make hi« <•»> a|»- on horseback, lecture before the local Masonic lodge Mr. and Mr». James H. Dr:--oil of J ciation <>r government, it is equally true hut wa« intercepted by • ¡.•orge Barrie- Saturday evening. that contracts without some «uch limits - burg, who grabbed the hor-c by the Dr. William Martin left for the east Bonanza were in the city lais week. bridle. Nolt» pulled a gun on Barne- Wednesday, whither he goes as delegate are of doubtful validity. Austin Cox pai-1 a flying visit to the burg an-l threatened to kill him. At to the National Aene of the Eagles as a i county Beat Tuesday. H. L. HOLGATE. this ixjiiit R. W. Wi»x app'-are-l on the delegate from the local lodge. J. F. Dixon of Wood River valley wai The Republican »till maintains that scene an-l taking in the • itnation came i Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Burn* left fr>n him, visit with their son Mark L. first shipment arrive-1 this week. , triu t* with the Water Users Association, dismounting at the same time. MARRIED—In this city Thursday Miss Clara Grime» returned to her; are hasty. It further maintains that no M Attracted by the screams of Mrs. evening. August 15, Miss Lulu Vinson home in Medford this week, after a visit one is in a position to »tate that work Martin, Alt-ert Cole, an employe of the and Jonas Sparks, both of Bonanza, will not proceed on the Upper Pr>»ject mil), came to the assistance of Barne- Justice of the Peace Nicholas officiat­ with friends and relatives in this county. Like the Arab that quietly folded hia next year; neither is anyone in a posi­ burg and Wise. He ran into the house ing. J Judge Baldwin, Judge Benson and tent and silently stole away did the Bonanza. Oregon, August 10, 11*07. tion to state that it will. Engineer 1 ami »ecuring a 22 rifle took delilierste G. W Morine of Bonanza was in the | F. H. Mills are having a good time for a Harriman party enter the city last Sat­ Zanders is here for the purpose of paw­ i aim at Nolt* and fired. The bullet hit Editor Republican city for several days this week on busi­ | few days on the Upper lake and spring urday evening, twenty-four hours ahead Your recent editorial headed “Stop ing judgment on that very point, and him in the right »ide, lodging ju»t above ness connected with the liostelrv that creek. of time. Composing the party were and Think", in it» reference to the land- when bis decision is reached, if we | the heart. A* soon as he wae shot, bears his name. J. B. Ca»ey and wife went to Ashland E. H. Harriman, hie two eons, H. P. owner» <>l the Upper projec t, implies a properly understand the situation, it ' Nolt* turned and ran aliout fifty feet and Deli Thomas, of the II. L. Whited this week, where they will reside per­ Hoey, construction engineer of the Cali­ misconception ol the attitude ol the peo­ will lai an easy matter for the |>0ople of dropped dead. manently. fornia Northeastern, W. V. Hill, Mr. ple in these- valley*. the Upper Project to secure what they The-lead man is given a fiard name jewelry store, left Thursday evening for Harriman's private secretary, Dr. Lyle, George McConnell left for Redding The term “secede" employed by you want. Our understanding of the prop­ by thu-e who know him, and the crime a two weeks’ vacation visit at the home ■ nd used by others in di»- tissitig our sit­ osition is this: The contention » ha* he i* guilty of here would indicate that of his parents near Merrill, Klamath Wednesday, having been called there hie physician, J. A. Taylor, the boys’ tutor and valet. They were driven to by the serious illness of his mother. uation, itself indicates nn unfannliarity been arivanced for sometime that I rer- hei* deserving of the reputation he has. county. — Ashland Tidings. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nafta- with the reason* that may impel the tain overflow lauds in the Upper If He was formerlv employed on the J. F. Mrs. A. D. Miller »nd daughter,Con­ J. E. Hughes, who was arrested here Upper land-owners to definite action. je< t should not i>e inclmled m the com* ramh. It i» not believe«! that NoH» last spring on a charge of murdering a stance, left Monday far Portland, ger, where they had dinner. The night was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nor are the landowner» lalxiring under pulation of the |iercentage. It is mort» i wa» his right name, for he had tattooed man near Yreka, was convicted and sen­ Butte, Mont., and Yellowstone Park, W. 8. Worden, from where, after break­ arty «excitement or "frenzy ", nor do they than likely, in fact quite certain, that on one of hi» arms tiie name of George tenced to life imprisonment. At one expecting to be gone about two weeks. fasting, the party proceeded to the intend to take hasty or unconsidered ac­ these land* will I m - eliminated. If ao it I Harnyak, which would indicate that be time the jury stood eleven to one in This week the first consignment of fall Upper lake where they boarded the tion. • will bring the j-ereentage for the U P|*r was an Austrian. An examination of favor of hanging. goods arrived at the Boston Store. If Buena Vieta and went to Pelican Bay. No known opportunity for urging Project within Isiunds that will admit the dead man'* pistol revealed the fact I Mr. Harriman entered the Klamath W. O. Smith left for Harrison, Idaho, you want something nobbv just drop in early construction of the Upper project, of the work being done. At the time that it wa» empty, which account* lor and see them. Basin by way el the California North­ Monday morning, where be was calle-J or for securing information as to the in­ the Beard of Engimrers were in tiie city, hia failure to sho>>t and to which fortu­ tentions of the reclamation eervice, ha» when Mr. ilo'gate had the memorable nate circuAi-tance Wise and Barneburg on account of the serious illness of his There will be on sale at the Boston eastern, being desirous of inspecting the father. He expects to remain north for Store the prettiest patterns oi fall and line that is to play such an important been neglected by local land owner» or ditcuMlion with Mr. Heniiv, tiie writer owe their lives. I several weeks. or their representative». And resident discussed tins proposition with them on winter goods ever shown in this city. part in the through traffic between Immediately after the »hooting the Portland and San Francisco. He was owners hgve Im-n exceptionally diligent the evening prior to their departure. »lo-riff .m i - irum-r were i. tib.-d an per cent of the lands in private desire to begin work on the Clear lake Mr. Cole is a son of Dr. Coieof I’icard. land for tiie purj-oee of attend mg school. rive. minus of the road, the party was ownership are under contract with the I dam as soon as he powibly could ; that He regrets the notoriety lie has »erace ami lx-la Nickerson will . conduct hi« timber business in this his surprise in seeing such a fine bowt Practically, it mean* that the nervice they are facing many serious problem* give a recital in tiie Houston opera plicants for teacher’s certificates at the state and Washington. Archie lias a as the Klamath, and plied Colonel Wil­ will never l-egin work on the that we «re apt to forget, that they can­ li-mse Saturday evening. *t b 30 o’clock. examination« held in this city last week : host of friends here wbo will be sorry to kins with many questions as to how the project. not get luds on tbeir *pe< itication*. nor It will consist of elocutionary numbers; Florence Foster, first grade; Edna Noi- hear of hie decision to say adieu. boat was brought here, the demand for ris, second grade; MillieGarnson,Grace Willi government irrigation indefi- i men to carry on tiie work under force ; by M ibk Grace and vocal and inatru- , Mrs. G. W. Fish left this week for its services and many other things con­ nitely postponed, it would lie worse account. Tiie men w ho have charge of ' mental »election» by Miss Let*. That' Lytle and Vel Bussey, third grade, an.i San Francisco, where rhe will remain nected with it* operation. than folly for the landowners to neglect tiie Reclamation Service are human just ; it will be an entertainment wortli going Mabel Campbell, primary grade. On lioard the boat to welcome the other opjiortunitie» at hand for watering like we are, are just as liable te make to is certain. Everyone liere know» of John Conner has leased his Swan for a short time getting posted on the their lands. Hut they cannot afford to ! mialake«, and no doubt have made tiie ability of Mi»» Leta Nickerson, and Lake ranch for a year, and will make latest styles in feminine headgear and distinguished financier were Col. Wil­ incur the expense of installing other them, lull we believe that they are do­ may feel assured that she will not dis­ bis home at Salem again for a time. placing her orders for fall and winter liam H. Holabird, whose gnest Mr. Har­ riman will be during his sojourn at j millinery. systems of irrigation, anil continue car­ ing.the very beet they can. It was with appoint her admirers. Mi*» Grace He has started from Klamath county rying any liability in rv*j>ecl to the gov these things in mind, and the firm be­ Nickerson has appeared in public in this with »eveial head of horses and is mak­ - J. G. Wight went to Dairy this week Pelican Bay, A. Hz Naftzger, J.,D. eminent project, however remote. Any lief that the work on the Upper Project citv on one or two occasions, and this is ing an overland trip to Salem via to look after the commencement of work Church, engineer in charge of the work for the California Northeastern at this irrigation development require* money, will not l>e delayed and that in tiie end sufficient to l«Mui to the belief that her Eugene.—Ashland Tiding«. on the lhury school. The plans and end, and W. 8. Worden, right of way and perhap* the majority of the land­ the entire enterprise will be completed part of the program will l>e very enter­ Joe Koesel, while digging a well on specifications are all ready and bids agent. owner* who may wish to install an irri­ with satisfactory progress that tiie Re­ taining. The admiNiion will be 50 The man wbo reached this city to his ranch near town, uncovered several will be advertised *or in a short time. gation syrtem for their lands Will have publican siiggeatad to its reaiier* last cents, children 25 cent». The ticket» ' The plans and specifications may be hide himself away from the cares of fin­ vein« of Ore that carried values in gold to borrow The only present low-inter- week, and again repeats, that they are now on »ale at the usual place. ano seen at Mr. Wight's office in this city or ance and railroads was not the Harri­ and silver, the assay showing «-st money available for farm loan* i* “Ftop and Think."—Editor.)) Tiie program of the evening follows: over. It i» an iron sulphide and would I at Dairy. man of Wall Street. It was the man of the state money, which cannot l-e se­ ' Nolo—Ave Maria (Cav. Rurlicana I Representatives of.« view company leisure, the man who seeks a good time, make an ideal concentrating propoci- cured as long an the contracts with the ........ .............................. . Mascagni . tion, provided it was found in sufficient were in the city this week taking photo­ a recreation, a desire to free hie mind Another Site Water leers Association areexiatant. Miss Let* Nickerson. quantity to justify the expense. Mr. graphs of the different points of interest from the labors that have worn deep These fact» constitute the reaaou for the | Mr*. Flavor's Story iBlack Kock) , Koesel is reticent regarding the matter, in and around the city. They are now furrows in hie brow and stamped their desire of many landowners under the The Directors of the Fair Araociation ................................................. Connor 1 and refuse« to give cut an^ information. in the northern part of the county for weight indelibly on his countenance. Upper project to sever their relatione have another site for the (air ground at Mis* Grace Nickerson Mr. and Mrs. B. St. Geo. Bishop and the same purpose. The object of this One would think to look at him that he with the Water User» Association The their disposal. It was submitted by R. A Sisterly Scheme............... H.C. Bunner family and Mr. and Mrs. XV. G. Sapp work is to fill a pressing demand that was the last man in the world that con­ association has no funds with which to Mi»» Grace Nickerson 8. Smith last week. It is a portion of trolled millions upon millions and held in went up to Odessa this week where they exists for views of this —ction. build th«- works, and th* government the Altamont ranch, located on the ma­ , Sdo—Somebody Ixives Me... . Starr hie hand the welfare of thousands of are going to enjoy life for a short time. official» have demanded impossible con-, cadam road, alsiut two miles from town, Mi«« Maude Baldwin went up to the Dear, When I Gaze.. .. Kogers Mr. Bishop has one of the finest house Upper lake tins week for the purpose of miles of railroad ; who ha« done more dilions before beginning construction. | and was formerly used as the Jay Beach Mi»» Ia?ta Nickerson boats in the count) anchored up there securing additional views of this beauti- for the progress of railroadin« than any The landowner* are unable to under­ nice track. The land is fenced on three j Be r Story......................................... Kiley and he expects to visit every nook and ful?section. Miss Bal lwin is establish­ man in the history of the country; the stand why they should be Iwiund by a sides, and is so located that it can be Miss Grace Nickerson cranny of the Upper lake before he re-‘ ing an enviable reputation as a scenic man of all men most villified and appar­ contract that funds no one else. i Afterwhiles....................................... Kiley watered from the irrigation canal. ently misunderstood, was “as plain ar an turns. Practically no expense has been in­ artist, many of the views taken by her I old shoe,’’ and it was only when some I When l>e Folk« is Gone....... . . .Kiley In submitting the proposition Mr. curred by the Reclamation Service due The Buena Vista was chartered Satur­ having been published all over the question Or subject. in which he '.vas Mi»» Grace Nickerson to any de|>endaiice upon the existing Smith placed this 40 acre tract at f.'! KM), Although they did deeply interested was touched upon that day for a trip on the Upper lake. In United State«. Solo — Tiie Letter ..................... Caro Kotna contracts lietween the landowners of the and offers terms that should prove very i the party were Will Baldwin, Harry much to make this Switzerland of the fire that has been sodangeroua to Wall Mi»» Leta Nickerson attractive to the association. He in- Upper Project and the Water Users How Miss Lucy Backslid........... Dunltar Ackley, Roy Haniaker, Jim Wilson, America famous. Miss Baldwin has re­ St. manifested itself, he was again the Association. If my memory is not at I eluded in the proposition provisions for Frank Sargent, Charley Martin, Clar­ ceived practically none of the credit that Mis» Grace Nickerson fault, most of the contract» were exe­ tiie supplying of fresh water for drink­ Sally Ann’» Experience......... Eilza Hall ence Currin, Herb Baldwin, Oscar is her due from those who made use of personification of the man who is the ing purposes on a basis that will make mainspring of the greatest railroad enter­ cuted subsequent to the date of the gov­ Shive, Claude Chaetain and Roy* her work. Miss Grace Nickerson its cost a mere tritle. prise in history. He comes here for the ernment's contract to purchase the Walker. With a cargo of such “warm Frank Ward is now associated with rest he much needs, and though he will This property is so easy of access to Club Swinging.........................j.................. Clear Lake reservoir site. No land­ one»’’ a« this it is a wonder the Buena Frank Ira White m the land .business, be in close touch with the outside world Mi»» Grace*Nicken>on owner ha» entered into direct contract the people throughout the county as to I Vista was able to keep her engine» cool the demands of Mr. White’s time lieing through the special telegraph line tbat with the government, and none ha» the weigh largely in its favor. The Direc­ [ enough to make the round trip. The so great that it was necessary to have was erected for his private use, he is not WEDDING BELLS »lightest idea of engaging in a lawsuit tors are considering the matter very bov» had the time of the season, and it assistance. He could not have made a going to let businees cares interfere with carefully, and they are not likely to with the government. I is not unlikely that they will go again the full enjoyment of his vacation. better »election than Mr. War-1. No steps have been taken by the land­ make a selection that will prove so un­ I soon. ANDERSON—WITTE It i* the intention of Mr. Harriman owners, nor will there be until ceitain popular as was that made the last time. I)r. Gordon came up fruui his ranch and party to indulge in all the sports Another place also lieing c mridered is Miss Emma Witte and Kay Anderson Clarence Currin will leave here next on the Lower lake this week, and states investigations are completed. While and pastimes that the wealth of North­ the Ream« tract, but there are many were married at . 10 o ’ clock Sunday Sunday for Hood River, .where he lies the organization of the Water Users that he can hear the whistle of the Association is ii peculiar one, from n who do not believe it to be c. desirable morning at the home of Ixmis Biehn, ' purchased an interest in a drug store. California Northeastern trains at his ern Klamath offers. It will lie a season of hunting and fishing and sightseeing. legal standpoint, it* right to claim a site, while its adaptability and accessi­ Rev. J. W. Bryant officiating. Miss ( Mr. Currin has a large circle of friends place. » Bear, deer and mountain lion will lie Witte is quite well known in this city, I in tins city who will lie sorry to hear of legal existence will not be involved in i bility have many sponsors. ) Fred Melhaseand Major Worden went hunted, with possibly a few parting the possible suits to compel ii cancel lit- ( Inasmuch as the fair is to be held nt having for a long time made her home his leaving, but who will rejoice in the tion of contract» by the iiHHociation, ex­ the old grounds this year and there is with Dr. and Mrs. G. XV. Moton. Mi. fact that lie is on the road to prosperity. to l’oi ris Wednesday for the purpose of shots at the docks for it is quite kelv cept in the remote possibility of the' no necessity for haste, the Directors are Anderson resides near Spencer creek, He will ever have their good wishes for looking over tbat.field as a possible lo­ they will remain until after the dock government intervening; nor would a taking their time and sounding public where he is the owner of some valuable unhounder success. He will be suc­ cation for a bank. Dorris ha« a bright season opens. Crater Laki- and the decision compelling the cancellation of I opinion. It would not lie a bad idea to ranch property. The young couple I ceeded at the Star Drug Store, where future and it is only a question of a short beautiful canyons of th* northern juirt I these contract* necessarily affect con­ postpone any definite action until after I have the good wishes of their many he has ever been popular with the time before such an institution is Io of the county will be visited, and Mr. patrons, by hi» brother, C. 8. Currin, rated there, anil the one that is Harriman will l>e given an opportunity the fair, and while that is in progress riends. tracts on land elsewhere. who is expect* I to arrive from Portland will practically control the banking to see w hv Klamath Cnnntv lays c aim It is quite within the realm» of prob­ ascertain the sentiment of those who at­ to beirg the >v.i:z- ban ' of Amsric.y. of the stock men of this section. Bring in your exhibits this we-k. ability that the officials of the reclaina- tend that event. HOLGATE OBJECTS HARRIMAN ARRIVES Files Bill oi Excep- tions to Our Remarks Great Pailroad Chief Goes to Pelican Bay tils MOTION OVEKILLI) WILL REMAIN TWO WEEKS Comes Determined to Have A Good Time and Kill A Bear And the Republican Again Appeals io its Readers to “Stop and Think I * < ». I