X CITY B G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Republican Block Hardware We are not so old, but we have got the GOODS and our office, accom|»anied by her mother and D. Kirkpatrick ol Fort Klamath was two brothers, is spending the week at in the city this week. Crater Lake. Dr. Goble will visit Bonanza two days Need any plumbing done? Then get August 14-18. See him alarut your eyes our prices first. Best work and reason­ while you have the opportunity. Ex­ able prices. Baldwiu A Baldwin. 4 amination in free. Klamath Falls, Ore S. B. Gardner of Fort Klamath was in the city this weak. Yolanda perfume. Royal Cherry Sam- Buds Talcum Powder. I-atest. ♦ If you want anything in the wacltin* ' pie at Star Drug Store. er.v line, see George T. Baldwin, who is G. W. Ortield and William D. Ball agent for the Ashland Iron Woorks. tf were among the Merrillites who were in Gus Melhase. E. M. Bubb, Alex Shive the city this week. « JinKcBx S « Fine Line of Fresh Candies and C. H. Withrow are having an out­ All kinds of lied springs. | up to (6.00. Virgil A mii . ing on Cherry creek. Latest Novelties in Toys !• All the latest Newspapers and !• Magazines * Most LUMBER Band sawing and Turning, yards, having successfully passed the' FOR SALE—8-h. p. engine and examination for position as engineer. boiler at a bargain. Splendid condition. He made a splendid show ing and was Call at Feed Store. 7-18-8-8 • highly complimented on the result. Miss Ruby Hillis ot Oakland, who has Mrs. T. J. Henley entertained a num-[ been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ap-I ber of her friends Wednesday afternoon piegate, returned to her home Sunday.' in honor of Mrs. J. D. Carroll. 500 wa- I D. Darrel Bristow, of Eugene, arrived played, .Mrs. J. L. Willetts winning the 1 here this week on a visit with Mr. and beautiful souvenir spoon. Refresh­ Mrs. Noland of Altamont. ments were served and the guests had a FOR SALE—A fine ranch already un­ most delightful afternoon. ready under water, within 8 miles of Do you want a choice timber claim or town. >47.50 per acre. Mason & Slough.$ homestead? If so call at my office at Miss Mabel Rogers, who has been vis­ once. Mark L. Burns § iting Mr. and Mrs. 1 .er lie Rogers, re­ As a result of the visit of State Dairy turned to her home in Oakland Mon­ Commissioner Bailey to this county a day. shipment of 1000 pounds of Bonanza FOR SALE—320 acres, 5 miles from creamery butter was sent to Portland this week, where it will undoubtedly town; 100 acres timber; estimated to run command a fancy price. 1>4 millions—»1,000. J. F. Croft. 0-27 tf R. I. Kilgore of Bonanza was in the ' Horace V. Mitchell returned from city this week. Ashland thia week, where be had gone Jack Bagley and wife of Hood River to bring home the apple ot hie eye—his arrived here Tuesday evening. Mr. little son. Bagley is a member of the firm of Bren­ FOR SALE—24o acres of land seven nan & Bagley of this city. miles below Keno on the river. One Anv one wanting property of any million five -hundred thousand feet of kind in Southern California or if you timber on the place. Good range. En­ of Jack Connolly. Keno, Oregon, have property to sell or trade, write J. quire or come to ranch and take a look E. Paddock, Klamath Falls, Oregon. mound. 7-11-tf 4-18 tf H, L. Holgate, cashier of the Bank of J. L. Padgett of Keno was in the city j Bonanza, was in the city this week, re­ this week for the purpose of making turning home Monday, lie was ac­ final proof on his homestead. companied by Austin Cox. Do you know that I have all kinds I WALL PAPER- WALL PAPER ot property for sale at a bargain. Mark WALL PAPER L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 4 6000 Rolls Choice Wall Paper G. Heitkemper, Jr., this week House Lining ceived a large shipment of pianos, All at popular prices gans and Oliver tyiiewriters. Baldwin the Hardware Dealer Klamath Falls 4 “Every drop pure,” is what can be Specialty PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum­ ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de­ livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. Manager A Well Fenced Farm Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? The difference in cost of a good fence and a poor one is so small that it pays to buy a good one. I will have A Carload of Ellwood Fences : About May 1st. It coats nothing to examine them, but if you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. Everything that the farmer needs, I have. * * GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man e X 4* 4« 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4-4» 4* 4-4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* X •) DON J. ZUMWALT J • >• President BERT F. WITHROW Vice-Pr*-**. A-Trea ALLENe pleased to give Manufacturers of All Kinds of W. O. HUSON, Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Miss Nellie E. Brown of Crystal is Anyone wanting to buy juniper wood will do well by calling upon Jas. A. visiting with friends in this city. Bingham or drop card in the post- Iae in Klamath Falls for a few days again after August 18th. 8 8-8-18 See Adv for marsh lands. i 1 have a nice line ot iron Reds at J. D. Hainaker, the Raid Butte saw* prices that evil. R. M. Boiler. 8-8 t mill man was in the city Friday. J.G. Pierce and family were among I have gixxi goods at the right prices . those who went to Crater l ake this The New Furniture store. 8 8 f week. Johnny Oliver was badly braised up Hand bags. A swell line at the Star last Friday evening by getting mixed ! Drug Store. $ up with a wagon and team. The longue F. T. Higgins has severed his connec­ fell upsetting the wagon. tion with the Long Lake Lumber Com­ Dr. Goble will visit Bonanza two days pany, having sold his interest to W. O. August 14-15. See him about your eves Huson, lie will engage in t .e limber while you have the opportunity. Ex­ ' business. amination is tree. Pictures ! Yes, framed and unlraiucd. Toilet soaps at the Star Drug Store. 4 A big assortment just arrived at the 7-18 § Miss Lola Nelson returned this week 1 Star Drug Store. from a visit with friends at Bonanza. Howard Leeds of San Diego was in VYING YOUR JEWELRY OR HAV’ ing your work done at HEITKEM­ PER'S *¡11 surely result in your be­ ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as fine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments. Phonographs, Records. Supplies. Strings, Sheet Music, Etc. A big line to select from. Send tor catalogue. I BRIEFS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP We are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. done promptly. Repair Work of all kinds We guarantee all our work to be first class and at Satisfactory Prices. BETWEEN 6th AND 7tfl ON WALNUT BISHOP’S ; Furniture Store is the place to furnish your house Don’t send your money to outside dealers I will guarantee to save you money on a bill of goods If you MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let­ ter to our wholesale houses, where you can «elect anything you like. * Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire line of Pianos of the EILER S PIANO HOUSE for Klamath and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. All that remains unsaid, just consider that it has been said k