SPRINGS The Price you pay for Lot includes Macadamized Streets, Cement Sidwalks, Shade Trees, Sewers, and Water. No Taxes for Two Years Six Per Cent Discount for Cash No Interest $350 and up. $35 Down, $5 Per Month. Only 16 cents Per Day HOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY of OREGON Lots in Dorris, Midland, and ML lieben; $5o and up; $10 Down, $5 per Month Klamath Falls Phone 404 HARDY FERNS. About Forty Species Are Suited to Out­ door Culture. Among the hardy ferns are varieties treatly differing In slue and form, from I halrllke creeping stem bearing a few dmple moesllke leaves to the vIgor­ ina growing plants with large leaves, ittaining a height of two or three feet. ?erns are interesting and extremely teautiful, especially when grown as «peelmen plants or In combination vlth other plants. The varying condi- ions in which the different species suc- eed are remarkable. Many of them equire a warm temperature, while ithers do well in cool and shady places. Of the 4,000 or more species of ferns tot more than about forty species are ;ulted to outdoor culture iu ordinary oils and situations. These species can »e planted in beds, borders or rocker- es or in the foreground of shrubbery. Vs most of them require a somewhat hady place, they are especially useful 'or filling in places where grass and >ther light loving plants cannot grow. ?erfect drainage Is required. The soil -.hould have leaf mold in It, or decayeti .»eat or well decayed sod will answer. Hardy ferns are best planted In the pring, but they can be planted In the ummer If the fronds or leaves are cut »ack. making It easier for the plants to stabllsh themselves before the winter abot »¡»outing whales, Icebergs, porpoises, wrecks, anything of Interest that turns tjp. for such pictures sell to magazines and newspapers, and he'll photograph his mates at so much a head. Here's a Respected His Scruples. man with $5 worth of fine wool. He’ll In the mathematics class one day at knit it all up Into ladles' shawls during Williams college Professor S„ who the voyage. With his skillful work vas rarely made the subject of college he'll change it Into $50 worth of wool. Jests, was excessively annoyed by The tattooed chap has a chunk of ■ome man "squeaking" a small rubber ivory. He'll carve it into little ships. .»ladder. The noise seemed to come He's very* handy that way. The bow from near a certain Jack Hollis, and legged feller darns stockings and patch­ ifter querying each of bis neighbors es clothes. The cross eyed one shaves ind receiving a negative answer Pro­ and hair cuts. As for me, I run a lot­ fessor S. said sternly: tery.”—New Orleans Times-Democrat. “Hollis, do you know who is making that unbearable noise?” Colors and 8eamstr»s«os. Hollis, who had been the guilty per- TLe seamstress, passing her needle stand back and refuse to advance with the times Run In Series. •‘And Is this to be your lest tour of by making use of every aid given us by science and Invention.— Pictorial America?” asked the reporter. "I hope not,” answered the mature Review. star of the dramatic world. ‘But it’s advertise»] as a ‘farewell.’” Dieillusioned. ‘‘Yes, n mere farewell. It's not a “Rhe bad played in amateur theat­ farewell farewell, you may notice.” — ricals, you know. ;■■! threatened to go Philadelphia Ledger. J on th • stage if her parents wouldn’t let her marry the di'. •*' Her “Alter Ego." “And wh it did her parents do?” First Gossip—I could tell you a pret­ t ‘They let l.er go < t th»» Iago, gave ty tale about Frau Weber, but one the <1’a * at • ’! <| wh«»:i he . iff Second Ditto—Never mind. Go on. *1 '‘i1 ’■•>••• i. (. c »mln,;.’ e ’i ■ TTcr pct doff Is here, you see.—TTumor- I'd'"» he Blatter. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. When the waist Is much contracted. It always means overdevelopment of the hips. A paste of salicylic acid and witch hazel applied to moles will remove them. The paste must not touch the surrounding skin. I A woman who Is noted for her beau- I tlfu! white hair uses a salt s ha m poo. Ordinary table salt rubbed briskly Into the scalp Is stimulating uud cleansing. Instead of using talcum powder on the hair to remove the oily appedtance ‘ry powdered orris root It takes out the oil, does not cling to the hair as the talcum powder does and leaves a faint perfuma. A very fine mouth wash Is made by combining an ounce of tincture of or­ ris root, an ounce of essence of white rose, an ounce of alcohol and twenty drops of peppermint, ¡’our a few drops In a half glass of water and rinse the mouth thoroughly. The Sink. All wood should be removed from a sink, according to Good Housekeeping, and replace»! with a porcelain sink, back and sides. That being too ex­ pensive, then use slate, zinc or copper. The materials should be absolutely Im­ pervious to mo^ture and without pnlnt, which only wears off and leaves an un­ tidy surface. Modern plumbers u-e Iron instead of lead nines almost eu- urvry. ana yer oy care rne oiu ieau ones may continue to serve. Frequent fluahiug of the sink la an absolute ne cesslty for perfect freedom from dan­ ger. It should be done with very hot water, but followed by a little cold wa­ ter, lest th«* beat cause a vacuum and draw the water off the trup, leaving It op»-n for gases to cscupe through the outlet of the sink. The treatment should be appllol to every fixture tn a house after the cleaning process Wall Paper, House Lining, Paints, Oils And all kinds of Painter’s Materials. Large stock of first class goods just arrived. Call at KELSEY & SIEWERT’S Paint Store, Opposite American Hotel, Main Street, K. F. The Wrong Things Cheap. 1 remember the despairing cry of • woman looking hopelessly through her I should have been a let wardrobe. ter womau If 1 had been born with feathers!” How well I knew Just what she meant! She wus examining disconsolately a shabby white satin dress the kind of satin that lx-tray» Its plebeian cotton origin. “I wish I were n guinea ben with respectable speckled feathers!" she cried as she gave a discouraged slam to the ward­ robe d«x»r. “Theu I wouldn’t us« up three-quarters of my Intellect getting the wrong things cheap!**—Mrs. John Lane in Fortnightly Review. The New Way of doing the family waihing—the way which change» it from dreary drudgery to a cheerful houxhold duty— it by using •rtfcjy Inatall • modem ^Standard* Laundry in your home and there will be no water to carry, no leakage or damp floor», and no tube to empty or upiet. It will increase the »cEing value of your His Favorite. “What Is your favorite recitation?” aake»l the hostess. •‘ ‘Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight,' " answered Mr Rlvklne. with n prompt­ ness which was almost defiant. “Why. nolwdy ri-'-'t ■ ■ that now. •That's why I like It.” Laundry Trays home. BOIVIN, the Plumber, Agent WHVfl J®. Alan»«'* lallt, Orafa Buy Lots in Hills’ Addition Just East of the Depot ♦ $125 FOR A LOT 50x120 FEET Can you find a better investment in the city? You are paying the present value price and will thus secure the benefit of the increase A FRANK IRA WHITE