K LA MA TH REPUBLICA N FREE E. J. MURRAY, Editor. E LECTRIC IRONS LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J W e will gi\o away aiisoli ifi . y ikke 100 Pacific Electric Elat Irons, Eor particulars, call at our office, w here irons are on display, or if convenient call us by ’phone. ^Pure Milk Pure Butter Delivered Daily from the Altamont Dairy. Wholesale and Retail. Fieri Detail of Our Dairy ¡»Sanitary, inaurili^ the Purity ami I lealthfuliiO“» of <*ur Pioducta. One of the most important pieces of ' news that has been handed out for n long while is the information that Archie Now that it is settled that the Secre­ , Mason secured the contract for the PHONE B3 J tary of the Interior and Chief of the 1 foadbed for the California North- Reclamation Service are going to J>e i eastern through the niaisli lauds and here, it is time for the people of tin* that the work will l*e completed by IN-- project to get together ami plan for their eetnber 31. This a»»urvs the arrival of reception. Heretofore we have lieen to the railroad by next spring ami sets at recreant in these matters, laist year rest all stories to the contrary. If you want nork or want help it will be furnished you by when every one of the chief officers of the service were here, they were passed The inauguration of the street car up like col*l biscuits. This was due to the fact that everyone was waiting for service should l*eattended by something the other fellow to act. This error more than the ordinary. It has l*een Main Street, Near American Bank should not be repeated this year. The discussed “o long and waited tor so two chiefs are io la* here, ami when they ■ patiently that the people seem to accept Office. Second Floor come let them be met with a heartiness it as a matter of fact ami indications . point to its comniencemeht without any that will take them off their feet. It is an old maxim that you can i special ceremony. This should not be catch more flies with honey than you so. When the first car makes its trip it and sime had luado quite extensive im­ Machine Shops can with vinegar. This should be the should be occupied by the officials of provements on their claims, which will motto that should govern every act dur­ 1 the city, representative business men now all l>e lost to them. Dairy pre­ ing the presence of these gentlemen in and prominent citizens of the county. cinct thus looses some twentv .citizens Messrs. Perry A Peck, the g-ntleinen this county. Klamath is in need of I It should be made an event equal, if not from its voting list, and these men are who recently announced their intention many things, most of which are just surpassing, anv thing that has l»een ar­ set adrift to make new homes for them­ locating a machine shop in this city an* ranged for the celebration of our Na­ selves. They were a daring, thrifty lot. now to come through the Secretary of ( making good Already their building is the Interior and the head of the Recla­ tional Holiday. The plan pro]>osed by and will l>e missed in the community. nearing completion and most of the mation Service. Everyone has been j the committee is a good one, but it llenry Jackson, the wealthy Klamath machinery is here. They came here Key West, Imported Win«» ami Liquors saying: “Oh! if we could only get at should be made to include the digni­ Indian, was in Dairy Saturday last, en without having their hands out for a the Secretary and explain matters to i taries indicated. donation and went to work at once to ami Domestic Cigar, <>f Choice Vintage route fur northern California. him, be would see what we ¡¡want!” The school directors of the Dairy dis­ carry out their promises, and the tact I Now is your opportunity,but in present­ The people of the Upper Project are trict held a meeting Saturday last, and that they are doing just as they agreed THE ing your request, it should ever l*e made of the right kind of stuff. They approved the bond of the district clerk ; has had the effect of securing for them borne in mind that the request must' all pull together and always in the in­ and in response to a petition, numer­ the respect ami confidence of the entire stand on its own bottom. It must not treat of their section. There is no ously signed, agreed, it possible, to hire community. That every man in the be surrounded by props that have been knocking or kicking a lout anything in a male teacher for the coining year, city will give them a boost goes without used to rap someone’s head. The Sec­ oralwut the Upper country, and as a agreeing to offer such an one |7fi a saving, for it is recognize*! that they are SERVES A retary has no time for petty grievances. consequence that section is growing month for ten mouths’ school. The deserving of it. As to their success ; He is here for business, and if the peo­ notwithstanding that it has a heavy matter of securing a site for the new there is no doubt, for they are made of ple of this county can show him that handicap in having to wait for water. school house was discussed at some the right kind of stuff to assure it. the Klamath Project is in need of spec­ M hen the time came for the commence­ length, ami they looked over the ground AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT ial considerations, he will accede to the [ ment i of work on the Clear lake dam it to some extent. request; but if he finds that he is made was • found that a good road would facili­ The recent indictment of Joe Coburn Veterans ' a tool of or that someone is misrepre- f tate I matters. It was simply a sugges. for cow stealing was a surprise to many First-Class Cuisine Perfect fs’ivice Renting things to him. then he [will ' tion, t but it was sufficient to get every people in the valley. Srrw » kt A I. von », Prop'» II. D llanzv , Manager drop it all, and the result will be that man i shouting for it, and from all over The tenth anniversary of the mar­ All soldiers, ol all the wars, are in­ no further attention will be paid to the ' the Upper project came offers of money riage of Mr. ami Mrs. Michael Knock vited to take part in the coming 4th of Project and it will have to take the and labor. The result is that work was was duly celebrated on the 23rd at their July celebration at Klamath Fall». usual course demanded by the routine commenced this week on a new road comfortable home in Vonn* valley. A Please report as soon a, you can do so, I 1 I >*•»<' 1’1 1 >< t I K- of the department. , from Bonanza to Clear lake, all exjtense houseful of their friends were present, in person or by letter, to Captain J. W. The Board of Directors of the Associa-' and labor being met with voluntary con- and with music, singing, v.im ing ami Siemens who will have charge of the tion ami Construction Engineer Mur- tribuhons. When water is turned on in partaking of some of the richest of veterans on the Fourth. O. (’. Applegate, phy should take up at once the matter the Upper project the rapidity of its earth’s bounties most appetizinglv pre­ J. W. Siemens, of entertaining these guests. Nodetail growth will surprise everyone, and it is pared, the day ami evening was very O. A. Stearns. should be oveilooked. As soonj as the I all due to the anity existing among pleasantly passed. Many la-antiful ami date is definitely set for their arrival the people of that section. If all parts substantial presents were received by and departure then the arrangements of the Klatuath Project moved along the the host ami hostess in token of the should be crystallized and brought into same lines things might be different good will and esteem felt for them by perfect order. In the reception com­ here today. their guest». Among theguests preaent mittee every portion of the Project were Messrs, ami Mesdames Jacob should be represented and if a commit­ Roeck, Ilan» Stoehsler, George l!itt*-r. tee is to wait on the Secretary that Wm. Uhrniann, Fritz Heilbrenner of DAIRY committee should have its affairs well in , Klamath Falls) Peter Petersteiner, M. hand so that it can be presented in a I*. Nelson, Orrin McCuuiber with their manner that will demand his attention. Dairy is pleasantly situated on the families ami Otto Hoope mi l wife mi l, ESTABLISHED 1075 Above a'l perfect harmony should west side of Yonna Valley, near the several gentlemen friends from Klamath prevail. Whatever is to be done it I center of Klamath County. It has Falls and the valley, it was Il 11101*1 should be done in unison. Everyone two good general stores w ith enter­ happy event for all concerned ami one knows what we need here and with this ; prising, up-to-date dealers who enjoy long to lie remembered. knowledge there ought to be no diffi­ a large trade from surrounding val­ The song of the sickle will tejón lie culty in bringing matters property to | leys; a hotel and feed barn, and a heard all over the valley, and present the attention of the Secretary and. school house. It is surrounded by a indications point to an unusuallv heavy Chief. rich farming community with which crop of hay. ———— Wm. Wight has purchased a new car­ I it is connected by a farmers’ tele­ A subscription paper was circulated , phone line and also a long distance riage. Monday asking for contributions to a re- line. Is on the stage line, twenty Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Briggs arrived ward that is to be offered for the arrest miles east of Klamath Falls. here Wednesday evening on a visit to and conviction of the person or persons Mrs. Brigg's parent“, Judge and Mrs. Ji. guilty of setting out the )>oisoned meat , ^liss Abbie Welch returned to the L. Benson. last Sunday. We hope that the amount valley last week from Ashland, where The dance given by C. T. Oliver Tues- offered will bring about the desired re­ she has been attending the Norma! eventng wa» one of the most pleasant result. This reward should be supple­ school during the past winter. She ex­ mented by one from the city. There is pects to go back to the Normal again and successful affairs of the season, as might lx- expected under the direction an ordinance taxing dogs >2 a year. this fall. i of Mr. Oliver. It was largely attended Thus far the only good derived from the Theo. Hammersley has been hauling and the Military band seemed to l*e in payment of this tax is that gained by ' special trim for the music wa- the best. its addition to the funds of the city. If the lumber and getting the materials together for the building of a new and a man is made to pay a special tax | Dog Poisoner such as this is he should be accorded commodious dwelling house, on his some special service in return. The city claim in the northern part of the val­ should afford him ample protection and ley, which he has been improving this There is a fellow living in Klamath adopt rules and regulations that will in­ spring. sure to the owner of each dog freedom Chas. E. Drew, who lives four miles Falls who would wish to be in Jericho, from persecution and abuse. This at­ north of Dairy, has concluded to remove or Mime other warm climate, if he were tempt at wholesale poisoning is another and has removed his residence to higher only found. That individual is the dog poisoner. A more detestable human, instance where the mayor and council ground, northeast of the old site. so-called, never existed than the one should take a determined stand injthe matter of apprehending the criminal. | E. E. Fitch of Merrill was in the val­ who will stoop so low a- to scatter in­ ley last week, escorting some prospec­ discriminately poisoned meat, knowing A liberal reward should be offered and tive land buyers from SantaCruz county , full well that it will result in the death every resource of the city used in bring­ California, Messrs. Ellis and Davenpitt, of valuable dogs. And even if the dog ing the guilty party to justice. Ifj.this who seemed well pleased with what is not a valuable one. It may lie the is not done, then the time is at hand for they saw. | meanest, mangiest cur that ever stood repealing the tax ordinance or the re­ August Liekey of Swan Lake vallley, on four feet, but it is a dog and deserves fusal of owners of dogs to pay it. consideration—more consideration than has begun making hay. should lie shown the fellow who will J. 0. Hamakerof the Bonanza Bulletin I undertake to poison him. Artesian Water was a Dairy visitor one day last week. He was engaged in the pastime of trad­ To Dairymen H. V. Mitchell, whois in charge of the ing horses. Abner Weed ranch in Wood River valley I have for sub- a complete < hee«e mak­ is the first man to bring in a genuine ar­ Mr. Dunn Bursell, who has been liv-j ing outfit, consisting of a 50 gallon self­ tesian well in Klamath County. Con­ ing on a homstead timlier claim north­ heating chee,e vat, hoop», presses, curd siderable sickness ha, existed among west of the valley, during the past v in­ grinder, curd knives, cheese bandages, the employee of the ranch, and it »as ter, is about to remove to Bonanza. He remet tablets, circles, etc. that can be attributed to the drinking water that reports that all of the homesteaders up bad at lees than half factory prices, as was secured from the river. Mr. Weed the mountain in his vicinity will lose ; I am out of the business. Call on, or instructed Mr Mitchell to out down a their claims, as be has lost his, because I address me at Klamath Falls, Oregon. ; i O. A. HTEARNM. well until he found good, pure water, of a late decision of the Secretary of the AGENT ASHLAND and the result of this is an artesian well Interior, in which a former decision was that flows from a pipe fourteen feet reversed, thus validating the location of Wanted-Bids for Clearing Agent Firemans Fund Insurance Corporation a>save the ground. The flow was struck this timlier land by some tim her syndi­ cate which had formerly located on the at a depth of 21« feet. A great deal of Persons who will contract to clear interest has been manifested in the well, land by means of script. This script sagebrush ami plow ground are invited 1 was formerly declared illegal, and some t.< submit bids for lining the work on an | and if it maintains its flow it will result in the sinking of a large number in the twenty or more settlers bail made home­ acreage basis. Land to be cleared along F rank I ra W hite . I stead claims on the land in question, Macadam Road. valley. THU SECRETARY KLAMATH FALLS LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY Eniplovinent Furnished ALTAMONT DAIRY TRY THE New Furniture Store lUills employment Hgency AHERICAN HOTEI BL I Xi R. M BOLLER M iDWAY B ar MERCHANTS’ LUNCH Attention GEO. T. BALDWIN TÄ Builder’s Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies, Iron Pipe, Iron, Steel, Horse Shoes Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware, Graniteware DEERING MOWERS RAKES, REAPERS AND INDERS Complete Stock of Extras always on hand Prices greatly re­ duced on Mowers and Hay Rakes Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Linoleum Silver-plated and Solid Silverware Glass, Doors and Windows Studebaker Buggies and Wagons IRON WORKS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON T*