Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
Ashland Commercial College, land, Oregon. Ash our students m excellent positions ill Los young men snd women or tin- incoming I Angeles, Portland, Grants Pass, M»-d- This inslitutiou will enter tin- new year | ford, Wimer, I'unsmuir and in Ashland, on September 2, 1907, with larger and ' several of them receiving mon- for iheir more convenient rooms, additional first month's woik tinnì the cost of the •quipuwnt, and witli a course <>( train- course. iltaf that ilmi lor liir ui'i'tirnKv I--.I h>K accuracy, completvneaa and ' More were called for and none to send. tlnirougiilir»» io surpassed by none. The development to the great Pacific During thv laut year we hava placed Coast is only begun and our enterprising Its JESSE MOORE -the Rest iy far” ’ u- VÚY The man who aerves the* goods to the consumer Is a good Judge of the I'upular Demand. Jesse Moore Whiskey s What’s Wanted ON 8ALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS PLACES Equipment Por Sale ones are going to carry on the business. You can receive the «qualifications sud sitare in the prosperity. Bend for full The entire equipment lielonging to information to the Ashland Commercial Mason, Pavia A Co., contractors of Colle««. 7 It canal, la offered for sale. It consists of wagons, harnesses, stretchers, double trees, »cra|»ers, slips, carta, scrap iron, COMMENCEHENT track iron, blacksmith coal, donkey ANNOUNCEMENT, engines, centrifugal pumps, blacksmith outfits, tents, boats, shoes, underwear, overalls, rublierg'Mxla; and a full line of Ashland Commercial College gHM-erica. No reasonable offer will I m .- refused for The year ending July 1st, has been the mo»t prosjH-rou« in the history of all or any pait of above articles. For the institution. Larger and Is-tter urther particulars call at Camp 1, and room» have liven »•■■ uru<l to meet the see MASON, DAV1N A Co., or E. f growing demand <>f tin- school, and every W. GOWEN. fu< ility will I m - added to make the train ing mon- effective than ever. Wanted-Bids for Clearing Although working tinder some «lie- advantages on account of room, the stu Persons who will contract to clear dents have I m - cii earnest and antliiisiasti •. -agt-brunh and plow ground are invited Th«- following are the gradual«-» in the to submit bids for doing th«, work on an different course«. acreage basic Land to I m - cleared along « 11MHIM II « ol Hsr. Macadam Road. Fatxg I k . W hite . Millie Addison an-l Donna Pruett. , 'lina f Campers .I. s - a f T rw e " tile can supply you ivitly HINTS, CANVAS BED CANVAS BLANKETS AND UNDERTAKER »rkMMiK.vriiK (’OVHNE AND EMBALMER Francis Mulit, Floy Edgington, M. Holder of License No 29. Merle Fendall, Bvtta Shield», Mabie < i alley, Lillian Jensen and Annie KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON O’Brien. I Several of these have been at work for two or three months, ami others were locate«I more recently. Miss Fendall is stenographer for the If. I.. Kcal» Automobile Company in J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. Portland. Mias Mullit i» stenographer for the Real Estate firm of Page A Lawton <>f Medford, Mias O’Brien is do Cleanliness and Good Work ing stenographic work for the California Pine Box A Lumber Co., at Grants Guaranteed. Pa»», Mr. Edgington is stenographer for the Pullman Can Company in Portland, Also Agent for LONDON AND Miss Uetz is buokkeeqier for Vaupel, Becl>e A Kinney tn Ashland ami Miss LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. Addison in doing »tenographic work for tlie Billings Real Estate, Insurance A laran Co., Ashland. The closing exert im - s will Be held in Assembly Hsll of the college, on Friday, liacorpo rated) June '.’Mat 10:30 a. in., and animtornial parting reception will I m * given the st u- dent- at the residence of Prof. Ritner. 40 Bush Street, on Fridray at 8 p. m. MACHINISTS ASHLAND IRON WORKS QUILTS ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS and OUTING BOOTS AND SHOES OUTING CLOTHING Absurdly low prices on 65,000 ACRES of OREGON CENTRAL MILITARY ROAD LAND IN KLAMATH COUNTY. Will Rent or Sell on Easy Terms. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE New Furniture Store FOR PRICES YOU CAN JUDGE AMERICAN HOTEL BLDG. R. M. BOLLER General Job W ork MOSQUI TO NETTING FISHiNO TACKLE LEGGINGS, HAMMOCKS •fn vj-» »I« »I« »I« ujw ETC., ETC. AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES K K K STORE chas , t CAPITALISTS AND STOCKMEN ATTENTION E. WHITLOCK KLAMATH BARBER SHOP w I aim to be reliable tuin hbihasb I *| « 1‘ir ildrat wtnroi K The American Bank and Trust Co McClure’s Magazine for July I'rawing by Sigiamond de Ivanowski, frontispiece. Will the "America" Flv to the Pole? Walter Wellman. The story of Miellah, Maude L. Rad- ford. When I was Married, Ellen Terry. Tin- Batti«- of Gettysburg, Carl Schurz. "Iler that Danced,” Mr». Wilson WlHulroW . The Confession and Autobiography of Harry < frcliard. Patsy Moran ami the Warning», Arthur Sullivant Hoffman. Turnpike Cronies, Sarah N. Cleghorn. The Fight for the Minnie Healy, C. I*. Connolly. Mary Baker G. Eddy, Georgine Mil- mine. Judgment, Frances S. Lyman. Capital Stock $ioo,ooo| Church Services Klamath Falls, Oregon <»Bice and Work* -Itclman St. and S.P R R. ASHLAND, ORE. Manufacturers of Pneumatic Sawing En glua, Saw Mill*. Architectural Iron Work. Iron. Bra«* and Bronte Carting* Estlinatea furnished. Order* promptly tilled GEO. T BALDWIN. AGENT PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE Do away with barbed wire Investigate the Sliding Loop Top ------- 1——■ 4____ J All styles and heights. Fences for every purpose LET US QUOTE ' OU PRICES I', GADDIS & DIXON, Medford or 5 OLNEY DIXON, Travelling Representative, Klamath Falls, Ore. Interrii Paid on Saving« Depositi £. H. HlHH. .<* Ctthlrr ATIDWAY STABLE "1 l SHOP General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Livery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses pnone 456 BALDWIN & HUGHES Klamath Lake Railroad in connection with the Hclntire Transportation Co and the There is always a welcome for you at Grace M. E. church in tlieir temporary plac«* of worship, one block north Public School building. Sunday Services: Bible School............................... 10 a. Preaching................ 11 a. m. and « p. Epworth League.................... 7:15 p. A hearty welcome to all, P. CONKLIN, Pastor. BAPTIST CHVKCH Preaching services next Sunday at 11 o’clock a. m. and H o’clock p. in. Sun day school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. I’, at 7:15 p. in. Everyone invited. Attention Veterans ! All soldiers, ot nil the wars, are in vited to take part in the coming 4th of July celebration at Klamath Falls. Please report us soon as you can do so, ] in person or by letter, to Captain J. IV. Siemens who will have charge of the veterans on the Fourth. <». C. Applegate. J. W. Siemens, <>. A. Stearns. § Ore. and Cal. Transportation Co. City Warrants The only through line for freight and pas sengers between the Southern Pacific and the Klamath country. Quickest service and Lowest Rates. Tell your troubles by Phone or Letter to Notice is hereby given that there funds in the town treasury for the demption of' the following warrants : 1499 150ti 1514 1500 1507 1815 1508 1501 151« 1511 1502 1517 1503 1512 151« 1504 1513 1505 Interest on alio ve warrants ceases June 27,1907. hated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 27th day of June, 1907. j. W. StiMKNa, City Treasurer. E. T. ABBOTT, Gen. Mgr, Thrall, Cal. or to MclNTIRE TRANS. CO. at Klamath Falls or Pokegam I »