Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 27, 1907, Image 3

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gown» uud pretty wearers, und lu tie» No Additions to flidland
center of them the portly figure und
For the aanurance of purchaser» of lot»
triumphant face of Mr». Burrlngton-
in the town of Millland, 8» well »« to
Koll» Beside four, liuniucutate In wlilta* furnish information to |«-<>ple interested
flauuela, stood Burton Hturgl», u tall, in land» in or near to Midland, which
thin man with n comuiaudlng |>ro|ll« purcliaaer» or owners of land might 1«,
and dark Imlr lightly touched with uffei'ed by the re|M»rt» to effect that
several addition« would t* made to Mid-
Ä/ Ceej/mnr/ D'Art)! Mathay.
"He's Just a» I Imagined he would lain!, we take till» method of »fating
* I» now offering it» first allotment of Treasury Stock at 30 cents a share.
be," murmured Marlon, "even to 111» that there will I«« no additions to Mid­
Copgriyhr. Iwr*.
We can give this
little laired look tliut »etile» 11 roil lid hl« land for some years.
~~O eye» uud the quick way he hus or aanurance, for the reason that we own
land on all »ide» of the town site, all of Chotlfn Pnnnor Pfl "’»• *ncorPor,‘t*‘1 •»> August, JWfi, undar th« taws of tbs State of Oregon, with a capital stock
"My dear," snld Grace Howard as »ho throwing back hl» bead."
which will !«• kept vacant, except tl.i UllC'KU UU|J|Jcl LU.
oi tDooo.ooo, par value of shares |1 each. One-third <>( the iMtw is treasury stock
cro«»cd the wide hotel veranda, "wlm
’ ’
vacant land on the south and the south­ I
do you tlilnk linn come?"
would drift up to her table with little east of the town site, which ha« been
Marlon I’uge looked up brightly from agctamatlons ami thrill» of laughter. »et aside for the UM of stock yard», Photlfn Connor Co
THIRTY copper «lairn» 'W) acre- and two water rights on the Chetko river in Curry
County, Oregon, within eighteen miles of Chetko Harbor, on the Pacific Ocean.
the bouk she wn, reading. “Ttio king "Ob, thunk yon, Ml»« Page! How cool »bril« ami loading |M>n».—Mini ami » Tow.« LllcIKU LUppUl UU<
aud delicious! Ok, girls, Isn't Burton CoMI'AMY.
of Patagonia,” »lie suggested.
"NonMnno, Marlon! Don’t lie »Illy! Hturgl» fascinating. and aren't til«
On one of the claim» is a fifty-loot vein of cop|«*r ore 'which is being developed, that contain» 13 per cent cop|>er, and
Tills Is really s mielHsly out of the or- books too lovely for anything? Let*» SOLIL I ILS OF KI.AMAIH FALLS
|2M gold |«?r ton; making a total of
dlunry a real aortal Hon! I give you go back and talk to him again.” And
the group would break away from
three guesses. Take the first.**
A. O. U. W.—Linkville Izslge No. 110
"But I'm no g<Mid at guessing," pro­ Marlon ami return to the ring that meet» in the A. O. C. W. hall every 1
tested Marlon. "You’ll liuvo to tell surrounded the great man. From time Tuesilay evening. Visiting Brothers nf- 1
John Ynden, M. W. Attontinn
to time Marlon caught »uulcbca of wav» welcome.
to H“' hu-t that the Trinity Copper Co., in Shasta t' -untv, California, captialized at $4,000,000
J. W. Niemens, ICwor'ier.
"Your charm-
“Well, tlnm. hold your breath! IT* their feminine chatter
with th«- ore value« averaging a!«>ut five (>er cent copper, in selling it» »hare« in Boston at $17 to $30 a
Evangeline l»slgc No. KM Degree of |
lug books, Mr. Hturgl»'
Burton Hturgl»!"
»hare; and the Balakalala Cop|«-r Co., f »ituate«l near Trinity) capitalized at $3,000,000 is selling at $8 to $10 ¡>er
1 Honor l<odge meet» in the A. <>. I'. W.
"Burton Hturgl»!" repented Marlon Quaint! Delicious!"
share on the Boston and other market».
Preneutly Mrs Hells broke away from
in the month. Nancy N . White, C. of if.
"tan't that a sennation?" crle«l Ml»« her circle and waddled up to Marion
Jesse Mm pie, Recorder.
f’zinnpt’ *" capitalized f"r only $1,000,000, own» more claim» than both «aid c unpanies com
Heuiird. sinking Into 11 ctinlr nt Mar- with Burtou Hturgl« In tow.
W. O. W. Ewauna Cm^> No. 799, W. wllvllxlr
bine«l ;'ontaining ore Ixslies that greatly excee«l in value the ores of the said two
".My dear," »be wl»eez«-d. "let uic pre
loti*« »Id«* with 11 Hwtah of lierullled
O. W., meets every Tuemlay evening'
companies, and ia now selling its first block of treasury stock at
Mr. Stargli«, 511»« at 7 bio o’clock at Handerson’s iiali. All
skirts "Fancy auch 11 grent explorer, •cut Mr. Nturgl».
writer mid ntnt««niiinii nn lie 1» choosing Pag«* Hee that h<* Ims enough, Mar- neighbor» cordially invited.
to atop nt Wlndmere for a day! I've lou." and, pluyfiilly waving her pudgy
C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk.
always born taught to suppose that blind nt them, »tie wvut buck to her
A. I . A A. M.— Klamath Lodge No
such people n voided hotels In the other guest».
77. Meets Saturday evening on or In-
boon an Copper Stock Buyers learn the fact» about the
"It 1» a thirsty day,” »aid Burtou fore the full mo«in of each month in the
height of the »eason. liaveu’t you? But
It seenia he lived some place near here Nturgl«. taking the aherbet cup that Msaonle Hall. W. T Bhivs, W. M.
W. E. Bowdoin, Secretary.
"Do you
when lie wnn n boy, nnd In« wants to Marlon held out to lilm
■top mid see It on Ida wny throtigli
I think you could manage to put In an­
t) E. H.—Aloha Chapter No.bi, meets
properties. the shares will eventually advance to $10 and better per share.
suppooe fiimotis |M-ople nlwnys wunt Io other «herry, Ml»» Page? I'm awfully in the Maaonic hall every second mid
fourth Tuesday evenings ia each mcntli.
vtalt th» haunt» of their early life, foud of cherries.'*
at 30 cents a share in way far the best Copper Stock buy of the day. It ban the high
"But they’re »o elusive,” laughed Christine Mur i<» h, W. M, Jennie E.
don't they? And Mr«. Barrington Sells
Uap|H<u« to know hint, no »lie's going Marlon, "They ulwuys »eem to »lip Kearnes, Secretary.
grade copper-gold ore in quantity and the right management. It ¡9 sure to
I. 0.0. F.— Klamath Lodge No. 137
I Just think I've
to give n tea for him In one of the ho­ out of th» ladle.
meets every Saturday evening in the
caught one, and then It get» away 1
tel cottnge» till» afternoon "
hall W. H. North, N.G.
"A tear
“It*» like the Ninall l»oy nnd the A. O. f.
Geo. L. Humphrey, Kecietary.
"Ye», a ten You might know she'd minnow.” agreed Burton Hturgl», Ids
Ewauna Encampment No. 40,1.0.0.F.
never let a lion escape
It'» In the bored look giving place to a smile.
Sample* of the Chetko Copper gold ore and prospectuses can lie seen at the Lakeside Inn, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Farquhsr cottnge. | liellave, nnd you "There! You've missed It aguln!" as Encmnpuient meets necoud and fourth
lire to serve fruit punch."
a refractory cherry with 11 little »ptasb Saturday» in the month in
Albert E. Imbler, late manager and part owner of the Long Lake Lumber Co., of Klamath Falls, is personally over­
A 0. I W. hall. C. C. Brower, C. P.
Rank to the bottom of the bow).
"ir echoed Marlon.
the development of the large ore bodie» on the Chetko Copper claims, and the company la proceeding to have all its
Geo. L. Humphrey, Scribe.
"Yea, you. Mr» Kelln told me to tell
"I doubt If you could '1'» »« well"’
mining claims patented this summer.
yon She wnn coming to n«k you her­ cried Marlon.
Note: Advance in Price:—After July 5th, 1907, the price of the Chetk copper will be advance«! to 50 cents a share.
1. O. O. F. meet» in the A. O. U. W.
"What do you bet?” he »ahi Isjylshly.
self, only there Isn't time It’n nearly
hall every first and third Thurwiays in
half past 10 now, nnd you linven't the
"Two wafer» mid hnlf a macaroon '*
the month. Francis E. Boyd, N. G.
fnliitent Idea how milch then- In to tie
"Done!" He »rlz«-<l the ladle nnd wits
Frankie Hammond, Secretary.
don«« before thia afternoon
I should tn the midst of nil excited dipping
K of P.— Klamnth Ixslge No. W
I m - M-urrylng nlsiot thin minute Instead when Mr» Sell» came toward lilm like meets m Sanderson’» hall every Mon­
a whip under full »all
day evening.
Bert Hnml»-r, C. C.
"They're calling for you. Mr Htur-
John Y. Tipton, K. of R. ami S.
gf»." she »aid. "and this r<s»m Is too
M. W. of A.—Ix»lge meets in th«-
small to (told th'-m nil
We shall be A <1 . \V. ball every first and third
Wednesrtav in the month.
mobbed If we don't hurry ”
corner main a water street
W, B. Mcfatughlin, Consul
He put down the ludle with n regret­
W. A. Phelps, Clerk.
ful look. "I suppose I'll have to. then.’*
Foresters of America—Ewauna Camp.
he »aid nnd followed her with lagging
■eaM hi tin- a <>. r. w. hall
every second ami fourth Friday» in the Bank Reference
Marlon lean««! her chin on her hand iiiont h.
('.1). \\ 1 llson. ('. 1;
and looked nfter him. Her moment of
Fl. E. Jamison, Rec. Sec.
moment» wn« over She hnd met Iter
Women .»I Wtsslcraft, Ewauna Circle
Idol fnce to fat e, nnd not one word hn<l
No. r,47. meets every second and fourth ,
»he npoken of all that hl« personnllty Friday in Sanderson's hall.
and work bad meant to her In the past
Mrs. Dollie Virgil, G. N.
two yenrs
A flush panned acre»» her
face. "I might nt least hnvo told him
that 1 hnd rend Ills books," »he said to
herself, "but It'» too late now
had my «-tinm-e nnd lost Jt
What a
little stupid he must think me If he
thlul. • of me nt all!"
Then tl > line of «-battering true«ts be.
All kind« engineering and draughting
gn 11 to thin. One by one they were de­
Mm Barring! in Sell»' round
have several thousand dollars worth of goods that must go regardless
face was lit with «••mfentin«,nl It had
h«H-n n most successful afternoon.
of price for they must be desposed of within the time for which
"Even »be hnd something to nay to
secured an extension of our lease
hitn." thought Marlon <ll»«*onaotatcly.
There wn« n quick step nt her »l<le.
Hb<* lo<>k««l up. It wns Burton Sturgis.
"Well, that's over"' he cried, with a ROOMS 7 AB, MURDOCK BLDG.
shrug of delight. "And. hen vens, but
Pin glnd to bo back In thin corner
with you! I)o you know, Ml»» Page,
of sitting here talking
There arc you're the only girl this afternoon who
oceans of people to bo Invited nil Mr» bann't snld 'Quaint, lovely, cltnrnilng
Kuh, Nathan & Fisher
Hell»* friend« nnd the cottnge to b<« and delicious!* I'd Ilk«« nnother cher­
the Acorn Brand
put In order, nnd tin« dis-oratlon«— ry. please. And will you do me a
we’re »Imply robbed the th»wer I hn I»
"Delighted,” cried Mnriou gayly.
Ami Mr». Sell» wants to know If you
"Pre decided to stay over nnother
won't take the Imp till» mnmlng nini
get her Mime fern» nnd trailing vim- day, nnd there's a place near here I'd
Ilk«- to h I iow you If you'd care to see IL
There are n lot up the road by Ben<l
ora’. You kuow the way. I’d come Will you «•omo driving with me to­
with you. but I have to Illi the vases morrow Y’
For tin Instant Illa eyes held hers.
and half a dozen other thing».**
She »kipped down the veranda a ley» Understanding, humor.camnraderieand
and then paused. "What are you go a something deeper than nil these pass­
ed between them.
Ing to wear?" she asked.
"I should I h > glnd to.” said Marlon.
"Mercy,” laughed Marlon, ”1 haven't
had time to decide!”
High Priced Elections.
“Well, then. I hope you'll choose your
A century ngo elections In England
gray »Ilk mull. It'» perfectly fascinat­
ing You look Ilk«» a dear little mouse wen* costly affairs. In one case hnlf
In It. I'm going to grace the occasion a million pounds wan «pent on one
This was the grent
In pale blue. That's not n pun.'' And election alone
Office in American Bank Trust Com*
Ml«« Reward rushed aero»» the lawn contest for Yorkshire, In which the can­
pany’a Building
with the niiiii« Impetuosity with which didates were Viscount Milton. the lion.
Henry Lnscelhm mid Mr. Wilberforce.
she bad arrived.
A few moments later Marlon dtove Wilberforce won nt n cost of £58.000,
briskly along th<> road, a nclssorn and "with every resource of the most rigid
economy mid grent voluntary assist-
garden knife on the «ent beside her.
••To think," »he intlHcd, "that lie ance In labor.”
Mrs. Funny Kemble tell» us of nn­
Wwhould come today!"
For two years past Burton Sturgl* other Yorkshire contest, where the
bad «food to her for nn'ldeal, n hero to money seems to have been spent Just
whom she lmd meted out a generous ns freely. Mrs. Wentworth Beaumont
W ith row -Melhase Building
share of k I i 'H h I i hero worship.
Ill» Is the heroine. ''She. then a very old
book« occupied a favorite comer of her lady, drove In her traveling carriage to
bookshelf, and a picture of him, cut Downing street ami. demanding to see
from a current magazine, was tucked the prlmo minister, with whom she
away In a drawer of her desk. She was well acquainted, necosted him
bad known that It was possible that thus: 'Well, my lord, are you quite de-
she should some day meet him. Mtl?) ternilned to milk»' your innn stand for
•Ye«, Mrs. Beaumont, I
she hnd not thought that It would b > our neat?’
ns soon iih till«.
Indeed, she might think quite determined.' ‘Very well.’
have knowq him before had she made replied the Indy, 'I am on my way
In the
the effort to do ho , but Grace Be wardin down to Yorkshire with
description of her a« a inutiHC suited carriage for my man. Try nn£ do bet­
her exactly.
ter than that’"- London Chronicle.
“I'm afraid It doesn't
At the Live Stock Show.
gown to make me one either,” «he
The Doctor There'.« the fattest hoff
mourned 11» »he Htood cutting the vine»,
the sunlight glinting on lier Hoft luiLr. I've wen yet. What kind do you hup -
T rade M arks
O cskins
"I'm not a bit good nt gushing, like pone he I«?
C osvriohts A c .
The Professor—Ho I h one of those
the other girls."
AnYone «endi 11 h n sketch and doRcrlntlon wry
"A mere mouse," «he repented to her »wollen fortune» you have been hear-
qnlekly MrertRin our opinion free whether en
invent Um la probably patent ehkkt'onimunloe.
«elf that afternoon ns she «at In a Ing about.—Chicago Tribune.
t Ion« nt riot |y ronlidentlnl. HANOBOOK on Patents
•eiM free. oideiK agency foreecurln* patenta.
fern embowered corner of the tiny re­
Patenta taken through Munn & Co. receive
fpretat notice, without cbarye. In the
Fit to Di».
ception room behind 11 huge cut ghias I
Rector (going Ills rounds) Fine pig
bowl tilled with pineapple lemonade
and U h attendant Hherfiet cup« and tbnt. Mr. Dibbles, uncommonly flue.
A handsomely llleMrafed weeklv. T.anreat cir­
plates of delicate wafers. Iteyond, In Contemplative Villager All ye«, sir. If
culation <>f nny aciontlUo journal. Tomia, 98 a
year; four months, • I. Bold by ull newsdealers.
the drawing room, was 11 swirl of pink «•« wuH only all of uh as tit to die u<
.and white and blue, a mass of fluffy him, air!—London TH V!$i
Chetko Copper
The Mouse and
the Lion,
Chetko Copper Co
$30.40 per ton
30 cents a share
CfietkO Copper
Chetko Copper
Advance in price, and that soon
For Shares, address
C. & n. E
Mining Agent and Share Broker
Ashland, Oregon
The Fourth is Coming!
Our Fine Line of Clothing
Office over Klamath County Bank
Civil and Irrigation Engineer,
is one of the things we call especial at­
tention to.
cannot be sur­
passed. If you need a suit of clothes
for fit, finish, style and wear, see what
we have to offer.
Suits from $4.75 to $22-50
Boys’ Suits from $1.75 UP
East Main St., below 4th
Men’s Hats
The Stetson and
Gordon Hats 1 are
the finest'in~ the
world f o r style
and wear. Always
keep their shape.
Ours are going at
closing out prices.
Ladies’ Skirts
Shirt Waists and
Dress Goods
Men’s Furnishings
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Shirts, Collars, Ties—everything nifty
for the nobby dresser and at the
lowest prices.
No more complete line is to be
found in a town five times the
size of Klamath Falls. The price is
lower than you can purchase them
elsewhere. Now is the time to
stock up for the fall for you will
save money by buying from us now
Shoes ^en s-
I-idies’ and Children’s Shoes. These all go at Closing
Out Prices. They comprise the finest grades and latest styles.
P atents
Scientific American.
The place to save money, for we are going out of business»
and you get the benefit of Our low prices.
The Boston Store