Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 01, 1907, Image 5

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    Add i l i o un I
Hubscribe for the Republican.
The laisi range in town for the money.
Vngil A I mu
k .| if
BORN—Tuemlay, July .10, HM)7, to
Mr. and Mr*. J. Dixon, a «on.
Al Kubes left (or Portland Tue»day,
<ix|M*ctlng t<> lx< gone alx>ut a month.
Mi«« l.vle Watson bu» returned from
Ashland, where si i has been for tiu*
past few weeks.
Dr. <»olile will visit Merrill <>n Augii»!
»I, 7 and H. < »Ilice at hotel.
Date« al
Bonanza and Fort Kluninth later.
M. C. 1|i '»in',ulio ha» been in
Biilish Columbia on timber busbies«
for tin* past few montlx, returned to
this city liii’-lay.
Mi«« Helen Holgate, llov llamakar,
Mrs. J. U llamakar, Mr». C. Allsiurell
mill liarri «nd Don llolgat* me »jx-nd-
ing the week nt Crater lake.
doctor's filile*. On reaching the home [ Hprlng creek. They have lawn spend­
of Aina Marlin, Jr., »he was persuadud ing a few flays up at th« Pinnacle» in
to stay there mid summon the doctor by Wheelers ami Laiifl creek canyon«.
When th» physician ar­
Mr. and Mr«. Will G. Hteel left here
rived he found that the injuries, while I Haturday morning tor their new home
not dangerous , were quite severe. Th» at Crater Lak*.
back of it» bead and one eye were
Our friend« are taking advantage of
bad I v bruised and it will lie several
tin* line weather and a great many large
day* before it recovers from the effect*
hay »tai k- base grown during the |>a»t
of tbe fall.
Frank Courtade is of th« opinion that
J. il. Perkin* and crew have bailed
it is easier to run a launch than il is !<«
about 3fi tons of hay for Dan Ryan,
lead a cow. fast Hunday while trying
which will lx- a great convenience to
to lead a cow lie got mixed up with the
rope* Tiie cow seemed to take except
I,. A. ('rance was stricken will* paral-
lions to huc I i an arrangement and
nulled Courtade from hi" horse. The y*i* last !*atur«lay morning ami we an-
li«*r«e tlii’li put his foot iuto the liiolee very sorry to learn that tiie shock was
tud step|>ed on hi« *u*lar plexus, with very severe.
the result that he was thought to lx*
<>.B. Bund* left here late Haturday
Miriously injure»!. Later development«, afternoon for Medford, by way ol
however, proved this to'lx* wrong, and Crater lake, with ex henalor Mulkey,
though feeling pretty "»re physically Senator Beach and
mid nienlally, lie is able to lx* around a* Bailey.
Dr. .1. <>. Goble is at the lakeside inn
and will remain until August fi.
Hoti, II I.. Henson left Wednesday
Hecon« I hand fruit jars.
tortlie Klamath Hot Spring», where lie
will meet Mr. mid Mr». Briggs, Hr., dozen. Virgil A Hon.
ami accompany them to this city.
♦1.00 per
h-1 tf
Kenn is "itiiate<l in the Southern
part of Klamath County, on the
Klamath river, at th» terminus of
navigation. Two »teamera lami bere ;
mail, expre-s and passengers sre
transferred from the »tage to the
lx,at at this joint. Adjoining Keno
on the west is a large l>elt of timber,
and on the east 1» a large body of
marsh lands. Near Keno, on the
river, is immense wafer power. Tele­
phone connections with «II part* of
the country. Has a good school, two
»tore» ami two »aw mills.
Mt*. K. Hugarman and children have
Honey Paid
returned from Portland, where they i
had Ixwn on a visit with relative«.
I a ' o H. Robinson stales that he ba*
They were met at Tlnall by Mr. Hugar-
•igueil the deed* fur the light of way for
tbe California-Northeastoru through the
Charley Nelson i* hauling log* for
Guy Merrill llie well known rancher
inanh laud and that tbe money ba« Harry Wall.
of Merrill, who ha* been «pending
aometini» in the Rogue river and Wil­ been paid. This removes the last
A dance was given at the Wise saw ­
»taele in the path of the railroad.
lamette valley», returned to lit* home
mill last Haturday evening. A good
this week.
time was reported.
Crater Lake Road
II. N. Mitchell has decided to locale at
Dorris permanently. where he will en­ ZLZ
gage in the real estate business. lie | ¡One oi tiie first results lo accrue from
will lx' joined by Mrs. Mitchell in the tin* visit oi the Secretary of the inter­
near future.
ior i» hi« announce«! intention hr recom­
At the Haw kin« Bros.' ranch Mrs. J. mend to the next congress the advisa­
A. Hawkins i« enjoying a visit from her bility <4 making a sufficient appropria­
mother, Mr» J <». Hmith, mid her sis­ tion to put tiie road Ix-tw.-eu Pro«|M*ct
ters, Mi»»*-» Frances ami Grace **tnith, and Crater lake in good condition.
When tbe Secretary was taken in hand
of Blair, Nebraska
bv Hie Medford people, they did it
In tin- ca»<* of the Klamath Develop- right. It »«■«■med a» if the whole town
merit Co. vs. Mrs. I. la-wis. involving had him by the hand ami wa« saying
certain irrigation question», Judge Hen­ “Welcome, olil man.” it made a great
son handed dow n a decision this week impression on tbe Hecrelary, particular­
in favor of the defendant.
ly slii'ii he found that they wanted
What threaten* to lx* a rate war haa nothing. <»n the way to Crater lake it
sprung up lietween tlx* Fort Klamath was "casually” remarked—lliose ■ Med-
stage line mid the «learner Wincnia. the lorditcs know just how to do it—that
busine»« to Crater Luke seeming to lx- tin* g< vernment ought to do something
tlie stake. A «bort time ag<> the Wi- with this particular piece of r<md, ami
ncmu (M'opie announced that they were tiie N’cretary thought so to«, with th«*
prepared to take (w-iengei» liuin this result that there will I m * something fin­
city to Crater latke mid return, includ­ ing in that neighl»>rh«MMl next year.
ing hotel nei omuiodation*. for $14."Wl. Muperintendent Arant is a pretty
Now come» thr Fort Klamath •"'tage Co, sm«M>th piece of gf>«»l", too, ami it is a
and off,*» to do the »aine tiling nate lx*t that lie will l>e able to get what
he asks for next year. He had ajt-ugh
tor IB), fit).
lime of it getting the mere pittance lie
Marshall Macklin ba l one of bi* ting- rvipicste.! front the Inst congress, but he
era badly msnglrti last Friday while en­
played hi* card* to win with the Hecre-
gaged in o|x’rating a bay loader on the
lary ami lie is now wearing a particu­
Mitchell tract.
The machine caught
larly ph-a-ant expression, which would
the middle tinger <d 1*1» right hand and
indicate that be will take the last trick
tore th»* fli‘«h entirely off from the first
ami »core.
joint to the end. Dr. Merryman am-
putated the injured portion. A similar
acci'ent occurred last week while Joe
(»'Connell wa» o|x<»nting the »mue ma­
chine, only in hi» cane two tinger» weie
Fort Klamath i* located in the
caught, requiring a like operation.
northern part of Klamath county,
Dr Goble the well known optician of
and is in the center of what is recog­
Medford arrived in Klamath Falla Wed­
nized a* the Switzerland of America.
nesday on n profesaional visit.
In close proximity toCrater lake and
will remain until August fi. If you are
surrounded by the greatest natural
in need of |x*r(«*ct fitting glasnea or your
and scenic wonders on tlia continent,
gloMCC need changing don’t fail to are
it will, within a few years, lie one of
him. Examination free.
the greatest tourist resorts on the
All kind» of bed spring«, From |2 00 Pacific coast.
up to |»».0i». Virgil A Son.
S I If
The little daughter of Rev. and M rs.
G.T. Pratt bada narrow escape from
instant death Hunday evening. Mrs.
Pratt was wheeling the baby in its car­
riage lack and forth on the front ¡«ircli
<>f the parsonage of the Presbyterian
church. Hhe relea*x*d her hold for an
instant, and th» carriage shot across the
|x»rch and flow n the step». The mother
picked up the infant and started for the
John Kirkpatrick ha* »old hi* ranch
to W. E. Nicholson.
Horace and Heal* Mitchell are familiar
figure* on our streets these day*.
The road* are in most excellent condi­
tion now away up to the rim of Crater
F. Htratton and daughter passed
through here Saturday on their way to
urses, Matrons, Physicians
prefer it to any other whiskey.
- •'< Ä For tlie Same Reason
why not keep it in your
James Gardner of Fall creek wm in
Keno Tuesday erecting tombstone« in
memory <>( his children w b<> died some
year* ago.
The heaviest rain of tiie season fell
la»t Hunday evening, Mother earth
was flooded with water, Another line
rain fell Monday evening.
Th« Famous Old Mart Wh«r« Slavas
W«r« Bought and Sold.
A Comparison.
“I ndn.it I have the fault you men­
tion." said tin* conceited map, self com
pl.'icently, "but It's the only fault I
have, and It's a small one."
•‘Yes,” replied Knox. "Just like the
small hole that make* n plugged nickel
no good." Philadelphia Press.
mixture of flour, oil am! honey, and
for centuries pastry making went no
further, even among tbe nation* In the
south of Euri.pe. But ill the lM-ginnlng
of the middle ages a change began to
take place In the method of mixing the
Ingredient«, and «ouie other substance«
were brought Into use. Hutter, eggs
and «alt fount! their way into pastry
making, ami tbe result was u manifest
improvement. Paste next came to lie
Uiexl a* nn Inclosure for m»-at. seasoued
with *pl< »■«, etc. Afterwarfl It went a
step further, tbe next use lM?lng for the
inclosure of cream», fruit, preserve*,
etc., and later »till it began to tuk<* tbe
many fanciful shapes In which it has
sln«*e been commonly found. In the
«•arly stage« of Knglisb cookery the
pastry cases were calle.I coffin« or
•‘coffynex” am! were mat!» in various
»iy.es from "grot coffyne* with low»
llddes" for *!*'■ "lart«’* of fitesebe” to
the “small«* «•offyne»” f ir “tartolettes"
of "Usclie or Mosche." mixed with
"stuf of btiyllf-fl figgt-H ground ond goo«l
powtlure and spic«»i.”
Petruebio In “The Taming of the
Shrew." It may here lie noted, calls a
little cap "a custard coffin." Th»»»* cof­
fins correspond with the “vol-au-vent”
of today.—London Saturday Ilevtcw.
If the planet Mars Is really inhabited
the people who live there must be an
exceedingly nimble race. Tlx* average
weight of u man la ulcout 140 pounds,
but tb^force of gravity on Mara la so
much I»»« than on the earth that the
1 io pound man would weigh only flfty-
three pound» If bn were transported
there. With such light weight and still
r»*talnlng the same strength, an Individ­
ual would be able to run with tbe speed
of an express train, go skipping over
ten foot wails and do various other
extraordinary things. On the moon a
man would Ire even lighter.
But on the nun our KO pound man
would have bls troubles. Instead of
being an airy Individual he would
weigh In tlie neighborhood of a ton find
three-quarters. He would probably
have the greatest difficulty In raising
ills hand, for that member would weigh
about 3uo pouuds.
1 A Trick That 1« 8om*tim*« Flayed *n
th* London Cabby-
Have you ever tried to play on a cab-
: man that old Joke of tbs "lost sover­
eign?" It's very funny. A friend tried
. it last summer iu I-oudou aud »ucceed-
■ ed too. lie took a "growler" after mld-
nlgbi at Pleca.lllli- t'ircu« to go to j;l«
IfsTgTng-i ut BnyswaTor Bememberlng
the atalenexs of the "lost sovereign”
dodge, be thought It would hardly “go
down" with a bright, cunning cabby,
but resolved to try for the fun of it.
Just as he came In front of a public
bouse a few doors from biz home tbe
“fare” »tuck his bead out of the cab
window ami ordered the driver to bait.
“I aay. cabby. I’ve dropped a ‘aov.’ Tt
must I m * on the bottom of the cab. Juat
pail up atjhat *pub.‘ till I run In anti
get a match, *o that I can finit th«*
"All right, sir.” «aid the cabby and
pull«» I Up opposite tile rloor of the tar
ern The fare alighted and had taken
scarcely thr«*e step» In tbe direction of
the •‘pub." when. Io, Mr Cabby whip
ped up his borne and flow away Into
the darkness of the nlgtit, carrying
with him, as be supposed, that sover­
eign snugly concealed in the cushions
of the cab.—London Tit-Bits.
How Snake Poison Kill«.
Th» action of poisons upon the sys­
tem Is and always has been one of tbe
mo»t Interesting of subjects. Just how
and why |t kills have been determined
through n «erb-s of experiments made
by scientists. The following dtmerip-
tfon is one of the l,<*«t and most lucid
of any that has been given to the pub­
lic: "The venom may be roughly sepa­
rated Into two parts, one acting upon
the bt<x»l ami the other upon the
nerve«. When injected it immediately
begins to create terrible destruction
In the blood vessels. The walls of the
veins are eaten away, and an internal
hemorrhage taken place. While this
Is going on a portion of the venom Is
attacking tbe nerves.
susceptible to Its ravages is the ‘vaso­
motor’ system, a nerve center which
control» the muscles of respiration.
Paralysis takes place In these organa,
and the victim gen»»rally dies from an
Inability to breathe "—Exchange,
Ule can supply you
/ aim to be reliable
Absurdly low prices on 65,000 ACRES oi
Rent or Sell on Easy Terms.
Improved Hi« Opportunity.
Young Mrs. Gotrox (at her first break­
fast with her elderly "catch"»—You eat
with your knife, don’t you. John, dear?
Old Mr. Gotrox (noticing his op|»*rtu-
nlty nml with severity nml dignity»—
No. madam; I do not. I eat with tuy
mouth. 1 frequently convey food from
my plate to my facial aperture with
my knife, but 1 do my own eating with
my own exclusive mouth, mid until
further notice I will myself furnish all
the instructions res|>ectlng the methods
to lx* employed.
He Knew Better.
"DI* pa|»*r." said Weary Willie, “sez
der yer kin tell be de bark at de foot
of n tree how old it is.”
•‘Fluh!" snorted Ragston Tatters. “I
guess de man w’at wrote dat wux nev­
er up a tree under deni circumstances.
Dat ain't no way to tel) a dog's age.”—
Houston Post.
Ought to Surviv*.
it’s Pure, Appetizing, and a
Wholesome Stimulant...........
At a very early |wri»sl tbe oriental*
wer* familiar with a kind of pastry, a
What Our Average Man Would Weigh
on Mara and on the Sun.
Aluminium, it Is generally known, is
a metallic element found In clay and
Is the name material of which rubles,
►appliiro*. emery ami alum are made
It enters into tbe com|>osltioii of a
large number of other materials, and It
la estimated that in Its various com­
pounds aluminium forms about oue-
twelfth of tin- < ru»t of the earth. Every
brick in every building is *ai<l to lx» 3'»
[»»r cent aluminium. It is produced by
the d<x-omposlttou of clay, which Is a
salt «»imposed of silicic acid combined
with aluminium. The aluminium is
separated from the silica by the appli­
cation of electricity. Separation baa
never lx*en successfully done in any
The member* of Die fits) Club and other way.—Boston Globe.
husbands were
at the home of Mr. fund : Mre.
< • eorge T. Baldwin last Haturday
I have never seen blacksnakes over
refreshment« seven feet haig, ami I much doubt If
were set ve ami the guests had a uio»t they grow to a greater length. They
pleasant evening, uh might l*»Pex,H.'cted are not hard to catch, though In an
from such a whole-aould host and host- open held they can run about as fast
ess. The prizes were won by Mrs. O. ns a man can. When caught they
struggle desperately until they find
B. Gates and C. H. Moore.
then* is no op|M>rtunlty to esca[*e, when
HAN FKANC1HCO, August 1.—Jim- they will give up tightiug and may be
mie Britt win* victory over Battling handled with Impunity. I have never
fouud these snakes to be vicious. They
Nelson in the 2l»th round.
cau la* handled easily, and their bite Is
harmless. They can squeeze pretty
hard if they get a turn around your
A Pleasant Sort of S»».
waist, but not hard enough to break a
Th« power of tbe surf la a tiling bone —Forest and Stream.
about which many of us have but the
most hazy ideas, aud Indeed tbe ordi­
A Sardinian Titbit.
nary conditlotis with which we are
The inbabltauts of the mountainous
surrounded prevent us from fully ap­ districts of Sardinia eat large quanti­
preciating what It can he at time* ties of a fermented milk, resembling
The people of the Island
Chinco­ koumiss or kepbir. It is prepared by
teague. which Is about a mile aud a allowing the milk of tbe cow. sheep or
half wide. have, however, opportunities goat to ferment at a moderately high
for Judging thia ex|»erlcnce, which they temperature, either spontaneously or
must find tbe reverse of pleasant. On after the addition of baker's yeast, un­
Its eastern side and between it and the til It thickens into a more or less con­
ocean is Assateague Islund, which is sistent homogeneous mass, at which
also a mile and a half wide, but tbe stage the fermentation is stopped by
power with which the waves come Is plunging the vessel into cold water.
so great that at some places the surf Tills product, which has a sharp acid
sweeps entirely over both Islanda.— flavor, is eaten either by itself or is
I-omlon Staudurd.
spread as a butter upon bread.
A Talented Hous* Agent.
Fastry Making In th* Early Stag*« *f
English Cooksry.
Grim, unsightly, pa In Deas, »»-mned
nml crooluMi throughout Its masonry,
there stand« bxiay mi old brick build
tug on Adams street, midway tietweeu
Main ami ttocon»), u I exit which clusters
more of history mid of »'bang» than
can I m * cornpr»-aaed into aorig or story.
It Is »Ituabxl Just on th» <-a«t of ths
alley midway between Main ami Mee-
ond streets and Is used as a shelter for
tlie city prlBou«*rs wlio sre worked ou
the rock pile.
If you will take tbe trouble to step
to thu westward side of this old build­
ing, where it faces the alley, and
glum» up along It« s»x-oml xtory you
•nay »1111 discern the inscription, "Ne­
gro Mart ami Livery Htuble,” or as
miii'h of It a* Ilin** has not |x-ncilxt
out. The last letter of the word "mart"
mid the last letter of tie* word “stable"
are gone. The others are dimmed with
age ami might pa**x unuoticiil uulexa
you look a sec»»tid tim«'.
Time was when thlx wa» a famous
m'gro market. It wux preside»! over in
It« tin»' by no Je->* a man than G<-m-ral
Forrest himself. Thousand» of m-gro<-x
were l**ught and »old within Its wulls,
ami bumlred» of thousand* of dollars
passed there from buyer to v*-uder.—
Memphis <fommercfal Ap|*eal.
Monday last seem* to have l*een an
unfortunate day. < George
ieorge W. (Jtey
hr kc his leg, the particulars of which
we did not learn, more than he was
»entiling with someone, On the same
day Mr*, I loaning and her little
daughter came to Keno on loisine*»,
On their return home the buggy
tongue dropped out of the neckvoke and
the vehicle was overturned and threw
them out. Tin- girl ««caped unhurt,
but Mrs. l*owning received a severe cut
on the head, and other bruise*. Dr.
Merryman was summoned and attendcl
to the injunm.
Mr*. Homeaeeker — You certainly
don't expect anybody to take this
house! Why, the floors all run down
hill. Agent <n »mart mini)—It waa
built in that way on purpoM*. mum, to
keep pence In the family. Greatest
invention of the age. mum.
Homeseeker Keep |>eace In the fam­
ily? Wlint do you mean? Agent—It's
nil right, tiiuni; nothing like It. When­
ever your huwbnml ilrops his collar
buttons* they'll roll flown to that wall,
aud lie’ll always know where to find
'em London Tit Bit».
Wise Fritz.
Anxious Mother Oh. dia'lor, do you
tllluk Robbie will get well? Doctor—
No doubt of It; no doubt of It. I've giv­
en lilm medicine for everything that
ho could possibly have, so we're bound
to strike it right. Toledo Blade
Father- So, Fritz, I’ve concluded to
retire from active life nml turn th»»
business over to you. Fritz Say, dad,
can’t you work n few years longer, and
then we can retire together?-Berlin
Th**“» Is nothing so easy but that It
become* difficult when you do It with
reluctance.- Terence.
The Brazos river. In Texas, was call­
ad by the Spaniards Rio Brazos da
Dios, “river of the arm of G j *”
New Furniture