» Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH VOL. XII > REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 13, 1907 Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. H rmt much of it, it was enough to awaken Did Council Exceed Additional Briefs LIBERAL ill me an »r.lent desire to explore fur­ SUBSCRIPTION Authority? ther on tlie old ocean. The weather was ideal ami seasickness was not an import­ Ralph Vaughn and G. F. Thompson, ant factor In our jmrty, much to the Klamath Falls Business Men Help while at work on the new Withrow pleasure ol all ol ua. We reached New E ditob K i amvtii R i Tt ni icwx : block, where T. Oliver is to open his Wood l/iver Enterprise. In your issue ol the bth lust., appear York on the 30th and bad an automo­ farming implement establishment, fell bile trip through tho city. We stayed »tateiiK-nt» in th« report and editorial from a ucaffold Monday and were ser- As an evidence of the interest mani­ iously injured. there two days and had tfie time ol our u|M>n tlie proceeding« of the council of live«. Nothing Worth seeing »#« missed. thia city relative to approval of *app >liit- fested in the welfare of Fort Klamath The lecture on Mocialiarn, delivers«! It in a great city, but too great lor little uienta try the mayor which it ap|M-ar» to by the bu»ine»s men of this city and the by Ge irge H G rebel in the Houston me could have been mad« only under a sincere desire to l>e placed in communi ­ me. I have always heard a great deal opera house la*t Monday was well attend misapprehension of tlie rights ami duties cation with this city by water transpor- about New York and It» attraction, but ed. Mr. Goebel is a man of considerable il is too smokey, crowded ami dirty. of the mayor and councilmen, and latioi , $253 wete turtn-'l over to the ability and mad« good impression on which certainly are misleading in those Chau tier of Commerce of our northern But it is a world in itself, and 1 saw his auditors. sight» that I never dreamed of. The res|>ect», and tend to cause i-ersons to neigh ><»r to 1« used in completing the Miro Alice Applegate left for Oakland condemn their officers in tfiat for which $250 work of clearing Wood River, wonder of all of us wa» how the people Tuesday morning, where she will »|>end I hey should uphold them. were asked for, and when the matter could keep up that awful hurry they I understand your journal to say that, was trued over to J. E. Pierce he lost tiie summer. She also expects to at­ alk»«cm«y th« two i in Ixrs Angeles thia summer, and three story buildings st their aide, that have lw«n preferred, to lend its en­ work of clearing the river of all oltetruc- I dorsement to the mayor ’ s actions; ” and tions. Tiie next task to tie undertaken makes one marvel at lb« ingenuity of Miss Edna Houston will not ire a can- man and the daring of modern engineer­ 1 understand tills to refer in fact to the is the raising of the Weed bridge, and didate for the honor of Goddero of Lib- ing mulhods. Each of the»« buildings refusal of certain of the councilmen, till this the County Court has given assur­ erty for the Fourth, due to her absence ar« cities in themselves, some of them they could have information which they ance will t>e done after the July term. , from the city. Hie expects to go Portland Those who contributed were : having us many a» 15,000occupants dur- had already received, to approve one . in a few days and will not return until the day. In the «veiling wlien their appointment becauaaof lack of residence Martin Bros ....................................I after the celebration. days work is over, th« »treets seem to iKM-essary to qualify th« gentleman to J. G. Pierce ...................................... Mr. at>d Mrs. T. W. Stephens enter­ on« moving uiaas of humanity and one lawfully fill the position, which the C. 8. A R- 8. Moore......................... tained a number of the young folk last Under the date of June 7, (a dispatch wonders wher« they all live. It lasts mayor admitted; and to approve an­ Klamath (kiunty Bank................... Friday in honor ot the 13th birthday of1 from Washington states that tlie Secre­ Horst. Hvsxa. but a short time and they are gone as other appointment because statements First National Rank....................... their daughter, beta. Refreshments ■ tary of the Interior has decided to come Minneapolis, Mum., Jun« «>. though the earth had opened and had been made which if true they! Geo. T. Baldwin.............................. were served and games played and a I to the Pacific Coast, and if this pro­ »wallowed them. Those two days were deemed showed him not a proper man C. D. Wilson. .................................. EnrroaTiis R xcchikax , most enjoyable afternoon was spent. gram is carried out he will visit the Dear Nir: I will at least endeavor to tilluarty have been doing since wc gained. accountable,7' and that "Mr. Bishop is i Secretary Garfield of the Interior De­ their residence in this city Mr. and Mrs. boarded the train in Portland nearly The Evening Herald....................... From New York we wen t to Buffalo. ' Anderson have made many friends who partment, who is soon to leave for an three weeks ago. I have only been pre­ We went out to East Aurora the home mayor aneen occu­ and I can readily believe the quaint Prof. J. G. Wight is now devoting all j He will be met there by Director N W 10 00 pied with sight-seeing ami having a stories I have lu-ard ami read ot this Io- Republican, I l»*g to say that tlie mayor Klamath Development Co.... 2 M I ' of his time to the duties of his office as ell of I he Reclamation Service and the g mm ! time. And, my what a limo! teresling |i«r»<>n. lie must be |«»»»<-»sed ears to me that those J. W. Siemens .......................... 5 00 John C. Hill, accompanied by his July 6. and spending two days there. 2 50 time«. Wc arrived in th« great inelrop pouring over that precipice, one is tillef by a sight­ for a moment ami seeing the great rather than unfavorably criticised. 5 00 i K. K. K. Store.......................... Holcomb Realty Cooi(>any, and is one of Seattle where he will spend the 10th 2 50 seeing tour <>f the city. From Chicago great power plants and manufacturing < fur charter clearly provides that, H. J. Winters .......................... the best known real estate men in Cali­ and 11th with I-and Commissioner Ball- KI fornia. we went to Washington, where wc re­ establishments ofieratnl by power "the mayor shall ap|Miint, with the con­ ' C. B. Crisler.............................. The advent of his company * r.ger. Friday tlie 12th will be spent at mained for two day». Wc wete re | snatched from this great waterfall, the sent of a majority ol the council" cer­ C. H. Withrow.......................... 5 00 ! into Klamath county will result in Tacoma. ceiveil by the President, who showed ■ the ingunity of man becomes so mave- tain officer» among whom are tlie police R<>v llamakar............................ 2 50 much good. Inquiry at the Reclamation office in o on much interest in our parly and th« pur- Ions that you are forced to wonder if officers. The mayor does not have tlie D. Kenyon .............................. this city brought out the information that o W. P. Rhodes of Merrill, was in the (MMieofour trip. 1 have heard much I anything is impossible. 00 exclusive or real ap|>ointive power, his T. NV. Stephens.......................... this office has not as yet been a ¡vise-1 of o city Sunday. Mr. Rhodes is making and reail tuore aleni I President R«»«se- 50 power is simply that of nomination, and Geo. R. Horn............................ From Buffalo we went to Chicago, and vell, but it all can give but an in Anitas- 5 00 arrangements for the installation of a hie coming. tiie counciimeu are in duly liuund to Sciiallock A Daggett ................ ■> 50 planing mill at Merrill landing an ! has simal Idea of lb« man himself. 11« visitnl the sights of the Middle West exercise their best judgments in acting L. fl x>l«s .................................. truly ia lite representative of a siren- ( Metropolis. Chicago is a great city upon any other matters, and they have . W. il. Dulaney.......................... 5 00 ordered the necessary machinery for it. ANOTHER NEW western in many respects, but Iborougb Uotia life. Every word, every action ia 5 00 Tiie bright prospects for the rapid de­ no right to dicker with the mayor u | m > ii A. Caste! .................................... •» 50 velopment of Merrill aud the southern COMPANY synomoti» of atrciiuoaity. And he never ly c ismopolitan. It is dirty and does not any promise of his of any kind, and it John Stilts.................................. part of the <<-uuty warrant these exten­ fail» to impress one with Ids greatness. possess the same degree of bustle to be should Ire deemed to their credit that Barnes A Tatier........................ 00 5 we o 50 sive imvrov-ments. Once meeting him one never doubts hie seen in New York. From Chicago they courteously and firmly refused to American Hotel.......................... came here to NIinneapolis. This is the The Crater Lake Company is the greatness thereafter, for it is a self-evi­ 5 00 do so. I George Biehn............. .......... prettiest city we have vi»iled, except o Latest to Enter the Field dent fact that a man of hie personality 50 Through Tickets The truth of the matter is, tlie power H. Buivin................................... must I m , i >>« s «<«<«e a i^iupon sta- pose«. Ho was most cordial in his islature in creating cities delegates that j tion. That is you can get through as thick as hope these days and are an Important Decision greeting and made every member of the Ilian any of them. NN e were recieved power to such Jiersons or organizations i tickets to any joint in t>ie United indication of the development so rapidly l«rty (eel st homo at one«. There is by the mayor of the city and the Com­ as it may cli( dear Old Oregon befsre. One thing that I almost forgot were cities and towns of this state, all grunted Wight on the grounds that Mrs. Wight ; other than these i-iaees, it will be se­ ent to those who have bad any exper­ about Oregon, and surprised all of ua tlie rejgiriers, and I do not know why I since BMJO, and findeleven have provision had made proof on a homestead and cured for him aud his baggage checked ience in the tourist business and will du with the knowledge of our great state more to develop tourist travel through should, for there were armies of tliem in tlwm identical in this re»|M*ct with that by such act the entry of her hus­ 1 accordingly. he seemed to posse»». that of Klamath Falls, and in the other lot of band had been abandoned. The evi ­ This has been accomplished through this section than any move that has yet Afier the reception we were shown wherever we went. We had a fourteenth« [Milice are chosen either dence was taken before George Chas­ the efforts of Mr. Abl-ott and Capt. Me l>een made. These scenic routes are fun with them ami they with cs. They fllletl a« it la through tlie White House, directly i>y tiie council or by the people tain. County Clerk, last December and Intire. Klamath Falls is the only sta­ popular throughout Eurojie and many with the msny interesting annte*t after a residence of mx months , reached this citv Monday and attracted veloped to perfection. Wc saw old Fort been sent by the enterprising people of Public School building. route are just forming and it is hoped Coinmimoner Oreg'inj has done much to eradicate on the latter claim. The a good deal of attention. It was in Comfort, and were told many interest* Rnndav Service«: of the General I-and Office accepted this charge of Joe He»s;g. Tlie party con­ that they will be ready by July. ing and instructive storlca connected this wrong idea from the minds of many Messrs. Whitney and Steel returned Bible School................. ................ 10 a. m. theory of the case and has di«mis«ed the sisted of J. A. Marsh and wife, Julius with the important part it played in the of the eastern fieople. to Portland this morning to perfect a'I Treadling................ 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni. c inle t, liio case is one that has cre­ Gobenl and Jack Fleming, the latter the history of our Country, We crossed l'hillip S. Bates oi the i'acitic North­ of the details. They expect to return in Epworth League ........ ........... 7 :15 p. m. ated more than ordinary comment and chauffeur. They came here from Hot Hampton Roads to the Jamestown Ex­ west ami Mrs. C. E. Redfield, our short time. a Work ami worship with us and we has l>een watched with considerable in ­ , Springs and after a brief »top for a chat position, ami it was here that wo had chaperon, have «lone much to make our ill thee good. terest. This is the first decision on this with George T. Baldwin, with whom our fl rat disnppointment. It is far from trip one of complete pleasure and en- 1’. CONKLIN, I'astbr. p tint that has ever been ma le by the they were acquainted, proceeded on to Farewell Social complete, and it is a fact that the man­ joyment. Mr. Hates is a prince of General Land Office. Fort Klamath. Here they will aban- agement is very slow in bringing to princes, lie kept us on the go all of IIAITIfT Cllt'Hllt tlieir auto and go to Crater Lake horse­ completion what ought to lie one of the the time an.l never lost a minute that 1’rea; liiug services next Sunday at 11 A farewell social was given the home back and ou snow shoes. grandest expositions every held in this could lie employed in gathering inlor- o’clock a. m. ami 8 o'clock p. tn. Sun­ High Average of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Grigsby Monday country. The feeling seems to prevail mation or pleasure, The trip wa« a day •■elit ol at 10 o’clock anti B. Y. 1*. li. The machine us il was a -tO-hoise- powcr Arrow, a -d na difficulty was ex­ night in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Jacqne- that in tlie death ot Mr. Lee, its lirut aplendiil ono and one that I shall at 7 :15 p. in. Everyone invited. mill, who left for Central Point Tuesday A few weeks ago an examination was perienced en route. president, the exposition lost its brains always cherish with the fondest of morning, where Mr. Jacqueinin hat held throughout the United States fora and leader. Doubtless it will lie fin­ memories. I want to take this ojijior- been appointed pastor of the Baptis. junior deik for the Reclamation Ser- ished in n couple of months and then it tunity of thanking the Repul lie.m and Op.‘ra House Declared Insane church. About twenty-five friend* wer • Ainong those entiling for such v ice. will la* a sight worth seeing, but I its readers for this honor an I Hie gv- present and a most enjoyable evening examination were Miss Currin and M its doubt if it will tie much of a success, ing to mu Illis opportnnily. It lias treen I The Margaret Ile« Dramatic Celli- was spent. Refreshments were serve/. for the feeling throughout the east vis­ more to me than any ol them can sue- i •J.i« Murphy mid J. S. Seeds have been Hogue of this city. The result of the Though Mr. Jacquemin was here !>• pnnv w ill api'cir at the Houston opera examination was received in this city ' declared insane and were this week ited liy us seems to be liiat there ia a good pect or than words can expr« .- That I deal of a Ink« about it. However, wo (eel most warmly towards .no Uepubli- taken to tlieasyulm (or treatment. Both last Satuiday and it was found that house on Well--'.ly, June 19, the a short time be ma le many friends f r himself and the denomination he repr. • very much enjoyed wliat wc saw of it. can goes without saying hi . i I trust tiiut of them are afflicted with epilepsy. these two young ladies secured the O| eniiu play ■ e/.ig the Senator’s sented and largely increased the mem­ Daughter. Thi 4 «•< ¡n.-iinv has been se- highest average in the United . “ tetes, Mr. Seeds is well known here and sever ­ After “doing” the exposition we re­ its hosts ol readers will hi i.tiply in the al attempt« have la-en made to pla .-ton a: er a great deal bership of the Baptist church. Mincer ■ turned to Old Point Comfort and b mrd- Hands of the sea. regret is felt among the members o! th • ed the the Hteiunor Princess Anne and I expect to bet h >m. ..b >Ut the middle him under the tare of the stat -, but 1 e second. They are receiving the well- flock over his departme, for he was an has always resisted so vigorously that l.e desci ved c ingriit’ilali ni“ ot <’ir many started on our sea Voyage to New York. of .lune. indefa'igable worker an 1 it was certain In s -'iieceasiu'ly escaped. Murphy was friends. As soon as a vacancy occurs This trip is n fine one. I enjoyed every Sincerely yours, that under his direction the welfare of one of them will be pveil the Opp >1 one of lie n en injured in the “ age bit of it. it was my first experience the church was assured. luuity of a.'c< pii ig the ap| ai linent. STELLA C Y .11 IL 1.1/ w re. k i> «u qde of weeks ago. with seafaring, and while there was A TIME OF HER LIFE SECRETARY OF INTERIOR Miss Campbell is De lighted With Trip May Visit the Klamath Project VISITS MANY POINTS NO DATE HAS BEEN SET Is Disappointed with the Jamestown Exposition, —Otherwise Happy Local Officials of the Ser vice have not Yet Been Advised of his Coming