KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KLAMATH WATER USERS ASSOCIAI ION Secretary's First Quarterly Statement E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ■ third lear. Beginning April 8. 1Q07 and Ending July o, 1007. RECEIPTS: Collected (rotu ii-»v«»iiieiit». receipt» I L'«7 ro 1354, inclusive ......... |134 > Oregon stats corporation tax refunded..................................................... 4‘. hi Pure Milk Pure Cream Pure Buller Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. flMl DISBURSI MENIS: Director’s per diem and expense*. .................... Secretary's »alary.................................................... Attorney'» salary .................................................. California corporation tax.............. ................ Office and hall rent.................... ................. Postage.... ....................................... ....... . ... . . Printing .................................................................. Stationery........... .. ,jt............................................ Telephone.......................................................... . . . Office furniture and fixtures......... .................... Assessments refunded............................................ Recording fee*......................................................... Miscellaneous expen-e, ....... .... .... )ih> E4ery Detail olOur hairy 1« '■‘unitary, insuriiig the Purity and Healthfulness of Our Products. ALTAMONT DAIRY The general concensus of opinion re­ KE NO garding the program to We followed dur­ ing the stay of Secretary Garfield and keno is situated in the Soutl e ti PHON his coterie of assistants is that one part of Klamath County, on the thing should | rjdominate, boosting. Klamath river, at the terminus of We should boost the Klamath country as it has never been boosted before. navigation. Two steamers land here; This does not mean that a ]u»rson mail, express ami passengers are should go beyond the bounds of tacts, transferred from the stage to the for that is not necessary. The truth is Iroat at this point. Adjoining Keno good enough for anyone, ami if that 1» on the west is a large In-lt of Umber, presented to the Secretary, he will have and on the east is a large body of Total Expenses........................... . .............. marsh lands. Near Keno, on the a letter idea of the greatnes« of things river, is immense water power. Tele­ Warrants over-issued at beginning of quarter ... here. phone connection» with xll parts of Balance cash on bun 1 ............. ....................... Another thing that should not pre-1 the country. Has a good school, two store« and two saw mills. dominate, and which, in fact, should be conspicuous by its total absence, is ELMER I. APPLEGATE, Mrs. Atkins was laid to rest in the kicking. For the ]>ast year this section Secretan Klamath Water ('«ers \««o. citen. Keno cemetery last w eek, she died of would remind one of a mule in action­ kick, kick. kick. The time of the Sec­ heart failure. Content.« of July "Success Magazine" Mrs. 11. L. Smith (the blind lady) retary should not be consumed by those FORI' KLAMATH who have fault to find. He will have started to Portland Monday to visit rela­ Roosevelt—Democrat, by Robert Loe all he can do if he will get time to lis­ tives. She will l>e away two or three Dunn. ten to the good things that ought to l>e month». Ruth Doten accompanied her Fort Klamath is located in the The moonshiners, IL S. Cooper. told him and the requests that will be to the railroad. northern part of Klamath county, An eighteen hour swim, W. G. Fitz­ made of him. There may be some William Smith, the man who run the and is in the center of what is recog­ Gerald. petty things to kick about, but the Sec­ engine last summer in the Keno saw­ nized as the Switzerland of America. Key West, Illi)Hirted Wines and Liquors A quart of turquoises. Henry t Milner retary is not the man to listen to them, mill. is back to the Klamath basin. He In close proximity to Crater Lake and Rideout. and Domestic Cigars of Choice Vintage and the person who is foolish enough to reports having been in a train wreck on surrounded by the greatest natural "Play ball!" Henry Reach Needham. attempt it will ascertain that he was , the S. P. R. R. and narrowly escaped and scenic wonders on the continent, The iH-ranitiulating house, Elliott barking up the wrong tree. He is here .death. it will, within a few years, lie one of Flower. THE on a special mission and that mission is the greatest tourist resorts on the Roliert Gallahue Todd, Wilbur Nes­ Mr. Kerns, the capitalist, returned to Pacific coast. too important to be interfered with by bit. the cock and bull stories of some theor­ bis home in Chico, Calif., last Sunday. The wireless telegraph bubble, Ftank ist who thinks he knows better than Fourth of July excitement this year Favant. A man. whose name we did not learn, SERVES A anyone else in the world how things 1 cut his leg severely about the knee. He lasted until Sunday night with the usual I "I had a friend”, Orison Swett Mar- ought to be done. Department officials was brought to Keno the other day and amount of war dances, l»attle.» and horse den. are used to running up against such the Steamer Klamath took him to racing. The weather ba« been unusual­ The road to heart’s desire, Edna S. kickers, and when they put in their ap­ Klamath Falls to be treated by Dr. ly fine, with the exception of Saturday I Valentine. AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT afternoon, when a shower and hail pearance there is generally something Maston. Ghosts of the ditch, Alfred Damon storm broke over the valley flooding 1 Runyon. doing. The Snowgoose boys have struck an every tent and the grounds to a depth However it is not likely that there The sanitary home, Claudia Quigley extremely rich gold mine in Nevada. of about four inches. First-Cla»» Cuisine Perfect Service will be any fault-finding done. Murphy. ■ Mr. Barrett, who was formerly a host­ Training the baby, Christine Terhune I S tkwakt A l.VuXa, Prop's W. II. Dt't.AXsr, Manager l’p to the present we have beard of no ler for the Oregon Mage Co., is also in Herrick. casualties. The small boy in this vicin­ Much criticism is being indulged in the strike. otli<-e bovs I’ve met, Montague Gia«« by the press generally over the proposed i A splendid rain fell last Saturday and ity seems to have escaped all right. quarantine to be established by the state vegetation U booming. The Klamath Falls boys came up with of Texas against those afflicted with con­ Mr. Wampler and played the Agency Wan ted-Bids for Clearing One of the Hover girls at Shovel sumption in its advanced stage. This bovs. with the usual result, 7»to 12 in criticism has taken on a vein of denun­ Creek is now cook at the hotel. favor of the Falls. Both sides, how­ ciation ag tit s wba' it chooses to term, Persons who will contract to clear ever, did some very pretty work. the inhumanity of the Board of Health sagebrush ami plow ground are invited [This letter was received too I late for of Texas. There is another side to the The Margaret Iles Company »bowed t<> «iibtnit bills for doing the w«>rk on an publication last week.] question, that has been overlooked. ' here for the first time Sunday night in acreage basis. Land to be cleared along Mrs. Day is on the sick list. F rank I ka W hite . HL’.OO l’ICIV YICA1V These unfortunates have been pouring the "Two Sisters” and our anticipa­ Macadam Road. into Texas for many years. The most Clis Reader is having his house tions were rm re than realized. Each stringent sanitary laws have lieen passed ■ painted. Robbins is doing the work. member of the company being an ac­ by the state, relative to the disposition Mr. Reader may well be proud of his complished artist and the specialties of of the sputum, particularly against its! home. Miss Stanton and Mi— Brandon were being deposited on the streets and side especially pleasing. Monday evening The box social last Friday evening walks. Every consumptive knows that was a success. The proceeds were they played Fanebon the Cricket, in these laws exist and they further know alout f2>), which goes to buy a school which Maggie Mitchel gained her fame that every time they violate them they j bell. The program was good and the vears ago. In the Two Sisters and endanger the lives of those who have , dance which followed was better. All Ianchon Miss lie» »bows nicely her escape«! the scourge of the dreaded dis­ great power as an emotional actress, enjoyed themselves. — ESTABLISHED 1075 — ease. But ex'eryone who has ever visited every word and action being distinct and Charley Nelson went to the Falls that section of the country knows that j pleasing, she was well supported. Joe as a rule these invalids absolutely ig­ Monday to make final pri»>f on his Thompson. a« Mother liidot, was the nore these precautions. Some have homestead. J. L. Padgett and Albert most realistic witch we have ever seen, even been known to go out of their way Shur went along as witnesses. while .Mr. Meade can make any fool to violate them, and it has been this Ira Hansen is putting up a new house ashamed of himself. selfish disregard of the rights and com­ and also a pair of stock scales. He will Harry I'eltz and party were visitors forts of others that has forced Texas to be prepared to weigh almoat anything. here during the past week. threaten the adoption of so stringent a I Frank Nelson is hauling log» and put­ measure a« exclusion. If the quaran­ Our enterprising townsman, Louis ting them in the mill pond. tine is established no one will be to Hessig, Las beeu subjected to a »light 1 blame but those who are afflicted, for . Bun Griffith and T. O. Hague from .affliction, which is rapidly passing oft. . they have done the least to prevent the , Odessa were in Keno taking a look at We hope it will be many years liefore it | spread of the desease. the country. visits him again. Mr. Dyre has expressed a desire to quit the hotel business. Now is a good The Power Project Bad Break time for someone to make application for the Keno hotel. There is much speculation up and To the indefatigable labors of the down the coast as to what the Southern New Firm gopher is due a sixty-foot break in i the , Pacific is going to do with the power main canal. The break occurred 1 near ' that is to be generated near Spencer’s. the home of Frank Ira White, on the That it is going to be one of the largest The Wright-Milla Company is the East Klamath Falls tract, Sunday night . individual power plants in the United latest addition to the business firms of at 11 o'clock. The roar of the escaping States is a certainty, for the plans call this city. It is successor to the firm of wateW attracted the attention of Mr. for the raising of the river thirty feet, Horning & Casey. John W. Wright, White and he notified the authorities. , its conveyance through a ditch lor a the bead of the new company, comes The headgate» are shut down each night distance of five and one half miles and here from Los Angeles, and is a practic­ and there was nothing to do but to wait its precipitation about four hundred ing attorney. W. J. Mills is secretary the emptying of the big ditch, Up­ feet. This immense fall with the enor­ ami treasurer. It is the intention of wards of fifty acres of alfalfa were de-! mous quantity of water will develop the company to engage in the real estate stroyed. sufficient power to make it one of the and investment business and abstracts Early Monday morning preparations most notable plants in the world. and certificates of title, in both of which were made for the immediate repair of But the all-importantquestion is what the members have had wide exper­ the break anil the entire force of men at are they going to du with it. The first1 ience. They are gentlemen of recog­ the command of the Service were turned inkling along this line was given by Gen­ nized integrity ami come here with flat­ on the work and every effort will be put eral Managei Krutschnitt while in San tering endorsements ami are certain to forth to close up the gap in the shortest ■ Fruncisco the latter part of last week meet with a most cordial welcome. possible time. How long it is going to | when he stated that his company had take i» problematical, for it occurred in great things in store for the Bay City, a rather difficult place to repair, ,but[five City Warrants the greatest of which was the electrifi­ days will probably suffice to put it in cation of the Oakland branch. There is condition. Notice is hereby given that there are only one place from which they can se­ These breaks may Ire looked for turn­ cure sufficient power to do this work funds in the town treasury for the re- ing the first year or two until the ditch and that is their Klamath power plant. demption of the following warrants : Irecomes thoroughly settled. That the 1514 1499 150« The manner in which they are rush­ gophers are a continnal menace is well 1515 1500 1507 ing to completion the California North­ known and every effort will be put for­ 1601 eastern and the indications of similar 1508 1510 ward to exterminate tfie pests. This is 1511 1-502 activity on the Natron-Klamath Fall« 1517 a matter that the department of agri-' 1512 1518 1503 branch again brings prominently to the culture has devoted much time and 1504 1513 1519 front the determination of the S. P. to ¡attention to. and it is now believed that 1505 make tiie main line to Frisco through a solution of the problem ha» been found , Interest on above warrants ceases by inoculating'them with disease germs. ' this city and the practical abandonment of the Siskiyou and Cow Creek canyon June 27,1907. Where this ha- been tried it has proven Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this very efficacious, and may lie tried here , line, thus placing Ashland, Medford and Agent Firemans Fund Insurance Corporation that section on a branch. It is the in­ 27th day of June, 1ÍMJ7. unless the methods of extermination are ( J. W. S iemens , City Treasurer. tention of the S. P. to eventually oper­ successful. ate their lines Ire tween Portland ami I L ater —Water w turned in t<»!av. Fan Francisco by electricity and they For Down-to-Date Printing call at the propose to get the power for that pur­ Republican, or phone and we will call ■ Fdbscribe for the Republican pose from the Klamath river. on you. We print everything. FREE ELECTRIC IRONS Klamath Falls Light and Water Company M iDWAY B ar MERCHANTS’ LUNCH I GEO. T. BALDWIN HARDWARE and AGRICUL­ TURAL IMPLEMENTS Builder’s Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies, Iron Pipe, Iron, Steel, Horse Shoes Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware, Graniteware DEERING MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS AND BINDERS Prices greatly re­ duced on Mowers and Hay Rakes Complete Stock of Extras always on hand Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Linoleum Glass, Doors and Windows Silver-plated and Solid Silverware Studebaker Buggies and Wagons AGENT ASHLAND IRON WORKS KLAMATH FALLS, - - - OREGON