DAIRY SCIENCE OF SPEECH By M For Thorough Education and Character Building ST. MARY’S ACADEMY is the ideal school for YOUNG LADIES A thorough education in all standard branches assured, in­ cluding literature, languages, mathematics, science, history, music, needlework, etc., also careful attention to matter* of de­ portment and those accomplish­ ments which matk the cultured, refined woman. All courses arc thoroughly modern tn subject and system. Devoted attention 1« paid to domes­ tic roiidort ut student«. No distinction or intrrlerence in matters of religion. • live your daughter« the privilege« ot m booling in tbi> healthy, cultured town ll'ritr for l'irriiUr—Tl>l>.l >' St. Mary’s Acadamy Jack* ju ville, Oregon GRAND PRI/I Aw.nil ri WOkllfS I AIU si I olds BSTER’S INTERNATIONA! DICTIONARY rr 9th, 1907. will be entitled to any or all the courses, Commercial Shorthand, ami English to July 1st. I9OM. Arrange to be with u« beginning Sep­ tember 9th. 7-25—9-ft Notice for Purchase of School l-ands I*epartiiient of the Interior, United Slate« Land Office. Lakeview, Oregon, July S3. 190?. Notice i« hereby given that the Mate of Oregon has tiled their application to select the following described lauds, as Mate Indemnity lands, to wit: List No. 228, for the sw^nwtg, se1«'- ue1«, ne*4«e’^, and Lot 2, bee. 3, Tp. 29 B., K. 9 E.. W M. Any and sll persons claiming »dverse- ly the above described lamia are re­ quested to tile their claims in this oilier on or liefore the 13th. day of September, 1907. • J. N. Watson, Register. The «l>ovs notice will lie published in the Klamath Republican «weekly news­ paper of general circulation, published at Klamath Falls, Oregon, (or a period of five successive weeks. J. N. Wat*'>n. Register. Dairy is pleasantly situated on the west «Ide of Yonna Valley, near the center of Klamath County. It has two good general «tore« with enter­ prising, up-to-date di-aleis who enjoy a large trade from surrounding val­ ley«; a hotel and feed barn, and a school house. It i« surrounded by a rich (arming community with winch Il is connected by a farmers' tele­ phone line and also a long distance line. 1« on the stage line, twenty mile« east of Klamath Falls. In the County Court of the State of i Oregon (or the County of Klamath. In the matter of the estate of Octavia O. Cranston, decease«!. Notice is hereby give that the under­ signed, administrator of said estate, lias filed in the office ol the (.'utility Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, Ina Final Account of the administration of said estate, ami the Court has fixed Satur­ day the 7tli day of September, 1907, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, as the time for the hearing of objection» to said account and the settlement thereof Dated at Klama’li Falls, Oregon, this 6th day of August, 1907, II. A. SHARP, Administrator of the estate of Octavia ' O. Cranston, decease I. 8-8-8-29 i The following book« Lave been pur­ Holmes Business College of Portland chased by the Women’s Club and are Has Brought an Expert From ths ready tor the public: I am more deeply impressed every day r tenon of the great need of tbs stammerer be-, 1 Coni»tan......................... ........... Churchill ing treated while young. There are i Uarda.......................... ,....Geo. Eber« many reason« for this: First, a life Hon. Peter sterling... . ......... P. H. Ford filled with untold misery and agony can j Elsie Venner................. ................ Holme« I m - avoided Heuond, it gives the afflict­ i l.ivly ol the Orooetook W D Howell ed one an opportunity ot developing the Rise of Silas l-apham. W. D. Howell expresxional side of his life—enables I^x Miserables............ ...Victor Hugo him to give to the world the l>e«t be has Little Citizen«............... .. ..Myra Kelly and to gel from the world its l*est in re­ The Egotest................... .Geo. Meredith Walter Simpson was visiting friends turn ; Ttiir-1, when young the stam­ Diana of the l ’rox-way« Geo. Meredith in the valley Sat unlay. merer is more easily cured. htamuier- John Inglesant ............ Geo. Merdith I ing, however, can I m * cured st any age, | 1 Katherine bheaves ......Mrs. hheldon Walter Welxli 1» bark again and is Better late in life than never, Th!« 1« Jewel. ......................................................... working (or Dave shook. surely one of the first ills to which hu- Boys of Other Country». .Bayard Taylor All-ert Bergdorf had a good «¡zed inanity is heir. Two Little <'•.hfederati-s Thus. N. Psge »ta< k ol fiay destroyed this week by a In stammering we have a lack of har- Esther Reid ................ Alden herd ol rattle that was running loose. mony existing tietween the will-power Esther Reid's Namesake............... Ahlen Plan« and »jM-citiatioii» are lM-ing pre­ slid the mu«<-les controlling the organ« of judge Burnham’s Daughter .......... \lden pared lor tin- new school house at this ■ |x-«-cb. A method that is worth any­ In th-- W< xa 1» and Out ................ Alden place. At a meeting of the School thing for the correction of tin« impedi­ Ruth Erskine’s Urossee................. Alden Board hel«ited to the credit of the district, sorts of difficulties to different people, Knight Errant............................ Edna Lyle (or tin- purpo«e ol securing such interest but we cannot nay that there are any We Two.......................................... Edna Lyle a» may accrue before it is used. An certain ones that are hard for all. Won By Waiting.......................... Edna Lyle additional acre ol land was purclutse«! Where one would falter another would Vanity Fair...................... Thackery from Mrs. Huns Btoeksler, in order to utter the sound with ease. A« a rule Hypatia.......................................... Kingsley enlarge the school grounds. The |>er>- ' the consonants producetbe greatest diffi­ The Deerslnyer..................................... Cper ' pie here feel very proud over the fact culties, an in their utterance the lipsand House of Heven Gables.............. Hawthorn that the sc I kmj I Ixmds brought a higher tongue are brought strongly into play; Alhambra............................................... Irving price than any other ever offered in this while in the utterance of vowels the HISTORY sound 1« produced back of the larynx, county. Conquest of Mexico .................... Prescott I and the muscle« of the mouth are only i Conquest of Peru .... ............... Prescott I Brown Michael has nearly completed used in shaping the sound, Take the The Maker of Mes are American Revolution. 2 vol» ....Fiske and prevent« the formation of the vowel are entertained for liis recovery. Critical Period of American History sound “a”. These are the only sounds Mrs. Henry Bchmohr ami son went to ..............................................................Fiske that would cause trouble in the enun­ the bucklelM-rry patch this w--ek. Discovery of America .................. Fiske ciation of tin« word In the correct Mrv.ggle for a Continent...........Parkman enunciation of this word the opjxrsite A Half^t'ept^iry of Conflict... Parkman position would suggest mental relaxa­ KE NO Conspiracy of Pontiac. . ... .Parkman tion with a little muscular effort of tie Jesuits of North America ....Parkman organs. The tip ot the tongue should Kvuu is situuted ill the 1-outbern Boo«» OF TRAVEL be pressed lightly against the uppter part of Klamath Comity, on the In Thamesiand ................ H. W. Whack gum» ami teeth and then gently with­ Klamath river, at the terminu« of I •• Balkan Trail..................... F. M ■ drawn a« th«* sound of “ t" is w hispered ; navigation. Two steamers land bere ; the muscle» of the mouth are then in Cities of Spain ................................. Hutton mail, express and passengers are |>osition to fuim the sound of the letter Australian Life in Town and Coun­ transferred from the stage to the try......................... ............ E. C. Buley “a”. l»>at at this |K>int. Adjoining Keno Ten Thousand Miles in a Yacht ... This style of talking must l»e prac­ on the w>-»t i« a large l>rl: of timber, .................................... Richard Arthur ticed day after day, until it become« to and on the ea«t is a large IxwJv ol Zig-Zag Journeys in the Orient.... the stammerer a reality—his nstura! marsh land». Near Keno, on the ...................................... H. Butterworth river, is immense water power. Tele­ way of talking. It is simply baaed on phone connections with all parts of the philosophy ol ‘Forgetting the old Zig-Zag Journey» in the Occident.. the country, lias a go-xl school, two ................................ H. Butterworth and learning the new.'* •tor*-« and two »«w mills. Zig-Zag Journevs in Northern lands THE BROKEN SEAL ........................................ H. Butterworth I.a»t week while Mr. Hendricks was “Oh. won lerous science. that can make Zig-Zag Journeys in Europe............. hauling »« logs for lien Kerns he got ........................................ H. Butterworth Th<- stammering tongue to s;>eak. on lop ot his load to bi ml it on. In To loo»e our bond», our chains to break The Spirit ol the Orient........................ Iwndiug the I m » iii j-ole it broke and .Mr, ................................ Dr.Geo.Wm. Knox And bi I u« now new pleasure«seek , I Hendricks (ell to the ground, striking Where once was darkness, gloom, des­ With Walt Whitman in Catndon... on In« head, sprained his back and broke ........................................ . Horace Trubel pair. one arm Dr. Maston wa» called and New life, new Lope« are blooming Travels with a Donkey. R. L. Stevenson I»« set tne bone. He i« recovering as Little Jonrneys to the Homes of there. well a« could I m * expected. American Authors......... E. Hubbard “How great the change no one can tell, Great Religions of the World......... K. A Einmitt lit» returned home. He But those whose lives are clouded Democracy and Social Ethics......... lia« been at the fxxlside of Ins mother, o'er ............................................ Jane Addama who died last Wednesday, the 7th. With stammering, fate that like a «[>ell The College Man and College Wo­ Will htons and N. I*. Edwards'folks Blasts every thought and cries. No man ................... Wm. De Wett Hyde have gone to the mountain» to gather more American Public Problems (Immi- , hucklelwrnes and will I m * gone several Close up the treasures ol the gifted grationL............................................. Hall days. mind, Pixzaro. tt‘...................... Frederic A. Ober And shun forever all mankind. A very heavy rain (ell on the *4t!s. Hero Tales from American History amountlug to *1.34 inches. This is the '•Such was tny doom, such my decree; ................................. Sody and Roosevelt heaviest rsinlsll iu August in many I bowed submissive to my fate; Up from Slavery.................................... years. Hope died, the future was a blank to ............ .. ........... Booker T. Washington me. Story of My Life... ........... Helen Keller Life a chaos none could elevate; Christopher Carson (Kit Carson ... Automobiles For years a recluse hfe 1 led, .........Abbott .... Ablrott Ambition gone and almost dead. Daniel Boone... William Hodson, of the Hodson Auto­ .... Gaylev Classic Myths... “ Wealth could not bring the joy I felt, mobile conqiany, of Mpdford, C. P. True ... Bullfinch Age of Chivalry Nor could it buy tny joy: s chaffetir, and M im Mae Ingraham, ar­ . Bullfinch Age of Fables.. rived here from Medford Tuesday morn­ Your science science broke the skeptic's Myths and legends of our land. .. seal ing. Mr. Hodson state« that the pur- ........................................... C. M. Skinner And brought me |>eace without ( mxh * of his trip is to look over tin.« held Stories of Famous O[>eras........... Guerber alloy; a« to its availability for the establishing Master of Music............Anna A. Chopiu of a garage here. They expect to go And now- your praise my tongue shall SMMICAM 8TATKSMKN SKRIXS sound from here to Iaksview. thence toCrater Washington 2 vol................................ Ledge To stammerers all the world around. lake and back to Medford. Hamilton 1 vol..................................... Ledge “But words, poor words cannot convey Lincoln 2 vol...................................... Morse The feelings of my heart tor thee; 1 Story of Joan of Arc.......... Andrew Long God bless you, bless you every day. Story of Sir Walter Raleigh.............. Kelly My bumble prayer shall be. Story of Cap’t Cook................... John Long Your work is glorious; oh! how grand! Bayville.................................... John Gunkle J. W. SIDUNS, fnpnelw. The stammerer speaks at your com­ Decent of Man.................................. Darwin mand.” Origin of Species..............................Darwin KLAMATH BARBER SHOP Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. Also Agent for LONDON AND NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT L. Hatfield, Principal Pacific School lor Stammerers Chehalis, Wash. New Books Added at the BE A PRIVATE Public Library SECRETARY LANCASHIRE HRE INS. CO. eo YIAM' ■XPSRICNCC J J 4 P atents T raoc M ams Dcwarsa CowvRiaHTa Ac. Anrone eon<11 ng a «kelrh and <1«acrfpr«ectir| •ent . - fr»a. «•curing patent«. Pat an ta taken through Munn <_ Patent« A Co. receive tpectat notice, special not ico, without char««, charge, in iu the th« Scientific American. A hanitaomalr llln«tr«i»<1 w»»*1r 1 arsMt olr- culation of any Acient.lUo lournal. Term«, f.1 a year: oar : four month«, 91. Boid by all new «den lent. MUNN & Co w'®«—» New York Bruun Brsuen <>92 Moberlev, Write any information to J. ,1. Whit- 7-18-T h comb, Forest, Oregon. Bring in your exhibit«. Longfellow ............... *................................ Tennyson ......................«........................... Whittier..................................................... 1 1 ' LIST OF POMATXD BOOKS Mary Baker G. Eddy’.« Science and Health, donated by Klamath Falls Christain Science Society. Walling’s History of Southern Oregon, donated by Mr. Noel. History of Central Oregon,donated by Horace Mitchell. History of Central Oregon, donate-l|by O. A. Stearns. History of Western Oregon, donated by Mrs. Marple. Twelve volumes of Sixty Years of.Pro­ gress. donated by Mrs. Marple. Mrs. E. G. White’s Patriarchs and Prophets, donated by Mrs. McDonald. Sophy of Kravonia, douated by Mrs. R om Anderson Two reports of the Commissioner of Labor, donated by Walter V. Newell TWb reports ot tho Bureau of 1 abor, donated I y Walter V. Newell. East to Train Students to be Private Secretaries The Hoi me« Business College ot Washington an 1 Tenth streets. Port­ land. Oregon, baa a new busioes» man­ ager in Mr. Herbert T. Vance. G. Holmes Lawrence, president of the college, baa been alive to the rapid de­ vekp uent of the Northwest and lia« brought into the field one of the liest known, aggressive young business ed- ucatort of the east. Mr. Vance comes to the Holmes Buxine«« College from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For a number of years he was managing edi­ tor of one of the eastern daily papers. n|H>n which he served as a erkuirud re­ porter. He afterwards entered the em­ ploy of the United Gas Improvement comimny, of Philadelphia, as a corpor­ ation stenographer. This company controls the lighting interests in two hundred cities of the United ntateo. While with this company Mr. Vance recognized the hopeless position prom­ inent firms were placed in securing office help of sufficiently high grade. His conviction was of such a nature that be resigned and organised a com­ mercial college wherein tie introduced a private secretary course. It met with spontaneous success. This course of study has lieeu intro— duced into the Holmes Business ( ’oBege. Great things are expected of it, for it give« that preparation for the liest class of ¡»isitions which are now only attain­ able after year» of service. This course has been tried and proven a success. It is, therefore, uo experi­ ment, but rather sn assured ¡novation which the Holmes Business College in­ troduces to the Northwest. Mr. Vance is a man of pb-asing and tactful manner and has that enthus­ iasm that is al ways contagious to young people. * U1 u there is one thing that 5* is indispensable if the zÆ / pleasure of the guests I and the patrons is considered / 1 ... IT’S ... JESSE MOORE WHISKEY ON 8ALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS PLACES M iDWAY B ar Key West, and Imported Cigars Wines an ! Liquors of Choice Vintage BI(T STOCK OF MINERAG WATER Cold Steel, Castle Rock, Shasta. Free Delivery Family Trade a Specialty Sold in lots of one dozen up to one case PHONE W. H. D dlanky , Manager S tewart A Lrvss, Prop’s Pure Milk Pure Cream Pure Butter Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. Every Detail of Our Dairy isSanitary, insuring the Purity and Healtbfulne-wof Our Products. ALTAMONT DAIRY 7, TRY THE New Furniture Store AS FOR PRICES YOU CAN {JUDGE AHERICAN HOTEL BLDG. R. M. BOLLER FREE E LE CTR 1C i R o n : s We will give away absolutely frek 100 Pacific Electric Flat Irons. For particulars, call at our office, where irons are on display, or if convenient call us by ’phone.