Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 30, 1907, Image 4

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Notice l or I'ublkation
Notice l or Publication
it gives as-uram v of it« luture prosper- road in iiiH-vaHary to «tart the rapiti
building and development of the town,
United States land Office, laikeuew,
I’nitvd State» I and Otlice. l akctiew. ity.
which it dentine,! to be the flltlllC livut
Oregon, May 16, 1907.
Oregon, May It». 19»)7.
of Klamath Falls.
Notice is lierebt given that in com­
E. J. MURRAY, Editor
For further information inquire or
pliance with the provisions of the act of pliance with the provisions of the net <>l lami have purchased lot»- There I« no
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Congress of .lime .t, 1N7H entitlisl “\n
act for the sale of timlier laml« in the act for the sale of limiter lami» in the Oregon. t>nly the advent of the tail- I.. HUHNS Klamath Fall», Oregon.
States of California, Oregon. Nevada, State« of California. Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory,*’ as extend­ ami Washington Territory,” a» extend­
ed to all the Public Land State« by act ed to all the Public l ami State» by act
of August 1 ltMi
.lan«M'ti, of of August I, |S'>2. Mason C. Me«ervev,
Klamath Fall», County of Klamath, of Klamath Falls. County of Klamath,
(State of t'regon, has this day filet! in State of Oregon, lias this day filed in
tliis otlice hersworn statement No, 36.'!1, this office his »Mom statement NoNJlctO,
Chetko Looking (iood
for the purchase of the stviiwl4 and for the purchase of the Lot 2 of Sec.
, ne'4«w ’4 of Sec. No. U. in Tp. No. 3' N
la Tp. N<
«. I; No. 10 1 W M,
And all kinds of I’.unter’s Materials, I arge stock of
Albert E. Imbler returned to Ash­ Big Sales in Dorris, Midland, and S. K No. 9 F W VI. and will offer proof ami will offer proof to show that the
land last night from a two weeks' visit
to show that the laml sought is mote lami sought is more valuable for its
first class goods just arrived, (.'.all at KELSEY
Mt. Hebron
to the scene of operations of the t’hetko
valuable for Its timlier or stone, ami to limiter or stone than for agricultural
& SIEWERT’S paint Store. ( )pp< fsite
CopjH*r Company of this city, located in
establish her claim to said land before purposes, ami to establish hi.« claim to
the Chetko river legion, due west of
People are fast l«‘C'»ming assured that the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon. *aid lami Itefore lint Clerk of Klamath
American IL »tel. Main
Ashland, and alsmt twelve miles from the railroad to tlie«e |»»ints is not a at his otlice at Klamath Falls, Oreg ui, <'“unty. Oregon, at K lamath 1 all
the coast. He reports thin'.-« a« looking ¡dream, but a reality. Thegreat ex(»vn»e on Monday, the otli t’ay of August, • »regoli, on .Monday, the 3th da» of i
Street, K. I.
exceptionally goo I over there, w ith de­ the railread e<>m]»any has incurred thus 11907.
A igust, IW.
velopment work under wav by a force far in making a - lid roadbed, prove» She names as witne'«'1«:
Ile mime» as w itne.«*< • w ;
of men, who are opening up copper de­ this Itev.uid a doubt.
John Janssen, <5. Nenhert. llenrv
Archie Johnston, Dan Job
posits of va-t extent. “Ore veins 50 to' Mt. Hebron is the natural corralling 'Janssen, Fret! Coilmail anl Arthur Harry 1 1‘eltz ami Flrank 11. Hall all '
100 feet in width sound pretty big. and center of Rutte Valley . Cattle will l»e Fisher all of Klamath Fall«. Oregon.
ol Klamath Fails, Oiegon.
scarcely believable,” said Mr. Imbler, shipped from that |s>int. »•> as to save
\ny and all (icisons claiming adverse
\nv ami all persons claiming adverse­
•'but we have them that are rich in the long drive over the ridge to Mon­ ly the above-described laml-are request- Iv the above-iiescrils'il lands arc request
and Plenty
copper any carry gold as well, ami tague. The place is now in sore need of ed to file their claims in this office on ed to tile their claims in this otlice on or
of it:
there is apparently no limit to the a blacksmith.
before »aid 3th din of \ugust. 1907.
or liefore said .'»th day of August. 1907.
riches which our propertv hold«. We
.">30 s.|
J. X. Wat«on, Reeder
*»■30—S i
J. N. Wat-ot: Register.
Dorris at the hea I of the Butte Val­
have just added fifteen more claim« to iev is the natural farming center. The
IX« you want to buy pro|wrty
it and they al! pros[»ect well.” The richest «oil in the valley is found there.
Notice for Publication
will be a gilt edged investment .*
Chetko Company is within IS miles of " ater lies close to the surface, ami such
made in
deep water transportation at Harbor crops as alfalfa grow abundantly with
I nited States I.ami Office, Lakeview, in the Hot Spring« Addition
and a road there will give it an im j little care.
Oregon, May 16^907.
mense advantage over other copper
Notice is henffi^.’given that in com-
Midland is the railroad junction for
properties in the way of cheap frant­ the Merrill trade. This town drains a pliance with the provisions of the act of
IX, ycu need visiting car Is? If so call
porta tion oi its products.—Ashland large farming district, and in two years Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An
at the Republican office where vou will
s what
will undonbtedlv have a population of act for the sale of-timber lands in the tind the latest sIvie« m cards and type.
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
1500 or more people.
you find at
The lots in these townsites are large, and Washington Territory,*' as extend­
ami are being place«! on the market at a ed to all the Public I Jimi States bv act
New .Addition
nominal price. Residence lots can be of August 4, 1892, Fidwin Ecbtinaw,
Merrill is situated in the southern had for |50: $10 down and $'» per of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath,
jiart of Klamath county, very near month with no interest ami no taxes State of Oregon, has this dav tiledin
owing to the rapid »ales of South
this office his »worn statement No. 3651,
the center of the Klamath Project. until paid for.
It has a population of 600. Is well
How could a man invest money more for the purchase of the »■,»»' 4 agement ha« found it necessary to plat
Every article
ill another addition. The new addition
supplied with good business houses. profitably than to invest it in this wav? anil el,nwl4 of Sec. No.
the best of its kind
Has many tine homes. Telephones
If the school lx>y that is working dur­ Tp- No. 38 S. R No. 10 E W M, has just liven tiled with the County
long distance and home. Will soon ing his vacation would pince fiali Iti» an<l will offer proof to show that the Court ami lots are now- <>n »ale at the
have water works. Will be located earning.« into g<x>l soil, he would be a land -ought is more valuable for it» offices of Croft A N'wlin and Mark I . J
on a branch of the California North­ rich man by the time he was thirty timber or stone than for agricultural Burn».
purposes, and to establish hi« claim to
eastern, now being built into Klam­ years of age.
This n< w «ection is the m«»«t desirable
ath Basin. Will be one of the best
The Holcomb Realty Com pan y of «aid Ian I before the Clerk of Klamath ami Itest located of the entire t<»wn»ite.
of the
towns in the county. Has a tine Oregon is the agent for the als >ve County, Oregon, at his office at Klam­ It is within three minute« walk of the
public school.
named townsites, and would be glad to ath Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday,the 7th Midland l>e|«,t and consists ol a 4o acre
better sort
have you come in and talk to us alx»ut day of August, 1907.
tract of rich alluvial land »loping gentlv
J. M. Barry passed through Merrill them. Property in the heart of a large
rom the East to the very edge of laiwer i
J J *i . Tipton, J. Y. Johnson, Oscar
Wednesday with a band of tine horses city is beyond the reach of many, but
latke at the point where the
which he purchased in Eastern Oregon. the center of Dorris, Mt. Hebron or North and M. H. W ampler all of railroad reaches the Eastern shore
Fred Stepheson and A. Rodman left Midland, is not too heavy a load for a
There is no more •ightlv location for a
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
Wednesday for Grass Lake after freight. boy of twelve.
lv the alMive-descrilssi . i is are re­ town in the state of Oregon, ami the
N. S. Merrill return, d from !*■ k"ga-
H it h row Mellin sc HuHd'ng
quested to file their claim« in this office great «cope <»f rich country «iirroiinping
Notice For Publication
ma with a load ci freight Sunday.
on or before said 7th day of August,
I nited States Land Office, Lakeview. 1907.
Died, in Merrill May 28, 1907, Roland
A'exander Barrow«, »on of Mr. and Oregon, Mav 16. 1907.
J. N. Wat»<.n, Register.
Notice is hereby given that in com­
Mrs. W. F. Barr >ws, aged 7 years 5
months and 18 day«. The funeral will pliance with the provisions of the act of
l>e held f .tn the resi lente at 2 o.clock , Congress of June 3, 187«. entitled * a :
United Mate.« Laml office, Lakeview,
act for the «ale timber land- in the
Wednes lay.
Oreg n. Mav 16, 1907.
F. S. Brandon and family left for Cal States of California. Oregon, Nevtuhi,
Notice i« hereby given that in compli­
and Washington Territory,” a« extend­
iiornia Friday.
ed to all the Public I.and State« bv act ance with the provision« of the act of
Frank Anderson is con find to his lied
' of August 4, 1«92, Francis E. Campltell, ( ’ongres« of June 3, 1878. entitled “An
with the rneasle«.
of Lorella. county of Klamath. State of act for the «ale of limiter land« in the
C. G. Merrill returned from Monta­ Oregon, lias this day filed in this office State« of California, Oregon. Nevada,
gue Saturday where he deliver,! his hi« sworn statement No. 3639, for the and Washington Territory " a« extended
mules to M. A. Merrill of Willows, Cal. purchase of the w*<eel4 of - ■ . No. 9, to all the Public I.and Stab - by act of
in Tp. No. 38 S, It No. 9 E W M, an i August 4, 1892, John Y. Tipton, of
will offer proof to show that the land Klamath Falls, county of Klamath,
sought is more valuable for its timlier state of Oregon, has this day filed in
stone than for agricultuial pnrpo-es. this office his sworn statement No, >*>•57,
Keno is situated in the Southern
to establish his claim to said land for the purchase of the Lot 3 of Sec.
part of Klamath County, on the
the clerk of Klamath county, No. 1, in Tp. No. 37 S, R No. 10 E W
Klamath river, at the terminus of
at his office at Klamath Falls, M, ami will offer pr,x>f to show that the
navigation. Two steamers land here;
on Tuesday« the 6th day of land sought is more valuable for its
mail, express and passengers are
timlier or stone than for agricultural
\ i: -I
transferred from the stage to the
purposes, and to establish bis claim to
boat at this point. Adjoining Keno
said land liefore the clerk <f Klamath
on the west is a large belt of timber,
county, Oregon, at his office at Klam­
and on the ea«t is a large body of Obenchain and A. R. Campbell all of
ath Falls, Oregon, on Wednesday the
marsh lands. Near Keno, on the
Any and all persons claiming adverse­ 7th day of August, 1907.
river, is immense water power. Tele­
He names as witnesses :
phone connections with til parts of ly the abriye-described lands are re-
the country. Has a good school, two i quested to file their claims in this office
Oscar North, W. M. Lash tin. C. B.
stores and two saw luill«.
I on or liefore said 6th day of August, Clendening and, John H. Hamilton all
I 1907.
of Klamath FalK. Oregon.
Mont Hutchison was in Keno Mon­
Any anil all |»ersons claiming adverse­
J. N. Watson, Register.
ly the above-described lands are request­
Frank Nelson took the stage Monday
ed to file their^claims it. this office on or
Important Letter
morning for Seattle to visit relatives,
before said 7th day of August, 1907.
and on his return will 1« accompanied
5-30—8-1 J. N. Watson, Register.
by Mrs. Mills, his mother-in-law.
Copy of letter written May 14th, 1 <07, NOTICE Of FINAL SET I LI MENT
Mr. Jones, the blacksmith who got I
By Mr. H. L. Thompson, Travelling
burned out a few days ago. secured a i
Notice Is hereby given that theunder-
Representative of the American Min­
lot from th«- Doten heir« and now ha- a
as administrator of the estate of
ing Congress, of Denver, Colorado.
new shop built and almost readv to put ,
Benoni Paikinson, tlet'eased. ha- fitlf«l
in his tools. Mr. Jone» is a rustler an<! “C. W. Evans, C. & M. E.
hi* final account in the County Court
people are glad that he will soon be i Ashland, <fregon.
of Klamath County, Mate of < Iregon ;
Dear Sir:
ready to resume work. .
ami that Tue-tlav, ti.e -ect-nd day of
Your valued favor of the 11th inst. July, 1907, at the hour of ten o chx.'k, A.
Mr. Wail is repairing his logging road |
enclosing full report of Chetko Copper M. of sai>l <lay, at the Court room of
and will soon be ready to haul logs to
Co. received by me this evening. I said Court, ha* been ap|x/mtd by said
the river.
thank you very milch for same.
Court as the time am! place for hearing
Mr. Ackley ha.« secured a high wheel
I am particularly well pleased to of objections thereto and the settlement
truck with which to haul log timbers to note that the report, which is very full
the river.
ami complete, shows that the Chetko
<>. A. Stearns, Administrator.
The electric light plant is progressing Copper Co. is possessed of propertie« of
J. O. Steam«. Attorney
rapidly. All the poles are set anti the! unusually good values, and I can only
5-30-6-27 4
Disc Harrows at special prices and a 16 Shoe Hoosier Drill
w ires put in place, but the dynamo ha« «av that I am greatly surprised that
not yet arrived.
with Press Wheels and Alfalfa Seeder at a very low price
shares can lie bought in the company at
Equipment For Sale
The Wise Saw Mill Company is haul­ I this time at 3 i ent» a share, instead of
ing a tine lot of timber to Keno to be at par, and 1 fully expect to see this
The entire equipment behniging to
stock go to par within the year 1907.
shipped to Merrill by boat.
Mason, Davis A Co., inn tractors of
Squire Parker of Ashland was calling
canal, is < ffeted for sale. It consists of
in Keno Monday night in company with Iteg to remain,
wagons, harnesses, stretchers, double
Very Truly Your«.
tree«, scraper«, slips, carts, scrap iron,
5-30 0*1 »
track iron, blacksmith coal, donkey
If you want aiytl.ir gin tie urchin
centrifugal pumps, blio ksniitli
trug Store Closing Hours
ery line, see George T. Baldwin, whois
outfits, tent», boat«, «bo-«, underwear,
agent for the Ashland Iron Woorks. tf
Beginning June 1, we will close our overalls, rttblier goods; and a full line of
A^ent F rinir ns Fund Insurance Corporation
For rings go to L. Alva Izewis, New i reipective bn-ines-es at 8 p. m. week groceries.
line ju-l arrived.
days an 1 fiumlay afternoons except from
No reasonable offer will be refused for
1 all or any part of above articles. For
Contri c'or <>. VV. Brook« left for San 5 to 7:30 p. m.
Star I rug-tore urtlier particulars call nt Camp 1, and
Fransisco this week, where he will un­
Newton) A Underwood see MASON, DAVIS A Co., or E.
dergo treatment for his eyes, w idi
Chitwood hrnit Company w. (iOWEN.
bave 1 een failing h r some tim .
Wall Paper, House Lining,
Paints, Oils
Brennan <(- Bagley
i'asliionable Furnishers
Builder’s Hardware, Stovs and Ranges, Sporting (ioods
Plumbing Supplies, Iron Pipe, Iron, Steel, Horse Shoes
Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware, Graniteware
Oliver Gang Plows ■ Oliver Chilled Plows
Oliver Steel Plows
Genuine Oliver Plows sold at the same price you would have to pay for the imitations
Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Linoleum
2¿ Glass, Doors and Windows
Studebaker Buggies and Wagons
Silver-plated and Solid Silverware