Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 27, 1907, Image 2

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The Price you pay for Lot includes Macadamized Streets, Cement Sidwalks,
Shade Trees, Sewers, and Water.
No Taxes for Two Years
No Interest
$350 and up.
Six Per Cent Discount for Cash
$35 Down, $5 Per Month.
Only 16 cents Per Day
Lots in Dorris, Midland, and Mt. Hebron; $5o and up; $10 Down, $5 per Month
We are looking for homes, farms ami good vacant property. If the prices are right, we will st>ll them
for you. Drop into our office and let us talk with you. We will be glad to make your acquaintance
Klamath Falls Phone 404
Clever Scheme Carried Through by a
Plausible Woman.
An elegantly dressed Spanish lady
one day visited a specialist In mental
diseases In Madrid on behalf of her
husband, who, she said, was a sufferer
from religious mania, naving explain­
ed tbe case, it was arranged that she
should return in about an hour with
the afflicted busband.
The lady’s next scene of action was
■ jeweler's shop In another part of tbe
city, where «he select«! diamonds to
the value of >5.000 on tbe understand­
ing that she would buy them If her
husband approved. Would some one
accompany her home in a cab and the
money would be paid Immediately? A
trusted clerk was sent, and with him
tbe lady drove back to tbe doctor's
house. In an anteroom she took the
stones "just to show than to her hus­
band." Then, entering with sublime
assurance the doctor's study, she in­
formed the specialist that her husband
was now in the anteroom and ready to
be examined.
Leaving a visiting card, the lady took
her departure, and the doctor, bidding
the supposed patient enter, proceeded
at his leisure to ask professional ques­
tions. The jeweler's man was puzzled
at first, but soon he realized that he
had bee^ made tbe victim of a clever
fraud. The doctor, however, interpret­
ed his agitation as cantred hy his com­
plaint. and when after two hours mat­
ter« were finally explained the lady im­
postor had vanished with her spoils
without leaving any trace. — London
How the One It Attacks May Watch
the Obstruction Grow.
Cataract is «aid to be dae to the
gradual deposition of oxalate of lime
in the substance of the crystalline
lens, af first I d small spots or streaks,
sometimes in one part and sometimes
in another. The deposit gradually in­
creases until it penetrates the whole
of the lens, causing bllncness The
remedy, then, 1« to remove the lens,
and after its removal the patient needs
a substitute in the form of highly mag­
nifying spectacles.
All that Is necessary to enable a
patient to see hl« own cataract for
himself Is a piece of card and a nee­
dle. A visiting card will do very well.
Pierce a clean ronnd bole near tbe
middle of tbe card and boll the card
up to the light close to th« aye, look­
ing preferably In the dlra-tlon << i
piece of blue sky. With th-. card ’.»-ar
to tbe eye tbe i*atient will oot see tbe
«mall hole pierced by the needle, but
he will see a comparatively large, faint­
ly illuminated field with his cataract
projected upon it. He in in fact, ob­
serving the shadow cast
his cata­
ract on the retina at th* back of his
eye. With a small puncture in the
card the shadow so threw» Is compat-
atively sharp. But with a normal eyg
an evenly iilnininated field or clea i
disk will be seen.
patient rnoy
thus map down his o.vr, cataract and
settle for himself whither ft Is extend­
ing and whether he will have an op-
eratlon or not.
excise inspector's wife—'can niaim.’"
Why th. Market Wabble«.
The financial balance la ao extreme*,
óallcate that the slightest movement
affects it and throws it out of gear. I
ouce heard of an important "dear be­
ing spoilt because a prominent finan­
ciar bad his big toe cut by a chiropo­
dist ao badly that be was obliged to
keep his room.--Maurice Mortimer hi
Grand Magazine.
Apples as “Nightcap«.”
The apple is such a common fruit
that very few persons are familiar
with its remarkable efficacious medic­
inal properties. Every one ought to
know that tbe very best thing he can
do Is to cat apples just liefore retiring
for the night.—Family Doctor.
An Easy Mark.
"Sir. I am an old member on tb*
bourse, I took shares in all your com-1
panics and am now ruined, so 1
thought perhaps yon would employ me
in your office.”
“Oh. no; I want only futelllgent men
in my business."—Bon Vivgnt.
Ths Other Way.
"If I were younger." said the rich
old man. "I believe I might win yon
for tny wife.”
"Yes.” replied the cold beauty, dream­
ily considering his sixty yea it "or,
say. fifteen or twenty years oXOcd.’1 •
Philadelphia Press.
tne lymph vessels and effectually pre­
vents swollen glands, from which so
many people suffer.
After two brisk rubs of the lymph
vessels return to the jugular veins aud
then back to tbe glands, half a dozen
or eight times, until the operation will
be found far better (han a cup of cof­
fee. and whenever the brain 1« dull
through congestion this massage will
be equally effective.—Pearson s.
dust nas the unpleasant property ol
spontaneously Igniting If left in a
warn) place. It Is therefore custom
ary to mix the material a sackful at a
time In order to reduce the risks of an
A Figure of Speech.
"Dad," Inquired Freddy, "what In A
‘figure of speech?* ”
“Where'e your mother?" asked dad
"She's downstairs." answered the
Mies, Mrs. and Mistress.
"Well, then." began dad, "a flaire of
"Miss" is an abbreviation of “mis
tress." which, as an English law dic­ speech, my son. is n woman.”—Har­
tionary explains, is the pntjter style of per's Weekly.
tbe wife of an esquire or u gentleman.
A Paradox of Po«U.
By I>r. Johnson's time It bad become
“Poets have always had manty en
'the term of honor to a young girl."
In the earliest part of the eighteenth couragetnent."
"Yes." answered tbe sad eyed youth
century, however, it was used respect
fully of girls below the age of teu with Inky Angers. "The idea seems to
that jss-try 1« something everybody
alone. After that age "miss'' was
rude, implying giddiness of Is-tiavior. ought to rend and nobody ought to
In Smollett's writings an unmarried write.” Washington Star.
woman of mature years aud her mnl<!
i ne nuier.
are both "Mrs." It is certain that
“Now that you've gone to hon*e
"miss" has grown older, so to speak,
while "master" has become confined tn keeping. which rule«, you or your
"Neither of us. We have a pro r lilon-
Danger In Linoleum Making.
al government."
In the manufacture of liuuleum no
“What is that?'
unprotected lights are allowed In the
-The cook's."—Baltimore American.
mixing department This is on account
of the great danger of exploding the
Don't wait for I>ame Fortune to
cork dust floating in the air. An addi­ knock at your door She may be kid-
tional danger in linoleum making Is nnpcd by som» on« who 1« willing to
Hint the mixture of rrtuujii uu.l carte meet her half way.—•’hicago News.
Wall Paper, House Lining,
Paints, Oils
And all kinds of Painter’s Materials, Large stock of
first class goods just arrived. Call at KELSEY
& SIEWERT’S Paint Store. Opposite
American Hotel, Main
Street, K. F
Tricks of the Trades Recorded by *
Diarist of 1783.
"The pure food question is as old,”
said an antiquary, "as the hills."
He took down a volume bound In
gray calf.
"This 1« the diary,” be said, "of nein-
rich Cruger, born In Amsterdam in
1724: died in New York in 1870. Listen
to the pure food kick that Henry put
up in 1783.”
Tbe antiquary read:
“Monday, Ikth October—If I would
drink water I must quaff tbe mawkish
contents of a cursed open aqueduct,
exposed to all manner of defilement
and impregnated with all tbe filth of
the town.
“As for the intoxicating potion sold
as wine, it Is a vile, unpalatable and
pernicious sophistication, baklerdasbed
with cider, corn-spirit and the juice of
"The bread is a deleterious paste,
mixed up with chalk, alum and bone
ashes, Insipid to the taste and destruc
tive to the constitution.
“The table beer, guiltless of hop« or
malt, is vapid and nauseous. The tal-
lowy, rancid mas« called butter is I
manufactured of candle grease and
kitchen stuff, The fresh egg« were
fresh once.
"The greens are Ixtiled with brass
halfpence in order to improve their
color, while the pickles, though very In­
viting to the eye. are often insupport-
ably rank to the taste, the reason
being that in their case also the house­
wife has boiled a shilling's worth or
two of halfpence or ii pound brass
weight In the vinegar."—New Orleans
Buy Lots in Hills’Addition
Just East of the Depot
The Traveler’« T *e M/th.
Among the roman'?-' stories of fa r-
off lands that have tt-ig maintained
their circulation and commanded more
or lew belief is that it' the "traveler's
tree," credited with p: Massing 11 reser­
voir of pure water f?ttyl to save the
lives of wanderers in tbs desert. G. F.
Scott Elliot declares froio hi« own ex­
perience that the tree grows only in
the neighborhood of awaups or springs
and that, although it hag a considera­
ble amount of water in a hollow at
the base of its leaf, the cater possess­
es a disagreeable vegetable taste and
of course Is Inferior to other water to
be found In the vicinity.--Youth's Com­
Getting Up Exercises That Will Put the
Brain In Order.
The difficulty mo«t people experience
in getting up In the morning can be
easily overcome by a simple operation,
according to a medical authority. Aft­
er the night's long rest the brain 1«
laden with somewhat impure blood, and
the lymph vessels which remove waste
matter are overfull and sluggish. This
Is why we all crave another ten mln
utes in bed and why most js»oplo are
so morose ut breakfast. Very slowly
tbe brain gets rid of tlie matters which
interfere with iis vigorous action, but
the process can be expedited.
How German Beats English.
if the Anger tips are placed against
“We speakers of English,” said a lec
turer, "are handicapped by our lan the ne< k just tin let- the ear and moved
guage. We can never hope for such swiftly down to tbe front of the shoul­
der along the course of the jugular
sonorous titles as tbe German's have.
"A young German matron once said: vein, the used np b'ood it drawn away
“'Ach. how glnd I am that my dear anti room left for a fr.-sh supply. Tills
Fritz has been appointed linuptkassen- should be done twice nt each side of
verwaltungsasslstent'--assistant cash­ the nwk. Then t'le hands should b>
ier. 'Now,' she went on, ‘in my title of placed <n the bn'1: of the n >ck jus!
I ’i nlet- i ' io r!:uil a” ] t t ve 1 <lo-n -ml
ru for <) • ii- I.." > *;’!»’ • /. » u /.»«♦
bor.rt of five, letters more 1' »
Can you find a better investment in the city? You are
paying the present value price and will thus secure
the benefit of the increase