Notice for Publication Notice for Publication Falls, Oregon. Notice for Publication Couteat Notice Notice for Publication Any and all |>eru<in» claiming advera«*- Pepartment ot th» Interior, t'nlle.1 »tale» Vt«U»>l Stat». Ini.l Ollier. Lakeview, Oregon. United States Land Office, Lakeview, United States Land Office, 1-akeview, United State» I-and Office, Lakeview, Land Otlice. Lakeview. Oregon. June 12.1997. May 1«. VJ>>7 Oregon, May 16, 19‘)7. Oregon, May 16,1907. Oregon, April 12, 1907. Nulle» la b<-r»by given that In i-onipliam » )y the above deacrilHsI land» are requeet- A »utlickeiit eontest altlilavit having been Notice is hereby given that in com Notice is hereby given that in com Notice is hereby given that in com tiled In this office by T. F. Short COII with lire provision« ul the a> l ot t'ongie«« ot ed lo lll«> their claims ill thia office oil June 3,1878, enllUeil " In act tor llie sale nt or before said 5th day of August, 1907. pliance with the provisions of the act ot pliance with the provisions of the act of pliance with the provisions of the act of teatanl. against homestead entry wo Congrees of June 3, 1878. entitled “An Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An made May 31. I*xl, lor Hl*»tec. 23. Tp 34 M . timber lamia lu ths Hlal«'» nt California. «»re- 5-23—7-28 J. X. W atson , i(i<Ki«>t«r. Itauge 1« K, by J X lie««:». Coni.'«., gnu, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” aa act for the sale of timber lands in the act for the sale of timber 'lands in the act for the sale ot timber land» in the which it 1« alleged that Mid J. V. Ile«»lg e I (elided to all the I'uliliv l.aml Slate« by act Notice I or Publication State» of California. Oregon, Nevada, States of California, Oregon, Nevada, States of California, Oregon, Nevada, baa b»»n absent trotu »midland and ha» not nt Ausuat 4. 189.', Joaeph Burkart, ot Ingot, offlca, I.ahovirw, Ore and Washington Territory,” as extend and Washington Territory,” as extend and Washington Territory,” aa ex tended n.ainlaln.d a residence thereon during the eoutity ot sha«ta, »late ot California, liaa ed to all the Public Land States by act ed to all the Public Ijtnd States by act to all the Public Ijtnd States by act of I >tx mouth» la»l past: that he never ealah. thia day filed In Hili iitth-« hla awortt alate- «ul». May K. I*»7 ' li»he.l luma fide resldenee thereon; ha» not NtMlaa la livrrby given that In compliant'« X». 4. tur Ih» pure Ils»» ut Ho of August 4, 1892, Mason C. Meservey, of August 4, 1892. Sady Janssen, of August 4, 1892, the following persons improted or cultivated the »ante »..'ordlng to i' luvut ut with the provisions oi the act of Congreaa of 1,»»1, n»Ì4»w«t «ml nw*«»»*» of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, have tiled in this office their »worn law. but ha« legally al.audoned Mid claim tor »velluti Xi> 17. tu ruwuablp No. .M », Ksugv No. June i IS7M. viitilietl “An art |t»r lhe »ala of State of Oregon, has this day filed in Mate of Oregon, has this day tiled in statements, to-wit: Lucien It. Apple more than six month« laat put. and III K W M. »11.1 will offer proof Io »how Hist the (Unbar lands in the Nt at as of California« Ora* this office his sworn statement No. 3630, this office her sworn statement No. 3631, agate, of Klamath Falls, County ot that Mid alleged atwnee trout Mid land land «ought I» more valuable tor II» timber or gon. Nevada, ami Washington Territoryaa uot due Io hla employment In th» •tun« than lor agricultural purpo»»», aii.t tu exien«lvt| it» ail the Public I.and mates by act for the purchase of the Lot 2 of Sec. for the purchase of the ai^nw1* and Klamath, State of Oregon, has this dav waa 4. IWJ, Cun Whited ol Army, wavy or Matin» Uuri*a ot the United •atablub hi* claim lo mi . I latoi b-'lur» th«* of Auguat No. 3, in Tp. No. 37 S. R No. 10 E W M, ne*4»w'4->f Sec. No. 14, in Tp. No. 37 tile«l in this office his sworn statement State» a» a private >oldl»r. oifleer, »eamanoc Clerk ut Kiri ninth ('«Minty. Oregon. at hla Itonansa. County ot Klamatb» Htate of marine during the war wlilt Spam or during olite» at K liinat li Fall». Oregon, on Wvl Oregon, ha« thia day filed In thia offloe hla and will offer proof to show that the S, R No. 9 E W M, and will offer proof No. 3571. for the purcha-e of the aw aworn statement No i|N7. for the purobaae ot land sought ia mjre valuable for its to show that the land sought is more aw '4 of Sec. No. 25, in Tp No. 37 S, R any other war In which the United Stale» newlay, lh»7ih day ol Aiigu»l. I9ST lhe ae’giit ’^ MeV ¿3, ae'4 iiw I 4 ami Ite nani»» a> wllnc»»,'« : tuay l*e engaged, »aid parti»« are hereby timiter or stone than for agricultural valuable for Its timber or -tone, and to No. 9 E W M. J. II Grove» of Ingot. Callhvrula. Ardii» IIW 14 «W I 4 of Hrt* No J4. Ill T|>. notified to appear, reapond and offer evidence purposes, and to eeiablish his claim to establish her claim to said land before Elmer I. Applegate, of Klamath touching said allegation al 10 o’clock a m on lolmstou.c |. Wllwti and T. II. shannon all N.» V s. K N.I V. K W M and will offer proof lu »how that the land wiigbt la eaid land before the Clerk of Klamath the Clerk of Klamath County, Orvgou, Falls. County ol Klamath. State ot Ore July 29. 1907, b»tor» <leo. Cha-taln, County of Klamath Milla. Oregon Any and »II |.er»ou» claiming adverwly the more \alual>ie for Ila limber or atone than for County, Oregon, at Klamath Falls. at his office at Klamatu Falls, Oregon, gon, has this day tiled in this office his Clerk ot Klamath Fall«. Oregon, and tlnal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a above <l> ».-rtU'd laud» at» riquoled to III» agricultural pnrpoae», anti to establish hla Oregon, on Monday, the 5th day of on Monday, the olh day of August, sworn statement No. 3570, for the pur that tn. on Aug. A, 1907. before th. KegUtvr and Ke th»it vlatin» lu tkl» uitti e on or butor» «aid 7th claim tuaald laud before the Clerk ot Klamatb August, 1907. chase of the nw*4»w >4 of - c. No. 18, in «•elver at lhe Unhid State'. Laud Office lit ■ da) ol l ugu«l, I9UT. county, Oregon, at hla ufflee at Klamath 1907. He names as witnesses: Falla. Oregon, t»n Tuesday the tub «lay of Lakeview. Oregon. > J. X W ATSOX. K»gl»ter. Tp No. 38 s. R No. 10 E W M. She names as witnesses: I’lte Mid couteMant having, m a proper at fl I 5-J3 7 J3 • Augnsi, IWJ7. Archie Johnston, Dan Johnston, That they will offer proof to show John Janssen, G. Neubert, Henry dav ii. uie.i May t at i turih testa w i lie names aa wltneaaea: »how that alter duo diligence pervoual »»rvlce : Harry E. Pelt« and Frank IL Hall al! Janssen, Fred Collman and Arthur that the land sought is more valuable ul Oil» notice can not l»c made. It 1« hereby . T. IL Mhannon, Archie Jobti'tmi. J I. It'ivll ol Klamath Falls, Oregon. Notice for Publication ordered and directed that »ueh notice be glv ■ I for its timber or stone than for agricul and J. C. Multi) all of Klamath Falla, Fisher all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. vn by due and proper pubhvaiion Any and all persons claiming adverse Any and all persons claiming adverse tural purpost*», and to establish their 6-JO -7-1» J. X. WATSOX, .teglsier I United States Land Otlice, Iatkvview, Oregon, Any and all persona clahniiig a«lvwr»ely the ly the above-described lands are request ly the above-described lauds are request claim to said land before the Clerk of Oregon, May 16, 1907. above described lands are requested to tl'.e ed to file their claims in this office on or ed to file their claims in this office on Klamath County, Oregon, at his office Notice for Publication Notice ia hereby given that tn com their t laim* In thia office on or before said dlh before said 5th day of August. 1907. at Klamatb Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday, United Stair« Land Office. Lakeview, Ore or before said 5tli day of August. 1907. «lay of Auguat, 0M7. gon May 1«. IVUT. 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. pliance with the provisions of the a. t of 5 XT 7 Sb J N W ATM IN. Keg later. tho 2nd day of July, 1907. 5-30—8*1 J. N. Wataon, Register. Notice la hereby given that lu compliance They name as w itnesses : with the provUlotta ot the act ot Congress ot Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Notice lor Publication John Janssen. Fred Janssen, <1. Neu- Juue 3 1878, entitled "Au act lor the Mir ot act (or the sale of timber lands tn th«* Notice for Publication Notice for Publication limber lamta In the state» ot California, Ore l-ert, Herman Schmor, ail of Klamath Stale» of California, Oregon, Nevada, Ihqiartmeiit <>( lit« Interior, Of gon. xeva-la. and Washington Territory.” a« United States Land office. Lakeview, Oregon, Falls, Oregon. and Washington Territory,” »" extend fice nt Lakeview, Oregon, May 18, 1907. United States Land Office, Lakeview, extended to all tbe Public Land Stairs by act April 12,1907. Any and all persons claiming adverse of August 4. I»*.*,Chari»» F Adaiua.ol Klamath ed to all the Public luted Slates by act Notice ia hereby given that William Notice I, hereby given that in compliance Oregon, May 16, 1907. with the provision.» ot tbe act of Concreas ol Notice is hereby given that in com ly the at*ove-described lands are re Falla, county ot Klamath, Stat« of Oregon, of Auguat 4. 1892. William S. Slough, J. Uarlislu, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the »ale of pliance with the provisions of the act of quested to file their claims in this office tm* rtle<! in thl* office hl* sworn slate ment of Klamath Falls, County •>( Klamath, lia» til«**! notice of Ills intention to makn Mo. *C7. fur the purcba»» »f tu» ue'.nr1. Sec. timber land, in tbe »tale ot California. Ore State of Oregon, has thia day filed in tlnal tlvv year pnstf in stip|s>rt ot his Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An on or tie fore said 2nd dav of July, 1907. 10 •nd 11. in « *>i Sec. No gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as J. N. WATSON, Tp. No. K. M w M. this office ins sworn statement No. 3623, claim, vis: lloinrsleail Entry No. 2686 4-25-6 27 extended to all tbe Public Land States by act act for the sale of timber lands in the Register. SUd will otter proof to show that the for the purchase of the M',(n»l< Lot 3 nia.le July 7tb, 1902, (or the av'gswtg States of California, Oregon. Nevada, of August 4. Ute, William J. Car?- laud »ou<ti11* more valuable tor it» timber or of Klamath Falls, «'ounty of klamatb. State ot and Washington Territory," as extend- I'i' *8 I; No. 10 E w m .oi l Her. 28, n^nwl^ an«l ae^nw^ b«*C. S3, Contest Notice •tone than tor agricultural purpoae». and to Oregon has this day filed in this office his e’»sw *4 of 8««c. No. 34, in Tp No. 38 S, Ip. . >. Il ■' I W M, and Hint said ed to all the Public Land States by act »«tablith bl» claim to Mid land before the sworn statement No. 3599 tor the purcha-e of Department of the Interior, United Clerk ot Klamath County. Uregou. at bl» R No. 10 E W ,M, and will offer proof prtstf will bv made beforn the Clerk of the nXs ne‘, of Sec. Xo. 13. in Tp. No. 37 8, R. of August 4, 1892, Edwin Echtinaw, No. 10 K, W M, and will offer proof to show of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, office at Klamath Falla, Oregon, tin Monday, to show that th«* land sought is more Klamath County, Oregon, nt his office the Mb day ot August. 1907 that tbe land sought is more valuable State of Oregon, has this dav filed in May 22, 1907. valuable for its timber or stone than for at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on the 5th He name» a» wltnesM-»: for its timber or stone than for agricultural this office his sworn statement No. 3651, A sufficient contest affidavit having C. agricultural purposes, and to establish day of August. 1907. W. Matney. E. R Spencer. Frank K Mott purposes, and to establish his claim to Mid purchase of the wtgne1 La . been filetl in thia office by R. B. Jack and A. M. Jaun.ou all ot Klamatb rail». his claim to said laud liefore the Clerk lie names the following witness«*» to land before ;clerk of Klamath «xvunty at his i for the Oregon. Sec. N . 2”. in son, contestant, against homestead en Any and all persons claiming adrer»ely the of Klamath County, Oregon, at his ollie«* prove his continuous resident:« U|H>n, office atKlamath Falls.Oregon,on Wednesday, and elsnw*4 of tbe 3rd day of July 1907. Tp. No. 38 S. R No. 10 E W M. try No. 2675, made June 27, 1902, for- above described land» are requested to file at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Monday, and cultivation of, the land, vii: He name, as witnessest and will offer proof to show that the nw’q, Section S3. Township 28 8., tbelr claim» in tbl» ottlc» on or tielore Mid Jlh the 5th day of August, 1907. A M. Jamison, John Schalloek, J C. Frank Johnston and Roy r Whitney of Dairy. ol August. 1907. He names as witnesses : land »ought is more valuable for its Range 10 E., W. by Nelson Hol day Beach and John Hogleiteiii all of Klam Oregon, Bessie Carlisle and William B. Barnes 5-28-7X, J. X WATSON. B. W M i-“n. W. I! Ma- > W I . ath Falls, Oregon. timber or stone than for agricultural eotnb, Contested. in which it is alleged of Klamatb Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe purposes, and to establish his claim to that said Nelson Holcomb has wholly Faught and J B. Mason all of Klamath 5-23—7-4 J. N. WATNOX, Register. Treasurer ’ s Notice above described lands are requested to file said land before the Clerk of Klamath abandoned said land; has never lived Notice is hereby given that there »re their claims in this office on or before Mid 3rd County, Oregon, at his office at Klam continuously on said land and has not funds in tbe County Treasury (or the •day of July. 1907. ath Fall», Oregon, on Wednesday,the 7th been on said land for the six months redemption of Klamath County wanitnU i-3~ 6-2< J. N. WATSON, Register. last past, and that said alleged absence No. 14518 and No. 14519 protest«*«! on Best Jot) XVorlc day of August, J907. from the said land was not due to his November 5, 1901. Interest on the Mme He names as Witnesses: Best Alechnnie.N J^Y. Tipton, J. Y. Johnson. Oscar employment in the Army, Navy or Ma will cease Irom this date. Notice For Publication rine Corps of the United Slates as a North and M. H. Wampler all of Best Miiterhil Ihtted at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Unite«! States Land Office, Lakeview, Klamath Falls, Oregon. private soldier, officer, seaman or ma 23rd day of May, 1907. Oregon, Mav 16, 1907. a \.< 1 he ICepuhl ien 11 Any and all persons claiming adverse rine during the war with Spain or'lur I.. A lva I. kwis , Notice is hereby given that in com ly the above-described lands are re ing any other war in which the United Treasurer of Klamath County, Ore., pliance with the provisions of the act of quested to file their claims in this offiee States may be engaged, said parties are «'ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An on or before said 7th day of August, hereby notified to ap[*ear respond and act for the sale timber lands in the 1907. touching said allegation btates of California, Oregon, Nevada, 5-30—8-1 at 10 o’clock a. m. on July 11, 1907, lie- J. N. Watson, Register. and Washington Territory,” as extend tore the Register and Receiver at the ed to all the Public Land States by act United Slates luind Office in Lakeview , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of August 4, 1892, Francis E. Campl ell. Oregon. of Lorella, county of Klamath, State of The said contestant having, in a United States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, has this day tiled in this office Oregon, May 16, 1907. proper affidavit, filed May 15, 1907, set his sworn statement No. 3639, for the Notice is hereby given that in compli forth facts which show that after due purchase of the wh-sej-g of Sec. No. 9. ance with the provisions of the act of diligence personal service of thia notice in Tp. No. 38 S, R No. 9 E W M, and Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled “An can not be made, it i» hereby ordered will offer proof to »how that the land act for the »ale of timber lands in the and directed that such notice be given Bought is more valuable for its timber States of California, Oregon, Nevada, by due and pro|>er publication. or »tone than for agricultural purposes, and Washington Territory," as extended 6-6—7 4 J. N. Watson, Register. and to establish bi» claim to »aid lan<^ to all the Public Land States by act of before the clerk of Klamath county, August 4, 1892, John Y. Tipton, of Notice for Publication Oregon, at hie iffice at Klamath Falls, Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, Unite«! States Land Office. Lakeview, Oregon, qn Tt »lay, the 6th day of 3tate of Oregon, La» tt i day filedin Oregon, May 16, 1907. August, 1S07. bi» office hi» sworn »tat« ent No. 3657, Notice is hereby given that in com He name» ar itnesses: ar the purchase of thf <ot 3 of Sec. pliance with the provisions of the act of T. F. Nicholas, A. M. Jamison, Sila6 Jo. 1, in Tp. No. 37 8, No. 10E W Obenchain and A. K. Campbell all of M, and will bffer proof t’. show' that the Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the I Klamath Falls, Oregon. land sought is more valuable for it» States of California, Oregon, Nevada, Any and all persons claiming adverse timber or stone than for agricultural ly the above-describtsi lands are re-. purpose», and to establish his claim to and Washington Territory,” as extend quested to tile their claims in this office said land before the clerk of Klamath ed to all the Public Land Mates by act on or before said 6th day of August, county, Oregon, at hi» office at Klam of August 4, 1892, Christine Seaquist, of Klamath Falls, County ot Klamath, 1907. ath Fall», Oregon, on Wednesday the State of Oregon, has this day tiled in 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. 7th day of August, 1907. this office her sworn statement No. 3»i05,' He names as witnesses: for the purchase of the se'qnw^ and Oecar North, W. M. Lashua, C. B. nej^sw’a' of Sec. No. 9, in Tp. No. 38 S, Notice for Publication. Clendening and John H. Hamilton all R No. 9 E W M, and will offer proof to United State. Land office, Lakeview, Oregon, i of Klamath Faile, Oregon. show that the land sought is more val Any and all i>er»on» claiming adverse uable for its timber or »tone than for April 12, 1907. Notice ia hereby given that tn compliance ly tbe above-described lands are r«-que»t- with the proviaions of the act of Congress ot ed to file their claims in this office on or agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to »aid land before the Clerk June 3,1878, entitled “An act for tne sale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore ! before »aid 7th day of August, 1907. of Klamath County, Oregon, at hla 5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register. gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on extended to all the Public Land States by act Monday, the Sth day of August, 1907. of August 4, 1892, Andrew j. Santamaw, of Mie names as”witnesses: Royston, County of Klamath, State of Notice for Publication Oregon, has this day filed in this office his D. B. Camplrell, Henry Janssen, Wm. United Hate» Land Office, Lakeview, sworn statement No. 3380, for the purchase of S. Worden and J. C. Smith all of Klam the s^nw*4 and n’isw'4 of Bee. No, 26, in Tp. Oregon, April 12, liK/7. No. 37 8., R No. 9. E W M, and will offer proof Notice is hereby given that in com ath Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse to show that the land sought ia more pliance with the provisions of the act of valuable for its timber or atone than for ly the above-described lands are re Congress of June 3,1878, entitled “ An agricultural purposes, and to establish his quested to file their claims in this office claim to said land before the clerk of act for the -ale of timber lands in the on or before said Sth day of August, State» of California, Oregon, Nevada, Klamath County at his office at Klamath as extend 1907. Falls, Oregon on Tuesday, the 2nd day of and Washington Territory, J. N. Watson, Register,' ed to all the Public Land Mate» by act 5-23—7-25 July, 1907. of August 4, 1892, Stella O. Campbell, He names as witnesses: Notice for Publication John Breit, T. H. Shannon, John Hamilton of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore and Bert Hall, all of klamatb Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the this office her sworn statement No. 3597, gon, May 16. 1907. for the purchase of the w'-jse 1 * ne 1 4 »w ‘ 4 Notice 1» hereby given that in compliance above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said and se'qnw'q of Sec. No. 8, in Tp No. with the provisions of the act of Congress of 37 S, R No. ll. ’ j I. W M, and will offe r 2nd day of July, 1907. June 3, 1U7K. entitled “An act for the sale of proof to show that the land sought ig timber lauds in the States of < nliforuia. Ore 4-18-6-20 J. N. WATSON, Register. more valuable for its timber or stone gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,“’as ' than for agricultural purpose«, ami to extended to all the. Public Land States by act ! establish her claim to said land before of August 4, 1H92, Noah Ednle, of Solon, I Notice of Final Settlement county of Sulenowo, rttate of .Michigan, has In the matter c* the Estate of Nyron S. the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, this «lay file«! in this office his sworn state, at his office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, inent No. Wil, for the purchase of the * Drew, decesued. from $1.00 Notice is hereby given that Mary A. on Wednesday, the 3rd day ol July, iiw *4* w >4 and w’rnwj; of Sec. N«>, 25 In Tp. no . • Dr -'.v, administratrix of the estate of 1907. 37, H, R No. 9 E, W M, an«! will offer proof t«> , Nyron 8. Drew.deceased, Las filed in the •bow that the land sought is more valuable for She names as witnesses County Court ot Mate of Oregon, for the its timber or »tone than for agricultural pur up a Victor R. H. Dunbar of Flamath Falls, poses, and to establish his claim to said iau«l . County of Klamath, the final account of her administration of said estate and Oregon, J. O. Ilamaker oi Bonanza, befor- the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, ■ that the Court has fixed Saturday the Oregon, Mike Dooher, T. H. Shannon, at his office at Klamath Kails, Oregon on Tues« I Ball and Bat 27th day of April, 1907, at the hour of Isdli of Klamath Falla, Oregon. day, th»1 Cth «lay of August, 1907. He names a* witnesses: 10 o’cloi-k in the forenoon of »aid day as Any and all persona claiming adverse J«»tyn If. Collman, J. F. Coft, Wm. <ioo«l and . Catcher’s the time for bearing the objection- to paid account and the settlement thereof. ly the above-described lands are re- .Mont White all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this pie-ted to file their claims in this office Any and all person* claiming adversely tbe Mitt or Mask 28th day of March. 11107. above described lands are re«|ueste«l to file on or before said 3rd day of July, 1907. MARY A. DREW, the.r « :aini ¡n this < 'Tee on or befor«- sai'l J. N. WATr-ON, Administratrix of the estate of Nyron 8. 6th day of August» lkuT. DreW, deceased. 4-25—6-27 Register. | 6-23- 7-25 • J. Ji. ATbQM, Reffhter. | Dress Up aa Glorious 4th ; show your allegiance Dress to the birth ol1' freedom, and enjoy with us t he festivities of a three day carnival. Wear one of our suits made HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX, known as the leading manufacturers of litifilii grade clothing in this -Country. Men’s Suits, single and double breasted. Also two piece suits. Price $15 to $30 Free with Up=-to=Date Clothing For Little Men Each Purchase Portland Store