Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 25, 1907, Image 3

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What Happened After a Friend Staked
Him For a Hundred.
It Wa« Thrown Into Loch L«v«n Whin
Quean Mary Escaped.
At n dlniuT rv'vntly glv«*n by n Wall
■trwt liiau who la known for hla I km
pitnllty gambling win tin* atibjact of
cuav«*rMtlun, iiik I ninny atorloa worn
told to allow how th«* lurn of tliu curda
or of tin* wlnt'1 I no I niudo fortunes for
aoiiit« ini*n ami I iik I made l.’ggnra of
othvra. ’i'lut boat told of om num who
afti*r pawning hla watch nt Oatrtid
plnyial mid r«*trlnv<a| a fortune which
Imd been loat mid won “another for
Kood tueaauri*." Mlmlhir atorlea were
told by other nieuibera of the dinner
company, mill the aubject aeein*'d to
have I>*'< ii ckhauate«i when u quiet
iiiiiii who hue the reputullon for «luring
oil the flour of th« eti'hilliKe an Id
“Nome yearn ago nt tin* Miirntoicn club
bonne I mow il yollllg mini whoM father
I knew chip nwny thouannda ill the
rial mul blink gutne. lie had been lit
It for three dnya, mid I waa pr«*aent
when hla Inat chip wna rnk*'d In. We
walk **«l out together, lllld when We
renehi'd Broadway Io* aald, ‘I fed It In
inc Hint If I cuiild go right back now
nml begin where I left off I'd win.’
HI* milliner linpr«*aa«*<| in**, mid I ntaked
him for ii hundred mid went back to
the club. Now, from that little at.irter
what do ymi think In* won?" After nil
hud gtleanrd, miming aiiiua nwny Into
tile hutldnala of thollaillida, he Paid.
"He loat tin* hundred uml ow«*a It to me
yet." New York Tribune.
Tho Interesting key of I zm I i Ia*V«*U
custlii la still iu existems*
It wan
found In tin* hike mid Is auppoaad to
buve been Hie one thrown 111 by the
youngs liougliis when Mary, queen of
Neots/mude her vaenpe. The key wiim
originally In tin« iswiieMlon of William
l(iim|H*r, Esq , who prewnted It to Sir
Walter Kcott, hnvlng fl ret Imd tin en
graving Hindi* of It.
Tim ensile of fx»ch I.even la sltinit«<d
on nu Island of about two a< res Mur
th«« northwest extremity of th«- lake
<jue«*n Mary when she dismissed Both
well on I'nrls-rry hill and Joined the
Insurgents wits carried captive Into
Edinburgh and on th«* following «lay
committed to las’ll l.«'v«*n ciiatli* (in
th«* 2.7th of March, 1.7HM, she attempted
to es«npo llien-'e In Hie disguise of n
laundress, but wna frustrated.
(in Monday, Muy 2, l-’nw, however,
while the family wen* nt slipper th«*
lw>y. William Dougins. seciir«*d tin* keys
of th** <n«tle nml gave agn*ss to the
qu«***n and her ninM from th« strong
hold; then, locking tin* gates ts-hlnd
Hiem to prevent pursuit, In* placetl th«*
fugitives In n Iwnit Hint lay near nt
hand mid rowisl them to Un* iiptMiluted
landing pin«’«* on th«* north side of th«*
lake. Strand Magazine.
Tha Cunning With Which Thay Trap
and Kill Dear.
Turkey, Burrv^ln 1453, th® Old®,I of th®
Pr®««nt Generation.
Th«* ages of most countries ar«* re­
corded ns exactly us Hint of any In­
dividual, mid many of the nations usu­
ally colislderisl old. «’Ven ancient, were
really born long after those we « all th«*
younger ones of the new world. The
father <>f nations, as we know them.
Is Turkey, with Hi«* sultan seated nt
<'onstniitluopl«« since 11.73.
Then comes lieniunrk. Isirn In 1.723.
follow«-«! by ItUBsIn. I orn Oct. 22. 1721,
wh*’n I’etcr tin* Great became the first
«*mp«*ror Th«» t'nlt«*«t states of Amer­
readers probubly
thought very young, was him July 1.
177(1, nml Prance, |*«*«slbly Imagine«!
to Is* much older, counts from July
II. 17*o
Younger than either Is the I'ult»*«!
Kingdom. Is«rn Jan. I. lhol.
wna Isirn S«’pt IM. 1*l«i; ('«domtila oil
July .7, JS11; Holland, liec. (I. 1M3.
and Hwc«l<>n starts from Feb. 5, IBIS.
Brazil dates from Sept 7. 1*<22: Mex­
ico was ls*ni Oct. 4, 1*<23. nml I lol I v In
was l**>rn Aug tk 1*21. Belgium Is
younger, lH*lng Isirn July lit. 1K31. tin*
same year ns Ecuador and Y’enezuehi.
it may Is* a surprlut to tlml Italy so
youthful, her birth
urrlog Feb. 2S.
l»’d !«ondon Answers.
Probably of all anlnmla there la none
which luia more cxdtlng esperleucea
than a tluilier wolf The wolf of fic­
tion la ii gaunt, hungry, evil looking
Th«* wolf of reality In the
north la allck nml fat and al»ut *»0
poutlda for femnlea up to I In for mill«**
111* never chnaea rabbit«. blit la willing
to tlnlah tlie remalua of an owl's aup-
per. But If «nil« om* lina put a rale
lilt «town <|o|M-d with |a*i.aon In- gener­
ally |M>llahra that niol'ael *«ff
The) hunt deer by pr«** om ■*rt«*«l plan.
'¡'In* pm k station then W ives down
wind. Then one makes a circle ami
comes w ind rights on tin* d*-«*r. wbl* h
may la* lying down or fretting, ami of
courae mnkea ii daali. never r«*nllzlng
that th«*r<* la n clr* le of «tenth dealing
enetnl«*« la*fori* him
When th«* deer
la coming In full Jump the wolf tlrat
mnkea a »hurt spring of six or eight
feet, but the next la from twenty to
thirty feet, ami la-fore tin* «leer real-
I z ** m danger III" end la certain.
But If lie ■ linn«’«*® to gi-t off Ida d«M>tn
ta ««*nled, nml within thr«*e to seven
miles In* Is run down or corrall«*«!.
They seem to get nervous nml excited
ami to know Hint flier«* la no <**«a|M*
Too Much Culture.
“Aunt I'ciu’lop«’ Wlggliy*," ns every-
nml tuni to bay. nml Hint and* lt -
flt laiula I'oat I>|**pnteli.
tsidy > i«ll«’«l her, was visited one sum
nicr by a nl«-*’e. o Vassar college grit I
uat«*. Aunt I'l-nelopc was one of the
Selecting Poultry.
In M«>l«>eHiig poultry a well round***! In >*t hospitable souls alive, but she
form, with neat, compact legs ami n> wns n t greatly Impressed by tin* su-
sharp. I*ouy nnglea mi tin* breast, nre pcrkir learning of tier young rolatlv«*
the Important marks whi'ii should I m * nml *>u • day sh<* fr«*e<! her mind nl«uit
sought In Keleetlng fowl® I >r the table her Hr.*
"Talk to rue nb>ut wlint a college
Tin* akin should la* a clear (ellow nml
free fr*un blotches nml plnf*-|i'her« If «•*|i: .itlon does f**r it girl! Whut «Io
It looks tight nml drawn the bird has yon suppose Matilda sitlil to me th«*
probably I • n - aldc«l before plucking. flr«t «lay sin* came? She said: ‘I’m so
The t!«*"h m I iou I«! neither be tlnbby nor ;?ln*l to me«*t you. aunty! Yon accent
* tiff, but idniiild glvo evenly when your name on th«* Aunty Penultlmnte.
pre***«-1 by tin* linger. If th** feet a««* don't v it?’ Phi you ever hear such
left on they furnish n tent of age. In nonsense? I had to tell her my name
n young f*|vvl they nre soft nml smooth, wasn't Aunty Penultimate, but Aunty
becoming hard nml rough ns tin* bird Penelope, nml I thought she would die
grown old *r. Turkeys, up to n y**nr old. n laughing!"
nre said to linve black feet, which grow
pink up to three years old. nml then
turn gradually gray nml grow dull.
New York I'oat.
Napolson'i Haughty Hors«.
Napoleon when nt Hi. Helena onee
said of Ills horse: "lh* Ims memory,
knovvhalgi* and Judgment
He «llalln
gtilnhes tils master from hla servnnta,
although tln*s<* are more constantly
nlaiut him. I Imd a liorae which dis-
tlligulali<*d me from the rent of the
world nml which manifested by ills
bounding nml haughty gull when I wiim
tt|H>n hla bnek that In« carried a man
sup«*rlor to those around him.
would not suffer nuy om* to niouiit him
except m.v - If and th«* groom Hint tool,
care of him. When I had lost my way,
I threw tin* bridle ii | h > ii his neck uml
let him pick Illa vv.ij', with the Inevita­
ble result of tliidlng the right road."
Creative Interpretation.
Wo«« of th« Rich Young.
Tin* children of th«* rich today nn* not
nllowe.) to I««* Imaginative. They have
n> Illusions, nicy <lo not have the
great nml educative pleasure of pre­
In simpler, less mnterlal years
tin* chllil "phtyisl nt" something.
block of wood was n locomotive. A
doll was a human being or a fairy.
The tin horse wns fleeter nml mor«»
wonderful than Flora Temple or Hex­
ter Now everything must I m * done for
th«* pleasure of n girl or a boy. The
|HM»r youngsters nre not encourngisl.
They nr«* lianlly allowed to Invent their
own amusements, to turn plain and
bumble things Into something rare nml
glorified by sh«s*r fore«» of Imagination.
— Boston lleruld.
English Versus French Roads.
In England It is almost Impossible
to attain speed with safety. The roads
twist nml turn and the walls and
hedges firevent the driver’s seeing
wlint then1 Is lieyond a curve.
average pace of twenty-flve miles an
hour is fairly good time In England.
Of course the country Is settled much
more thickly than France, which adds
to the danger of sfieedlng. Sp«s*<l laws
an* enforced with severity In England,
but If you will try the mettle of your
motor cross tin* channel. In France
th«* road is yotirs. Travel Magazine.
Interprelnthiu In your construction
put on Beethoven. It Is Bach tillered
through your temperametit. It Is Mo
znrt plus our personnl equation. It
Is Wagner not minus the Impersonal
cymlailH, but fdiis vital pulsations of
your benrt mid mind. Interpretation,
de hire« tin* Etude, Is ns erentlvi* n«
compositl >n. Your brick« nre tones
mid rhythms. Being cre.itlvc, It Is not
Impel-mill!. Being erentiv«*. It Is also
not of the feelings alone. The subjec j
Tampering With the Truth.
tiro Interpreter Is a Jellyfish; the oh
A schoolteacher trying to explain to
Jectlve om* n risk. Your creative gen­
ius Is om* whose subjectiv«> nml ob­ Ills «lass the meaning <>C th«* word
"eoneelteil" said:
jective minds work nynelirotioii-dy.
"Suppose I wouhl go around saying,
‘Look liovv good I am to my class,' or
Tho Limit.
"How does that fashionable phyal bragging about how much I know or
how good looking I am what wouhl
cimi limn.r.*■ t i gel on iih In.* does."
you say I was?"
"oh. lie's mich a J.illler.”
"A llnr," Instantly rcspondisl his
"Is In*?"
"lie went to the length of telling class Judge's Library.
t'holly Soiled thill lie was sure t'holiv
hml something on hi- mimi." Balli
Not a Mourning Suit.
mori* A merien n.
Brown ( Just mot While a few min­
utes ago on Ills way downtown to re
cover his son’s body. Green- You don't
Hix Curs.
Was his son drowned?
Tramp Madam, I am ¡.ufferlng from tell tn«*!
Lady Why, I'm sorry' . Brown Oh, no. But Ids father said
What cun I <lo to help you? Tramp- | he needed a now suit of clothes.
Mmliiin, you can cure me Instnutly by |
Some fieople are going to Is* mighty
giving n '■ something to dlgMt
surprised when they tin«) out that there
There Is nlwnjs room for a mun of Is a dli’i'ei’en«’«* between real goodness
force, and lie makes room fox many.— and a receipt for pew rent. Florida
Times Union.
Chetko Copper
Wl«<’«> llrlrd. II««. <|urrr tri««® ( l»a*l|r
llrarmlal«* 1‘laatrr of l*arla.
At Its marine renhlence, away down
lu d«’«’p wuter, the mimo on th«* d«>or
plat« would I*« “Astrophytou," ami It
laelotigs to ii MfM*< h*s called ophluruus
It has n well mnrke«l control disk, not
unlike a clam, but has no abell. From
this central IxMly radiate anus, flve In
numtier, like tboea of the familiar star
flab, ami th«**«* arms ure divided Into
Dllnut«* brilUelieH, like tli<* 1 vj^gs on n
tree, until they iiiiiii I mt In aom<* cases a
thousand separately defined hnlrllk«*
tendrils. W Idle til«* body Is not large,
tin* branch«* when ext«*nde<| meaatir«*
about «'Igliteen ln«‘li«*s In diameter. The
creature Illis the power of Im-urllng
th«**««* branches until it cl<e<ely resem
Idea u h I iii II ow «II m I i . Tills It does when
caught mid about to die, remaining in
that shop«* when <lrl«’«l.
It has I h - cii given th«’ name of basket
Hall. It frequently (when enugtlt by a
drc«lg«*. for tb it Is the only way It can
tie tak«-ni throws off these arms or
parts of them, so that n pt*rfect sp«*«’t
men la hard to lie procured In Its natu­
ral condition
Th«-»«* arms nml their sulsllvlslons
nrt* almost white when drleil and close
ly resemble plaster of purls. They nre
very brittle, easily broken nml cannot
I m * repaired. The 11*11 live among the
ro*«ts of seawevsls nml nr** suppo-«*«! to
fe*-<| U|«OII the«-, moving HlsiUt by
wriggling uml < liimlx-rlng With their
arms or fnstenlng up*m the roots nn«l
fmlllng Hiemselv«’» along.
Most of th** know li-ilg«* regarding
their habits Is couj«*<’tur«*, for none
Jiavs b«*«-n taken alive nml kept for suf­
ficient time to give them projn-r ex
amination an*I study St. Nicholas.
1 CìlGlkO
CO- IS now Offering it« Hr-' .«Uotmenl «f Treasury M * k at 3o cents a -I t ,*.
PhotLn Pnnnor Pn
UnU'Ku L/UppUr
*- ''^ ,,ri,”'-i’*'I In V;g >-• >001 .t, !-r «I.*- laws ■ ( t:
Id$i,oo«»,ooo. par valu«’ of -Lares |1 each. Or.*-tbi
Phatlrn fnnnor Pn
lailUlKU LUppcl vU.
a capital stock
1 U t: e :-«ne - treasury stock
Owns THIRTY copper claim« 000
water righto on th« Cbetiu river in Curry
County, Oregon, within eighteen miles of Cbetk Ha:
■ the P j
in .-an.
Ou one of the claims is a fifty-l<xit vein oi copjM«r ore 'which is being develojM-d that contains 13 per cent copj>er, and
$2H gold |<er ton; making a total of
$90.40 per ton
all*- l to the fa« t that the Trinity Cupper Co., in Fl.asta < '*unt’-
rnla, captialized at $4,000,000
with II.*- ore values averaging about five | ht cent copju-r, 1® selling it* »tian in Boston at $«y to $jo a
halaisi pperC
situated sear Trinity <’api*..i!iz*-d at $5,000,000 i« selling at $A to $10 per
share on the Boston anil other markets.
b n* I , < ontaining ore ixxiies that gr>-atly ’ x«-’-*’d ,«. vi. ie ine ore* oi the -aid two
companies, ami is now selling its first block of treasury stock at
/■V L_
The Statue of Liberty.
« I
SzneiKO V/Opptl
30 cents a share
i*i(<»n as Copper Stock Buyers ¡earn the fact» about the
Chetko Copper pro|M.-rtiea, tl.e shares will eventually advance to >io and better per share.
z^» «
a. 1,,.
at 30 ■ ent» a share is way far the best Copper Stock buy of the day. It has tha high
grade cop|>er-gold ore in quantity and the right management. It;* suret»
Advance in price, and that soon
The Colossus of llbodeit probably
never brought any returns In cash to
Sample« oi the Lhetko Copper gold ore ami prospectuses can be seen at the Lakeside Inn. Klamath Falls, Oregon
th«* city, but Its tradition will last
‘ All»ert E. Imbler, late manager and part owner of the Long Lake Lumber Co., of Klamath Fall*, is personally over­
when everything els«* Ilbodealan Is en
tlrely lost from history. So wltp this seeing the <levelop«nent of the large re bodies on the Chetko Copper claim*, and the company is proceeding to Lave all its
Statue of Liberty. It gives a wulcotii® mining claims patented this summer.
to every stranger w ho comes to Amer­
Note: Advance in Price:—After July 5th, 19)7, the price of the Chetk copper will be advanced to 50 cent« a share.
ica to seek bls fortune lu a country
which lias been the friend of the op-
preaaed for centuries. It Is hulleil with
Joy by every American who catches a
glimpse of ft as he returns from a so-
ji'irn in Burope. it* oManlng In non
apparent after a short absence from
America than perhaps It was before
such an experience. It Is one of the
few things w liicb we have which la
not couimerclaliiied Chicago Tribune.
For Shares, address
C. <& n. E
Alining Agent and Share Broket
Ashland, Oregon
The Wrong Llnr.
A society which disseminates moral
literature once sent u railway manager
a large number of free tracts to place
In th*’ waiting rooms. One waa enti­
tled. "A Route to the New Jerusalem."
The letter which the moral literature
i s.iety receive 1 In reply declined the
tracts. "We cannot place the tracts,"
x r >tc th«* i.. tu i .* t , "as the N. J. Is not
en our system."
Bank Reference
JI Few KJ ords Concerning
The Turquoise l.nnd.
Nlrinl was known us the "tuiqui. «’
land'' lu very nucleut llnnn, uml Dr (
Fl.uders l'«tr.«• believes that It w.i
the fr*t mining center lu the world
lu hl* l> >.i,. on the subject Dr Pc.r.
tells of the various expeditions sent t '
Sinai by tlie Egyptian government. A«
th«’ bead oi the party was the "c >..*
tuauder," or "bearer of the real of th;
god," the pharaoh. The otliel.il • .if!
cun*l"t('«l of "musters of the bouse o
metals.'* or aasayer*. *crii><** ami ■«• •
retnries. to tuak<* lnv«*ntorles of Hi*
output of the mln«** Even mor«' t. >1
•rn were the "dev ,.sers «>f metals." ««:
prospectors. The working staff c >u
slated of miners and their assistant*
Tli«* commissariat had cooks, bread
bakers, water curriers and even u «loc
tor attache«!. Tin* mines could only b®
work«»d for a certain period, from
January to May. which is exactly the
best period for ar«’liaeologlcnl work lr I
Slmil today. The miners lived lu camps
and the so called forts uud camps
were really miners' villages.
good Printing
ID it ever occur to you that nine men
out of ever}- ten judged your stand­
ing in the commercial world by the
stationery you used? Such is a fact. If
you use cheap, shoddy printing, such-as
many printing offices give you, devoid of
merit, then your correspondents will put
you down as a has-been and irresponsible.
GOOD PRINTING has been our motto for
years and in quality we refuse to* be ex­
celled. And our prices are right,.
One Grade “Chat the Best
beautifully illuSraled. food gonea
•nd artKlea about CaUixua
and all th® for U eat.
a year
a monthly publication devoted
to the luming mleteats oi die
Try us with your next order. We have the
latest styles of type and competent men to
execute the work in the latest approved style,
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• I hm À of 7S page«, contamini
120 colored photograms of
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• • • $1.50
Cut cut tin« »dvrrvisroicat
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Anyone Rending n nkelrh nnd deacrlptlon may
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Bent free. Oldest agency for «ecurtnir patents.
Patents taken throuuh Munn «1 Co. receive
fpfv tdl notkr. without ehartfo, in (be
Scientific American.
A handsomely IlhiMrated weekly. T arceat cir­
culation of any aduntlUo journal. Terms, 93 a
year : four months, |L Bold by all newsdealers.
Phone 31