Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 25, 1907, Image 2

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Simple Act* That Ara Too Difficult
For Simian« to Laarn.
It would be a very simple matter for
a fourteen months old child to leain
to pull In. by menus of a very light
toy wooden rake, an object which it
could not reach with its hands, and yet
Jimmie, a very tame Rhesus monkey
of mine, writes John B. Watson In
The World Today, spent many days in
trying to learn this simple act and
had not learned to manipulate the rake
when our patience ran out. Jimmie
was kept moderately hungry at the
time of the experiments; he was teth­
ered Just out of reach of wme very
tempting food (malaga grapes). A light
top wooden rake was given him. In­
stinctively he grasped it. bit it. then
dropped It and began straining at his
tether and reaching out ns far as possi­
ble with his foreleg, making vain ef­
forts to scratch in his food. The rake
was then put around one of the gra]>es.
and the handle extended tow aril Jim­
mie. Instantly he grasped the handle
as before and jerked it. and the grape
rolled within reach of his pew. The
rake was dropped and forgotten and
the faithful paw utilized for the com­
pletion of the act.
Now what happens when the grape
has been eaten? The rake Is still with­
in his reach, and the grapes are still
outside the pale. Does he perceive the
relationship existing between “food ,
out of reach, rake will lengthen paw, 1
ergo, use rake?” Not Jimmie. And be
Is the brightest of six. As long as you
will kindly hook the blade of the rake
around the grape and extend the han-
die toward him he will condescend to
pull in the rake and consequently the
grape, but he has never yet both
pushed out and then pulled in the rake
of his own Initiative.
Its Waters So Badly Poisoned That
Life Is Practically Impossibl«.
Few persons, probably, other than
those engaged in the pursuit of sci­
ence, are aware that the Black sea
presents an Interest of Its own to the
zoologist and the geologist shared by
no other part of the ocean at the pres-
ent day.
Throughout the greater part of the
oc»an the bottom Is the dwelling place
of a number of creatures whose busi­
ness it Is to consume the bodies of the
members of the surface fauna which
after death sink to the bottom. In the
Black sen. however, says the Field, ow­
ing to special geological events, such
scavengers are totally wanting over
the greater part of the bottom, so that
the carcasses of the creatures which
fall from above are left to <lecoro;>ose,
which they speedily do at the com­
paratively high temperature of the
By their decomposition two soluble
compounds, carbonate of nmmon'a and
sulphurated hydrogen, are developed
in enormous quantities, while no free
lime, except such as is Introduced from
the Mediterranean, is left. The vol­
ume of sulphurated hydrogen Is so
great as to poison the water from
the greatest depth (1.227 fathoms) to
within about a hundred fathoms of the
surface to such a degree that life, ex­
cept for a few bacteria. Is absolutely
The circumstance has a double inter­
est-first, that It Is absolutely unique
at the present day, and, secondly, that
it seems to offer an almost exact paral­
lel to the state of affairs that existed
at the Inconceivably remote epoch
when the oldest known sedimentary
rocks were laid down as mad on the
ancient sea bottom.
Pat Was Surprised.
Two Irishmen got the contract tn
clean a well. Pat tied a rope around
his middle, and Mike lowered him into
the well. When Pat was through
cleaning. Mike began to hoist him up.
but when he was halfway up be called
to his companion in the well:
"Mould on a mlnnit, Pat, till I spit
on me hands,” and let go of the rope.
Naturally Pat descended again a little
too rapidly for comfort. When Mike
realized his blunder, be ran to the well
and called down:
“Pat. Pat are ye dead?"
And his partner replied:
"No. ye brainless spalpeen; OFm not
dead, begorry, but Oi'm spachless wid
surprise at ye.”—Judge’s Library.
Ths Way ths Great Italian Paintar
One« Settled a Bill.
The doctrine of the farm Is merely
this, that every man ought to eland In
primary relations with tlie work of the
world; ought to do it himself and not
to suffer the accident of bis having a
purse in his pocket, or his having been
bved to some dishonorable or injurious
craft, to sever him from those duties
and fur liiia reason, that labor i- God’s
education; that be only is a sincere
learner, he only can become master
who learns the secret of labor and who
by real cunning extorts from nature its
Notice la hereby given that Martha
Francis Will» <nee Sigler Administra­
trix of the Estate of James Calvin Sig­
ler, deceased, has filed her final ac­
count of the administration ol said
estate with the Clerk of the County
Court for Klamath County, Oregon, and
that raid Court has appointed ten
o’clock a. m. ol Friday, August 16th,
1907, as the tune for the hearing
of objections to such final account and
the settlement thereof. This notice is
published by order of said County
Court, entered July 17. 1907.
Martha Francis Wills,
J. C. Rutenic,
7-1S-S 15 Attorney for Administratrix.
Raphael, (lie great Italiau painter
whose celebrated Biblical pictures are
worth fabulous sums of money, was
not a rich man wheu young, lie en­
countered some of the vicissitudes of
life, like many another genius. Once
when traveling he put up at an inn
and remaiued there unable to got away
through lack of funds to settle his
bill. The landlord grew suspicious
that such wns the ease, ami his re­
quests for a settlement grew more uud
more pressing, Finally young Raphael
in desperation resorted to the follow-
Ing device:
lie carefully painted upon n table
top in his room a number of gold coins,
and. placing the table In a certain light
that gave a startling effect, he packed
his few belongings and summoned his
Notice for Purchase of School l ands
“There,” he exclaimed, with a lord­
IH'partiuetit of tbe Interior, l
ly wave of his band toward the table. Land Office. Lakeview. Oregon. July s, lit>.'.
Notice 1« hereby given that the State of Ore
•’Is enough to settle my bill and more.
Now kindly show the way to the door." gon ha» tiled application to select the follow
The innkeeper, with many smilesand Ing described land». »»State ol Oregon School
bows, ushered hls guest out and then Indemnity selection, to wit:
List No £J4. tor ne'4ne'4. Sec. 35. nr<tn«,l.
hastened back to gather up his gold, Sec.
J4. ne'.-w1, See. la. “G*'1,. See. 10, >e>4
His rage and consternation when he •e‘4. Sec. W. T. 27 S.. and sw'4»w‘,. Sec ... I', .»>
discovered the fraud knew no t>ounds S., R. 11 E., and tw',*!»1,.See. 13. T . 34 S . R . 17
until a wealthy English traveler, recog­ E.. W. M.
nising the value of the art put in the
Any and all person» claiming adversely the
work, gladly paid him £50 for the ta­ above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before th; -Vith
day of August. 1M07.
Th. Way Uncl« Sam's Officials Treat
Spurious Money.
J. N. Wat»on. Register.
Tbe above notice will be published In the
Klamath Republican, a weekly newspaper of
general clteulatlon. published al Klamath
Falla, Oregon, and ibe Lake County Examiner,
a weekly newspaper of general circulation,
published at Lakeview. Oregon, live »ucce»-
sive weeks, respectively, prior to August 1».
J. N. Watson,
Sometimes It doesn’t pay to be con­
scientious,” said the man who had a j
scruple, but lost it. "One day I : found I
a half dollar In my pocket—I : don’t J
know how It got there—which didn’t 1
have ’sterling’ written on It. Raid
to myself philosophically: 'Unde Ram
is a scrupulous fellow. He doesn’t like Notice for Purchase of School Lands
bad money in particular. Ro be has
Departmentol the Interior. I'nited states
established a snbtreasury where he ex­ Land Office. Lakeview. Oregon. July s, 1107.
changes bad money for good money ’
Notice Is hereby giveu that the state of Ore­
I don't know why I thought this. I gon ha» filed application» for land« hereinafter
suppose I must have read It some- 1 described, as State S hool Indemnity Land«,
as follows:
List No 225, for nwl4ns1, See »; nw'.te1«.
When I _____
_____ . I
had ________
finished ...
, Sec.5; se’.se1«, See.13; ne‘,ne>4. pec.
found mvself looking into the weather
XI. »w‘,ne‘4. ue‘4 ne1,. Sec. lf>, ae‘4t w>,. Set IT.
beaten face of Washington on the all in Township 2» S., R. 11 E.. W. M.
steps of the subtreasury. So I enter-
Any and all persons claiming adversely
ed. Behind a cage I found a clerk. above described lands are requested to
"Tlere Is a half dollar I think Is bad. ( thier claims In this office on or before
riease give me a good one for It,” I J6th day of August 1907.
J. N. Wat*on. Register
said meekly. The clerk took the coin,
Theabove notice will be published in the
carefully placed it on A die and
brought a mallet down on It with a I Klamath Republican, a weekly newspaper
resounding blow. Then be tossed the i published at Klamath rails, Oregon, live »u<
J. N. Watson.
coin back to me and continued to , ceasive
count pennies. I looked at my coin
and swore then and there I would
never be so conscientious again. The
face of liberty was battered into a big
“C,” which plainly meant counterfeit.
—New York Times.
Will Makers' Whims.
The late T. Bevan, one time M. P.
for Gravesend, who directed in his will
that bls body should be cremated and
“the ash residue ground to powder
and again burned and dissipated In the
air.” is one of many men (and women*
who have made equally remarkable
arrangements for the disposal of their
mortal remains. An angler who died
recently directed that his ashes should
l>e carried in a bait can and scattered
from a boat over the surface of his fa­
vorite stream. Mrs. Ernie-Erie-Drax
directed that her body should be em­
balmed and placed in a glass paneled
coffin, for the reception of which a
circular mausoleum with stained glass
dome was to be built, while at his own
wish the body of one of the Lords
Newborough, after twelve months’ in­
terment, was exhumed and reburied
In Bardsey Island, the reputed resting
place of 20.000 saints.—Washington Ga­
Republican Hds
Bring Results
Such is the popular verdict of our
Mr. Business Man, you
will do well to try the Republican
columns, as it is read by practically
everyone in this city. Get in the game
of fill lc I iic I m
of Price«
Laundry Trays
H. BOIVIN, the Plumber, Agent,
Klumnh /«//•, O/ vjm
Buy Lots in Mills' Addition
Just East of the Depot
A Dramatic Child.
When my son was two or three years
old he was seated in his high chair at
the table eating corn batter cakes and
molasses, of which he was fond. Aft­
er eating as many cakes as were good
for him be was told be could have no
more. Heaving a great sigh, be took
the plate in both hands and licked all
tbe molasses off. Then, looking stead­
ily at the plate as he held It up before
him, he said seriously, "1 ain't got no
more use for you.” and threw It back
over bis head to the floor, where It
broke to pieces.—Chicago Tribune.
Russian Jurymen.
The most incredible stories have been
told of Russian Jurymen, Thus the
foreman of a Jury declared he would
not send a poor fellow to prison be­
cause it happened to be hfs (the Jury­
man’s* birthday. Another Jury had
agree«] upon a verdict of guilty when
the church bells began to ring. They
revised their verdict tiecause a holi­
day had begun. A burglar was allowed
to go free because the man whom he
had roblied bad refused to lend him
money. This in the opinion of the Jury
was a direct Incentive to crime.
Accounting For It.
"Mamma,” asked little Emersonla
Osgoodson. "who translated tlie Bl-
"The accepted version of it. my
dear,” answered her mother, “Is the
work of learned Englishmen.”
“Englishmen! Then that Is why
there Is no Epistle to the Bostonians!"
Minister’s Wife (to her husband)—
Will you help me to put the drawing
room carpet down today, dear? The
room is beautifully clean. Minister
(vexatlously*—Ah. well. I sunjwise I
will have to. Wife—An 1 don't forget.
John. dear, while yon are doing It that
you are n minister of the go.-ipol.—Lon­
don Tit-Bits.
How mankind defers from day to
day the beat it can do and the most
beautiful things It can enjoy without
thinking that every day may be the
last one and that lost time is lost eter­
Then There Wse a Row.
"Now, sir.” she commanded, "look
me in the face tint! deny. If you dare,
that you married me for money!”
lie raised hfs eye:-« until they wore di­
rected to her countenance and faltered:
“Well. I think I earned the cash,
don’t you. dear?" Lon-Ion Mall.
There is no witness s< terrible, no
accuser so powerful, as m d srl enee.-
Poly blus.
i::’y I ? kept f-o» from
bv nd«'!:* .’ a “:,*al) ir.-nntRl
of chloride of !t_.e tv a pul! of water.
Putting Off.
Can you find a better investment in the city? You are
paying the present value price and will thus secure
the benefit of the increase