CITY HORN—Tuesday, July 9, 11*07, to Mr. and Mr«. Frank Fax, a ion. BRIEFS FOUND- A lull o( clothe«. Kuh, Nathan A Fisher make, *plend««i mater­ C. H. Clendenning has purchased the ial and late«! pattern. You can get it at East End Stables from Bousing A Hen- the Boston Store, where all price« are nett. always right.- t FOR SALE—240 acres of land seven J. F. Nowlin ha« gone to Portland on miles la-low Keuo on the river. One a tour of investigation. million rive hundred thousand feet of Mr. and Mr-*. Guy Henniker, ol Port­ timber on the place. Good range. En­ land, who have been vi«iting relative« quire of Jack Connolly, Keuo, Oregon, I or come to ranch and take a took here for the past few week« returned to their home Monday. around. 7-11-ti C. D. " ilson and R. H. Vining are on- ,1 A « \ I I II I V II • and • I 1 VS wife " 11' .1. » D. Church returned 141 last * Wednesday from their honeymoon trip joving hie at Pelican Biy and vising with each other to see who cull land the 1 to the south. largest trout. The Boaton Store is going out of busi­ FOR SALE—At a bargain: One 12- ness ami as a consequence bus cut the lii fool beader; three header beds; one price on every article ill the store. I. you want anything m the clothing, iliy- wagon. L. 1>. Ward, Title latke, Ore. ■> gixals, hat, shoe or any other line, now MARRIED—In lioiiaiiia, Tuesday is the time to get it and save money, f July 2. James W. Colahan ami Miss Emil Egert came in from his ranch to Grace Clanton, J. O. 1 lamaker.justice ol " the |a-aceofficiating. s;>eml the Fourth with hisold friend«. Frank Ankeny and Zim Baldwin left We can make a few small loans on real ( estate security. Mason A Slough. 7-11-tt f°r •'iPr‘lllf Creek Wednesday, where they ex|>eet to remain lor several »lays Mrs. Wing of Ashland was the guest ' f cnj1>y the splendid fishing of that I of Mr. and Mrs. L. J bco I m during th*'M^tivn. past week. 1 FOR SALE— 320 acres, & mile« from I-ead Arsenate for spraying at Star town: 100 acres limiter; estimated to run I Drug Store. $ 1’4 million«—(1,000. J. F. Croft. 8-27 If A. A. Cunningham cauie in from Mis« Elsie Gates went to Ashland this I Salem Sunday. week for the pur|s>se of attending the The government says that Conlinen- summer Normal. i tai whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor- J. E. Murray, A. D. Miller and a ! mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure couple of friends who are here from for it is put up under its supervision in Portland left for Crater l.ake Wednes­ I bonded warehouses. Sold by C. D. day morning. Willson. t •‘Every drop pure,” ie what can lie Miss Lyle Watson returned to her said of Continental whiskey. Water home in Ashland, where she will spend Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. several weeks on vacation. V. R><-. .-old by C. 1». Will-on. $ Gasoline at the Star Drug Store, $ Hardware I ** I I I II * flnKenv’s < Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Toys !; All the latest Newspapers and Magazines • i Long Lake Lumber Co. .Manufacturers of All Kinds of LUMBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, Baud sawing and Turning, PHONE Builder's Hardware Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Blu and Royal Graniteware Tin, Wood and Willoware Sporting Goods Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Mrs. Hattie Wilson left for Ashland FOR SALh—l-rootn cottage near high ! school; |12tW; Mason A Slough. § Sunday morning, where she goes to at­ W. K. Brown ami C. N. Hawkins re- tend the Chautauqua. turne-l Sunday to their homes in Hol­ C. K. Noel has leased his feed store to lister. Martin Bro«., and expects to leave next i Small tract« of well located tule marsh ! Tuesday with hi« family (or a trip to lands offer*«! for one week at <2U per California, to is- gone all summer, acre. Abel Adv. 4 Mrs. Johnson, who ba* lx-en visiting who have her son, Glen Johnson, expects to re- W. H. North and family, been visiting in Portland, returned t,,rn *“ *,er home in Palouas, Wash., I this week. home Monday. suit 1 Joseph Kingsley of Fresno, Cali!., is Now is the time to get your I visiting friends in this city. It has Cal! at the Boston More for it. been fifteen year« since Mr. Kingsley Charles W. Sherman, Sr., was do» Il has been in Klamath Fall», and when from I*airy for the Fourth. he struck Maiu street he did not know The Farmers Implement A Supply where he was. House will lie pleased to «bow you their George T. Baldwin ha« recently l>een new stock of Bikes, Road Wagon«, Bug­ appointed local agent for the Ashland gies and Spring Wagons. tf Iron Works and will he pleased to give kinds of repairs am! Henry Conn returned this wee ¡k from 9uu,a,'o,”‘ machinery. tf his home in Roseburg. He is here to Mrs. R. F. Horning went to Ashland look after bi« ranch, which he has seed- ! Monday to attend the Chautauqua. ed thia year. Mosf complete line of PIPES to select from 0dd~Sized Doors and Windows a Wc are not so old, but we have got the GOODS and our PRICES are right Specialty 301 t Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 M ASON & S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS Æ choice line of Invest« niente flint virili niuke tl»c? ptirelioMcr money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages Get your suit at the Boston Store. Do you know that I have all kind« Mark The price is right atol the goods are of property for sale at a bargain. there. ♦ L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. $ While engaged in the fireman ’ s con ­ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston have test, C. B. Crisler had his foot injured returned from San Francisco and Sacra- , mento. Mi»» Clara McCurdy, Mr. and a« a result is oblige»i to use crutches. MASON & SLOUGH FOR SALE—One of the best houses Johnston’s cousin, come with them to ‘ in Klamath Falls; *3600; easy terms spend the summer. § See Ady for marsh land«. i | Mason A Slough. N. C. Brigg« and J. B. Schofield, of I Colonel ami Mrs. II. H. Sargento! the Sunset magazine, spent several days Texas arrived here Tuesday oq a visit in the Spring creek country fishing. to Capt. O. C. Applegate. Mrs. Sargent There wa« only one result when such is a sister of Capt. Applegate. g » lot . of fine driving, . Mrs. FOK . , A. C. ,• Beals, „ ’ who , went to Port- , draught , . and . saddle in horses, i . land for the Rose at a once' . , , Fiesta and to visit ¡n i»., .,. .. . ! friends, returned home Sunday. that will sell them. Phone or write to z Emma Block Chitwood öfuä Co. office supplies Fine Stationery legal blanks Waterman’s Fountain Pens / , a lit W. 0. HUSON, Manager I.iskev Bros., Dairy, Oregon. Swan 1 Pitch Forks, Jackson Forks, Rop«-, Lake ranch 18 miles from Klamath Falls. ' Cable, etc., etc., at the Farmers Imple- tf 1-24-Cmo. 1 ment A Supply House. The high school girls had a picnic on Mrs. George S. Nickerson, her two the Lower lake Monday on the steamer daughters, Mabel and Jessie, and Mis« * Klamath. They were chaperoned by ; Grace Nickerson, all former resident« of * * Mesdames Woodbury, Fell and Faught. ' this city, arrived here Monday from * Luncheon was served, game« dere Reno, Nevada, for a visit with relatives * played and the chaperones, a« well a« ' and friends. * Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? the young iolk«’, had a most delightful ' On receipt of two cents in stamp« I The difference in cost of a good fence and * lime. will send descriptive literature of Klam­ For Pump«, Pumps ami Pumps go to ath County to any albires«.— Mark L. a poor one is so small that it pays to buy the Farmer» Implement heavily interested in Klamath realty, is rea»ly under waler, within 8 miles of I here for the purpose ol looking over hie town. H7.W per acre. Mason A Slough.§ holdings. Well Fenced Farm f * * * BISHOP’S \ J Furniture Store ■ <• l> j is the place to furnish your house J Don’t send your money to outside dealers * I will guarantee to save you money on a bill of goods If yon MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a 1e' ter to our wliolesale houses, where you can select anything you like. * * GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man 4 F ♦ f 0 Don't forget that I have taken the agency for the entir line of Pianos of the EILER S PIANO HOUSE for Klamad and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the make are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, d f i: for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. All that remains unsaid, just consider that it has been said • • ^ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING? Klamath