Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 25, 1907, Image 7

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In Which N«lth«r Prinolpal
Could 8«« th« Othar.
The most hiughuble duel ever "fought"
In Jiaixw was that which took place
in November, I87H, nt Plesala Piquet
between Messrs. Gambcttu und De
Homo heated words find passed I«*-
tweeli the two dlslIllgillslied gentlemen
III the chaillls’r of deputies, for which,
according to their Ideas of honor, noth
liig could atone except a due). The
men met therefore ou tile field at-
tended by their seconds and the sur
A look over the field was enough to
convince any one present Hint there
would Is* no occasion for the doctors'
»■ i v l< es. A thick Novemls-r fog hung
over the acene so thick, ln«l’*ed, that
■ mo could hardly see bin hand lx-fore
ills face. The arrangements for the
duel required that It should lx* fought
at thirty five paces
Nor wus the fog the only clrcum
«lance that tended to place the com
biitant« out of »Iglit of eu< h oilier. On
tin- way to the field M. de I'ourtou Is
reported to have said:
"M. Gnmbettu bus but one eye, nnd
I nm shortsighted, so the game will
Is* about even.”
It was. of course, rendered »till more
"even" by the fog Neither man <-ould
•ee the other, nnd the »ole danger was
to the second« iiik I the <|< h tor».
Almost miraculously tin* two bullets
tliut were exchanged missed the per-
sons In attendance. Everyissly's hon­ I
or was sntlHfied and the whole party
went home. Gnmts-ttu said that the
affair was »■ near to Is-lng a skirmish
in the dnrk as anything he ever saw.—
Philadelphia Ledger.
Free and Easy Mannar« In Early till,
noia Trial«.
Mpst of the early Illinois court-
housi's were log built, but In some dis­
tricts. nays the author of "Lincoln, the
Lawyer," the kchh I oiih were held In the
barriHuna of taverns, mid the absence
of all formality In the proiis-dlngs Is
lieat Illustrated by the fix t that In th«
< lrciilt court of Washington county,
held by Judge John Reynolds, the ahei-
Iff UMunlly heralded hl» honor by sing
Ing out, "Come In, l»iys! Our John Is
a-goin' to hold court!" to which cordial
Invitation those having business with
tin* law re«|M>nded.
Another sheriff In I'nlon county made
laudable efforts to meet the require­
ments of the occasion by shouting out
thin singular announcement: "oh. yes’
oh, y s! Oh, ye«! Tin- honorable Judge
Is now opened!”
In one case a Judge who desired to
display bls learning instructed the Jury
very fully, laying down the law with
authority, but the Jurors, after delib­
erating some hours, found tbemselvea
unuble to agree. Finally the foreman
rose und asked for additional instruc­
"Judge, this 'ere Is the difficulty.” be
explained. "The Jury want to know If
that thur what you told uh was r'al’y
tiie law, or ou'y Jlst your notion."—
Youth's Companion.
It Wee Noticed and Commented Upon
by th« Ancient Egyptian«.
ALEX .MARTIN, President
E. R. REA MEM, Viee-Preeident
The ap|H-arame of a green light at
“Rattlesnakes on Toast’’ Was
ALEX MARLIN, Jr., C’a»hier
LESLIE ROGERS, Asst. Cashier
sunset was noticed and eenimented
upon by the ancient Egyptlana and
the Cowboy’s Order.
more particularly so because In the
clear air of Egypt the tints of sunset
are peculiarly distinct.
As the nun there descends nearer
JUNE 29, 1907.
, ami nearer to the horizon and \tr Im­
mens'-|y enlarged an<l flaming, it «ud­
Th« Prompts»«« With Whith th«
dcnly la-i-omeu for an Instant ii bril- Ixatna ami Discounte......... ........................ ..
Tough Waiter 8«rv«d th« Dieh Took
liantly green color, ami Immediately a Bonds ami Hecuritie« .
th« Terror'! Nerve Away—The R«
of green rays suffuses tb^ sky In Real Estate. Buildings ami Fixtures.......
pact and th« Final Request.
many dire* tloua, well nigh to the ze­ Gash and Hight Exchange.. .......................
Away back iu IN7H a man mimed
nith. The same phenomenon appear« at
sunrise, but to ii smaller extent. Hom«-- .
Turpin vRtabllHhed n rvHtaurairt In
tlunx, Just as the Inst part of the sun's
Yuma, nuil Hmong Turpin'« original
disk vanishes, its color changes from Capital Stock, fully paid
employer« wnn a wnlter mimed Job
* 100,000.00
green to blue, and «o also after It has Surplus and Profits.................
Straight, who could h I iihi I with great
disappeared the sky near the horizon Due other banks...................
preclalon, play draw pokvr with un­
often 1» green, while toward the zenith deposits .....................
varying «ucce«« und pack eighterc
It is blue.
pluteM of mlscellum-oUH grub upon ut>»
This was alluded to In Egyptian
bar® arm nt oue time. He could exe­
w riting** Day was the emblem of life
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly
nnd night that of death, and the noc- 1 I
cute all tiie prevailing melodlea either
turns) sun, being Identified with Osiris, swear that the above statement is true to the best of my kr.owledgexnd belief
on piano or guitar, mid In- pohhchh «-*I
thus rendered Oslrl» king of the dead.
A lzx M arti «, J r ., Cashier.
the moat trvilicndoiia baritone voice
The setting sun was green; therefore
ever beard tn Arizona. Why, men aome-
Subscribed ami «worn to before me thia 8th day of July, 1907.
Osiris, as the nocturnal deity of the
time« went to Turpin'« Juul to bear Joe
I« a M
A. M. W okdxm ,
ib-.id, w as painted green. The splendid
deliver gaatronomlc orders, No per
Notary Public lor Oregon.
r-otfins of the Idgh priests of Ammon 1
feet deacrlptlun can be given of that
frequently depict the green sun. nnd
voice, however, except to «ay that nt
the funeral deities are all colored
time« It really dhl make thing« clatter.
There are Innumerable Instances in
Once a fresh young cowlioy from
the Egyptian relics of representations
nenr Gila Bend entered Turpin's for n
relative to death being colored green.
ChrlatmaH dlnm-r who took a atartling
concoctiou aa mi nppetlxer und then
Mark Twain on Hie Own Reputation The practice undoubtedly arose from
the green tints of sunrise and sunset. 1
dropped thud like at a table mid rough­
For Veracity.
ly abouted to Straight:
I am used to having my statements The green sun disk Is referred to 5,000
years ago In Egypt. This Is the earli­
"Hay, there, Baldy! Bring me Home
discounted. My mother began It before
est known human record of an as- I
I was »even years old. Yet all through
tronomical phenomenon.—Washington
Job wna at flrat appalled; but, recov
my life my facta have bad a substra
erltig III» rvaerve limit of equanimity
turn of truth, and therefore they were
be bruahed an imaginary breadcrumb
not without preclounne»«. Any person
from th« freocued tableclyth and
who I» familiar with me knows how to
whlaki-d a bill of fare from the varie­ Odd M srrlage Ceremony of Th*«« •trike my average ami therefore knows
Barbaroue Little People.
gated caator Htul placed It Iwfor« the
how to get at the Jewel of uny fact of It 1« to Northsrn Europ« What th«
Belonging ns they do to the lowest It !• • and dig It out of its blue clay
uew young terror of the Bend.
Wheat Crop la to America.
"Take It away!" cried tb<* latter In type of civilization ns yet dlacovered. n ’ I-:. My mother knew that art.
Today the herring bi hardly regarded
tonea thnt could give Htrulght'a ord I th«- Negrito« of Malaysia and their When 1 was seven or eight or ten or oh a luxury. Indeed, it 1» chiefly eaten
nary, everyday bnrltoue n castle and way» are well worth find) Ing Hlmple. twelve years old—along there—a neigh
by tho»«- who can afford nothing else,
checkmate It In five movea. "I don't primitive, barbanuia little |«*<>pb*, their l»»r said to her;
nnd yet 3XX<0.<Ki0.0ii0 of the«« flxh are
want to read your darned old tract. customs arc those of prvlilatorlc man
"D<> you ever believe anything that n«*ede«l to supply the annual «lemaud.
1 don't cure a <larti who came into the They huve no flx«-d home or nettle- that boy says?”
IIow thia Inexhaustible, llmltle«» yield
world to nave nlnnera. Bring me some m«-nt», but nn* wnmlerers over their
of the «x-ean ha« swayed the destinies
My mother said:
grub grub! Grub! Grub! Grub!"
tnoiintaluous l»lamls, sleeping under n
"He Is the wellspring of truth, but of nations I h strikingly act forth In an
bnnnnn leaf, living on herbs nnd ber- you can't bring up the whole well with article by Harold Boice In Ocean.
"What do you waul?"
"Rattleanakeu on toast! An*! I want rl«-» am! game.
Despite the unremitting harvest by
one bucket." And »be added: "1 know
Their marriage ceremony la a unique Lis average, therefore be never de- prtxiatory man nnd gull nnd cannibal­
you to bump yourself!"
survlvnl of early life. Th«* suitor and reives me. 1 discount him 30 j«r cent istic cod nnd »hark, the unconquere«!
"What's that?”
"I've given my order, you baldheaded n few companion« dance aliout the for embroidery, and wliat Is left Is anules of herring still continue to pop­
old cigar store sign, and I want you to shelter of th«* desired girl. There lx perfect nnd priceless truth without a ulate th«- Atlantic with multiplying
get a move on yourself, p. d q Rattle n curious rcnemblnnce hetweon the flaw In It anywhere."- Mark Twain's hosts.
dnn< «•» of the pro«|*e«-tlve bridegroom Autobiography In North American Re-
•nuk<*« on toast!”
The Atlantic hns been aptly called
"Rnttlvanakea on tosat!" cried Job to and those of many of tlx* game birds view.
the "herring pond.” Indelibly assoclat-
the c*»ik In accents that would bnve of out woodland. Finally the girl, ac­
ed In the past with the economic nnd
companied l>y ber mother, »tnrt« to­
paralyzed Carl
political history of occidental man-
Th« Figntmg Lemming.
wart! the dwelling <*f the young men.
banao profundo
If the lemming's ]»iwers were pro- kind, the herring «eeins destined to
They frequently «top. ««inattlng In the portloned to Ids plu* k. the lemming survive . th one of the greatest factors
"Rutth-auakea ou toast!" was the n- trail while the anient suitor and Ills would make things lively for the in th«* welfare of western nations. To­
verlH-rntlng response froin the cook companions continue their «-ntrentlng hunter. It attacks with reckless fury day w hat the wrhent crop Is to America
upon receiving the order.
nnd («witching dance«, w inding round the harmless pa«serby. One of these the herrli g < at«-h Is to northern Eu­
There were a dosen or more people In nnd ruutxl th«* girl. Presents are gon creature«. smaller than n rut. will as­ rope.
the restaurant, nnd their eye» were nt cr.illy demanded nnd must lx- given sail without a second thought n couple
Few persons, even among the masses
once turned on the young |«-r»ot> from before the reluctant bride will pro- of human beings weighing 150 pounds Hint consume thia fish, realize Its
< th *«I. Finally the women arrive near
the lh-nd and the liifurlnt<-d wnlter
• piece. It will spring to one's knees, economic importance. More than 3.000,-
A wild barking nnd biting, nnd In purblind oon.ono herrings are capture«! annually,
In the meantime th«* cook hail taken a steep liamhno pintform.
a big catflaii and cut It Into four strips shout pierces the air, and the bride­ fury fall back "all ends up” to the according to the latest estimate.
nnd roll«*«! the«« atrip« In batter, so groom. Ilk«* n frenzied nnlmal. tears earth, only to renew the attack again
The weight of that annual catch is
through the Negritos aK>u*mb!cd nt the ami again. One day while one lem­ over 75(1,0(0 tons.
thnt Uiey much reaombled the viand or
der«*d. nn<! nfti-r placing them In the l>n*x* of the platform, «natebea the ming was flying nt me another from
It would require 25.(00 freight cars,
frying pan he »tuck bin head out of the bride In bin arms and files up the In­ lieyond a small stream Joined in the each w ith a capacity of thirty tons, to
cline with hl» mate, where they »It demonstration am! presently swam haul the herring harvest Inland from
kitchen ami nhouted to Job
"You wmit them rattier» rnre or well during the wedding feast. New York across to get to close quarters. I was the Atlantic.
not quite sure thnt the first fall into
Th«* wnlter repeat«*«! the Interrogatory
the water was not accidental, but
A Doctor’s Assistant,
In a cyclonic way, nnd th«* terror re­
hardly think so. since once there it
doctor whose large practice
(if nil hours of the day there Is none
plied In an violent n tone nnd manner
came straight to the charge.—"Wild innd<* an assistant necessary was
nn he could command, "Well done, with like the early morning for downright Norway.”
that the man be selected was hardly
plenty of gravy and Chill Colorado"
ing. Fresh from sleep and unclogged
Ami then Job tiiundcre«! to th«* <*«H,k
Most Nearly Perfect Vacuum.
"He's good enough for what I want
"Well done, with plenty of Clilll Colo with food a man'a senses cut like
It was Professor Dewar's nebfeve- him for." said the doctor. “I don’t
rndo, hot a»
, nnd moccanln gravy
ment in liquefying hydrogen that led ex|H*ct him to prescrilie for my pa­
on the aide ami brochette» of sand u|Hin him. A atlll morning la beat, for to the discovery of an easy method of tients. but to listen to their gossip. In
the mi»ts nnd the moisture seem to re-
crane liver« mni Giln monater light»!''
obtaining an nlmost |«*rfect vacuum, ninny cases thq privilege of talking
There was nn ln»tantniii*ou«ly dead tain tiie odors which they have dis­ nnd that in a single minute. When a over his troubles with the doctor con­
V|sm a
alienee In thnt r«-»taurmit. and all eyes tilled through the night.
glass tul*e filled with air and closed stitutes the biggest part of n patient's
were again cast ii|M»n the terror nnd breezy morning one is likely to get a at one end has its open end dipped into cure. I haven't time to listen to all
the wnlter. Tiie former turned ashen
a cup of liquid hydrogen, the intense these complaints myself: hence the
pale and begmi to weaken perceptibly, when the wind blows a< n>ss a hayficld cold condense« the air into a kind of need of an assistant. This man is
or of apple blossom« when the wind
whll<* Job gazed at bl« victim.
snow that «ctUes to the bottom. If. gix»d l«H>klug and sympathetic. Callers
"Mayl»c you don't think we can «erve comes through the orchard, but upon a then, the upper part of the tutie. from will readily unburden their hearts to
all the market afford«.” muttered Jot». ¡■erfectly still morning It 1« wonderful which the solidified air hns fallen, is him, then when they are ready for
"Maylx* you don't like moccaxlri gravy how the odors arrange themselves In removed by beating nnd cooling it off real uxillcal advice be can pass them
or brochette» a la mode. Maybe you upright strata, so that one wnlklng it IxH-omes a vacuum chnml>er so free on to me."—Columbus Dispatch.
passes through them as from room to
ain't hungry!"
from air that it 1« difficult to force an
"Ray! You've got me-I ain't hungry, room In a marvelous temple of fra­ electric current through it.—New York
Unfortunate Royalty.
wo help me. I couldn't eat n single hard grance.—A merlcnn Magazine.
Horse accidents caused the death of
tx>llc<l egg Countermand that durned
William I. nnd William III, William
order, old man. nnd I'll pny all ex­
A Powerful Indoreement.
HI« Old Latter«.
11. nnd Richard I. were killed by ar­
pcnaca nnd set ’em up ns long as any-
Many years ago there was consider­
A Wall street business man showed rows. Richard III. was slain In battle.
body can drink, Beg pardon. gcntle- able illneaa In HnrrlHburg. which wan a visitor a bundle of old letters that
Charles I. was beheaded. Edward II..
mon, nil. My flrst attempt to !<«• a ter­ a 11 rl I hi t *•<! to the water« of the Ru«que- he was taking home from his office to
Rlehnrd II. nnd Edward V. were mur­
ror pardon me, gentlemen. It's my hnnnn river, then the aource of tiie city burn tn his furnace. "I wasn't always
dered, a surfeit of lamprrys cost Henry
supply. One of the members of the so particular about these useless busi­ 1. Ills life, poison or n surfeit of peaches
And then he hand«'«! Ills revolver to leginlature for thnt year, upon his re­ ness letters," lie said, "until 1 learned
killed John, poison is su»|H'cted to ha e
Job nnd added:
turn to ill« constituents, was Inter- thnt the women cleaner« were sorting
been administered to Edward VI.. and
"Tnk<* thnt plKtol, old man, a« n vl-'wed concerning the plague.
He them out of the wastebaskets nnd sell­ the death of Henry VI. Is by some his­
preaent nnd promise me thnt tho next noon settled the question. "Upon my ing them to certain firms which make
torians laid to the charge of Richard,
time any durned fool cornea In here soul, gentlemen.” he declared, "the re­ a business of furnishing lists of names
duke of Gloucester.-London Standard.
nnd call« for rntllcHnnkes on ton»t port of the foulness of the water was a for various purposes, mostly to specu­
you'll Hhoot him den«!!"
slander on the city of Harrisburg. I lative concerns.
Then I concluded
Biblical Repartee. •
But Straight wax too rnvlng mnd all absolutely know tiie water to be per­ thnt 1 owed It to my clients to protect
Justice Jeremiah Black of Pennsyl-
tho way through to willingly emerge fectly healthful, for during the Hesston them from the nuisance thnt follows
vanin. iu revlewlng a case that carne
from a Hltiiatlon ouly tolerably tri-I I drank the water on two different oc­
getting one's name on a mailing list.”— Up from tile court of his old friend
nmphnnt. Ho ho took th«* weapon Junt casions, and I never experienced nn.v New York Sun.
Judge Moses Hampton. remarked,
aa th«* order wax being placed on tho 111 effect whatever." Pittsburg Press.
'•Surely Moses must have been wan-
table and, pointing It nt tho terror.
dering in the wilderness 'wben he
Th« Ay«-ay«.
Musie and Method.
A very strange animal, related to Imide his decision,” and sent the case
"Now, then, my boy, dump yourself
The sane, healthy way to study the the lemurs and peculiar to Madagascar. back to the lower court. Judge Hamp­
Into that chair nnd cat them snakes
piano Is to apply one’s thought direct Is the aye-aye. It feeds on wood bor­ ton on Its second trial remarked that
bonca, nktn nnd all!”
ly to (lie work laid out methodically by ing grulw that tunnel Into the bark of although he would have to submit to
Tho young fellow did na lie wna com­ the teacher for a certain length of time
trees. The beast cuts away the outer higher authority, he still thought he
manded, but after flnlHhlng hla repast every day. That length of time de­
bark with its chisel-like teeth, and as was right In spite of the “lamentations
staggered tin* uneompromlHlng Job by pends entirely upon the future that the
(lie worm retreats to the end of Its hole of Jeremlnh.”
student mny decide upon. If lie or |x*ke« after it with a linger. This fin­
“1 any, Baldy, bring mo another she take up music ns a profession,
Changed Opinions.
ger Is a remarkable organ, evidently
plnte of snake«!"- Denver New«.
four hours dally should be given to provided by nature for this purpose,
You think It a want of Judgment that
study; If as an nmnteur, I <» h <ura are
•ing abnormally long nnd armed with one chan res his opinion. Is it a proof
Wanted New Onn.
enough. In both eases the division of a hook shaped claw for dragging out that your scales arv bad because they
A trnveler putting up nt n fifth clasv time devoted to practice s'..ciild Is- not the grub.
• ■0-0-0-0<XXX>-0-0-C>-0-0<XXX>-C><X><>-<X><> •)
vibrate with every additional weight
hotel brought the “boots” up with his less than one hour. 1. J Paderewski
that Is added to either side? Marla
In Strand Magazine.
angry storming.
The Impactor's Life.
“Want your room changed, sir?
Caller—I’d think that your father's
¡What'« the mutter, air?"
Fore« of Habit.
duties as building Iwqiector would be
Willing to Accept an Apology.
"The room'« nil right,” fumed tho
“1—1 must not Ihlen t »you, Mr. Pen awfully dangerous going round unsafe
rri.scllla (Just arrived! — Are there
RUc«t »cor< li!u;.ly; "It's the fleas I oh nynllne," protested tin* blushing girl, buildings. Small Son of the House— any men here? Phyllis Oh, there are
Ject to, that's all,"
with eyes downcast. "You ar»* only Oh. no; he doesn't go near ’em till after a few nis'logles for men! Priscilla -
"Mrs. Bloobs," bawled the "iioota" In trilling, anti and, besides, It Is getting they fall down.—Life.
Well. If an apology Is offered to me
an uninterested sort of voice, "the late.”
I ahull accept It.—London Times.
gent In No, C. lx sntlHfied with his room,
"I’iease hear inc out, Ml«« Helen."
The other fellow's advice mny h.* ab
but hi* wiints the (lens changed.'’—II
pleaded tho infatuated y "mg reporter tight, but you’d better •,* • a little horse
Apdc'dee only account for that
luatrated Bits.
"I'll cut It down to 250 words.”
»ense with It —Sptlugtleld Republican. which they do not alter.—Disraeli.
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
Lakeside Inn
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r.
? :•
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and suites
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
City Meat Market
Every drop
Of Old Continental Whiskey
Water Mill Whiskey
Normandie Rye
F. F K Rye
is as pure as Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso­
lute purity.
is the word that tolls the storv, and when the
government places its 0. K. on whiskey you may
!»• sure it is pure.
Sold by
Wholesale and Retail Dealer $
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All the Time
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