CITY Gasoline at the Star Drug Store. B G. HEITKEMPER. JR. - - Ü (> Fine Une of Fresh Candies I ; Latest Novelties in Toys (• 1» Watches. Klamath Falls, Ore « nnKenrs « Hardware We are not so old, but we have got the GOODS and our L. Alva Lewis. 4 ■ office. Mine Host Griffith of Odessa, was in the city during the week securing slip- ¡■lies for hie well known establishment The 500 Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. J. G. Pierce Satur­ 1 day. A. W. Bartlett had Prescription No. 20,000 filled so won $2.50 prize. Re­ member $5.00 is given for No. 20,250. Bring them to us. § “Every drop pure," is what can lac said of Continental whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye. Sold by C. D. Willson. ♦ Mr. Reibe, representing the Buffalo Louis Gerber, who has been in Sac­ ramento for sometime, is expected home Brewing Com ¡«any of Redding, was in ' the city this week on business for his this week. I» firm. Lead Arsenate for spraying at Star <• Closing out sale at the Boston Store 4 Drug Store. $ Mrs. Kemp Ballard left for Portland H. L. Holgate, cashier of the Bank of Tuesday morning. When she returns Bonanza, was in the city Monday. she will be accompanied by Mr. and The government says that Continen- Mrs. F. E. Stahlrnan. i tai whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ Just arrived at Alva Lewis's, new ' ' mandie Rve and F. F. V. Rye is pure line of jewelry. $ for it is put up under its supervision in | Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Church are .¡lend ­ bonded warehouses. Sold by C. D. Willson. 4 j ing their honeytuo<>n in OwnsLoro, Ky., , Mr. Church’s home. They ex|>ect to ■ Charles Horton went to Oakland this' I m * al>t»ent alxiiit a month. week on business connected with his' Get your straw hat at tbe Boston. 4 cattle interests. Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors !» All the latest Newspapers and !» !» Magazines 1» (» Most complete line of PIPES to select from Long Lake Lumber Co LUMBER Band sawing and Turning, Specialty PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum­ ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de­ livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. O. HUSON, Mre. H. F. Murdock is attending the O. E. S. giand lodge. Mrs. Richard Shore Smith returned Closing out sale at the Boston Store $ Sunday lrom Eugene, where she ha» been on a visit of several weeks dura-! If you want to buy a lot in the Fair- tion. She was accompanied by i view addition No. 2. sea me. . I have an Al parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, her interesting proposition tor you. Kubes, Klamath barlier shop. tf «¡eter and her niece. Manager Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? The difference in cost of a good lencb and a poor one is so small that it pay« to buy a good one. I will have f * A Carload of Ell wood Fences About May 1st. It costs nothing to examine them, but if * you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. Everything that the farmer needs, I have. 4+ vt 4* 4* *♦’* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* *ï* 4* *i * 4* 4* 4j 4* 4* 44 4* 4* 4* i » EERT E. WITHROW Vice-Pres. & Trees. ALLEN SLOAN Secretary KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000, FULLY PAID > ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING P KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ABSTRACTERS A choice line of InvoMt niente tlifkt 'will make flio purelui.Mcr money Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH ChitWood Ôfuà Co. office supplies Fine Stationery legal blanks Waterman's Fountain Pens Closing out sale at the B >eton Store -i * * Well Fenced Farm ** * * * * ** * GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man ** * * DON J. ZUMWALT President Emma Block M ASON & S l OU GH Get your straw hat at the Boston. § i Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shive are in FOR SALE.—A lot of fine driving,! f’-rrtlaml, Mr. Shive being a delegate to draught and saddle horses, at a price the Masonic Grand <• rand Lodge, which meets that will sell them. Phone or write to *n c’ly we®k. Liskev Bros., Dairy, Oregon. Swan | Come in and get one of those prêt- Lake ranch 18 miles from Klamath Fails, tiest men's suit« at the Boston Store, which go at closing out prices. : l-24-6mo. X 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4? 4» 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4* 4* 4» X * * 4* «s*. Phone. 173 Mrs. B. E. Jacobs and daughters, Mabel and Claudia, returned to their home in Baker City Sunday, much to the regret of their many friends. George T. Bal lwin has recently l*en appointed local agent for the Ashland Iron Works and will lie pleased to give quotations fur all kinds of repairs Dr. F. M. Crossfield left this week for I machiuerv. Windsor, Calif., with a bunch of Klam­ ath county mules. He will l>e away I i dance that he is going to give on several months. 25th in his big warehouse op|>osite Frank Ira White returned Thursday court house, and to which all of from a trip to San Francisco and Port­ I friends are invited. land. , .. „ . , 1 Come in and get one of those f 18 suits Closing out sale at the Boston Store 4 ... at the Boston store—They are going J. F. Adams, H. L. Holgate, Frank Ira now for $10. I White, Judge Baldwin, Alex Martin, Jr.; Mrs. J. W. McCoy passed through and W. T. Shive have been elected dele- this city Saturday on her way home gates to the Oregon Development league from Rogue River valley, where she has and will probably attend the meeting to been visiting. be held in Portland next week. Get your straw hat at the Boston. 4 Do you know that I have all kinds Alex Martin, Jr., left Monday morn­ of property for sale at a bargain. Mark ing for Portland to attend the Masonic L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. § Grand Lodge, to which he is a ilelegate Mrs. M. C. Meservey left Tuesday from the local lodge. IJ 1' I J J i IJ p» for AJIlLsoll I U 11J I ‘ i , '»litre morning British Columbia, where I she will join her hueband, who is there -'nv one wanting property of any in the interest of a large timber corpo­ kind in Southern California or if you have properly to sell or trade, write J. ration. E. Paddock, Klamath Falls, Oregon. See Ady for marsh lands. 5 4-18 tf Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a Roberts & Hanks Closing out sale at the Boston Store 4 j Mrs. G. W. Manton has gone to Port- land on a visit, and will be absent sev- eral weeks. Small tracts of well located tule marsh lands offered for one week at |20 per acre. Abel Adv. § Manufacturers of All Kinds of PRICES are right Builder's Hardware » Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Blu and Royal Graniteware Tin, Wood and Willoware Sporting Goods Get your straw hat at the Boston. § I Closing out sale at the Boston Store § District lh*puty Grand Patriach Geo. S. C Bartrum, superintendent of the I.. Humphrey and team will go to Bo­ Cascade Forest Reserve, arrived here nanza Saturday, where they will insti­ Saturday. He went up to Odessa Mon- tute an encampment. ' day on business connected with his 1 Pay the Freight Republican Block ♦ Austin Cox who is now engaged in Hon. N. S. Merrill was in the city business at Bonanza was in the city the M»ud ay. first of the week. WANTED—A gill tor general house Get your straw hat at the Boston. $ work. Apply to Mrs. James McClure. 2t* Jacob Waltz of Bonanza was in the city I the first of the Week. FOR SALE- A complete ease thresh­ I Harry and John Ackley were in Mor- ing ouitlt. Enquire of E, <». Wilson, 5-30 8-20 i rill Sunday on business connected with Klatuatli Falls. j their lumber interests. Charles J. Swingle and family have Dr Magilton will not tie able to get returned to latngell valley for the sum- to Ft. Klamath before June 15, when mar. she will ba glad to meet those requiring Francis J. Bowtie went t<> Konami» : dental work. fl-13 4 Sunday to l*H»k after his extensive in­ William Shook of Dairy was in the terests in and around that growing city this week milking arrangements for ! town. the entering of his horses in the Fourth FOR SALE— 12 four-year-old mules; of July races. nil broken. Inquire at this office. } VYING YOUR JEWELRY OR HAV- ing your work done at HEITKEM­ PER’S will surely result in your be­ ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as tine as can be procured, ami my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments, Phonographs, Records, Supplies. Strings, Sheet Music, Etc. A big line to select from. Send for catalogue. City Prices. PLANTS—Jim Straw has some very line cabbage, celery and tomato plants. Telephone 1(K5. Residence west »nd of bridge. fl-20 • BRIEFS FOR SALE—Cedar fence posts. En­ For Sale— Italian and ('arniolian I m es quire E. E. Jamison. fl-27* in patent hives. Mrs C. T. Bonney, fl-13* On receipt of two cents in stamps I Fred Stahlrnan went to San Fran­ will send descriptive literature of Klum- cisco this week for a visit of two weeks. , ath County to any address.— Mark I.. | A. J. Manning has lea»ed the room ' Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. adjoining his present store and is hav­ Fine line of boys' and youths’ suits at ing it remodeled. He will remove his the Boston—They go now nt ridiculously cigar and tobacco department to the § new room, using the present store for low prices. From $1.75 up. candy and confectionery. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Reams went to I If you want anything in tbe irachin Portland last Saturday to attend the meeting of the O. E. H. grand hslge. ery line, sec George T. Baldwin, who is agent f ,r the Ashland Iron Woorke. tf Mrs. Jennings will return with them. J <> I' I' ? is the place to furnish your house Don’t send your money to outside dealers I will guarantee to save you money on a bill of goods If yon M (’ST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let­ ter to our wholesale houses, where you can select anything you like. Closing out sale at the Boston Store § Do not buy blended whiskey. When J Don't forget that I have taken the agency for the entire you want pure whiskey see that it is for Klamath ¡>ut up under the government's "bonded e line of Pianos of the $and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes warehouse stamp,” as is the Continen­ tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ a are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, N. w mandie rye and P. F. V. rye. hold by < '. I '. W >!!so|). § tior cash we will give you a liberal reduction. Will G. Str el, E. D. Whitney, F. I*. Woodbury and Abel Ady, who visited the Upper lake and Fort Klamath last week, returned home Monday fuil oi stories about the greatness of that pec- tion. For ring» go to I.. Alva Lewis, line just arrived. BISHOP ’S Furniture Store (dosing out sale at the Boston Store fl niglas county where left Saturday morning for a visit of a ») they expect Io i^age in the lumber few months at her father's home near Omaha, Nebr, bi-ine-H. EILER S PIANO HOUSE I i * All that remains unsaid, just consider that it has been said Klamath Falls, Ore.