Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
FOUND—A ault of clothes. Kuh, ' Nathan A Fisher make ; aplended mater ial and latest pattern. You can get it at Gasoline at the Star Drug Store. i the Boston Store, where all prices are t The Button Store i* going out of buii-, always right. ties* and as a consequence ha» cut the Mr. and Mrs. Lon Story were in the price on every article in the »tore. It city Saturday. you want anything in the clothing, dry-i FOR SALE -Ala bargain: One 12- goods, hat. shoe or any other line, now foot header; three header Iwda; one ii the time to get it and save money, t wagon. I.. 1». Want, Title l ake, Ore. Watches. L. Alva Lewia. The Ladiea of the M. E. Church will E. D. Whitney and ('apt. McIntire ar serve ice cream ami lunch over the 4th, rived in this city Sunday. lieginning the afternoon of the 3rd. Lead Arsenate lor spraying at Star Place—the vacant room adjoining Drug Store. § j Nowlin and Croft's real estate otlice. FOR SALE— 12 four-year-old mules; Misses Evelyn and Beeaie Applegate all broken. Inquire at this otlice. $ left for Oakland Sunday Morning. Regular services are being held every The government save that Con li lien-1 tai whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor evening in the First Baptist church by mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure Rev. Mr. and Mr*. Wrislev. Mrs. for it is put up under it» supervision in Wrislev is considered one of the best bonded wanheuse*. Sold by ('. D. i evangelists on the coast. Come and hear her. WI aoa. 4 FOR SALE—320 acres, 5 miles from FOR SALE—4-room cottage near high town; 100 acres timber ¡estimated to run school; 11300; Mason A Slough. i 1‘4 millions—*1,000. J. F. Croft, rt-27 if Dr. Harrv Irwin, who recently has Major Worden has purchased a piece made heavy purchases in Klamath I of property in Fort Klamath from Mr. ! county real estate, has decided that he . Hcssig. It is his intentiou to erect will come here and locate permanently. j thereon a bungalow which he will oc Small tract* of well located tule marsh cupy several months each year. With land* offerer! for one week at >20 per ' his new auto he will experience no trouble in reaching it on schedule time. I acre. Abel Adv. § CITY I B VYING YOl’R JEWELRY OR HAY- ing your work done at HEITK.EM PER’S will surely result in your be ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as fine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments, Phonographs, Records. Supplies, Strings, Sheet Music. Etc. A big o line to select from. Send for catalogue. 1 Pay the Freight City Prices G. HEITKEMPER. JR. Republican Block Klamath Falls, Ore BRIEFS “Every drop pure." is what can Is Mr. Schofield, botanist in the employ of the Department of Agriculture of the sa id of Continental whiskey, Water United States, is here, having been de- 1 Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. ) I laved for the purpose of making investi- A . Rye. Sold by C. D. Willson. I I'gat ions for the Reclamation Service Just arrived at Alva Lewis’s, new I i wherever experimental farms are to be line of jewelry. ♦ II installed. His work here will be along George T. Baldwin has recently been * that line, and when he finishes the Ser appointed local agent for the Ashland vice will be able to carry out its plans J relative to the experimental farm* that Iron Worksand will l>e pleased to give quotations for all kinds of repairs and 11 are to be started here. machinery. tf • Now is the time to get your suit. Get your suit at the Boston Store. 1 Call at the Boston Store for it. t I 1 | The price is right and the goods are T. H. Humphervs, formerly Project1 there. ♦ I Engineer of the Klamath Project, and i Tiie 500 club was entertained at the J now in charge of the immense Sacra- | home of Mrs. R. 8. Smith when Mrs. I men to Project, arrived here tins week I George Noland won the prise. on private business. He has a host of friends here who gave him a warm wel-' FOR SALE—One of the Lest houses come. Mr. Humpherys is one of the in Klamath Falls; *3T»J0; easy terms; $ coming engineers of the country and Ins , Mason A Slough. ability ha* received ample recognition Mrs. John S. Shook, who has been from the government, chief ot which is I visiting relatives and friends in Port placing him in charge of the Sacramento ' land for the past several weeks, rv- Project, which will lie the largest of any i turned home Saturday. As a result undertaken by the Reclamation Service, Mr. Shook is the happiest man in the and in some respects the greatest ever county, ami he states without reserve- undertaken by any nation in the world. ! tion that bachelor life is not what it il He will probably return to Sacramento cracked up to lie. this week. Anv one wanting property of any The Farmers Implement A Supply 'kindin Southern California or if you House will be pleased to show you their have property to sell or trade, u rite J. new stock of Bikes, Road Wagons, Bug E. Paddock, Klamath Falls, Oregon. I gies and Spring Wagons. tf 4-1* tf James M. Emery of Fort Klamath was 1 Hon. George T. Baldwin returned from in the city Sunday on business, return Portland Monday evening. The Judge ing to his home Monday. is inflicted with an aggravated case of Do you know that I have all kinds automania and it is not unlikely that in of property for sale at a bargain. Mark order to perfect a cure he will have to L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. § undergo the operation incident to the purchase of an automobile. See Ady for marsh lands. § FOR SALE—A new five room cottage, If you want to buy a lot in the Fair in a good location; *1000; Mason A view addition No. 2. see me. I have an interesting proposition for you. Al Blough. § Kubes, Klamath barber shop. tf James Driscoll was down from Bonanza E. <». Kilgore, one of I.angvll valley's Wednesday. He left his mustache at leading stockmen was in this city Friday. home. He »ays that he has Iwen talking with FOR SALE.—A lot of fine driving, bis neighl>or stockmen to present the draught and saddle horse*, at a price County Commissioners with a petition that will sell them. Phone or write to asking to have a bounty placed upon Liskev Bros., Dairy, Oregon. Swan panthers as these animals have lieen Lake ranch 18 miles from Klamath Falls. killing stock by the score during the past 1-24-fimo. two months.—Bulletin. Owen McKendree tells the Record that Pitch Forks, Jackson Forks, Rope, he ha* just sold his clip of wool to a Bos Cable, etc., etc., at the Farmer* Imple ton purebser realizing 19J, cents per ment A .Supply House. tf pound at the shearing corrals. Mr. H. W. Straw returned home Saturday. Me Kendree avers that there is more He is assisted in his efforts to get around money in sheep than any other kind of by a pair of crutches. stock, be having realized *10,000 profit (In receipt of two cent* in stamps I off his band last year.—Record. will send descriptive literature of Klam For Pumps, Pumps an<l Pumps go to ath County to any address.—Mark T.. the Farmer? Implement A Supply Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. t) House. tf I Mrs..!. E. Pierce entertained a num If you want anything in the machin ber of her friends Friday afternoon. ery line, see George T. Baldwin, who is Refreshments were served and the I agent for the Ashland Iron Woork*. tf guests had a most enjoyable afternoon, Mrs. Hila« Obenchain and niece re as may lie expecte I with such a charm turned home this week, after a most en ing hostess. joyable trip to California. FOR SALE—4-room house with barn For rings go to L. Alva Lewie. New and wood shed; *1000; Mason A Blough line just arrived. § You will find the largest and most , '! I ' I ' I ' « jinKeny’s * Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Toys I I » • !; All the latest Newspapers and !• Magazines ’ i Most complete line of PIPES to select from Long Lake Lumber Co Manufacturers of All Kinds of LUMBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, AH Kinds of Mouldings, Band sawing and Turning, Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a Specialty PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. 0. HUSON, * f ** *X»I ** * * Manager f Hardware We are not so old, but we have got the GOODS and our PRICES are right Builder’s Hardware Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Blu and Royal Graniteware Tin, Wood and Willoware Sporting Goods Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 - - Emma Block M ASON & SLOU GH ABSTRACTERS Aeliolce line of Invcst- ment» tlifit will iniike flic? isvr money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH office supplies Fine Stationery legal blanks Waterman’s Fountain Pens — BISHOP’S Furniture Store p <» (» 1» (• (» (> <> <> (• *4 *4 $ Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? ♦4 Do you want to buy proj>erty that complete stock of Having and Harvest is the place to furnish your house The difference in cost of a good fence and *4 will lie a gilt edged investment? Buy ing Machinery at the Farmers Imple Don’t send your money to outside dealers ment & Supply House that you have I <> a poor one is so small that it pays to buy ♦4 ! in the Hot Springs Addition ever seen in Klamath County. tf I will guarantee to save you money on +4 FOR SALE — A fine ranch already un a good one. 1 will have <• Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, daughter * ready under water, within 8 miles of Ruby a bill of goods . . . . <» and niece Miss Chambers, who A Carload of Ell wood Fences < • <4 town. *47.50 per acre. Mason A Slough.4 have lieen visiting their daughter, Mrs. If you MHHT go to the citv to buy your furniture let ine give you a let- ( I About May 1 nt. It cost* nothing to examine them, but if <4 W. M. Brown of Astoria was in the R. H. Smith, returned to their home in iter tdonr wholesale house*, where you can select anything you like. 1' you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. city last week for the purpose of looking I Eugene Tuesday morning. *4 Everything that the farmer need*, I have. this field M a possible location for a J +4 I over Do not buy blended whiskey. When J Don't forget that I have taken the agency for the entire I billiard parlor. He is at pyesent in 4* GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man <4 business in Astoria, but that town is get you want pure whiskey see that it is J line of Pianos of the EHER'S PIANO HOUSE for KlaiiLith p 1' „ 4 ting to the point where it is too put up tinder the government’s "bonded 4* warehouse stamp, ” an is the Continen % 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4» *,'r 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* X dead to support a first class establish *>and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes 1' A Well Fenced Farm BERT E. WITHROW Vice-Pref*. & Treas. 2 AI.LEN SLOAN •) Secretary KLAMATH COUNTY AESTRACT COMPANY. INC. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000, FULLY PAID • > / a _. •) ABSTRACT 1l\(j A A I) SURVRYINCl (• tri A MATH cai i < rtDrnnv (• J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ment such as Mr. Brown owns. He tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor sp'-nt several days here and made a mandie rye and F. F. V. rye. Hohl by § thorough investigation of conditions C. D. Willson. ' and at the end concluded that this city H. V. Gates, accompanied by Frank riffcred about the best opportunity in the Anderson, the well known Southern Pa ptate for hi* business. He accordingly cific railway geologist, and Mr. Wardell rented the corner room in the Withrow the chemist, left Monday morning for —Me)ha«e block and left for Astoria Fri- Lake county on a prospecting tour. day to puck up I is equipment and bring I They are traveling under a roving char ter an I limply have their eye out fori he arrive I here, but before he left had anything that needs development with j msde many friends among the business promise of a fair return for the effort IIie„. He ig a good m|Xer lind wi)| ami expense. Their trip may be pro b?,be enlire ductive of much good. are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, or for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. All that remains unsaid, just consider e that it has been said :: :: :: :: B. ST. GEO. BISHOP mne. Residence 66 * 81 Klamalh Falls, Ore. 1' 1' <1 <• i