Not Ice for Publication tracks, depots, water stations, cutting* ami embankments, will condemn and Department of lha Interior, Laiel Gl­ ib-« at Ukevinw, Oregon, May |H, 1907. appropriate two strips of land each Notice 1s hereby given that Jesse C. forty-five (45) feet wide, lying one on Cravens, of Dairy, Oregon, lias filed the northwest and the other on the notice of Ills Intention to make final southeast side ol the aforementioned commutation prrsif in sup|>orl of his right of way for its entire length, ami claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 34MI immediately adjacent thereto, in the maaid right of wav la< assessed. This summons is published by order prove Ins continuous residence il|stn,and of lion. J. It. Griffith, County Jitdg«* nsecutive I w««-ks. The date of the first publiia- I lion of this summons was the 2ml «lay Mothe tor Publication. I of May, 1907. UiiHr«! HIM«-’ I an«i «ilflcv, I.Mk>*vhi« , Oft gon. Dated this 30th day <>( April, 1907. April N M W. |>. FENTON, Nolle« 1« hereby glvrn that hi roinpilancr with Hi« provision« <>f the art of <*ongre««ul R. A. LEITER, June 3, l«7M. entitled "An art l'ir the »ale of C. A. COGSWELL, timber land« In th« elate of California, or« 6 18 Attorneys (or Plaintiff. gun. Nrvatla. and Washington Territory,” a« eglnnded to all the I'ubllr l.aat 4 MM, William J < arlivl. of Klamath Falla. « ounty of Klamath. Hlat« of Oregou baa tbl« day Sled lu Ibl« office bl« «worn statement No T.W for the purrhaae of th« n't na‘^ of Ker. No 13 In Ip. No. 37 H, R Nu l<> K, W M, and will offer proof to show that tbr land sought la metre valuable for It« ilinlrer ur «ton« tban fur agricultural pur|M>sr«, and to ««tabheh hl« rial in to said land I m * fore ; r Whltnry of hairy, Oregon. Nvaaie » arllalr and William It Ba/uca of Klamath Falla. Oregon Any and all ¡M-raona rlahnlng advrrarly th« above dr ar rl bed lands are rr«Aiieatc«1 to file their < lain»» In tills older oik or brforr »aid 3rd day of July. IW7 « A 77 J N W ATKIN . Rrghtrr. SUM HO NS Attorney for Plaintiff. SUM MONA KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ALEX MARTIN, President E. R. BEANES. Vice-President ALEX MARLIN, Jr Cashier Lakeside Inn, The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County STATEMENT DEC. 31, Hsst— moi m r.n Ixians and Discount* .................................. Overdrafts ................................ Bomia ami Warrants............................. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Real Estate .............................. Ilue from Banks Cash in Bank................................................ I • • • • • • • s • ••••• • • e e e • e • • • • • • • LIABILITIES Capital Stock, fully paid ................... Surplus and L'mliviued profits.. Individual Ih-posits, »iibjecl to check < ashler’s • k- outstanding Perniimi Certificates of Dejxisit ....... M rs . M. M c M illan , Prop’r J A F Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suiteH. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two ( lub Rooms, Etc., Etc. ; > T SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS n i j I j I, Alex Martin, Jr.,( 'ashler of the aliove named Bank, do solemnly ■wear that the above statement is true to the best of my kriowledgeand belief. A lex M aktim , J a., Cashier. Subscribed ami sworn to la-fore me this 7lh day of January, 1907. I seal J fi. V. Ki vgunuu, Notary Public for Oregon. > .Notice for Publication foo, April 13.1W7. Nolle« 1« hereby given that in compliance with th« pruvlvlon« <»t th« act of < oofr«M of Jun« M, l«7M, «ntiti« 3676, lor th< purc hase of the Her n and fiw^nw^ of Nrc No 9. In Tp No. 97 H, Il No. 10 K W M and will offer proof to ihow that th« land sought la more valuable for Ha timber or atone than for agricultural purpo«««, and to «•laldlah hla claim tn «aid land before the rtrrli of Klamath county, Oregon, at hit office at Hamath Falla. Oregon, on Tuesday, th« lad day of Julv, 1907 lie name« aa wltneaaea Kdwin KchHnaw, oacar worth, Robert ll<>rn Ing and John Hrett all of Klamalb Fall», or« gun. Any an<1 all i-eraona claiming adv«-ra«iy the above dearrtbed lands are raqueated lo file their claim» In thia office on wr before »aid 2nd day of July, 1VU7 4-25-4/7 J N WATMON. Kegkater BUESING 4. BENNETT, 4-25-5-27 J. N. WATSON, Hr (¡inter. Petition For Liquor License In the Circuit Court of the State of To the Honorable County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. Oregon, for Klamath County. We, the undersigned, residents and California Northeaalern Railway Com­ pany, a eor|M>ration, plaintiff, va. I j - o legal voters of Klamath Precinct, raid S. Robinson ami the Klamath Water I County and State, respectfully jietition I’sers Association, a cor|wiration, de­ that a licence to sell npirituoui, malt and vinous liquors, in lese quantities fendant. To Leo S. Robinson, one of the aliove- than one galloon, in the precinct afore­ said, fora |ieriod of six months from named defendant*. In the name of the State of Oregon, the 8tb day of July, A. D. 1907, lie you are hereby required to appear and granted to John W Dyer at Keno, in answer the complaint tiled against you said Precinct, and your Petitioners will in the al>ove entitled action, on or lie- ever pray. Al Decker, Satn Deal, John W. Lou­ I fore .lune 13th, 1907. Raid date lining r-ix weeks from the date of the first pule den, N. W. Ih-al, Harry 11. Pearson, lication of thia summons, ami if you Montgomery Sherwood, C M. Madison, fail ao to appear ami answer, Plaintiff I>. .1. James, Geo. C. Way, Wesley Cole. will ajqdy to the Court for the relief de­ B. J. Poole, E C. Robbins, R. Curtis manded in complaint, namely for judg­ I). Ilavilin, J. A. Poole, G. G. Kerns ment for the condemnation and taking (i. F. Serits, A. M. Oronbev, L. A of atrip* of land within the East Half of .linkens, M. Martin, T. N. LeClain, B. the Southwest quarter of Section 11, W. McCormick, II. L. Chapman, Char. Townahip 40 South of Range K I'.aat of Marsrow, J. E. Ilernby, A. <*. Gillnian, Willamette Meridian. A atrip aixty D. I.. Gordon, Eugene Spencer, F. II. (00) feet in width, being thirty GIO) feet Downing, Burk Wilson. E. I.. New- on each aide of center line of a railroad banks, C. M. Wilson, Thomas Wilson, now located and aurveyed along and Olner M. Sly, E. H. Cooper, John upon the aaid East Half of the South­ Connolly, Jr., R. A. Emmitt, G. M' west quarter of said Section 11, more Sorrel“, J. A. Grimes, J. P. Hitchcock. particularly described an follow*: Com­ Dan Doten, John Connolly, I N. Siu- mencing at a (mint on the North line of derson, A. Wise, Wni. Daugherty. I>. S. the East Half of the Southeast quarter McCollum, Geo. W. Ken'. S 1 5 ruz >, of Section II, Townahip 40, South of Chas. Gordon, J E. New l ii'ik., <; Range H East of Willamette Meridian, Rückstrom, L. W. Andersiin, C. E at or near a point know n as “Engineer's Phillips, Joe H. Moore. Eeli Morgan Chare. D. M Survey Station <1 No. 2903-40,’* thence Jim Burner, George Chase, running south sixteen degrees fifty- Brown, Salon Allen, J. A. Zion, F. T. three and a half minutes (ltl w 53',/) Maxwell, C. A. Barneburg. C. W. Gra­ west through aaid Section 11, to a |M>int ham, Hugh Kerwin, A. I'u-lay, C. E. Biddix, R. M. Krain, M. E. Spem-et, on the south boundary lino of aaid sub­ lr., W. P. Pradig'k, 1 i.-d I. Chapimiii, division which is at or near the point A. D. Brier, Joe T > I-, J.diu Cole, W. II known iis ‘’Engineer's Station (I No. Wall. Notice is hereby given that the f >re- 2975-00” ; alao for the purpose of proper going petition will be prerented to raid construction, security, convenience and County Court outlie 3rd day of Julv. operation of said toad and for side 1907. 8 9 Every drop o Of Old Continental Whiskey Water Mill Whiskey Normandie Rye F. F. K Rye is as pure a« Government inspection can make it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­ pervision anoo asy To acquire riches if you start right Here is the way : Buy* one or more lots in the Hot Springs addition to Klamath Falls. The investment sf a few hun- dred dollars NOW means a profit of thousands in a few years Hot Springs addition is in the heart sf the city of Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000 in less than 10 years Hot Springs Improvement Company FJ irnath F alls, Oregon Addition * "Ì wn FH«, 075.63 Cnllct tittle« Lanar ami Cniti-I States Land Office. Iwki-virw, answer the complaint filed against you 'Oregon, April 12, 1W7. in the aliove entitled suit oil or before Notice is hereby given that in com­ Thursday, the Sixth day of June, 1907, pliance with the provisions of the act of that l>elng the last day ol the time pre­ Congress of June 3, JH7H, entitled "An , scribed in the order for publication <>f act for the sale of timla-r latuls in the this siiaitiiohs a. luaile by the Honor­ able J. B. Giiffitli, County Judge of States of California. Oregon. Nevada, Klamath County, Oregon, dated April and Washington Territory,” as extend- 2filh, 1907, anil which order also directs' i ml to all the Public Iuiml States by act that said summons I m - served by publi­ of Augu«t 4. 1992. Bessie Carlisle, of cation tbereid once » week for six suc­ . Klamath Fr.lla, County of Klamath, cessive weeks, the lirst publication to be | | State of Oregon, has this day filed in on the 25th day of April, I!si7, in ' i tins ollie«- her sworn statement No. the Klamath Republican, a weekly 1 Maxi, for the purcliaee ol the n%nwt4 newspa|M-r |iiilisln-i| al Klamath Fsl's, ■ I No. 11. m Ip. No. ST S, R Klamath County, Oregon, ami if you No. It) E, W M, ami will offer proof fail so to anawer, for want thereof, the | to show that the land sought is more plaintiff will apply to the Honorable valuable for its timla-r or stone than for Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon, for agricultural purposes, an-l to «-stablish Klamath County for n decree ol aaid Court, that you, the said defendant, ’ her claim to said land la-for«- th«- Clerk have mi interest or estate III or to till- .of Klamath County, Oregon, at ins follow ing descrila-il real pr«q>erty: The "Hi-«• ut Klamath lulls, Oregon. < S. W. *4 of tin- S. W. ol Section 19 tn Wednesday. the ,'e forever enjoined anvi-d<*ecrilM*d lands are re­ said real proj*rtv adverse to this plain­ in this tiff; and for such other relief as to the quested to tile their claims office on or b«-lore said 3rd day of July, Court shall seem meet in equity. 1907. C. C. BROWER, 4-255-5 KLAMATH COUNTY BANK