Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 6, 1907 VOL. XII BISHOP AND THE COUNCIL REPUBLICAN I Chamber of Commerce GRADUATING HISS CAMPBELL EXERCISES IN NEW YORK Inquest at Merrill Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. 10 SECRETARY OF INTERIOR Tuesday of last week Roland Barrows The regular meeting of the Chumtier I of Merrill died from an attack of the of Commerce was held Tuesday evening. ■ >«lng Exercises Are Held at the measles. Soon thereafter a charge was uml wus quite well attendi-d. John lako In the Sights With Other i made that hi* death was due to lack of ( County High School Ellis und J. E. Paddock were eh«cted Oregon Girla proper medical attention. He was at tiieiu tiers. tended by a Christian Heienca healer. A letter was received from Charles H. The commencement exercise« of the 1 The matter was called to the attention ' Miss Stella Campbell, Klamath’» Fee stating that the agent at Thrall amath County High School were held : of (Joroner Martin through an affidavit would Iw replaced on June 1. This ac representative, was in New York balur- the Assembly ball of that institution to the effect that his death was under ' tion was taken in rea|sin»e to the pro <lay and with the thirteen other <’1* ' t Friday. Every seat in the big ' suspicious circumstances, that he waa girls, was having a good time. <> test filed by the ('hamls-r on account of ditorium was occupied and many I buried without proper authority and ' the "knwklDg” proclivities of the agent. the New York |>a|>ers interview«*, •re forced to stand up. The hall waa that nothing was done to prevent his A letter from Mr. Abbott was read and party an<l here are Mini«- of tbe o| ofusely decorated with flowers and a death. ordereil filed. Mr. Abbott asked for ions given Ly our Oregon girls; irit of pleasure ami satisfaction and Coroner Martin visited Merrill and Fourteen Oregon girls who were sen specific information relative to the .ide seemed to pievade the atmos held the inquest, Tbe remain« were here to study New York are greatly dis- | charge that employes of the Thrall hotel phere. There were six graduates, disinterred and a post mortem examina were dessiminalilig untruthful stories ap|Miinte«l with the country’s metrop.-- 1 nanely: Florence Boorey, Lue G. tion made by Dr*. Merryman and Cart liw. New York is not at all what they | regarding K hi ma th county. Leonard, A. I.ucile Cox, Frank E. WIL 1 wright and they stated that death was Tbe committee appoint««! to look into imagined from the full-page ’•'in-lsy son, Augustus A. Bonney and I»roy G. I the feasibility of the establishing of a paper accounts of Ike largest city of the Applegate. Their many friend« were due to cardical paralysis of the heart, superinduced by bronchial pneumonia ' park at Budd Spring* reporUsl that Western Hemisphere. The buildings I present and presented each with hand following an attack of the measles, and they had visited the proposed site and along Broadway are small, the women some boqoets of flower*. I the jury returned a verdict in accord-! . . z \» m » recommended that ste|»s be at once are “actressy” looking, the men impo The exercises were sppropriate to the ance therewith, with tbe additional ^116 OfflCCTS 01 1116 taken looking toward« the creation of lite enough Ui retain their »eats tn cars occasion and each numtier of the pro fact that they found that the deceased ; such a place of recreation. Thu com while women »land, aud the streets are gram merited the warm greeting ac- did not have “the benefit oi medical mittee was c-iotinued and Messrs. Ap dirty. corded by the audience, The impor- assistance during his illness.” Mrs. C. E. Redfield is the chaperone. plegate, Fountain ami Olienchain were lance of the High School 11 becoming addeil to it and it was instructed Ui take Everylmdy al the Martha Washington more manifest each year, The «ixe and such step« as were necessary to accom Hotel, where tbe tourists are stopping, efficient» of the class that graduated Water Charge agrees that the girls are so sensible, so plish the desired result. thia year demonstrates that the people There is • tempest in a te* pot over The Secretary was instructed to com well-twhaved and so interested in the of the county were not mistaken when Rumors F alse The qoeetp,n a„ t0 whether the tbe confirmation of the mayor’s ap- municate with the Fort Klamath Cham higher things ot life that Mrs. Redfield the decision was reached to create this ------- ' Water Users Association can embark on potntetw, the council refusing, liecausr ber of Commerce and ascertain what, if must iiave an easy job. institution. The pride of the faculty in the sea of contracting has been passed of certain charges that have lieen pre- any, assistance could lie rendereil by “What do we think of New York wo The farmers in tbe West have been ■ the success of their labor« ia just, for up to the Secretary of tbe Interior, and ferred, to lend its Imlorwmeot to the this city in the clearing of Wood river. men?” said Miss Pansy Rpeeiman, thoroughness with which each graduate greatly alarmed in the last few weeks the next move on the board will await mayor's actions. The council is exceed Will G.R mo I and X.D. Whitney were I “Well, I will just give yon my opinion acquitted himself shows careful in- by the persistent circulation of a report , , , ing its authority. The mayor is en present as gue»te of the Cbamlier arxl as long as you ask tor it, and that ia. to the effect that the administration struct ion. TTii* Board tvxrn nt I)ir«*r»tnrs of the Asso The of Director« titled to name his sulsirdinates, if lie is addressed the members on the future that I can’t see what men see in them. was preparing to make a charge for i ciation held its regular meeting last Sat to lie held accountable. As to the prospect« of till* county as a summer I’m sure they don't think of anything water derived from the National For urday and the question of contracting Additional Briefs charges preferred against Mr. Broderick, resort. bill tbeir clothes, and as for dressing ests and used for irrigation and other waa the principal topic that came up the council should proceed in a regular President Wilkins made report lor the the way they do, why, I never could do general purpoees. The report, it ap for consideration. The meeting wm manner and either prove or disprove Committee on entertainment and the ( it. They look as if they were all stage- Wm. N. Duubatn and wife of Klam^ pears, has not the slightest basis of the warmest one that has been held by the charges. Mayor Bishop slate» that results acxomplished during the visit of struck and a woman of that kind never ath are staying at the Hotel Hamlin in fact, and baa been denied by officials of 1 ¡the new board, and tbe lines were if they are true he will at once ri-movs Congressman Hawley. could make a man happy, I don't San {¡Hincieco while Mr. Dunham is at tbe Forest Service. sharply drawn. President Martin, Mr. Broderick, and this ought to lie think. People of the sections of the West tending to some business affairs in the Treasurer White, Secretary Applegate sufficient guarantee to the council to “Those short skirts they are wearing Bay City. where irrigation has lieen such an im- 1 SUIT IS SETTLED and Attorney Smith were there to op confirm the ap|>oinlmrnl». In doing »0 with high-heeled sfioes and «tockinge to portant factor in development were ; pose the contracting proposition and J. G. Hodges and family, formerly of it is shouldering no responsibility, anil match—why, they are all put on to at-' naturally much concerned in the rum- j the discussion was of the hammer -">d it the mayor fails to keep his agreement, Abel Ady and the Southern Pacific tr^t attention. I saw a woman dressed Fort Klamath, went to Medford this ored charge for water coming from the tongs kind. J. Frank Adams » is week. It is Mr. Hodges intention to go it will lie an easy matter to force him like a yonng girl and she was forty, if National Forests. The interests of peo Reach an Agreement there and defended his proposition v th : - it she was a day, who had on a blue suit, to British Columbia for the purpose of ple concerned w ith forestry and irriga-," The trouble »tarted Monday night, blue stockings and blue laces in her tan seeing wliat opportunities that eountrv tlon are much the same, a* the steady some plain facts to the Board. That Tbe right of way through the marsh I Oxfords. Now, don't yon supj>o««e she offers. immediately slier the new members of flow of most of the irrigation streams is j Mr. Adams is heart and soul for the the council and the mayor were sworn land for the California Norteastern was put thoee laces in to attract attention to Naftzgvr went to San Fran- A. H. absolutely dependent on the preserva work is thoroughly understood by granted by Atiel Ady thia week, the con-f in. Mayor Bisbop declared all the city cisco Ulis week and is expected back tion of the forest watersheds. her ankles?” everyone. He offered to shoulder the offices vacant and submitted to the ‘ demnatinn proceedings instituted a few “Of eourae she did,” pvt in Mi»» Sunday, He will probably be accom- entire risk of the firet contract and as council fur cnnfimellon the following week« ago will be withdrawn and the- Daisy Betterly, of Vale. Or. ••riiteli panied by Mr. Hill, president of the sured the Board that, if it were found la«t obstacle to the construction of the names ( loci ..I l’--li<<-. W .1 Br-sler- that such a woman would lie Holcomb Real Estate Company, who Everybody'« for June, 1907 I you that there was a chance to lose any ick; |s>licemen, W. J. i’hillips anil B. railroad removed. Mr. Ady was in Han talked about a gvod deal out West, and with his wife and daughter, will make Drawing to accompany “ Cinderella money on it he would at his own ex Francisco the past week and had a con H. Grigsby; city attorney, J. C. Rule- she wouldn't lie in with the nice circles 1 Uiis tit; a brief visit. Dines. ine«.” Frontispiece. pence place at work 100 head of bis own nlc ; health officer, Dr. G. W Maston; sultation with Mr. Hood. Concessions stall ” E. P. Morg«n, representing Hie Hol Making an individual of the Indian, horses without cost to anyone, 1 were made by both parties aud the mat city enginoer, Don J. Zumwalt. " Wherever we go we realize that the comb Real Estate Company of Oregon, by J . M. Oskison. That the Association will undertake ter wm soon settled. Councilman Uastel move«! that the fine»! place is Oregon or Washington,” left thia week for Dunsmuir. It is his This fortune. a story by Rowland the work ia hardly likely for there has Tbe price agreed upon was *.'!O an acre. council confirm the appointment* of the ■aid Miss Mamie bmith, of Condon, intention to visit all of the towns be Thomas. been too much cold water used to mayor, but his motion met with tin* The basis of agreement included a hog Gilliam county, Oregon. “Jamestown tween there and Portland for tbe pup Cinderella Dines, a «tory by A. E. squelch the proposition. It is certain silence of the lotnb. The stumbling J tight fence along the right at way, five was a terrible disappointment. Wash pose of interesting investors in Klam Moran and Madge C. Jenison. that if tll% stockholders decide to under block was tbe appointment of Mr. j crossings are to tw constructed across it, ington is handsomer than New York. ath Falls and Klamath County prop- It has to come in America, by Ernest take the work that steps will at once be a siding is to l>e put in and the Recla Broderick as marshal. Charges hivl I don’t understand why we heard so ! ertv. Poole. taken to carry to the matter into court mation service still have the right to use been matli* that he had received much about New York, when there are Cinnamon Fritz and Billdock County, and an effort made to prevent the car- Hon. H. L. Benson returned from from C. D. Willson, th» money having the embankment wherever necessary »0 many dumpy little buildings on a story by Broughton Brandenburg. rying out of the program. This action in th<- reclamation work. i Lakeview Monday evening and left for been paid l>ecause Mr. Broderick de Broadway. And the great white way is Roosevelt on the Nature Fakirs, by wou|d kill it, for once it gets tangled up M uch satisfaction is ex pressed that Salem Wednesday morning, where he manded it. This charge waa vigorously I just some electric lights, that's a'l. legally the time and expense would be was compelled to go on account ot as- Edward B. Clark. denied by Mr. Broderick, he stating that the matter was terminated »0 amicably, There’s no wonder in electric lights.” “When Peggy stoop to tie her laces.” too great to warrant the prosecution of slating his brother. He expects to re while he received 120 from Mr. Willson, thus avoiding the necessity of a long the plan«. It ia to be regretted that turn iu a week, but if unforseen obsta Verse by Parker H. Fillmore. it was 1 mid for special services ren fight in the courts. I The lonesomeness, a story, by G. W. at least the firet contract is not under Deep Snow cles should arise, he will send another dered . that it was not asked for and Ogden. ■ taken, for it would prove the truth or | judge in his place. that the contribution was voluntary on Extension Granted Commencement back home, by i falsity of the proposition. Mr. Willson’s j>art. Mayor Bishop J. E. Duval has taken the contract Eugene Wood. The decision reached by Board was to W. F. Arant, superintendent of Crater stated that if the charges could lie Mason, I*avis Company has l>een ; latke park, returned from his firet trip I for the erection of the bungalow for The cheat of overcapitalization, by write a letter to Supervising Engineer proven he would immediately withdraw granted an extension of three month« <>f the season to his headquarters. He ’ Mr. Doak. When completed this will Will Payne. Murphy, requesting that he ascertain Mr. Broderii-k’s name and an adjourn Esteemed contemporaries, a «tory by I from the Secretary of the Inserior if for the completion of their contract. \ found eight feet of snow there, and had be one if the handsomest and most ex- ment was taken until Tuesday evening I )>ensive homes in the State. Negotia Joseph C. Lincoln. , there were anything tn the regulations when the council would meet to investi The original limit was April 20, 1907. to dig his way into tbe bouse. Not tions are now underway for the con The weather and the condition of the Under the crest of Shisbaldin, a story of the department and the contract be- withstanding tbe predictions that he gate the matter. struction of a telephone line from there bv Henry B. Fuller. 1 tween ..... . .1 it and the Association that ----- would Standing roam was at a premium roails and other unavoidable delays would find the house in the shape of a to this city, a distance of about twenty weie accepted »« sufficient cause for the Deserters. Verse by Martha Gilbert prevent the engaging of the organisation pancake, there was absolutely no dam when the mayor rap|w-d for order Tues extension. A provision was made that age whatever done by the heavy snow miles. Dickinson Bianchi. I in contract work. If the reply ia favor day evening. C. D. Willson was present The players. able, then it is more than likely that a Frank E. Ankeny has enlarged bis and stated that he paid Mr. Broderick the contractorS-deliver over to the Ser | that fell there during the winter, and The adveuturer, a story, chapters gpevial meeting of the stockholder« will 120. This waa voluntary ; that later he vice such jiortion of the canal a* might j this proves that Ins judgement m the ' cigar store and has added an ice cream be called and asked to decide the ques pai d him an additional |2O, this on de lie necessary for irrigating purposes ! matter is correct, for he has insisted and soda water department. He has IX-XIII. by Lloyd Osbourne. The tragedy of the released convict, tion. If the reply is unfavorable it is mand. with the understanding that it prior to the date of completion. This all along that a comfortable and inex spared no ex|H-nse in fitting up his es likely that the proposition will be built there tablishment and the improvements are by I. K. Fried in rn. would protect his gambling games. Mr. | has already tieeii done, divisions two pensive home could lie A row of l»ooks, bv Johan Barrett. dropped. Hrislerick admitted receiving th« first and three lining now used in connection that would withstand the heavy weight very tine. Already he has discovered Under the spreading chestnut tree. ♦ 20. paid, he declared for s|M«cial ser with the Ankeny canal. The work will of the snow. He has commenced niak- that he has made no mistake for his undoubtedly l>e completed before the With “Everybo iv’»’’ publishers. | ing preparations for the resumption of business along this line has been very vices in calling the bartender each New Stage Line operation* within a month, when he be largo. morning. This was all he received from 1 date set by the Service. lieves that the snow will have melted. Mr. Willson. It has been decreed by Dame Fashion Church Services The Hoore Mill. At this point tilings got so lively that that visiting cards should not lie written. Tbe new stage line to Ager started it was impossible for anyone to grasp a Accordingly, those who wish to bend Rejuvenated last Friday at 10:30 a. in. when the clear understanding of the proceedings, knee to this inexorable old lady should I M. E. CHt'RCH The improvements thnt have been un- 1 Steamer Klamath left her dock carrying and Councilman Uastel appealed to the 1 tier way at the Moore mill are nearing call at the Republican office and leave There is always a welcome for you at eight passengers. Since that day regu- After it Rip Van Winkle siesta of their order for cards. This office has Grace M. E. church in their temporary ! lar trips have been uiade and the ser mayor for order. When it was restored, completion and it will start operations he suggested that the council was not in about two weeks. Another engine about ten year», the Crater Lake Club just purchased the latest styles both of place of worship, one block north of vice will he continued a« long as will be the place for these < haiges, but before and boiler have been added to the Ims iiwnkvned. A meeting of the old type ami cards and is prepared to d Public School building. neces«ary. It is propable that when the grand jury, and the mayor coincid equipment and the capacity has lieen memliera of the organisation was held work for you that is unsurpassed for the California Northeastern reaches a Sunday Service«: ing with that opidion suspended further increased to 50,Ont) a day. The planing in the Chamber of Commerce rooms style and quality. Bible School.................................. 10 a. m. point close enough to this city to make investigation. mill has been removed from up the Monday night, and O. C. Applegate It is rumored that there is going to lie Preaching.................. 11 .1. 111. and 8 p. ni. it feasible to change, the stages will con At this point Marshal Joe Smith river and is ready for operation now. elected president and William Wagner another stage line -t arted this summer. Epworth League.... ............. 7 :15 p. in. nect with that road. The equipment asked to make a statement. He told Many improvements have been made in secretary. Several new members were Work and worship with us and we on the new line is fine and tbeservice This new venture will have its termi the council that Policeman I’hillips left the arrangement of thia mill and when elected and steps were taken looking I very satisfactory. It is not likely that I nus at Orr’s lake. It is expected that will do thee good. |25 on a table, in the city hall, stating the engine starts two weeks hence it will toward the holding of an excursion to the entrance of the new company will P. CONK LIN, Pastor. the California Northeastern will reach that it was n present from W. II. Du be one of the most complete mills in Cruter Lake next August, in which Ash precipitate the anticipated rate war. that point about July 4. The stages laney and that he had been offered the southern part of the state. land, Medford and Grant’s Pass will HAITI- r CHVRCH will lie operated between the railroad money by J. V. Houston. participate. It is the intention of the terminus and Ady'« landing where it Trenching servic. s next Sunday Mr. Houston stated that he had of niemlieis of tbe club tn make it a fac Robbery The Steel Lecture will make connections with the Steamer o’clock a. in. and ' ••’«! x k p. in. fered Smith money and paid Broderick tor in the popularizing and advertising Klamath. No definite announcement day school at ¡0 o’cl-ck and II. 'l . money, but that it was (or any special Crater Luke, and it is certain its efforts to this effect has as yet been made. Last Friday a pocketbook containing at 7 :15 p. m. Every--ne invited. service they might render in looking Will (i. Steel, the well known lecturer will meet with the hearty co-ojieration |tiO, together with some | jewelry was X A. Grutch, representing the Lacy alter bis buildings, since he carried no was tbe magnet that drew hundred« to ¡of every citizen in the comity. ■ slolen from the millinery store of Bunk Lumber co mpanv of Portland i« tn the insurance. Mr. Dulaney was sent for the Houston opera lion-e '-.ilnrday even —— Gun Club A Snyder, in the Jabe Houston block. city, and will remain a lew days await anil lie slated that lie never offered or ing, where he deliveie-i one of his char Will Enforce Law The matter is being investigated by the ing the arrival of the head of the firm, paid anyone in Klamath Falls a cent for acteristic lectures. Sianding room was police and it is almost certain th it the Hood C S—'.8 Mr. luicy. He has been verifying the protection or any othei special service. at 11 premium, the ball being so crowded guilty parties will he apprehended tin- Chamliers 1—12 This ended the proceedings, and the tlint many were tumble to gain admit Mayor Bishop states that he has made work of cruisers of the timber land in less the property is returned, for strong Crews John—1 > mayor stated that tie would reappoint tance. His steryupticon views were tin- arrangements for the creation of a iem-. this county owned by the Lacy company J evidence of the guilt of those su»|>ected Jacobson E I- I ’ the police force each five days until the UHitlly fine and were much appreciated porary pound, and from this date on llm Mr Griitch and AV. O. Smith are old is ill 'he jriss-s-ion of the iinth >ritiea *>nd-on L .1— » charges «ere proven against Mr. Brod by the audience. Mr. Steel is one of pound law will be strictly enfiwced. . friends. having known each other in Ea 1 and if they do >m’ re’ >rn ’he property, Martin J W — 1A Claire, Wisconsin. Neither knew that erick or the council confirmed his the al>le“t lelitri-rx on the coast an I This should bv borne in mind by those, prose nt ion will surely follow. « J F — .t> theother was in i d* part of the country never fails to in ten st hi- iimlivnce. nominees. | who ti.ive violated it in the past. City Dads Refuse to Confirm His Appointments Will Pass on Asso dation Contract Work GRAFT CHARGES MADE MUCH OPPOSITION TO IT Association Fighting the Proposition I