Notice for Publication Notice for Publication Department <>( the Interior, Land (if- flee al lakeview, Oregon, Muy 1«, 19H7, Notice i« hereby given that Je»»e <’. Craven», of Daily, Oregon, ha» filed notice of hi» intention to make final commutation proof m suppoit of hi« claim, via: Homestead Entry No. 3I hii mad*>Hept.ll, )9lift, for the ne<4 Hec. 24, Tp. 37 H, It 10 E W M, and that »ahi ptool will be made before the Clerk of Klamath Countv, Oregon, on the 2nd day of July, 1907. He name» the following wittie»«e» to prove hi» continuous residence upon,ami cultivation of, the land, via: R. E. Dunlap and If. F. Whitney both ol Klamath Fall», Frank Johnston and II. W. Crawford both ol Dairy, Oregon, ft 23-7 4 J. N. WATSON, Reglatei. t'nlieit aiatra land office, lakevltw, Ore «»n. Apr11 U, I»07. , Nolle« I« hereby given that In rom|illan<'« with tile |.rovi*lion olili« Mil ot Congreaa ol June », l»7«, eulltli <1, “Au act lor Ih« .»I« ol tluitir lauda Initie »lataa oi < alilorma. Ure gun, Navalla, and Wauhliiglon Territory,” aa »»landed Ut all the Publie tamil Hiet»» by art ol Augnai », IM, Philip W, Hoy.l. r rl K lainaili Falla, county ot a lainaili Mlate oi Oregon, haa Itola day filed lu thia uffici' hia •worn ata'cineut No. Stitt, for the puri haae of th» ui'',,e'4 «'.uè1« **•"' » »»d »»'¿nw>, ul H«v. No. V, In Ip. No. m H, H No 10 K W M, and will offer proof to ahow that th» land •ought la more valuable lor Ila timber or aluiie man lor agrli ullural |.ur|.i»«a, and to e.lalillab lila claim to aald land before the clerk ol Rlatnaih county, Oregon, at bla odo » at klauialh falla, Oregon, u:i Tueaday, tbu .'nd day ol July, IV07 II» naioea aa wllueaae»; Kdwlu hi'blliiaw, im ar Worth, Robert Horn, lug and Johu breit allot alaiuatl, ralla, ore gon. Aliy elidali pcraoua claiming adveraaly the above.ilvacrlbed lamia are requoli l to hie their rietina In liila oŒ' e on or before »aid 2nd day of July, IW7. « BJ7 J. N WATSON, «i girier. Petition I <>r I Iquor I heme KLAMATH COUNTY BANK J I KI.AMATH FALLS, OREGON ALEX MARTIN, President E. If. ItEAMEM, Vice-Pre»ident ALEX MARLIN, Jr Caahier Lakeside Inn, The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County —STATEMENT DEC. 31, 190«— ftmorm F.» ' Lian» ami Discount».................................... Ov.odrafl» ............. Bonil» ami Warrant». ................................ Banking Hou»e, Furniture and Fixtures Beai Ertale.................................................... Due Irom Bank»............................................ Cu»h in Bank................................................. a a • a • • • • • • I MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. < •••••• • tm» Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two ( lub Rooms, Etc., Etc. • •ees • e : 075.03 LI A iih . it i t* Capital Stock, fully t.aid................... Surplus and Vmlivided profit»........... Individual Deposit», subject to check Cashier’» Cheek» outslamling Demand Certificate» of Deposit..... I T>> the lloti. rable County Court, of the 1646,075.63 State of Oregon, for Klamath County. We, the underalgned, reaident» and I, Alex Martin, Jr., t'aahicr of the above named Bank, do solemnly »wear that the above »tatemunt ¡»true to the bent of mv knowledge tnd belief. legal voter» of Plevna Precinct, «aid A i . kx A iaktim , Ju., Cashier. I County and State, rea|a«ctfully |*tiliun i Subscribed ami »worn to Irefore me this 7th day of January, 1907. that a licence to »ell »plrituou», malt [•MAh] D, V. Ki 1 KWOAU . Notice Pur Publication and vinoua liquor», in leaa quantitl»» Notary Public for Oregon. I'nited State« Land (Itile«. Lakeview, than one galloon, in the precinct afore- aaid, (ora |teri i the Hth day of July. A. 1». 1007, I* Notice»» hereby given that in com. granted to John W. Dyer at Kano, in I’Hance with the provision« of the act of •aid Precinct, ami your Petitioner» will Congrao» of June 3, IH7K, entitled "An act fur the »ale of timla-r land» in the ever pray. Al Decker, Kato Deal, John W. Lou­ State» of California, Oregon, Nevada, den, N. N. W. W. Deal, Deal, Harry Harry H. II. Pearaon Pearaon, and Washington Territory,” aa extend- den, Montgomery Sherwood, C M. Madison, ed to all the Public losmi State» by act D. J. James, too. C. Way, We»lev < ole, of August 4. 1**2. Be».m Car!.» , ol H J. Poole, E. C. Robbin», R. Curtis, Klamath Fall», County of Klamath, D. Havilln, J. A. Poole, G. G. Kern»,, Hate *>f Oregon, haa thia day tiled in G. F. Berit», A. M. Oronbav, L. A. ’•*'■ «^ce b« »worn statement No. Jinken», M. Martin, T. X. LeClain, B 3600,for the purchaae of the n',nw'4 Il W. McCormick, H. L. Chapman, Cha». ,"f Bee. No. 11, " In ‘ Tp. r_ * No. — 37 ' H, *■ 11 Mar»row, J. E. Ilernby, ... A. 0. -V-. Gillntan, No. Hl E, W M, and will offer proof F. H,|t'*»how that the land »ought 1» more D. I.. Gordon, Eugene Spencer, I, *■" I.. New valuable Downing, Burk Wilaon. E. v.,......v for it» timber . or ■■ »tone than for — bank», C. M. Wilxm, Thomaa M i I miii , agricultural purixiae», and to eatabiiah Obrer M. Hly, E. II Cooper, John "jy1 her claim to “»id laud before the Clerk I Connolly, Jr., It. A. Emmitt, G. W. *”•------ --- ~ ' 11 Sorrel«, J. A. Grime», J. P. Hitci cock. <»l Klamath County, Oregon, al ‘ hi» Datt Dolen, John Connolly, I N. •'an- • office al Klamath Fall», Oregon, on I deraon, A. Wi»e, Win. Daugherty. D. H. Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, 1907. McCollum, Geo. W. Kegg, H. L. Yrnr >, She name» a» wilneeae»: Cha«. Gordon, .1. E N'ewbank», G. Mark T. Howard ami Frank Johnvton I Baikal I' tn, I.. W, Anderton, cr»on» claiming adverse-1 ham. Hugh Kerwin, A. Pa»lay, C. E Btihlix, It. M. Krain, M. E. Spencer, ly the aliove-dencribed land» are re- ' )r., W. I*. Prndock, Fred I. Chapman A. D. Brier, J.« Tote, John Colo, W. II queeted to tile their claim» in thi» office on or before »aid 3rd day of July, Wall Notice la hereby given that the fo c 1907. going |>alltion will l>e )>rewnted to >»id Cour on the 3rd day ol July, 4-2W«27 1807. s o o Every drop Of Old Continental Whiskey Water Mill Whiskey Normandie Rye F. F. V. Rye is as pure as Government inspection can make it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­ pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso­ lute purity. Pure is the word that tells the story, and when the government places its 0. K. on whiskey you may be sure it is pure. Sold by C. D. WILLSON £ Wholesale and Retail Dealer City Meat Market MEISS i ARMAND PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS DE FRESH. SALT AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGESiOF ALL KINDS 0 Three Days of Celebration * Big Races Twenty-live horses have already been entered for the races, including Miss Agnes, Evergreen, Jack the Ripper. Yankee Bob, Cap, Candis, Sorrel Top- Fireworks A magnificent pyrotech­ nic display in the even­ ing, consisting of beautiful illumination of aerial pieces, surpassing anything ever seen here, in this countv. 9 $1SOO.00 sey, Roxey, Sadie S, Dick Rusher, Uncle Tom, and Big Injun. and Trophies 1’ apers for Particulars being - arranged lor for. See the Papers Other Events are heini» A Cordial Invitation Extended to Evervonc A A MARK L. BURNS, L. ALVA I EWIS, R. I. HAMMOND, ComrY. tw «