Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 30, 1907, Image 6

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Notice is hereby given that the Coun­
ty Court for Klamath County, Oregon,
•itting in probate, did on the 1st day of
May, 1907, appoint me as administra­
tor of the entate of George MclMnnell,
«1 ec ease. I.
All peraona having claims against
said estate will present them to me on
or liefore six months, at my office in
Klamath Falla, Oregon, duly verified a»
provided by law.
Dated this May 2, 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of George
McDonnell, deceased. 5-2—5-23
Notice for Publication
timber lands In the States ot California. Ore
gon, Nevada amt Washington Territory ," a*
extended to all the Public l and Stales by aet
of August 4 1892. Carrie M Clendennitig. of
Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, State of
Oregon, has tbts day tiled in this office her
sworn statement No 3M8. for the purchase of
lhe nw‘4«e‘4 n’^w»« Sec of 2 aud ne^se'^ of
Sec No. 3, tn Tp No. 37 8. R No. 10. K W M.
and will offer pr«vof to »how that tbe land
sought is more valuable tor its timber or
stone than fur agucultural pur pom*», ami lo
establish her claim to said land before the
clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at hl* office
at Klamath Fall*. Oregon, ou Wednesday, the
Mh day of Juue. 1907.
She name* as witnesses:
Mont White. John H Hamilton. Frank Hall.
T. H. Nicholas, all ot Klamath Falls. Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abuve-deecribed lands arc requested to file
their claims tn this offic«' on or before said 5tb
day of June. 1907.
3 28-530
J. N. W ASTON, Register.
Department of tlie Interior, Land
Notice for Publication.
Ottice at Lakeview. Oregon, April 25,
United States Land Office, Lake view. Oregon.
March KL HW7.
Notice is heretjv given that Roy F. i Notice is hereby given that in eouivliance
Whitney of Klamath Falls, Oregon, lias , with lhe provi.*H>n* of the act of Congres« ui
tiled notice of his intention to make June 3. l*:s entitled ’ An act for the sab'of
timber laud> ;n tin States of California. Ore­
final five year proof in support ol liis gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory.” a*
claim, vit: Homestead Entry No. 3376 , extended to all lhe Public Laud Sta»es by act
made February 1st, 1905, furthes^nw’4 of August 4. 1>?J. William W . MeudenhalL «»:
and n\j»wl4 of Sec. 12. Tp. 37 S, R 10 Klamath Fall* county of Kiamatu, State of
, Oregon, ha* this day tiled iu tui* office In»
E W M. and that said proof will be tworr »tatement No. AW», for the vureha>e
made before Register and Receiver, at : of the »e'4nel4 n’^se'^ audswl4sel4 of Sec. No.
Lakeview, Oregon, on 10th day of June, i 8, iu Tp Nu. 37 S. K No. 9 E. W M.
and will offer proof to show that the land
is more valuable for its timber or stone
He names the following witnesses to sought
than »'or agricultural purposes, aud to estab­
prove his continuous residence upon, lish bit claim to »aid laud before the clerk of
and cultivation of, the land viz:
Klamath county, Ore., at his office at Klam­
Falls, Ore., on Weilnesday, tbe 5th day of
Frank Jonnston, D. W. Burrell. M. T. ath
June. 1997.
Howard all of Dairy, Oregon, and He names as witnesses:
Charles Wager of Klamath Falls, Ore-
Archie Johnston. Dan Johnston. Gottfried
Neubert and Bertha L. Mvtideuhall all of
Klamath Falls. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Notice for Publication
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 5tb
day of June, 1907.
J. N . WATSON. Register.
United State» land Offic. Lakeview,
gon. February 28.1907.
Notice i» hereby given tbit in compliance
Notice for Publication.
with the provisions o! the act of Congres» of
,'nne 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
United States Land of flee, Lakeview, Oregon,
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory," as
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
extended to all Public Land States by act of
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
August 4, 1892. Joseph C. Howlett, of Ingot,
June 3, 1878, entitled **An act for toe »ale of
eounty oi Shasta, State of California, has this
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
day filed in tbts office bis sworn statement
No. 3495. for the purchase of the w't»el. and gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
-'»sw^of Sec. No. 8. in Tp No. 38 S, R No. 10
of August 4, 1892, Andrew j. Santamaw, of
F- W M, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber oi Royston, County of Klamath. State of
Oregon, baa this day filed in this office his
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the I | sworn statement No. 3380, for the purchase of
Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his of-; the s‘:owl4 and n’^sw^ of Sec. No, 26, in Tp.
No.37 8.. K No. 9. E W M. and will offer proof
flee at Klamath Falls, Oregon on Monday, the
to show that the land sought is more
3rd day of June, 1907.
valuable for its timber or stone than for
He names as witnesses:
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
T. H. Shannon. Archie johuston, j. H. Drla- '
coll, Allen Sloan, all of Klamath Falls, Ore-’ claim to said land before the clerk of
Klamath County at his office at Klamath
Falls, Oregon •»□ Tuesday, the 2nd day of
Any and all persins claiming adversely the i
above-described lands are requested to file July. 1907.
He name* as witnesses:
their claims tn this office on or before said
John Brett, T. H. shannon, »ohn Hamilton
3rd day of June, 1907.
and Bert Hall, allot k la math Fall-*, Oregon.
J. N. WATSON, Register.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested tv file
Notice for Publication
their claim» in this office ou or before said
United State* Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­ 2nd day of July, 19U7.
J. N. WATSON. Register.
gon, March 22. 1987.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision* of the act of Congrv»» of
Notice for Publication
June 3, 1873, entitled "An act for the sale of
Department of the Interior. Land oftlce. at
timber lands in the States oi California, Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,” a» Lakeview. Oregon. April 9. 1907.
extended to all the Public Laud States by act
Notice 1» hereby given that .Margaret Rout-
of August 4, 1892, Jesse H. Jones, of Ingot, ley of Klamath Fall». Oregon, uas tiled tiottee
county of Shasta, State of
California other intention to make final commutation
has this day filed in thi* office bi* sworn proof in support of her claim, viz: Home­
statement No. 3494, for the purchase of the s*2 stead Entry so. '49 mad. March 9, 1906, for
se^ nex^se»4 and se?^ nel-4 of Sec. No. 5 the »w'.nw'i »ec. lx.Tp. 39 8,K lo, E w M. and
in Tp. No. 37 S, R No. 9 E W m. and will offer that »aid proof will be made before the clerk
proof to show that the land sought is more of Klamath county. Oregon, al hl» office at
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ Klamath Fall», Oregon, on the 5th day oi
cultural purposes, and to establish bls claim June. 1907.
She name, the following witnesses to prove
to said land before the clerk of Klamath
county, Oregon, at his office at K la math Falls, her continuous realdence upon and cultiva­
Oregon, on Tuesday the 4th day of June tion of, the land, viz:
Burrell Shott. J. K. Dixon, John A. Short,
and K C. Short all ol Klamath Fall», Oregon.
He name* as witnesses:
T. H. Shannon, Archie Johnston and Allen
Sloan of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and J. II.
Driscoll of Bonanza, Oregon.
Any and all person* claiming adversely the
Notice for Publication
above-described lands are requested to Ale
Land office, Lakeview, Ore­
their claim* in this office on or before said
I gon, March 20. 1907.
4th day of June, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
J. N. VS ATSON. Register.
with the provisions of the act of Congre** of
June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for tbe sale oi
Notice for Publication
timber land-« in the State* of California Ore­
United States Land Office, ¡.akeview, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as
gon, Marco 20, 1907.
extended to all tbe Public Land State» by act
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
of August 4, 1892. Emma Hamilton, of Klam­
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
ath Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
Juue 3,1878, entitled “An act for tbe sale of
baa this day filed in this office her sworn
timber land» in lhe States of California, Ore­
statement No. 3559, for tbe purchase of tbe
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa
»J^nw‘4 »w*4ne^ Sec. 2, aud »ej^ne^ of Sec.
extended to at« tbe Publi 2 land States by act
No. 3. in Tp No. 37 8, R No. 10, E W M.
of August 4, 1892, Lena Noel,of Klamath Falls,
and will offer proof to show that tbe land
county of xlamath State of Oregon, has this I
sought is more valuable for its timber or
day filed in this office her sworn statement
1 or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
No. 3547, for tht purchase of the sw1^ ae^ of
. to establish her claim to said land before tbe
bee. No. 28, in Tp. No. 37 8, R No. 9 E W M,
clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office
and will offer proof to show that the land
at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Wednesday, tbe
sought ia more valuable for its timber or stone
| 5th day of Jun«, 1907.
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab­
She names as witnesses:
lish her claim to »aid land before the county
Mont White. C. B. Clendenning, Frank Hall,
clerk of Klamath county, Oregon on Wednes­
T. H. Nicholas, all of Kiarnath Fall», Oregon.
day tbe 3th day of June, ¡907.
A dv and all person» claiming adversely the
She name» as witnesses:
above-described lands are requeslel to file
Fred Noel, John Irwin, R. E Dunlap of
their claims in this office on or before said 5tb
Klamath Falls, Ore., Jesse C. Craven?», ot
< day of June, 19</7.
Dairy. Ore.
' 3-»-5-30
J. N. WATSON. Register.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
.Notice for Publication
their claims in this office on or before said 3th
day of June, 1907.
United States Land Office, ¡.akevie'w, Ore­
3 28-5-30
J. N. Watson, Register.
gon. March 20. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with lhe provisions of the act of Congress ol
Notice of Final Settlement
June 3, 1S78. entitled “An act for tbe sale of
In the matter of the Estate of Nyron B. timber laud* in the stat« s of California, Ore­
Drew, deceased.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
Notice is hereby given that Mary A. extended to all the Public Land Stat* • by a« t
Drew, administratrix of the estate of of August 4, 1*592, James J. Whitcomb, of M«.-d
Nyron 6. Drew deceased, has tiled in the ford, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, has
County Court of State of Oregon, for the thia day file«! in this office bis Amorit siatc-
County of Klamath, the final account ot ment No. 3536. for the purchase of the *
her administration of said estate and and nw^ hw *4 of Hec. No. 4. m Tp No <P5 •> K
that the Court has fixed Saturday the No. 6 E W M and will offer proof to show that
27th day of April, 1907, at the hour of the land »ought :« more valuable for its tim­
10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day as ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
the time for hearing the objection» to and
to estabiisii his claim to said lan<l beforn
said account and the settlement there I. lhe Clerk
of Klamath County, Oregon at hl*
Dated at Klamath >■ alls, Oregon, tins offic- at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, ou Monday,
28th day of March, 1007.
the 3rd day of Juue, 1907.
names «» witnesses;
Administratrix of the estate of Nyron S. He
W. J. Anderson of Forest, Oregon, L .k’ai
Drew, deceased.
Virgil of Klamath Falls, Oregon, H. - Pmi .--
iee q/Ashland, Oregon, Clayton E. ibniou«
Notice for Publication
Asli ¡and, Oreg >n.
Any a id all persons claiming adv*-r-«dy ii.
United States Land Ufflce, Lakeview, On-
Hbove-d«?MJribe«l lands are r«-«<iie**»‘d to
g. n March 20,1W7.
Notice la hereby given that in comt>ll«ti>- their ciaims in thi* o.Mee on or IrJor • -a. 1 3r !
with the provisions of the act of < ougres. of day of June, 190 .
J N. WA. ON ft 1 «.•.
Junes, 1878 entitled “An act ior the sale of
Ing will l»e held at 10 o'clock a in. on mly 9,
IMU7. before the Register and Receiver at the
United States I.ami Office hi Lakeview. Ore
The said conic taut havlug. In a proper
affidavit, tiled March 8, 100?, set forth (arts
which show that alter due diligence personal
service of this notice cannot be made. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
lu,' given by due and proper publication
J N Watson, Register.
Notice tor Publication
Notice for Publication
Falla, Oregon.
United States Ijtini Oltice, Lakeview.
t'litle.l state. I ami «»fttee. l.aki'Vl»w. Oregon. “Aliy mui all |H<raona claiming ailverae
May bi. twr
Oregon. April 12. 1907.
Notice Is hereby given I list In compliance
Notiiv in hereby given that in com­
with tbt provision* of the act of Congress of
pliance with the proviaions ol the act ol
June 3, IM78, entitled " All act for the sale of
timber land* In the Htaie* of California, Or«'
Conureaa of June 3, 1676, entitled "An
5-23—7 25
J. N.
gon, Nevada, and Washington lerrlloiy," as
act for the sale of timber land» in the
eiteudvd to all the Public Land State* by act
State» of California. Oregon, Nevada,
Notice I or Publication
nf August 4, 1892, Joseph Burkart. of Ingot,
ami Washington I'emtorv,” a* extend-
county of Htiaata State of California, lias
ed to all the Public Land State» by act
Unllr«l Ntate* I.ami olflve, l.akvvisw, Ore-
th«* day Mieti In thia office hl* sworn state
of August 4. 1692, Stella O. Campl>ell,
gun. May W. 1307.
Notice for Publication
maul 6».
îlâJl. tur lile purchase ut the
of Klamath Falls, County oi Klamath,
Nulla«« I» hervby given that in compilano*
'•late of Oregon, has thia day tiled in UnKe«l State* Land Office. Lakeview. Ore­
with th«» provision* «>( th«* act uf I'ongraaauf
Hectlun Mo IT. In 'Township No W s. Range
thi» office her swotn atatenient No. :>597, gon. February ’<*, 1937.
June 3 IM7M, enlllled "An a«’l l«»r th«* *aio of
iU ► W M. and will offor proof i<> show that the timber land* Hi Um Mat*'» «>( i allluriila. Ore-
lor the purchase of the w'.»el* lie1.*« 1,
Notice I* hereby given that in compliance
se'. nw l4 of See
Sts- No. 6, in Tp No. with the provisions of th«* a«*t of ('ongte** of land sought is mora valuable tor II, tlmlwr or gou, Nevada, ami Washington I'errKoryas
and »e'.nw
37 S, R No. llVy K W M. and will offer une 3. 1378, entitled “An act forth«* »ale of stun» than lor aurlcullural purpurn«. and to «Handed to all the Public Laii<l »late» l.y
Co *al<l laud balurt* U»«
proof to »how that the land aouglit i» timber lauds In lhe Stales of California. Ore »stahlig*
<‘t>unly, Oregon, at hi»
more valuable for it* timber or »tone gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.* a* Clark of
Monansa, t'ounty
County of
*«t KlaiHMlh, Htaie
office »i
Fall*. Oregon, on vv<d
Oregon, ha. thlsday filed In this office
than for agricultural purpo»es, and to extended to all the Public Land States by act
»worn statement Nu. 34M7. for iho purclia»!
e»tablish her claim to said land before of August 4. 1892, John II Groves, of Ingot,
the »«••4m \ nc1«»**1« Ne<* 3.1. »w1» uw t I,
county of Sha.sta, stale of California, ba* thi»
the Clerk oi Klamath County, Oregon, day filed In this offic«» hl* sworn »tatement
n w 14 *w I 4 ut Nee fin JI. lu
at his office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, No ■»>.*>, for f he purcha-s«» of th«» sv’^few1^ »w‘4
No 37 M, R No. 9, F W M, and t
offer ¡'tool to fehuw that tl., laud -unitili
on Weilnesday, the 3rd day ol July, xe‘4 S«»u ¡7 and w'jiiv'^ of > c. No Al, In I p
i No. * S, R No ly F W M. amt will offer |»r«n»l I«»
more «aluablefor II* tluilwr or stone than for
agricultural purpo»«*», ami t«» «-»labllih hla
show that lhe ¡a th I sought 1» more valuable
She names a< witnes-es:
claim to said lau«! betöre ili«' < lerk «il hlaiiialh
f »r its limber or »toue than l >r agricultural
R. H. Dunbar of Klamath Falls. purpo-»« ■». and lo establish hh claim to »aid
count), titcgoii, «I hi* «*111* «• al Klamath
J. N W A IWUN. ll.'tfHh'f
Fall*. Oregon, on Tu«**da) th*» nth «l»y ut
Oregon, J. O. Hamaker of Bonanza, land in.*fore the Clerk ot Klamath County. 5 ¿1
Augu«l, 1907.
Oregon, Mike Iksiher, f. 11. Shannon, Oregon, at hl* office at Kiamatu Fall*. Ore­
lie names as w|t0e**r*
gon on Monday the trd «lay of June. 1* mf
ls>th of Klamath Falls. < hegoii.
I II. Hhaniioii Archie Jolm•i«*u, J I. Huoli
He naui »» a- w iluv«se*:
Any ami all persons claiming a lvei'."
Notice for Publication
and J. «
Mmllh ail <»f Klamath lall»,
Archie JohiKton, c 1’ W’ihon.T. H Shan­
« Iregon.
ly the above-descril>ed lands are re non, all ol alamath Falls, Oregon. Joseph Bur-
Aliy Mild »1! p‘*r*o«»« « lalmlns » Ivrr* ly th«’
quested to tile their claims in this office hart «>1 Ingot. California.
*t»ove «leu rlbeil land* mi » reqnvMed tu fio«
Any ai.d all |a»r*ons claiming adversely the Oregon, Mav 16, 1907.
ou or before said 3rd «lay of July, 1907. above
their claim« in thi* «»tlie on > r before «aid '»th
described lands are re«)uc«lrd lo fil«» I
Notice i, hereby given that in com- da> «»I lugiul, Pa».'
their claims In ibis Olfic«» oil or before said 3rd
5 .M 7 .’A
J N W ATM>N. lUglatrr
day of June, i9O7.
pliance with the |>n>vi»lon» ol the u. t of
3 js- .»30
Notice tor Publication
J. N. WATSON. Register.
1676, entitle.! "An
Congre»., of June 3,
acl for tlie »ale of timber lain!» hi the
State, o( California, Oregon, Nevail*.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Land Office. Lakeview Oregon. May 1, 1907.
and Washington lerritory." a, extend­
Oregon, April 12, 11*07.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
Notice is hereby given that in com­ tiled In tht* office by Stella M. Marlin, con ed to nil the Public Land State» by act
pliance with the provisions of the act of testaut. against homestead entry no 2996, of August 4, |HI>2, William S. Blough,
Svc. 27, Cwp 27. S. ol Klamath Fall», County o! Klamath,
Congress of June 3, 1876, entitled "An made May 18. 19UI, tor
Range 10 E. by Charle* vs . Peterson, Couiestee, State of Oregon, lia» thia day tiled ill
act fur the sale of timber lands in the | in which it is alleged that (among other
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, thing*) said Cha* W Pelt rsun ba* nut hern tin, olli. e hi, sworn »laleinent No. U>23,
and Washington Territory, " a* extended I on »aid land lor the six month* last past and (or the purchaae of the ne1»!!» ^ Lol 3
I r?
i '. i: No. i" ■ w M. and
to all the Public l.and States by act of ■ never did live continuously on »aid land or
improve it dnd haa wholly abandoned »aid
August 4, 1*.*2, the following person* land, and that «aid alleged absence from »aid e'gBw 'a <•( Sec. No. 31, in Tp No. 36 N,
have tiled in this utfice their awurn land was nut due to hi* employment in the R No. |o E H M. and will offer proof
statement*, to-wit: Lucien B. Apple­ Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United to show that the laud sought 1» more
agate, of Klamath Falls, County of 1 .state* as a private soldier, oifievr, seamanor valuable for it a timlier <>t stone than for
marine during the war with xpam or during agricultural |>ur|x>»ea, ami to eatabliah
Klamath, State of Oregon, has tins day any
other war in which the United Blates
tiled in this ottice his sworn «tatement may be engaged, -»aid parties are hereby Ilia claim to said land l».(ore t he Clerk
No. 3571, for the purchase of the sw>4 1 notified to ap|>ear. re*|M>n«t aad offer evidence of Klamath(.’ounty, Oregon, at Ina office
awl» of Sec. No. 25, in Tp No. 37 S. K touching said allegation at lu o'clock a tn. on at Klamath Falla, Oregon, oil Munday,
June 27, 1907. before W
West. U H. the oth day of Auguat, I9U7.
No. JEW M.
Commissioner at Hilver Lake, Oregon, and
He name* as wunease»
Filmer I. Applegate, of Klamath that final hearing will be held at lo o'clock a
11 W. Miao* w. II
Mason. W I .
Falls, County of Klamath, State of Ore­ in. on July 8. 1907. before the Register and Re
Faught ami .1 B. Mason nil of Klamath
gon, has this day tile.1 in this office Ins
Ijskrview. Oregon.
sworn statement No. 3570, for the pur­ Thu said coutrstant having. In a proper affi­
chase _>f the nw ’4sn of K-c. No. 1». in davit, filed April 30. ¡907. eel forth fart» * kiel,
show that alter due diligence (»ersonal •er» Ke
Tp No. 38 b, R No. 10 E W M.
WiuaM ,ixl Liquor*
That they will offer proof to show of this notice can not be made. It I* hereby
ordered and directed that such notice ix' gir-
nf Choice Vinta,{<»
that the laud sought is more valuable en by due ami proper publication
for its timlier or stone than for agricul­ 5-16 6-13
J N WATMON. .legitier
tural purpose*, and to »“•tablish their
claim to said laud liefore lhe Clerk of
Klamath County, Oregon, at ins office
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Tuesday,
the 2nd day of July, 1'07.
They name as witnesses:
John Janssen, I red Janssen, G. Seu­
bert, Heiman Schmor, all of Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
ly the above-<lescrilx?<i lands are re­
quested to lile their claims in thi- office
on or before said 2ml 'lav of July. PJ07.
I-25—'i 27
Department of the Interior, United State*
Land Office. Lakevfew Oregon, May 3, 1907.
A sufficient content aft!Javit having been
filed in this office by John H. Colburn, con­
testant, against homestead entry No. 32RB,
mad«* Sept. 26, 19<M for tl^SW*4» HE’^NW1*,
NWi^RE?Section 11 Town*hlp 39 8.. Range
10 E.. by Herbert C. Brotz. Conteslee, In wb‘.cb
it I* alleged that, among other things, »aid
Herbert Broil has utterly fail««! in respect to
■»aid entry, to comply with the public land
law* of the U. M. an«i the rule* and regulation*
established thereunder relative to •••tabllsh-
Ing and maintaining re*ldence upon *ai<i
land; that for more than alx months prior to
April 22. 1907. the »aid Herbert C. Broil baa
completely abandone«l said entry, and ba*
ceased to reside on tbe same and ha» made hi*
home at Cbico. California, where he now re­
side*, and that such absence* were not due to
hi*employment in the Army, Navy or Marine
Corp* of the U. 8., during the war with
Hpain or during any other war In which lhe
United State» may be engaged, said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond and
offer evidence touching *ai<l eih gation at 10
o'clock a. in. on June 21. 1907, before Geo.
Chastain, County Clerk of Klamath County,
at Klamath Fail*. Oregon, and that final bear­
ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on June 27,
1907. before tbe Regi*ter and Receiver at the
United State» Land Olfice in l.akeview, Ore
The said contestant having, in a proper affi­
davit. filed April21. 1907. »el foitta fact« which
show that after due diligence personal ser­
vice of this notice can not b< made, it 1» here­
by ordered and dlrecte 1 that such notice be
given by due and ¡»roper publication
J N Watson. Register.
Contest .Notice
Department of the Interior, United State*
¡.and office, Lakeview, Oregon, M iv 3, J»7
A auffiGlent conl«Mt affidavit having been
filed in thia office by Hamuel H. King, con­
testant. against homestead entry mo . 30 mm ,
made June 2-'», l9(Ki, for lots 22 and 2.3, S«;c. Id,
lot* 8 and 9, Section 1 >, Towmhip 33 H , Range
7,'a E., by Andrew j. Hloggy. < onte*lee, in
which it ¡»alleged tha: (among other things)
said Andrew Hloggy die<f Jun- 21. 1906; that
Emma C. Hloggy i.* the uidow of and the only
heir of «aid Andrew -»iOggy, decease!; tbit
»nice the deatii of the -aid Axdre.v SlOggy, the
*a.d Emma ( . HloggV. hi* widow, ami the only
heir, lias utterly failed in respect to Mid
entry to comply with the rules ami regula­
tions in establishing a,«d maintaining real-
dence upon said ¡ami, bit that since the
death of her h »*baml, Andrew HIcggy, June
21, 1906, ahe ha" made her hom«j at Lake
Helen, Florida, ami that since Iasi named
date, abe ha* utterly fall*"! to cultivate waul
>r secure the cult.ration oi tlie same:
and that said alleged ub-euce from said ¡and
wbm not due to h'.s employ m- rti in the Army,
savy or Marine Corp" of tii"
H , a* a
i rivale soldi« r ofii< ••!, • amau o.” mai .m-
lnnugihewai with -pain oi «lin ing any otlief
war, sai l part. •> a • hereby notlm-I to a,«
,eur, leapoiid and «»Ter «•vid«qi<’<? toudbing
ziiiO!«' I- '«•
a m. on I in*? 2L
19U7. u«*. i«.' <»•• •. ‘ .*u*’.k.G, • uiiniy Clerk,
Klamath «ai . */.*•,o
a.l I „at final hear
1 h'|»artiti«*nt •*! ihn Interior, l.and Of-
lic«« at La k«« vie a, Oregoi^ May IH, l‘J07.
Notice im hereby given that William
J. Carliale, <>! Klaaiath
Kalla, Oregon,
hit* tiled notice <»( hie intention to make
lilial the year proof in mi|>|M)rt of hia
claim, viz : lloiueatead Entry N«>.
made July 7th,
1002, for the
Sec. 2M, n^nw1^ ami ae^nw’^ Sec. XI,
Tp* 37 b, K 9 E W M, and lhal said
proof will lx* made Indore th«’ Clerk •>(
Khiniittli County, Oregon, al hi* of!leu
al Klamath Fall*, Oreg«»n, on the 5th
day of Auguat, 1907.
He mime* t he following w line«*«'* to
prme In* rontintiomi reai<lrnce ti|M»n,
and c ihivalioti oi, the land, vm:
A M. Jamlaon, John Schalhx’«. J. C.
Beach ami John Hoglentvin till of Klam*
ath Fall*, Oregon*
5-23 -7 I
J N. WATSON. It.g.ater.
Key W«»*t, I tn i»ortcl
aibi iMiiiPttic Cigar*
Contest Notice
M idway
Contest Notice
Notice lor Publication
Contest Notice
Range 11 E . by Benjamin F. lours
< unte-ice. in winch It Is alleged lhal said
Jone, has never laio-u up real
deuce ou said pro|»-rty, an I has uul cultivat­
ed any purl.on Ihareol, and na. totalij
abandoned the sauie lor m >re than alx
moutha last past, and that said atleg. I *h- '
senev Irom the .aid land Is u<>( due lo his
employment In th» Army, sa»y or Marin»
Corpsol the Culled Mates »• a private aoldf*r,
■ ffuer seaman ut marine during lhe war w nh '
Hpaln or during any other war in wbuh the
United Slate, may be engaged, said parties ,
are hereby untitled to appear, tes|».nd and
offer evidence touching .aid allegation at in'
u'elock a. in. on juua IS, t'Aj?. Ix'lore j, B
tirllflt*. County Judge, at Klamath Fall», ore
gon, and the. Ilnal hearing will be field at lo
o’clock a. m. on June 27, I'AlT, before the Regis
ter and Receiver at the Culled Ulate* Laud
office lu Lakeview, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, filed May g, 1907 art forth ia< is
which show that alter due diligence personal
service ol this notice esu not be made, it la
hereby ordered and directed that such nolle '
be given by due and pro|xr publication.
5-.0 -6-13
J N. Walson, Kegiater.
Notice for Publication
United State* Land Office, Lakeview, Ore­
gon May 16, 191/7.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art oi Congress of
June 3.1878, entitled "An act for the tale of
timber lands In the fetates of California. Ore­
gon, xevada, and Washington Territory,” a*
extended to all the Public Laud States by act
of August 4, 1892, Charles i’. Adams, of Klamath
Falls, county of Klamath, State ol Oregon,
han tiled in thi* office hi» »worn statement
No. 3827, for lhe ptirciiane of lhe ne^iie't Bee.
¡0 and w1 x n w1 « of
11, lu
No. », E W
Tp. No. 38 H,
and will offer proof to »hu* Ibat tbe
laud »ought i* more valuab'.e for it* limb r or
nluue than for ti^rfc<jiiur»l purponei, and lo
ti-lMbhs.il bi* claim
"aid laud before th«
Gier« of Kiaifiatu <’uuuty, Uregou, at hii
oihce at Klamath rati«, Or»-4-ju, uii Monday,
lhe 5th day oi Aagu»t, 190»’.
He iihiik -i
whip in'*:
i . V\ Matney. E. K Mp^ncer, Frank I’. Molt
an<l A. M. Ji*mi»ou un ol KiamAtu E mh »,
An,, »nd all ¡>er*om «..aiming uivcriely the
abo*<• deM:n o :<i I au «I i «re requested to hie
tu«ar claim* in tin» oihce on or uetorc "aid 5Ui
day ol Aiigusl, 19U7.
5-23—7-Z j
J. N WA MOS. Register.
Notice for Publication
United State» Land Office, Lakeview, Ore
gull. May HI. i'J07.
Notice in hereby given that in compliant*«*
with th«- pro7i»i<iH* of the a<*t oi Congreswof
June 3, 1878. entitled “An act lor the sal«* of
timber lan«is In the otaten oi < wliforuiM, <m•
gon, Neva-ia, »11U Washington '¡»•rriloi y
extended to all the i'uulic Lau«i rttate.« b
uf August 4, 1892, Nuan Ednic, oi ft
county of Muienowo. ointe ol Michigan,
lb in «lay filcl in litis ultice it is »worn t
ment no . 3641, lor the purchase of
nw^sw*4 au'l w'iiiw*« < h He« . No. 2 » lu 11
Al. ft, R No. 9 E, W M, and will offer proc
5huW Lil a l the land > 1« I in m«*r •: \ a I >a
itn timuer or »tone tnau to* agriuuH»«r»»
poses, and lu cstahiinh his claim to »aid
ueioic the < 1» tk ol Kiumath County, Uregon,
al bi* olli«,’«* at K iHiiid ,li F<llls, Oi
day, the «Hh «lay 01 A igusl, 1.07.
He Uaiaic» a, wituen.v «;
John H. Cuihuan, J. I*. Colt, Wm
..out du»l'- a.i ol Kiaiijatn i ails, U
Any and all p» rsun* chMiiilhg adversely the*
aouve «b.-if-iibel land» are r«*'pi«‘»’.<,<l to tile
Uitil' Cili.ii'n 11. L.i.n O h I i ’'! 00 Of II •I«/fC said
•»Li* udy Oi AligU-L, 1.107.
M.j; ,-2/ •
. N.
AI HUN, Register.
PvlIiM-t S-mrr
C7/4S. fi. WOHfH N
IltIO Util.HAUft
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Capital Stock $100,000]
Klamath Falls, Oregon
IntrrrU Paid on Saving« Depoaits
C. M. HIHH, Cathhr
&. S l OU GH
Æ choice line of luvvNt-
ments tillit "Will iiifilco
tlie? ivtii'olif iser 11 lolle y
City Property
Farm Mortgages
The New Way
ofdoing the family washing—the way which < hangei it from
dreary drudgery to a cheerful houichold duty—is by using
Laundry Trays
Install a modern ^»tfindnrd*
I-aundry in your home and there
will lie no water to carry, no
leakage or damp floors, and no
tuba to empty or upset. It will
increase the selling value of your
. BOIVIN, the Plumbc F, Agent
PHONfí .Î96
K!um;i h I ulin, Oraron
V. ■■