/ WOMANS world f rFT. MISS IDA RIDDLE. A Practical Philanthropist and a Stu- dsnt of Sociology. Ml»« Ids Riddle of Ornati» I» a <*a paid« and energetic worker idoug piili anthropic lines, I» an earnest »tudi-u« • f »oclology and is anxious lo help Hie unfortunate »oh« their own problems for themselves. Ml»» Itlddle I» mother by proxy of twenty three nml has mad«' her In-iirt very warm toward tin* little ch hiten who iu»«ii her help. Hiic cam« neroa» ninny eases lit which the llttl« on«*» were getting the worst of It cither through liidlff* i t-iici' ami imglc' i, nml »b« tried lu tunny way» to n»»l«t them. One time when n drunken father and mother wer«« In court for abusing their llttl«* girl th«* Judge derided to takt* the child from tin* parent» Ml«» Riddi« offered to cur«* for It until she could aecur«« It , ; [ ruse It la generally worth while to laadeti the »kin by a preliminary ap­ plication <>f ciM'aln«. If the opurntluu bn» beeu done completely nml »tie- «•»»fully, lu a few days perhaps a lit tie link«« of »kin fall« «»IT. and a minute «car I» temporarily left which dlaap pours In the course of a w««ck or so Those who object to th« attendant di» comfort» of th!» allupi« operation can roaurt If they Ilk«« to the l««s» alarm­ ing procedure of applying u little luo tic ucld to the »kltl Imiinellately over the spider. Th«« ladle acid causes a little blister which, if It I» sufficiently deep, will eventually cause an oblitera­ tion <>f the capillary vein if thia meth­ od lie adopted It I» eswttitlal, If no near I» t > lie left, that the bllst«r when It forma »lioiild I mi proti« ted from every poaalbht damage. If the top of the blister I»« torn off and any blemlltig granulations develop, If these are dam­ aged in any way, a sear of some kind 1.« very likely to take th«* pine** of the previous blemish, ami tin- advantage» of the operation are thus completely counteract«»!. No Additions to Hidland Chetko Copper F*«r the assurance *4 purchasers <4 lot» In the town of Midland, «« well to« furnish inf'iriiiat ion to |»*opl« interest*! in In mi* In or near to Midinml, which purchasers <>r owners ot land might 1» i.ffec‘.«l by the reports to effect tliat several additions woul*l I*« ms«le to Mid­ land, we take Hila method of stating CllBtkO COppSF CO« Is nowoRering its tir»t allotment of Treasury Stock at 3*) cents a share. that there will I»* no additions to Mid­ land for some years. We can give thia »■stirancc. for the reason that we own ¡nc"rP°ra,‘‘'* in Aug«i,t. 19CS, under the laws of the Stat*-<4 Oregon, with* capital stock land on all sides of the town site, all *4 • Phofkn PfinnDr Pn <4 $1,000.000, par value >4 shares |1 each. One-third of the iiaue is treasury stock-] which will I*« kept vacant, except the ' Lllu’AU vUPpcr LU. vacant land on the south and the south-1 east of the town »lie, which has been set aside for the use of stock yards, Chotkn Connor Co T,,blTY copper claim»'MO acre, and two water rights on the Chetko river in Curry shells and 1«,ailing pens.— M idi asp Tow» UllclAU LU[J|Jcl LU. County, Oregon, within eighteen mile» of Chetko Harbor, on the Pacific Ocean. CoMVAMV, SOCIETIES Of KLAMATH CALLS On one <4 tin- claim» la a flfty-loot vein of copper ore 'which is being develop*!; that contains 13 [*er cent copj^er, and I'JH gol«l j*er ton ; making a total of $90.40 per ton A.O. I'. W,— Linkville L*»lg<* No. 110 V inert» in the A. O. L'. W. hall every Tm-*-ut five per ««-nt < <,[*j»-r is »elling it» -bar«- in Boston at $27 to $30 a Evatiitelinr L*»Jg«* No. kN llegrrr *4 »hare; and th«* Bal.-kalala Cop|*er (>*., »itiiat«*l m-ar Trinity) capitalize«! at $5,000.000 is selling at $8 to $to j>er Honor larlgi* me«-t» in the A. •>. I'. W. »bare on the Boston ami other markets. hall every »«coml aacl fourth Tlnir»>!av» in tin* month. Nancv N. Wl.it«-, C. of H. .!«-••<- Miitple, Rrcotder. .. f’*>nnpr cal’,ial'z'"1 ^"r $1,000,000 own» mor • !a m» t!..i:i le*th sail companies com W. <». IV. Ewsuna t ump, N<>. 7't'i. W. Vz I I V I lx > Lii,. I ; 'aining *,re Ixelies that gr«-atly « xceed in valm: the ores of the said two <>. W., inert» rvrrj* T'u«*».l»v rvrning i-ompaiiie«, and is now selling its first Block of treasury stock at ut 7:30 o'clock at Henderson'» iiuii. All nriglil*orscordislly invited. C. K. Bramienburg, Clerk. A. F. A A. M.—Klamath Lodge No 77. Meet» »nturilsv evening on or I»* Hoti a« Copper Stock Huyers learn the fa- te about the fore the lull moon of each month in the A Maaonic Hall. W. 1 Hhive, W. M. W. E. Howdoin, Secretary. A Drawer For Scraps. , , -Every worn.in l.i «w th« valm* of a scrap Lag to b<»l«l bit» of »Ilk», ribbons, hi«« nml other "leftovers'' from tire»»- making, which may l>e useful for pnb'blng <>r for some other purpose, lint where u Lug 1» «i >■ <1 th«* coveted pl*»* Is »nr«* to In- «low ti nt the bottom, no Hint It 1» ti..... »»ary to «lump out Hie eutlrn contents of the bug every time soiiictblng 1» wanted out of It. There­ O. E. S.—Abdis Chapter No.bl, m«*et» pr<,¡..rt¡e«, the share- will eventually a*lvar. e t-* $10 aril '«etter per share. fore it Is better to devote a »pare in the Ma»*>m<: hall every secomi and drawer In a bureau to scrap». Iler» fourth Tu«-»*lav i-vcninga tn each uicnt!«. Hie various roll» of laces ami rlld»>n», Christine Mui I"- b, W. M. Jennie E. (’l-ipfL/, at 30 cents a share is way far the best Copper Stock buy of the day. It has the high each wrnp|«*i and plnne«l Into tight Reaiue», beerrtary. iVLIXiy wty|y|Jvl grspper-gold ore in quantity ami the right management. It is sure to bumtl«-». may I«* spread out so that I. O. <>. F.— Klamath Lodge No. 137 «neb on« may I m « easily recognised. A meets every baturday «-veiling in the box for buttons. old fringe» amt the A.O. I'. W. hall W. If. North, N.G. Ilk«« may be Imltid««*! among the con­ Geo. L. Humphrey, Kecretarv. tent» of Hu* drawer, which prove» ■ Ewaiina Encampmrnt No. 4fl,f.O.O.F. boon to all who have tried It. Encampment meets second ami fourth Samples of the Chetko Copper gold ore and prospectuses can be seen at the Lakeside Inn, Klamath Falls, Oregon >atur«lavs in the month in the All>ert E. Imbler, late manager and part owner of the Long Lake Lumber Co., of Klamath Fall», is personally over- A. O. I ’ W. hall. c. 0. Brower, C. 1’. Monograms on Lmsn. seeing tie- development of the large ore bodies on the Chetko Copper ctaims, and the company is proceeding to have all its Geo. L. Humphrey, Ncfibe. i'll«* custom of marking linen with Prosperity Rel»-kah laxlge No. 104 mining claims patented this summer. ImlellbJ«* Ink. practiced not many year» Note: Advance in Price ¡—After July 5th, 1W, the price of the Chetk copj«er will l>e advance«! to 50 cents a share. ago by fashionable». ban completely l.o.«». j meets in the A. 0. (J. w. I own to glass uml pantry hall every first ami third Thursdays in pu»»«»i towels, household linen must now the month. Francis E. Boyd, N. G. Frankie Hammoml, hecrelary. have nn embroider*! monogram.’' »ah! K. of I*.—Klamath Lodge No. 99 a linen exi«ert "Tablecloths at pr«*a meets in Sanderson’s hall every Mon­ ent nr« mark*«! with two monogram», day evening. Beil B.imls-r, C. C. one nt either end of th«« cloth or «ling John Y. Tipton, K. of It. and H. iiunlly nt opposite corners Hh«»*tN nml M. W. of A.—Lodge meets in the pillowi n»«»« have n large embroider*! A o. I . W. hall every first and thir«i I monogram pin-«»I back of the hem­ Weduesdav in the month. CORNER MAIN i WATER STREET W. B. Mi lJtngl.hn, Consul stitching. drawn work, embroidery or W. A. Phelps, Clerk. In«« Insertion which decorate» the Foresters of America—Ewauna Camp, edge " N<>. <■!. meets ie the A 0 U. " I dl every second ami (oiirth Frelay» in the To Mak» a Pr.tty Collar Casa. m* lith. i'. I>. w son,0 H A pretty collar case I» mn«le by tak E. E. Jamison, Rec. Sec. Ing four ill««*«*» of cardi»>iiri»*i «*iich [lain an«! flgurvd pie«*,« ami overseaui. *'ak« tin* tw * pl««*** after they are over 1*11110»! togetli r and tie nt th« bn k wltli narr »W ribbon nti«l nt each eu Jyrt. nml »«»on Ml»« Rhldh« hn«l n "fam lly of on«*.’’ The family wn» 11 »in»»*»», ami »iiortly nfterward 11 »«»»»ml child was ud«lcutiti«|c«l ns tlielr gunrilinn »ml to wr.teh out for 11 •• welfare. Hut It rrmnlne.l for a l.hiciln Jmlge to npi»>tnt tier gminllan of n wh >1«« family Him bad •m»*«*c i«*4 In re*«uin;* n family of th«* «‘lilldrc’t front n v.« grant mother nud bud th* ’¡I taken I:t-<| court for furthvr .1 -nt'n coiinlderutl 1 th«* Ju«l;:*- *ettlcn In tttnnhn t»* prntasl th« Im-l.lcnt nml gave Mias Iti«l in shelf boi*!» a «simili Ixiitle of keiXMene oil ami n » ft linen «-loth, nml the merest rub |.*.Tve th« tub Immaculnte, the aim ll of Hi«* oil b«»lug <|Ulte gone after opening the wlmloM- for n moment. Colored Embroidenee. T«pld water with a good soap and a pinch of »alt In It Is a gmsl way to clean color«»! embroideries Care must be taken not to rub the soap Into the embroidery, ami when It lias b<»*n gen- tly pressed rinse It out In a basin of clean tepid water. It mu»t I m * wrung out carefully nml then place ! right »Ide d«»wn between two clean cloths nnd Iron«»! while »till wet. Whit» China Silk Blou»»». Never waab white china »Ilk blouse« in hot water. It will turn them yellow after tln-y have been laun Lnigcr of any use. Renew them. active Ilves am! would ke.*p themselves Tbit 1», pour over them some per pity «-illy nml mentally nt the numiult fumed nuimoula — violet, lavender or of t!i«*lr p «•.vers. I'liy si i.iii 1 ngr«*<* Hint Whatever 111«* »alts limy have been w<«i,.:ltl commonly requires nt leant nil originally. liotir't more sleep thnn man, blit also Hint »ho bears deprlvntlon of rett but­ Plush goods nml all articles dyed tor. This 1» due. however, to tile fnc with aniline dye t which have fxded that !n crises which dcinnnd wnkeful fro:.i exposure l « the light will look a» news het* sv m pit th les nml emotions are bright in now after »ponging with ehlo- comi.mnly iniolvcd, nml the Intensity rofortn. of ! r Inter«*!» keeps her nlert. Not She Helped. till the excitement, which In tier I m nn Rayner It took nerve, didn't It. to exultation of wplrlt holding her to her «tilt.«. 1» passed will «die feel the loss of btvuk yourself of the habit of »inok re* 1. Init then «lie should yield herself Ini; at your age? Sliyne It did, you to nn Increased amount of sleep, nn bet! Rut my wife or 11«» plenty of should the brnln worker after every Hint. Chicago Tribune. unusual nnd prolonge«! effort Love. Sillien»—How can a innn tell when About Electrolysis. he I« really In love? Cynicus He can't Although not n seriously painful op eration, electrolysis can»«*» nufflclent tell till It's too late.—Philadelphia Rec smarting to make It dreaded by nerv­ erri 1 ous Individuals, an*! when such 1» ths ' I All kind» engineering and «iraogli' ing C. C. BROWER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW The Fourth is Coming! WE ARE READY FOR YOU! THE STORE THAT’S DOING THE BUSINESS have severa' thousand de liars wjrth of goods that must go regardless of price for they must be desposed of within thè ti ne for which secured an extension of our lease. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ROOMS TAB, MUROOCK BLDG. DR. WM. MARTIN DENTIST Office o/er Klamath County Bank MELVIN D. WILLIAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR Civil and Irrigation Engineer, LAND SURVEYOR. East Main St., below 4th KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Ollie« in American Rank a Trust ComJ pany's Building PHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST Our Fine Line of Clothing is one of the things we call especial at­ tention to. Kuh. Nathan & Fisher and the Acorn Brand cannot be sur­ passed. It you need a suit of clothes for fit, finish, style and wear, see what we have to offer. Suits from $4.75 to $22-50 Boys’ Suits from $1.75 up Men’s Hats The Stetson and Gordon Hats are the finest in the world f o r style and wear. Always keep their shape. Ours are going at closing out prices. Ladies’ Skirts Shirt Waists and Dress Goods Withrow-Mel hast Huilding C. F. STONE ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Klamath Falls. Oregon 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE P atents Men’s Furnishings Shirts, Collars, Ties—everything nifty tor the nobby dresser and at the lowest prices. | Shoes ^en’s« | Gut Prices. No more complete line is to be found in a town five times the size '! Klamath Falls. The price is lower than you can purchase them ‘elsewhere. Now is the time to stock up tor the fall for you will sax e m jneyhy buying from us now and Children’s Sb. ?s. Thjse all 40 at Closing They c<>mprise t' .e :;:;esbgr.td •< a: latest styles. The place to save money, for we c ;,c going cut of business, and you get the benefit cf Our low prices trade marks D esigns C opyrights A c . Anrone Rrndlng n bketrli mid de»ortptlon may quickly niicertnlii cur o|»ini< 11 froo whetlier aii invention in probnbly pnlentabiq. Communk**» tloti« i*t riot ly confident Ini. HANDBOOK on Patents •oirt free, oldest ngency for securing patent«. Pat onia taken through Munn A Co. receive tprcuil no R c «» wit bowl chame. In the Stieniifie Hmerkan A hsndsomnty lltnsfrntnd wrrklr. T.srsMt otr- Ilon of lvntille ruisti««« <>t «ny »nr fii ».-leni inc Journal, l«nrii»l1 'irruta, Terms, *>a Ms iiiontUff, |L Sold by all newedaalere, TWl : four ‘ Iraucl i”‘Bf«-’'NewÏQrt Í» r BL. WublualoQ, tí. C. L. JACOBS & CO va 3