Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 18, 1907, Image 2

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[Original ]
Suicide as Experiment.
A Testimonial For Vsraoity.
“It's a molghty fol tie thing to hava *
Character for truthfulneau«." remarked
O'Grady when he returned home the
other evening.
“lndade an' It Is that same." agreed
Mrs O’Grady, with an approving nod.
U she hauled one child out of the fen­
der and scraped the cludera off his
frock. "An’ what makes ye sav that,
“ 'Cause nte master belavea In me
veracity intoirely," was the response
of rhelim. He lighted hla short pipe
and took bls accustomed seat on a
broken chair near the chimney. "I
touhl him this morning that 1 couldn't
help l>elng late an' that 1 had run a
■nolle In a minute an' a half to get
there In tolme. An* what do ye think
he said?”
"Mebbe that ye desarved another
sixpence a week.”
"Better than that. These are his
very words. 'O'Grady,'ses he. •Ol wud
just as soon belave ye If ye sod ye
had done It In half a minute.' So ye
see Ahat faith he has in me veracity
Intoirely.”—London Answers.
A wealthy young man named lean
dro Improta after taking refreshment
at a cafe lu Naples called for pen and
Ink and wrote a number of notes and
letters. He then quietly took out a
small revolver and shot himself In the
breast. One of the letters found In his
pocket runs:
Tracey Ashley, a young northerner,
■pent a winter In New Orleans. where
he met and weorvl Rosalind St. Leger.
To th» Curious Public tn this century
It Is Itnposslbls voluntarily to leave this
• resident of that old southern city.
without great efforts Ix-lug made on
Miss St. Leger was a belle and had no
the part of newspap«-ra*>tnd curious people
■nd of suitors, among them a Julius
to discover the cause of the deed In my
Warfield, born and bred in Iziuislana
ease I wished to study nietempsvehosls at
close quarters
Is that not a tine IdeaT
■nd heir to a large sugar plantation.
80 much has been written on the subject,
Ashley was an anient wooer, while the
and It pleases me to discover Instead of
Southerner appeared to t>e rather In
talking 80 1 determined to die and ass
whether I shall bo reborn In the form of
some animal. It would be delightful to
Mnnli Gras was coming on and with
return to thia world as a lion or a rat.
it preparations for uuusual festivities.
This Is why 1 wanted to die.
Ashley, whose engagements at home re
Let No One Boast.
quind him to leave New Orleans with
Nevertheless, let no one lipast. Just
the advent of Lent, beggixl bard of the
ns every man. though he t>e the great
lady to give him an affirmative answer
est genius, has very definite limitations
to a proposition of marriage he bad
In some one sphere of knowledge, ami
made her. but she would not.
thus attests his common origin with
Meanwhile the Mardl Gras opened.
the essentially perverse and stupid
On the last evening of the festivities
mass of mankind, so also has every
Ashley put on n domino and mingled
man something In his nature which Is
with the masqueraders. Among the
positively evil. Even the beat nay. the
throng be noticed a feminine figure in
Reading the Face.
Restless eyes denote a deceitful, de­ noblest—character will sometimes sur­
a green domino on the arm of a man
dressed in a red one. In the former signing disposition; greenish eyes mean prise us by Isolated traits of depravity,
was something familiar to the young falsehood, malice and a love of scan­ as though It were to acknowledge his
northerner. As be passed them tlie dal; blue eyes tell of tendency to co­ kinship with the human race. In which
woman flirted her handkerchief at him. quetry; black eyes mean a lively, spir­ villainy nay, cruelty Is to be found In
He followed the couple and at^ last ited and sometimes deceitful charac­ that degree.—Schopenhauer.
made up his mind that she was Mias ter; eyes with a yellowish, bloodshot
The Whole Show.
St Leger. Then be purchased a bou- | white usually betoken strong emotions
When Rubinstein was traveling
quet from a street vender and. ap- ,
through the United States upon a con­
proadiing her. offered it She accepted nlty and Intelligence and brown eyes a cert tour It chanced that Barnum's cir­
It and slipped her hand within hla arm. tender, true, kind and happy nature A cus followed exactly tile same route
Her attendant fell back. Convinced of mouth had better be too large than too chosen by the great Russian. On one
her identity, Ashley took a fancy to small, for a very small, pursed up occasion when the train was filled with
press his suit without revealing the mouth is seldom significant of good snake charmers, acrobats, clowns and
conversational power. Large mouths',
fact that she was known to him.
the like the guard, noticing ¡«erhapa
“But supposing.” she said In a voice are more often found in conjunction Rubinstein's remarkable appearance
thinly disguised, "that I am not of with liberal dispositions than very asked him. “Do you tieloug to the
small ones. A person with a pointed
your class."
showP' Turning bls leonine head with
“That cannot be,” he said. "One to chin Is fanciful, refined in taste and a savake shake. Rubinstein fiercely
difficult to please A broad, square
the manner born canuot conceal It even
chin signifies ardent love, often aceom- I ■ growled out. "Sir, I am the show!”
tn disguise."
pan led by jealousy. A broad, round
“I may be homely.”
Aids to Humanity.
chin means ardent love, with a stead- 1
“That I will risk.”
No women have done more for hu
fastness and purity of affection.
"You haven't seen my face."
manlty and for the Individual than the
"I have seen your figure. I have
old maid reformer and the old tuald
Whan Did You Oil Your Watch?
aunt. There Is none to whom we owe
heard your voice. Neither could tie-
When did you oil your watch last?
long to any but a beautiful girl. But j Never? You may remember when you a deeper debt of gratitude and none
were your face pockmarked, were your
whom we could not better spare, says
lubricated your sewing machine, type­
eyes green, your nose a beet still would I
a writer In the CosmojKdltan. for be
writer, lawn mower or grindstone—
sure of this, God sends old maids into
I love you.”
within a year, probably—but your
the world to do the work that the rest
She was silent He felt her band
watch you never oiled, that you can
tremble on his arm.
of us leave undone.
remember. Yet In a period of eighteen
“Oh, to have a lover like that." she
months the balance wheel turns on
responded presently—“to lie loved for
Congenial Employment.
axis 13.90fi.S00.n00 times. Expert
oneself by one who loves so well that
The high prize of life, the crowning
fortune of man. is to tie born to some
■ lack of beauty, a blemish, has no
be thoroughly cleaned and oiled every
weight to turn his love!"
I eighteen months. Many persons wear pursuit which fluds him In employ­
ment and happiness, whether It tw to
"You will find me such. You are
beautiful. I know it But supposing a watch for years, winding it up each make baskets or broadswords or canals
night, and never oil It. Watches are or statues or songs.—Emerson.
some accident, some illness, should
convert that beauty into ugliness, still Instruments of uncertain age; some
run Indefinitely, keeping accurate time,
Able For the Rest. '
would I love you.”
without need of repairs. As a matter
"William, were you ever whipped at
"If you only would!”
of fact, nothing Is so neglected as this school?" queried the visitor.
*1 know I would.”
small, delicate and useful Instrument
“Only by the teacher,” was the rath
"But suppose you should find my
—North American.
er significant reply.—Chicago News.
face, which you insist on believing
beautiful, to be hideous.”
Blond Indians.
The population of the world averages
"I would love you.”
i One of the mysteries of Mexico Is
IOS» women to every 100 men.
They had passed beyond the crowd
presented by the Maya Indians, who I
of merrymakers. The torches fli-kereJ
inhabit the Sierra Mad re mountains in
In the distance. 8houts of laughter,
the lower part of Sonora. They have
the tooting of horns, the tread of feet,
fair skins, blue eyes and light hair, and
came confusedly. Ashley unclasped
students of ethnology have always
the hand from his arm and pressed it.
been puzzled to account for them.
“Tell me, sweetheart” he said. “Is it There Is a tradition, however, that
these Indians are the descendants of
"You do not know what vou are do­
the crew and passengers of a Swedish
ing ”
vessel wrecked on the Mexican coast
"I know this—that I love you.”
centuries before Columbus discovered
"When you see my face you will the new world. But this tradition is
spurn me.”
founded on nothing more substantial
than a folklore tale current among
"Even if you should wish to keep them that their ancestors came over
your word I would not permit you to the big salt water hundreds of moons
make the sacrifice. A hero once loved •go.
a beautiful woman. She refused him.
Smallpox destroyed her beauty. They
A Frog of Peculiar Habits.
met again, and she accepted him. ne
South America has a frog of peculiar
married her. They lived a wretched habits, Dwelling In the virgin forests,
at the tops of the highest trees, it
"It would not be so with me.”
chooses as a site for Its nursery some
“I would not trust you.”
hollow stump and then proceeds to
"I beg of you, do not hold me off line it with resin procured from trees
longer. I am becoming beside myself. In the neighborhood. This lining serves
8end me away from you, and I will to catch and bold the rainwater, with
bury my grief under the bosom of the which It quickly becomes filled. As
soon as this takes place the eggs are
“You don’t mean it”
laid therein, and here they undergo de­
"I do."
velopment Into tadpoles. How the re­
"You will surely die if I deny you?” sin Is collected Is a mystery, nor is It
“I will.”
yet known how the separate pieces be­
“Then I must yield.”
come welded to form the water tight
Removing her mask, she turned to­ basin necessary to Insure the safety of
ward him the face of a full blooded the treasures deposited therein.
African negress. He started back.
“Reckon yo’ been mistaken, mars',”
Something of That Kind.
she said in broad negro dialect.
"Young man,” said the serious gen­
Ashley drew forth a well filled wal­ tleman, "did you ever pause and think
let and was about to open It when the that each tick of the clock brings you
negro snatched it.
another moment nearer to the end of
"I want it all. Mars’ Ashley. Ef yo’ your existence?”
don' gib it to me I'll tell Missy Rosa­
"I was thinking of something of that
kind this very minute.” cheerfully re­
“You know her?”
plied the youth, “only the Idea struck
“I ought to. I'm her maid.”
me that each tick brought pay day that
"Keep it, and if you keep the secret much nearer.”
as writ you «bn 11 have more.” And,
turning on his heel, he rejoined the rev­
A Puzzler.
An old white haired darky living on
An hour later Ashley again passed a plantation, not feeling well, had the
the green and red dominos. The wo­ doctor pay him a visit. The doctor
man shook his wallet at him trium­ told him as be was getting old he
phantly. He was about to turn his back must eat plenty of chicken and stay
upon her when she lifted her mask and out of damp night air. “But, sab,”
showed the features of Miss St. Leger. said the old darky, “how can you ex-
She tossed his wallet to him with a pect me to stay In de house at night
merry laugh and turned away. As she and still get my chickens?”
did so her escort raised bls mask and
His Rising Day.
showed the face of Julius Warfield.
"He never did rise In the world till
Rosalind St. Leger regarded her net
as a bit of coquetry that would serve he stumbled over n lot 0' dynamite.’
to draw the northerner only the more
closely to her. She was mistaken. He like so many men in the risin' busi­
left the city the next morning without ness. lie never did know what he rlz
a call or a line of adieu. When she for!” Atlanta ('onsti:ution.
realized what she had done she bitter­
Health Recipe.
ly rued her folly. She waited a year,
One time a 111:111 nsk< I the [met Izing-
hoping that he would relent; but, fail­
ing to bear from him, there was noth­ fellow how to be healthy, and this Is
ing for her to do but complete the part the answer ho received:
Joy. temperance and repose
she had played by marrying Warfield.
Slam the door on the doctor's nose.
The only comfort remaining to her
was to send her wedding cards to the
man she really wanted.
Republican Hds
Bring Results
Such is the popular verdict of our
Advertisers. Mr. Business Man, you
will do well to try the Republican
columns, as it is read by practically
everyone in this city. Get in the game
CI iinm
1 * 1 < 11111 » 111 ix
of oil lc hills
of I’rlecM
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Buy Lots in
Just Ea st of the Depot
Can you find a better investment in the city? You are
paying the present value price and will thus secure
the benefit of the increase