Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 13, 1907, Image 3

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7 he Discovery of
His Kingdom.
Louise J. STRONG,
««pt/rty»,. IM, hu I’, (*. KlUtmrnt.
Hho gave him a cheery greeting as
ah«* passed, which Deurdorf return«*«l
with stiff xniliarras-iiient. Women al
ways <*mbiirra*-ed blui, which fact had
been conatru««l Into a dlsPke of the
sex, thus aecouutlug for his bachelor
No one would have believed that, b-*
lounged on th** v**rmi'ln solely that hr
might watch her down th«* street.
Much leas would any oil«* have Ining
Im-d that every thin* b<* io >ked Into h'*r
candid womanly eyes his lonely, tin
muted Ilian m * u I « I hiii > i «**I for th** home
aud compmilonshlp lie mw therein.
He had not learmxl tlrit this kingdom
In wnmau's ejev h <11 crrulbl ■ only t >
th>* king to whom It I- guru to p >* <■ «
If he will. Therefore til«* Lit!** music
teacher with the bhxitu of youth be
hind her was to him moat «lealruld«* In
lot in
Lira allowki *.
th» eyes of all men. nnd he was uot
surprised. only startl'd to the stopping
of his li< nrt. at what lieoverheard from
a couple of young turn behind him.
"rihe will make him a sweet little
w.fe the lucky d >g ' oue eX«'luli: <• I
’The sw<«vt«*st lu the worhl." tin*
other assentixl "And there's uoth'ng
for tlw rest of u» but limiting wedding
prvients. Come ou."
They went their way. mid with
strangely blurred vlsl >n lie stiu ibled
up the stairs aud through the l ’ «ini
of the hull to Ills ro ans nt th.* eu I
Her «lixir was opfXMlt«*. mil ns b<*
fumbled with bls k«*> I t* glanceI
across furtively with an «*d«l sense of
glillt for the accustomed thrill that
shook blui. It was ns If In* were al
ready tho wife of another, an I. closing
his door vvlth emphasis, hr turned cu
th«* light and set about picking his
luiuernls. telling bllnself that lie would
move tmnuxllntcly
that there was
neither sense nor reason In bls ataj
Ing In this dingy place where his pov
erty, long 11 thing of tlx* past, had at
Drst etranded him. n<> reason, except
thnt. catlike. In* clung to th«* place n<
home, and—yea. hr would u<knowl
•slge It Ix'caus«* she *.*.us there. He
frowned nnd essayed n noiv-halnnt
whistle when he caught himself, 1.
usual, straining his ears for tin* sound
of her footsteps, i: wns time thnt be
But sutxux|ucnt r«*fl«x-tlon persuuded
him that Ills departure nt tills Juncture
might l>e connected with lu*r marring«*
i*ud excite comment, lie felt that b<*
mint remain until tho "lucky dog" had
carried her away, mid be blushed
painfully nt th«* thought he must pro­
cure the Inevitable wedding present If
ho would not bo conspicuous.
Then followed strenuous days nn«l j
aJei*pl«*M nights of vain endeavor to <!c
eld«* upon something, with bitter revil­
ing of tlie custom which forbade Ills
presenting her with a gixxlly check In
¡leu of nn article which would proba­
bly lx* but mi unwelcome duplicate
II«* hunted the ahopn mi l stores, con
fualng himself uselesrly with tho mid
titude ami variety of their wares. I!«* ,
grew thin and heavy eyed under the
bunion, thereby arousing In her aff
anxious solicitude lie was too nlworla* I
to perceive. In despair he sought ad­
vice of the otllco boy.
“Rllly," h<* nsk«xl that versatile young
porsou, "what would you give to a Indy
for a w «* Idlng |>r«*scnt?"
"Aw, that’s easy! Something slic’d
Ilk«*, of * niirsc," Billy said airily. Thon
h * expl lined: “I mean, sir. something
you’ve In nrd her s'l.v she'd like. That’s
1 <• only kind 0’ pre i*nt worth having,
«rily f<>!!:« won’t glv.* '«:n. I've tried
I', a hinting nnd 11 hinting what 1 want
1 lirlstmuses nn«l birthdays, mid I al-
v ays get some old thing I wouldn't
t ; 1 e If I -mid help It,” Hilly sniffed.
Thnt -eenicd an eminently sensible
i .c ge-tlon to Dcnrdorf, and he pre-
• ■ nted 11 grnteful dollar to Billy for the
Idea, renllzlng when ho camo to make
; pplh ntlon of It that the only object of
w! Ich lx* hn«l any knowledge concern-
I r* her desires was undoubtedly <|ueo-
t! mable rognrdeil as a wedding pres­
ent. Still, according to Billy’s decision,
II would bo a pleasure to her.
TIo ha*! one day chanced upon her
c.nndlng behind two little girls who
we.’o engrossed III th«* contemplation of
n*"i e: t-in •ln;r toy tci
In n shop
11 was obvlou« 1 :.:t such con­
templation was all their lot In life al-
towed, mid she wns lingering her slim
purse doubtfully, with moist eyes.
"I was wondering If I might not give
It to them for the sake of 11 lonely lit­
tle girl whose on«« desire lu life was s
vain longing for a tiny ten set,” she
■ said ns he stoppi*d.
"Let me," be begged, expanding un­
der tile Influence of her Impulsive con
After some Insistence she yielded
They took the nino^l children Inside,
hih I she exnmliied mxl extolled each
small urtlcle with 11 delight that e»|ual
v«l theirs.
"We do not all put away childish
things with years," she suld when they
were outside. "I love *.ho wee thing«
yet, mul somo time" she smiled del
untly "some time, when I eau mid not
f«*«*l It a wicked extravagance, I am go­
ing to have my «-hlldlsh heart's desire
1 mn so sure that you will not laugh
nt me that I will Invite you In to my
flrnt tea party."
Il<* tlimil.«*«! her gravely, understand
Illg mid s> iilpiitblzlug entirely Did lie
not carry In Ids |xx-ket a wonderful
carnelian "taw" In memory of tho tin
grnfI||«x| longing of the boy h«t used to
II«* hn<1 been waiting for the
Chrhtinas opportunity to gritlfy her
Innocent desire, reveling In linngtiia
tloti In the intimacy of h«*r promised
hospitality. Now he had put away his
«lay «Irenm with a sigh mid extinguish
<*«1 a dim hope thut had glimmered f'*
Hut It remained that bo must mnk<*
the w<s1«llng present, mid Dually, being
confldent of her perfect sincerity, he
Ign. >r«xl obtruding doubts ns to appro­
priateness nnd procure«! a falryliketen
eel worthy the potouxMlon of 11 prim <-s«,
which, Iwing uiKipis! to presenting It
pera-nially, bo left at her door with hla
card one evening, just eat-nplug her an
she came up the stairs.
And then, when It was done, he for
the first time <*ousider«x! his offering
from the probable viewpoint of the
prospective brtilegnxnn mid her friends,
mid the utter slmtirdlty of It over­
whelmed him. With shame be deckhxl
thnt after such a piece of Idiocy th*rv
wns nothing fur him but flight, nnd he
was t<mslug things belter skelter Into
bls suit case when h« hourii her ernes
Ing the hull.
Il<* 100k«sI about desperately for a
wuy of <x»«-ape. then dragged himself
unwillingly to the door nt her rnp.
"I have only thl< moment realised
how preposterous my unfortunate se­
lection la for a wedding present." be
•taniuien-«! abjectly as she entered.
"Oil!“ The glow on ber fuce faded.
"now stupid of me! I ought to bure
known there was a mistake, and I
ha ve <>|>etie<l the box " She set It upon
th«* table.
He shook bls head dismally. "Ttiere
Is no mistake. I tx*g your part! >ti. 1
"But there must t»e u mistake! They
left tli<* package nt my door," she an Id.
a little sharply.
"I left It myself. I meant It fur a
w«Mdlag present, but I are how"—
His rotor failed again
Hhr regarded Ills woebegone face
Int•-•itlv f r a moment "Very well. 1
will t**,ke it «town." Her cheek» were
gloving nn<l her even sparkling with
mischief "When 1 found the pa«*kage
I th night you b id somehow discover-
«xl thnt today Is my birthday mid had
kindly rem«*iulx*ro I my childish tong
Ing. Imt If It Is a wedding present It
mt.it go to Miss Bessie, who Is s«x>n
to l>.> married."
lie sat down heavily and stared nt
"You sec. oue must I«» married to
receive a wedding present,” alio ex
plained demurely, her color flaming
under Ills gaze.
The tangle suddenly straightened
he sprang tip •'Yes,’' lie assented, still
looking Into h<*r eyes, where by a
flash of inspiration be had seen his I
kingdom, himself crowned king
plunged forward across the table nnd
seized her hands, asserting boldly. ”!t
Is a wedding present your wedding
present, Alma. dear, for you are going
to be married immediately."
For answer she murmured tearfully
and happily, "Oh, Morris, we will have
tea In the «tailing little cups our first
evening at home!”
No Additions to Hidland
For the assurance <>f purchasers of lota
• town of Midland, m well as to
fii(nl»b information to |H*opl<* interested
in land» In or near to Midland, which I
purchasers or owners of land might lx*
affected by the re|e>rts to effect that
several additions would lie made to Mid­
land, we take this method of stating ■
that there will l>e no additions to Mid-1
land for some years.
We can give this,
assurance, lor the reason tliat we own ;
land on all shies of the town site, all <d ■ Phatlrn
which will la- kept vacant, except the LllClRU
vacant land on the south and the south- I
east of the town site, which has been '
set aside for the use of stock yards,' Pkntlrn
sheds and loading pens.—Mint.Awn Town 1 vtlcIKU
C ompany .
Pnnnnr Pn " M incorporate«! in August, HM!5, under the laws of th»- State of Oregon, with a capital stock
UUppcl UU.
<d $1,000.000 par value of shares $1 each. One-third of the issue is treasury st«x:k.
Pnnnflr Pn Dwne THIRTY copper claims (600 acre» and two water rights on the Chetko river in Curry
UOpPui LU,
County, Oregon, within eighteen miles of Chetko Ha i**>r, on the Pacific Ocean.
|2M gold jxsr ton ; making a Vital of
$90.40 per ton
Attantinn '•‘ »»cd to the fwt that the Trinity Copjier Co., in Bhasta Connty. Ca.iiornia, captialized at $4.000.000
with th«- ore values averaging alxiut five |s-r cent copper, is selling it- .h
a in Bo-ton at $»7 to $jo 1
,bare; and the Balakalala Copjier (’o.,'situated near Trinity) capitalized at $5.000.000 1» selling at $8 to $10 pei
All kimla engit.... ring and draughting
»bare on tf«e Boston and other market».
•. *“ captialized for only $1,000,000, own, more claims than ls>th said companies cooi
WllCtKO wOppCi
bhi*- l ; containing ore bodies that gi -atly <-x<>-*-‘l in value the re- of the -aid two
Office over Klamath County Bank
companies, ami is now selling its first block of treasury stock at
30 cents a share
Ns.n as Copper Stock Buyers learn the facts alx>ut the
Chetko CoppCr properties, the shares will eventually advance to $10 and tetter p-r share.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer,
cent» a »bare is way far the beat Copper Stock buy of the day. It has the higt.
Chetko Copper at 30 grade
copper-gold ore in quantity and the right management. It is sure to
East Main St., below 4th
Advance in price, and that soon
Samples of the Chetko Copper gold ore and prospectuses can be seen at the Lakeside Inn, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Albert E. Imbler, late manager and part owner of the Long Lake Lumber Co., of Klamath FalU, is personally over
Office in American Bank <k Trust Com*
seeing the development of the large ore bodies on the Chetko Copper claims, and the company is proceeding to have all Its
pany's Building
mining claims patented this summer.
Note: Advance in Price:—After July Sth, 1W7, the price of the Chetk copper will btf advanced to 50 cents a share.
For Shares, address
C. w. EVANS, C. & n. E
Mining Agent and Share Broker
With ron -Mel hase Building
Ashland, Oregon
Klamath Fails, Oregon
Bank Reference
Look to Your Pocket
and see that none of the contents
are wasted If you do this it will
lead you to the
Wc have
secured an
of our
The World’» First Story.
It I m probable that flic first story In
the world was a gh: d idory.—Londto,
* I« now offering its first allotment of Treasury Stock at 30 cents a «bare.
On one of the claims is.a flflydoot vein of copper ore (which is being developed that contains 13 per cent copper, and
Men's Boys' and
Children's clothing
unequaled in style and ma­
terial is selling from
$4.75 to $22.50
Ripsnsd Romance.
On the occasion of the ninetieth
birthday of Dr. Martineau, who preach
ed lu Liverpool for many years. Sir
Henry Roscoe, the English chemist,
congratulated him on attaining such a
fine old age. Th«« distinguished clergy­
man s lid that he had been overwhelm­
ed with congratulations and that lie
was working through th«» letters h«* had
"Ry degrees." lie said, ”1 shall nu-
swer them all.
”O:.<* of the most remarkubhi,” Dr.
Martineau coutintied, “was from u
Udy. the only person who addressed
me as *1>« nr James.* I had not seen her
aln«*c we were boy and girl together In
Norwich. She Is one of the daughters
of Dr. Rigby in that city. My friends
u:«.d I > Join* me ns n young mini about
Ml « .Inn«* Rigby, nnd 1 received tbolr
chuff pleasantly. I believed her long
since «lend; nnd now comes this letter
to remind inc of her existence and her
friendly recollection of me."
Tile old minister paused un Instant,
then added, with a tremulous smile.
"She Is now also In ii *r ninetieth year.''
A W»ak Heart.
"They tell tm* Hud It'll’*» «lend," said
Alkali Ike. 'L< thnt right?"
“Bure." replied Cactus Cn:; "shot
plumb through the heart."
"Well, I ain’t surprised then. Ills
heart always wns we ik."—Philadelphia
Chetko Copper
a jShoi*t
This will enable us to
continue Our
We take pride in our clothing
and know every purchaser is
a satisfied customer.
The most complete Line of
Gents’ Furnishings in the City.
Closing Out
Sale a Little While
Ladies' Waists. Skirts
and Under Garments
Everything from Shoes to
A’l we ask is an
examination of our stock. It
will satisfy you.
where your can buy more for less money
than anywhere else in the state. We are
dispose of our entire stock of goods, and To
do so give you the benefit of
Our Closing
Out Prices
Buy now and start a Bank
Account with your Savings
e are going; to quit
and you get the ben-
of Our Closing
Out Siile Prices
Klamath’s Greatest Emporium