Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1907)
Notice Por Publication Notice l'or Publication Notice of Sheriff’s Sate sociirrius 01 Contest Notice ki . amath i alls ASHLAND IRON WORKS Bcpartment of the Interior, United State* United States Land Office, Lakeview, In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon tor United States I.and Office, Lakeview, A.O. U. W Llnkvilie laslge No lit) the County of \\ im o : Land OHlue. l.akevicw, Oregon, June 12.1907. Il.... I- III the \ ' 1 I ’ hail esvi j Oregon, May 16,1907. (Im orporatvd) Oregon, Mav 10, 1907. K. Dorgau, F. IX \me *n«l J. l, Collin*, part K »ufllclenl content alfldavlt having Ix’rn Notice is hereby given that in com nut* under the Arm name of F Ihirgan »V Co.» filed in till» otiles by T. F. Short con Tm.*da« evening. Visiting Brothers al Notice is hereby given that in com ways weleom««. John Vaden, M. W. pliance with the provisions of the act of pliance with the provisions of the act of plaintiff«, v». Charles E Kb|. defeudaut. te»tani. again«! homeatead entry an 9S14, J. \V. Siemens, Rm’order. Action al law to recover money. made May 11. ISW. for SK\ Set*, ja, Tp. Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Evnngvline Lodge No. 88 Degiev of By virtue ot an exccuiiun and order of *ale, Kange II K. by J. V Heaaig. Cunleatee, in act for the sale of timber lands in the act for the sale of timber lands in the duly iuued out of the above «milled court which It 1« alleged that said J. V. Ilv*»lg Honor Lodge meets in the A. <*. IL W. General Job Work States of California, Oregon, Nevada, States of t'alifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and i ante on the 22nd day of September. A. B. ha» ln*en nhasnt from »aid laud and ha« hot hall every second and fourth Thursdays ogive an-t Work« li<-liiisii s< and a |*.|« k . and Washington Territory,” as extend and Washington Territory,” as extend IM» upou a judgment an I order ot »ale duly maintained a re»ldvi^ - thereon «luring the in the month. Nancy N. While. C. ol II. Jesse Marple, Recorder. id month* la»t past; that he never satai» ASHLANO, ORC. ed to all the Public land States by act ed to all the Public latnd States by act made and entered of record tn *aul court and ll»be«t bona tide residence thereon, ha« not cause on the 22ntl day of September. A. H . W.(>. W l.nmiiu« Camp. .' "l W Manulsctarers l-nsumslk Sanlng l!n- of August 4. 1892. Sady Janssen, of of August 4, 1892, Mason 0. Meservey, IWti. in favor «4 the above named plaintiff«, unproved or culm ate I the «ame according to O. W , meets every Tuestlav evening glnr. >•« Milla. Architectural Iran Wark. of Klamath Falls, County id Klamath, Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, K. lh>rgan, F. Devine and J J. Collin«, part law, but ha» legally abandoned »ahi claim for at 7 :30 o'clock at Sanderson'a hall. All I,on. bras« and llron«« tfaallngs State of Oregon, has this day tiled in State of Oregon, has this day tiled in ner« under the Arm name « I K Horgan A more than »lx month« last past, and neighbors cordially invite,!. K«tlnialva iurniahotl Onli'r«|>rom|i|ly tlllr.l that »aid allege«! abaenee from »aid land Company and aaain-st Charlo* F Ebi for the C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk. this office his sworn statement No. 36110, this office her sworn statement No. 3631. GIO. T. BALDWIN, AGtNT sum of |ICO. with interest thereon from the wa« not due to hi« employment in the A. F. A A. M.—Klamath l. slgc No for the purchase of the l.ot 2 of Sec. for the purchase of the s'jtiw1. and 22nd day ot September, V H , Army, Navy or Marine Corpa of the United at the rate 77. Meets Saturday evening on or be No. 3, in Tp. No. 37 S. R No. 10 E W M, ne^sw'a of Sec. No. 14. in Tp. No. 37 of »1* percent |»er annum together with the State* aa a private »oldler, oiflcer, »vamanor (ore the lull moon Ot each month in tln< DR. WM. MARTIN and will offer proof to show that the S. R No. 9 1' W M, and will offer proof plaintiff'» costs and ditburaemeni» laved at marine during the war with Spain or during Masonic Hall. W. T. Shive, W. M. auy other war in which the United State* fl? 10. W. E. Bowdoin, Secretary. tend sought is mare valuable for its to show that the land sought is more Now . therefore, by virtue of the «aid execu • may he engaged, »aid partie« are hereby DENT.IST timber or stone than for agricultural vt’uable for its timber or stone than lion and order of sale 1 will offer for sale at notified to appear. re*pou«l and offer evidence O. E. s. Aloha Chapter No.til, meets purpo-es, and to public auction ami »ell to the highest bidder touching «aid allegation al Io o'clock a. m. on ¡ in the Masonic lir-ll every secoml ami purposes, and to establish his claim to for agricultural i July 21». 19U7, before Geo. Chastain, County i lourth Tne-diiv evenings tn «neb menth. said land before the Clerk of Klamath establish her claim to -aid land before (or cash m hand on Cletk of Klamath Fall«, Oregon, and | Christine Mur loch, W. M. Jennie E. County, Oregon, at Klamath Falls, the Clerk of Klam:', b County, Oregon, SATVRBAY. THE 20th BAY <>F JULY, l.v;, at 2 o’elm k in the afternoon ot »ah! day that dual hearing will be held at io o'clock a. Kcatues, .'»ecretary. Oregon, on Monday, the 5th day of at his office at Klamath Falls. Oregon, at the front door of the court house in the in. on Aug. 3,190?, before the RegUter am! lie 1 I.C..O. F.— Klamath Lodge No, 137 on Monday, the 5th day of August, town of Klamath Fall*. Ur» <t»u. the following «elver at the I l ite«! Stat« -« Land Olliev in 1 meet, « very 8nturdny < veiling in the August, 1907. 1 A. O. L. W. hall. W. II. North, N.ti. described property, a* the propt rtv of said de. Lukev lew, Oregon. w. He names as w itnesses: ATTORNEY AND Che »aid eontv<nnt haxina. In a proper attl I (ieo. L. Humphrey. Secietnrv. * tendant Charie* F. Fbi, to wit: •> F ‘4of N E 'lavit. She names as witnesses: Archie Johnston, Pan Johnston, tile«! May 22. V.MC. »« t 1,»rib ta- ■ « w Ulen ! COUNSELOR AT LAW *4. Svv. :it. tow ushlp 2S, ran««’ *.» E. W M and *how that alter due diligence pcrwotial »rivicr Ewaiiigt Encampment No. t«i, !.<>.<*.I John Janssen. G. Neul»ert, Henry the W %of N U »4 and N W \ofs W '«.See. i «>1 Harry E. Pelti and Frank 11. Hall all this tn»licc can not made, 111» hereby Encampment meets second and iourtli Kf.AM t i ll I Al l s. OREGON Janssen. Frei! Collman and Arthur >5. iu town>inp 2>. rang 9 E. W M. County of ordered amt directed that «itch notice l»e go 1 of Klamath Falls, Oregon. e\i by due and proper publication. Saturdays tn the month tn the ROOMS 7 «18. MURDOCK BLDG Klamath. State of Oregon, together with the Fisher all of Klamath Falls. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse t>-V . I n J. N . )V A FsoN . .tegbter. I A.<*. I W. hall. C. C. Brunei, C. I". Any knd all persons claiming adverse tenements and heredltamants thereunto be ly the above-described lands are request tieo. 1.. Humphrey, Scnls-. longing, and will apply the pro« »••!> ot the Notice for Publication ed to tile their claims in this office on or ly the aliove-describeii lands are request sale in satisfaction of said judgment and a< DR. C. P. MASON I’rosperitv Rebekah Lodge No, It) I United State» Lan t QUlcv. Lakeview, Ore I. O.O. F. meets in the A. O. I . W. ed to tile their claims in this office on crulng costa. before said 5th day of August. 1907. gon, .May IS. I9u7. DENTIST hall everv first and third Thursdays in or l»efore said 5th day of August, 1907. Witness my hand at Klamath Fall«. Klam, 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. Notice I* hereby giveu that tn compliance the month. Francis E. Bovd, N. G, ath County. State of Oregon, this 20th day of in!,.. ,ii kmeriotnBank ATruatftoiaj 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson. Register. with the provision* of the act of Congrc*» of Frankie Hammond, Ntcretary. June. V B. 190?. panv's Building Juue 3 IsTH. entitle«! "An act for the »ale of K. of I*.— Klamath l-odge No. SILAS <»BENi HAIN. Notka-por Publication ! timber land* in the state« of t'alifornia, Ore PHONE 614 6-20—T-ls Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore. Notice for Publication gon. Net and Washington Territory." a* meets in Sander-oti's hall every Mon KLAMATH FALLS OREGON dav evening. lt«-rt Bamlrcr, C. C. United States Land Office, Lakeview. «* ¿tended to all (be Public Land Stale« by act John Y. Tipton. K. of R. and 8. United States Land Office, Lakeview, Notke tor Publication of August 4. ¡«92, Charle-« Ü Adams,ot Klamath Oregon, Mav 18. 1907. M. W. of A.—Ltslgv meets in the Falla, county ot Klamath, State ot Oregon, Notice is hereby given that in com Oregon, May 16, 1907. United States Land OtHce, Lakeview, ha« tiled in thi* office his aworu statement A O. I . W. hall every first and third Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of No. 3S27, for the purcha»c ot the ne‘4ne‘4 See Wednesday in the month. Oregon, May 16, 1107. CIVIL LNGINI I R and SURVliVOK Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An pliance with the provisions of the act of W. II. Mi l.itugldtn, Consul 10 and w ' iüw ’ i oí Sec, No. 11, iti Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An Notice is hereby given that in com W . A . Phelps, Clerk. KLAMATH FALLS act for the sale timber lands in the Tp. No. A* H, R. N o . 9, E W M, Foresters of America—Ewauna Camp, States of California, Oregon. Nevada, act for the sale of timber lands in the pliance with the pruviaions of the act of and will offer proof to »bow that the All kinds engin«*rring ami draughting and Washington Territory,” as extend States of California, Oregon. Nevada, Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An lam! sought i» more valuable for it* timber or N<>. 61, meets in the A O. U. W. hall every secund and fourth Fridays in the »lone than for agricultural purpose«, and to ed to all the Public Land States by act and Washington Territory,” as extend act (or the sale of timber lands in the e-tabllsh hl* claim to »aid lam! tw-ture the ' month. c. D. V n, I B of August 4, 1892, Francis E. Campbell, ed to all the Public Land States bv act Ste’es of California, Oregon, Nevada, clerk ot Klamath county, Oregon, at hu WILL A. LEONARD E. E. Jamison, lice. Sec. of Lorella, county of Klamath, State of of August 4, 1892, Edwin Echtinaw, and Washington Territory,** as extend office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Monday, Women <>! Wooicraft, Enauna Circle Oregon, has this day tiled in this office 1 of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, ed to ail the Public 141 »id States by act the th day ot A igust. 1907 No. t>47. meets everv second and fourth DENTIST He name* a* witnesses: Friday m Sanderson's linll. his sworn statement No. 3639, for the State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in of August 4. 18112, William S. Slough, <’. W Matm y. F R spvncsr. Frank R Molt Mrs. lb.lln- \ irgll, 0 5 \\ ¡throw-Mcihase Huildlng purchase of the w*ssej^ of Sec. No. 9, this office his sworn statement No. 3651, of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, ar.d A. M. Jamison all ot Klamath rali», Oregon. Fraternal Order of Engles meets the w'snel4 in Tp. No. 38 S, R No. 9 E W M, and for the purchase of State of Oregon, has this day filed in Any an«! all per»on* claiming adversely the every Monday evening nt s o'clock in will offer proof to show that the land and ebne1.' of Sec. No. 29, in this office his sworn statement No. 3G23, above-described land* are requested to tile \. 1 ■. i \\ Hall. H i vi». W. C. F. STONE sought is more valuable for its timber Tp. No. 38 S. R No. 10 E W M, for the purchase of the se^nw.^ Lot 3 their claim« in thi* office on or before »aid 5th 1’., < »tt<> Heidrich, Sec. and will offer proof to show that the day of August. ItOT. ATTORNEY AT LAW or stone than for agricultural purposes, i. W M J N WATSON. Register, t and to establish his claim to said land land sought is more valuable for its e^sw l4 of Sec. No. 34. in Tp. No. 38 S, 1 OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE before the clerk of Klamath county, timber or stone than for agricultural K No. 10 E \\ M, and will offer proof Oregon, at bie >ffice at Klamath Falls, purposes, and to establish his claim to to show that the land sought is mon*' Notice ix hereby given that there are Oregon, on Tr sday, the 6th day of said land before the Clerk of Klamath valuable for its timber or stone than for fnnda in the County Treasury for the County, Oregon, at his office at Klam August, 1907. agricultural purposes, anti to establish reil.-mption of Klamath County »ariant- ath Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday,the 7th He names at itnesses: his claim to said land Indore the Clerk No. 14518 ittnl No. 14519 protested on E. WHITLOCK T. F. Nicholas, A. M. Jamison, Sila* day of August, 1907. of Klamath County, Oregon, at his office Noveiuber5, 190I. Interest on the same He names as Witnesses : UNDERTAKER Obenchain and A. R. Campbell all of at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Monday, willcea-«* from this date. LAND SURVEYOR. J.JY. Tipton, J. Y. Johnson, Oscar AND EMBALMER Klamath Falls, Oregon. the 5th day of August, 1907. Date-1 at Klamath’Falls, Oregon, this Any and all persons claiming adverse North and M. H. Wampler all of fie names as witnesses : Holder uí ¡.ic*»n»»v N«> 17J. 23rd day of May, 1907. ly the above-described lands are re Klamath Falls, Oregon. B. W. Mason, W. !L M. - . W E. L. A lv a L kmis , KÎ.AMATII FALLS. OKlJiON Any and all persons claiming adverse quested to file their claims in this office Faught and J. B. Mason ail uj Klamath KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Treasurer of Klamath County, Ore’. ly the above-described lands are re on or before said 6th day of August, Falls, Oregon. quested to file their claims in this office 1907. Any and ah peraon- claiming adverse on or before said 7th day of August, 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. ly the above-deacribetl lamia are request 1907. ed to tile their claims in tbit office on 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. or liefore Hai«l 51h day ot Auxu.-t, 11ÄJ7. 5 23—7-25 J. N. WAT«<ON, l^effieter. Notice for Publication ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS Office over Klamath County Bank C. C. BROWER E. B. HENRY Treasurer’s Notice MELVIN D. WILLIAMS Klamath Falls, Oregon COUNTY SURVEYOR Civil and Irrigation Engineer, East Main St., below 4th "United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore- gon, June 15.191/7. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory."’ as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4,1892. Myra V. Slough, of Klamath Falls,county of Klamath,State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn state ment No. 3721, for the purchase of the sar'i sw'/4 Sec. 34. Tp. 38 8. K 10 £ W M, and Lol 4 of Sec. No. 3, in Tp. No. :» 8, K No. 10 ■ W M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his office at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Wednes day. the 4th day of September, 1907. She names as witnesses: Burge W. Mason. W. H. Mason. W. E. Faught and J. B Mason all of Klamath Falls. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their Claims in this office on or before said 4th day of Sept., 1907. 6-20--8-22 J. N. WATSON. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Lakeview. Oregon, May 16, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timlier lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Auzu-t 4. 1''''-’, .h-hn Y. Tipton, of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon, has tt'i day tiledin bis office his sworn etale ent No. 3657, ar the purchase of the -of 3 of Sec. io. 1, in Tp. No. 37 8. i No. 10 E W M, and will offer proof tG show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or atom- than for agricultural ‘ purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office at Klam ath Faile, Oregon, on Wednesday the 7th day of August, 1907. He names as witnesses: Oscar North, AV. M. Lasbua, C. B. Notice for Publication Clendening and John H. Hamilton all United States Land office, Lakeview, Ore of Klamath Faile, Oregon. gon, June 15, 1907. Any and all persons claiming adverse Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress«! ly the above-described lands are request June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the sale of ed to file their claims in this office on or timber lands In the States of California, Ore-1 gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as before said 7th day of August, 1907. 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Augu«ta J. Hayden, of Klam ath Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn Notice for Publication statement No. 3695. for the purchase of the ' United States Land Office, Lakeview, swJise>4 Sec. 6, e%ne}£ nw*^ne^ of Sec. No. 7, in Tp No. 37 8. R No. 10. E W M, Oregon, May 16, 1907. and will offer proof to show that the land Notice is hereby given that in com sought is more valuable for its timber or pliance with the provisions of the act of or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office act for the sale of timber lands in the at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, 3rd day of Sept., 1907. and Washington Territory,” as extend She names as witnesses: Wm. Lashua, P. R. Goodwine, Elmer I. Ap ed to all the Public Land States by act plegate, B. E. Hayden, all of Klamath Falls, of August 4, 1892, Christine Seaquist, of Oregon. Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, Anv and all persons claiming adversely the State of Oregon, ha- this day filed in bove-described lands are requested to file eir claims In this office on or before said 3rd this office her sworn statement No. 3605, ly of hept., 19*27. for the purchase of the w'.nti1. and 6-27-8-29 J. N. WATSON, Register. tie’^sw1. of Sec. No. 9, in Tp. No. 38 S, R No. 9 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the land s night is more val Notice of Final Settlement uable for its timber or stone than for n 'he matter cf the Estate of Nyron 8. agricultural purposes, and to establish Drew, deceared. Notice is in reby given that Mary A. her claim to said land before the Clerk Draw, administratrix of the estate ci of Klamath County, Oregon, at his Nyron 8. Drew,deceased, has filed in the , office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on County Court of State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, the final account of Monday, the 5th day of Angus*, 1907. She names aa*witnessee: her ad ini niât ration of said estate ami that the Court han fixed Saturday the D. B. Camptcell, Henry Janssen, Win. 27th day of April, 1907, at the hour of S. Worden and J. C. Smith all of Klam 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day a- ath Falls, <Iregon. the time for hearing the objections to Any and all persons claiming adverse said account and the settlement thereof. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, tin- ly the a>s>ve-<les<-ribed lands are re quested to file their claim- in thi- office 28tli dav of March. 1907. MARY A. DREW, on or before said 5th day of August, Administratrix of the estate of Nyron S. 1907. ( 5-23—7-25 J. N. Watson, Register. Drew, deceased. Notice for Publication For a Short United State* Land Office, Lakeview, Ore gon. May 16. Iav7. Notice 1» hereby given that in con-plianC«* w ith the provision« of the act of Uongre«« of June 3, 1H7M. entitled “An act for the »ale ot timber land* In the State* ot t'aliforn;*. Ore- ' gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” an extended to ail the Public I.and Ktato by act , of Augu»t 4, 1*92, Noah Ednie, ot Solon, county of »ulenowo, state of Michigan, ha* this day filed in thi* office hi* sworn state ment no . 8M1, for the purchase of the nw'-.sw’* and wUnw'4 ot Sec. No. 2» In Tp no . 37. S, K No. 9 E. W .M. and w ill offer proof to »how that the land sought 1» more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, at his office at Klamath Fall*, Oregon on Tues day, the 6th day of August, 19(J7. He names a» witnesses*. John H. Collman, J. F. Coft, W’m Good and Mont White all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any and»all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before sai«l 6th day of August, 1907. 6-23-7-25 • J. N. AT8ON, Register. Time! — lots = I Near the New School House Notice for Publication United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon. May 16,1907 Notice I. hereby given that In compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,1879, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a, extended to all the Public Land State, by act of August 4. 1892, Joseph Burkirt, ot Ingot, , county of Shasta. Mate of California, lias this 'lay filed in this office his sworn state ment No. 3524, for the purchas«! of the e’inw!4 neJ4»w)i and tiw'.-e!^ of Section No. 17, in Town-blp No. 36 s, Kange No. 10 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor it. timber or stone than for agricultural purpose«, and to establish his claim to said land before the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his ; office at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Wed nesday, the 7th day of August, 1907. He names as witnesses: J. II. Groves of Ingot. Cellfornia. Archie Johnston, C. Li. Wilson and T. H. Shannon all of Klamath rails, Oregon. Any and all person, claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file ' tbelr claims in this office on or before said 7th i day of August, 1907. J. N. WATSON. Register. ' 6-23 -7-25 • Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land office, at Lakeview, Oregon. June 13, I9U7 Notlce Is hereby given that Edmond F. Weekly of Fort Klamath tire., ha, filed notlee of his Intention lo make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Horn« stead Entry No. 2640 made .May 25, 1902, for the Ixit.luand liBec.lU, Tp.3lS.R7'; E W M. and that said proof will be made before the c lerk of Klamath county, Ore., at hl, office nr Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 7th day ol , August, 1907. IL-names tin following wllm---« , to proc hi. continuous resldc-nce upon, and cultlva- I lion of, the land, viz: Lindsey c . Six. more. Wm. E. Ml, I-alt . Warren J'. Ilingdon end -amuel D. Klugd u> , all ol El. K.amain, Orc-gon. J. N. WATSON, 6-20-t-l Register. « « in. Grandview Addition to BONANZA — I'OR $75— On Easy Terms GERBER Ä McKENDREE Owners E. B. HALL, Ac.nsr Klamath lull« J. I . BRISCOLI., A.. ent Bonanza