Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
The Klndneee of the Poor. Art of Reading. The old adage that the poor are the To get the heat out of reading wo twat friend« of tbn f«ir wan Inatanced muut begin early ami work lumi. It la ID tiie atory of a cbamtiermuld. who la an art like music or painting and de a young whlow with two children to mamia Ita atara appretti Icealilp. It re •up|Mirl After n lingering alcknaaa the maina true that a man who knowaouly younger of the children diol, and. the hla own tongue doN not know that— young mother'« bank account liuvlug Chriutlun World. been depleted from defraying the ex- peneeu of the week« of medicine and Wonderful. doctor*« vlaita, alio wan obliged to con Kin«—What inlereatad you moat In tract a debt at the umlertnker'a After your travrla, major? Major Well, the that ahe paid u «mull monthly Inatull* mummy of a queen I auw In Egypt. I meat until the bill wan half aettled. It'a wonderful how they could make u when one «lay there came through the woman dry up and atny that way.— mall a receipt for the remainder. The Philadelphia Inquirer. receipt wua accomplililed by ii badly A fool can talk without knowing written mid blotted note from a »cruli womun In u large uptown hotel, who what ho ought to any. but a wine man'« knew of the trouble, knew the fumlly alienee la due to hie knowing what ha and the clri'timalum ea and In Imr note ought not to aa,'.--Chicago Nana erplulmil that ahe bail no fumlly nor Comfort la but a homely name for near rein five« and that ahe earned enough to aupport heraelf and that alm hiippliiciH- North. wanted to uae thia aurplua money for Petition I or Liquor l.lcenae the little mother, who ncinled all that ■he could make extra to aupport the To the Honorable County Court, of the remaining child An «crab women re state of Oregon, for Klamath County. reive only 50 or 75 rente a day. one We, the undcruigned, reaiilenta ami will readily appreciate the aplrlt which legal voter« of Plevna Precinct, «aid moved oim kind uoul to help another County and state, reapectfully petition Lu dlitreaa I-ealle'a Weekly. that a licence to «ell «pirituou«, malt • nd vinou« liquor«, in le«a quantitiea What Word« Can Do. "Any one who »wear«.” declared the than one galloon, in the precinct afore- bluhop of (*arll«lc. “manlfeat« the t>eg •aid, fora [»eri<»l of «ix month« from garllncHH of hla vocabulary.** The Con tilt Sth day of July, A, l>. 1007, 1« granted to John W. dyer at Keno, in cord Patriot pula It In thin fa«blon: "People «wear l>ecauae they du not ■aid Precinct, ami your Petitioner« will know the |H>»alb1lltlc« of plain Eng- ever pray. Nah or have not the «kill to manipulate Al Decker, Kam deal, John W. Lou it ao that it will yield the amount of den, N. W. Ileal, Harry IL Peareon, You can do almoet •re they want, No Montgomery Sherwood. C M. Mali »on, anytblug with common word«, ■tetter bow tame aud llfelcM they d. J. Junta, Geo. C. Way, Wealey Cole, look atamilng lu atupld rowa ua If I I Poole, E. ('. Bobbin«, R. Curti«, they didn't know enough to come In d. Havilin, J. A. Poole, G. G. Kern«, When It rained, they can t» made to <». F. Sente, A. M. <>ron>*ev, L. A. dance like Imp«. to frolic Ilka fatrlea. Jinkeni, M. Martin, T. X. LeClain, B. to float aiigelwlae on light wmgi. to W. McCormick, If. I.. Chapman, Clin«. glow like tiro aplrtta. They can do Mararow, J. E llernby, A. O. Gillman, ttiluga that make the ordinary tilta of I). I.. Gordon, Eugene Spencer, F. H. Downing, Burk Wilaon, E I Now profanity look like feeble «carecrow« banka, ('. M. Wilaon, Thoma« Wilaon, atlfTened up with a fence Blake. '¡Tic •liner M. Slv, E. II l’<«i|»r, John cure for profanity reformer» and edu Connolly. Jr.. K. A. Emiuitt, G. W. catora phuM* make n note la merely Sorrel«, J. A. Grime«, J. P. Hitchcock, wit enough to bundle your word« ao dan ¡Aden. John Connolly, L N. Kan- that «wearing will »eem like buby tulk derwon, A. W im , Wm. daugherly. D. K. McCollum, Geo. W. Kegg. K. L. Yrnao, lu cumpurlaon.*' ( Ii««. Gordon, J. E Newbank«, (i. Backatrom, L. W. Andenon, C. E. Keeping Pace With the Service. Phillip». Joe B Moore. E«li Morgan, Patron (angrily* — Brin« me aotue Jim Burrie«. George Cha»«*. I). M. lunch. Reatuurnnt Walter But you've Brown. Halon Allen, J. A. Zion, F. T. already ordered a breakfaet. air! Pa Maxwell,! A. Barneburg, C. W. Gra Iron Yea. but It wua breakfast time ham. Hugh Kerwin, A l*m*lav, C. E. Bid iix. Ii. M. Krein, M, I HpoMor, then lr.. W. 1*. PraJock, Fred 1. Chapman, A. I>. Brier, Joe Tote, John Cole, W. H. Coure gel i If you get a Job the finit day yon Ivo« Wall. Notice ih lirrvbv given that the fore, for it dou't be dl»<-enraged. Yon mar going petition will I* prevented to «aid loac It Saturday. Atlanta Journal. County Court on the 3rd day of July, I H«i7. KLAMATH COUNTY BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON E. R. REAMER. Al.EX MARTIS, Preaident Vice-Preaident ALEX MARLIN, Jr Caahier Lakeside Inn, The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County -STATEMENT DEC. 31, 190*1— MKAOl'lU KN ••••••••*• » Ixmno and IMacount« .................................. < >v*-r<lraft» .......... Bondi and Warranta. ............................... Banking >lou»e, Furniture and Fixture« Real Eatnte ....... Pue from Banka.......................................... < Wh !■ Bank • • a 374,343.** W,329.72 MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r W,2b2M Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. 13.H24.30 S.106.W 2M,W2>.»ift 31,191.63 $ I.I A HI LIT I EM ('•pilai Stock, fully r>«id... sur pl u« and Undivided profita.. Individual dejaaiit«, «ubject to check Caahier’« Check« outetandirig . ... demand Certificate« of Ih-]>oeit ........ > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS 13,213.01 514,301 »13 1,034.60, 19,466.4» ___ _____ t »040,076.03 I, Alex Martin, Jr., Caibier of the above named Bank, do eolemnly «wear that the almve itatement ui true to the Imai of my knowledgexnd belief. Air.x M artin , J k ., Caahier. Kubecribed and «worn to before me thia 7tb day of January, 1907. 1». V. Kt VKKNDALL, [■«ALj Notary Public for Oregon. s Every drop Q o Of Old Ci nt inent a I Whiskey Water Hill Whiskey Normandie Rye F. F. V. Rye is as pure as Government inspection can make it. It is bottled in bond under Government su pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso lute purity. Pure City Meat Market is the wor<! that tolls the story, anti when the government places its O. K. on whiskey you may be sure it is pure. Sold by WEISS & ARMAND PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT C. D. WILLSON Wholesale and Retail Dealer AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGESIOF ALL KINDS • <XXXXXXXXXXX> oocxxxxxxxxx» Three Days of Celebration * Big Races Fireworks * * $1500?° sey, Roxey, Sadie S, Dick Rusher, Uncle Tom, and Big Injun. Ì 1 100.000.00 À HOT OLD TIMET Twentv-fivc horses have already been entered for the races, including Miss Agnes, Evergreen, Jack the Ripper, Yankee Bob, Cap, Candis, Sorrel Top- > In Purses, Prizes and Trophies A magnificent pyrotech nic display in the even ing, consisting of a beautiful illumination of aerial pieces, surpassing anything ever seen in this countv. 0 Other Events are being arranged for See the Papers for Particulars A Cordial Invitation Extended to Everyone A MARK L. BURNS, L. ALVA LEWIS, R. I. HAMMOND, Committee I *