No Additions to Didland Women ol Woy th- reports to effect that act for the sale of timber lands in the several addition* would Is- made to Mid­ civil. ENGINEER And SURVEYOR States o| California, Oregon, Nevada, land, we take tills method of slating that there will lie no additions to Mid­ ami Washington Territory," a* extend- land for some years. We can give this KLAMATH FALLS I ed t<> all the Public I aim I Mates by act assurance, for the reason that we own All kinila engineering anil draughting of August I, IKIl'J, Christine Heaquiat, of hind on all sides <4 the town site, all of Klamath Falls, County of Klaniatli, which will la« kept vacant, esiept the vacant land on the south and the south­ Slate <>( Oregon, has this day tiled in east of the town site, which lias been DR. WM. MARTIN I his oilier her sworn statement No. .'iMCi, set aside for the use of stock yards, DENTIST for the pun ha*e of the Be'^iiw1* and sheds and loading pens.— Mini ani > T own < ' omi - anv . nv^swlf of Sec No 11, in Tp. No. 3(1 H, It No. Ii E W M, mid will offer proof to show that the hind s >ught is more val­ SOLIEIIIS <>l KI.AMA I It I Al l s uable for its timla-r or stone thim for A.O. U. W.—Linkvllle Ixslge No III) agricultural purposes, slid to establish meets m the A. <•. IW. hall every her claim to said hind la-fore the Clerk Tuesday evening, Visiting Brothers al- COUNTY SURVEYOR John M. W. ............ Vaden, ... of Klamath County, Oregon, nt liis wavs welcome. J. W, Siemens, Recorder, oilice at Klamath lulls, Oregon, on Evangeline Lodge No. Us llegree of Monday, the 5th day of Angus', 19**7, LAND SURVEYOR. Honor Lodge meets iii the A. <*. C. W. Mie names us witnesses: I iii II e^eiv si.... id mid fourth Thursdays I*. B. Campls I), Henry .I.msscti, tt in in the month. Nancv N . White, C. of H. Jew Marple, Recorder. H. Worden mid J C, bniith all of Klam­ KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. W. 5 23 7 2f> J. N Watson. Register. pany's Building fore the lull moon of each month in the PHONE 614 Masonic Hull. W. '1 Move, W. M. Treasurer’s Notice KLAMATH FALLS OREGON W. E. Bowdoiu, Secretary. Notice is hereby given that there are <> E. s. Molia Chapter, meets funds in the County Ireusiity for the in the Masonic hall every second and WILL A. LEONARD redemption of Klamath County warrants , lonrth Tuesday evenings tn each mcritli. No. 1401« and No 14519 protested on Christine Mm Io. h, W. M. Jennie E. DENTIST Kearnes, Secretary. November5, l'S*l Interest on the same Witbro* -Melhase liuiidinn I.0,0. F.— Klamath laslgr No. 137 will cease from this date. meets every Saturday evening in the Baled nt Klmnnth Falls, Oregon, this A.O. C. Vt'. hall W. II. North, N.G. 2 Ird day of May. 1907. Geo. I.. Humphrey, Secretary. C. F. STONE I.. A lva Lawin, Ewauna Encampment No. 4'1,1.<>.O.F. ATTORNEY AT LAW Treasurer of Klamath County, < he. Encampment meets second and fourth , OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Saturdays in the month in the A. O. I'. W. hall. (’. C. Brower, C. P. City Warrants Geo. I.. Humphrey, Scribe. .Noin e ia herein given that ’tie r. ar«* Pr»a|H-rity ItelH-kah laalge No. 104 hind* in tb«« town tit’MMury for the re- I 0.0. F. meets in the A. O. I'. W. J. V. M'TIMMONOS deiuplioii ol the following warrants: ball everv first ami third Thursdays in TAXIDERMIST AND TANNER the month. Francis E. Boyd, N. G. : 1; ; 11W2 14*3 Frankie Hammond, Secretary. All work guarante<-l tirxt-claj*« 1475 1493 14X4 K. of P.— Klamath Lodge No. 99 in every reajx-ct :: :: :: 147ti 14K’> 141*4 meets in Sanderson's hall every Mon 1477 1 - ■ 14NX HUGH ANO HOIIKM A sl'K< tALTY day evening. Bert Bamls-r. C. C. 147H 14M, I4WI John Y. Tipton. K. of R. ami S. HENLEY RANCH 14HS 147» I4U7 M W. of A. — Ixslge Uircta in the 14M* I4MI 14W* A <*. I . W. hall every tirat ami third , Wednesday in tin- month. I4'«> 14M E. WHITLOCK W. B. Mclaiugldm, Consul 1491 14X2 W A . I'helps, Clef k . UNDERTAKER lilt« re-t on al*>ve warrants < cases Foresters of America—Ewaunu Camp AND EMBALMER No. 'd. meet» .11 tie' A.O. U. W. hall Hohler of License No 29. every second and fourth Fridays in the month. <'. I». \N ■ R KI.AMATH FALLE, OREGON E. Jamison, Rec. Koike for I'ublkatlon Chetko Copper E. B. HENRY Office over Klamath County Bank MELVIN 0. WILLIAMS Civil and Irrigation Engineer, East Main St., below 4th Klamath Falls, Oregon ChelkO Coppei Co* Is now oflernig it* flr*t allotment of Treasury St<* k at 30 cents a share. Chotkn nnnor Cn " LII c ' k U UU. UPpCl i»>c<»rf***,*t**'* *n August, 19C5, under the laws of the IRTY coppieri daims l’ont) acres and two water rights on the Chetko river in Cum UllulKU UUppCl LU. County, Oregon within eighteen miles of Chetko Harbor, on the Pacific Ocean, On one of the claims is a fifty-loot vein of copjier ore which is being developed that c< ntains 13 per cent copjrer, and $2X gold |7 to $jo 1 ‘ ' 11® A hg IIIIUI I -Lure ; and the Balakalala Copf>er Co., situated m ar Trinity, capitalized a' $5,000.000 is selling it $S to $10 [«> share on the Boston arid other markets. /"»L , ' as, nnur $1.000.000 LI1UK() L/OppLi . impunies, and is now selling its first block ■ , both -ad c -mpanie* Oto ,,] treasury stock at 30 cents a share Sxwi a Copper Stock Buyers learn the fa1 ta about th- Chetko Copper projierties, the share» will eventually advance t /*L pfL-n VJlvlKO $10 and better per share. Z-» at 30 cents a share is way far the beet Copper Stock buy of the day. It Las the higi V/UppCi grade copper-gold ore in quantity and the right management. It is sure to * Advance in price, and that soon Sample* of the Chetko Copper gold ore and prospectuses can l>e seen at the Lakeside Inn, Klamath Falls, Oregoi Albert E. Imbler, late manager and part owner of the Long Lake Lumber Co., of Klamath Fall*, is personally over seeing the development of the large ore bodies on the Chetko Copper claim*, and the company ;s proceeding to have all ii mining claims patented this summer. Note Advance in Price:—After July 5th, 19)7, the price of the Chetk copper will l>e advanced to 50 cents a share For Shares, address C. W. EVANS, C. & fl. E Mining Agent and Share Broket corner main a water j hi ut Ashland, Oregon All makes at Our Hats wear and hold their shape closing out prices, which include Stetsons, Gordons Panamas, Split Straws. Etc. Etc., See our line of Shoes. Our assortment is the best in the county. See our line of Fancy Ribbons. White •> * Goods are offered at the great sacrifice prices, Do not buy until you see them. Men's, Women's and Children's hosiery a line unequalled in variety and quality. Every A beautiful line of extra tine quality Wen s Silk, Lyle, pair goes at closing out prices. Linen, Mesh,Balbriggan Underwear. Men’s, Boys’ and Youth’s CLOTHING This week we want to call your attention to our Clothing line. We have two lines that we are proud of— the Kuh, Nathan & Fisher Brand and the Acorn Brand. There are more of these clothes worn in this county than any other line, and we sold them. If they did not give satisfaction we would not be selling more Clothing today than all other dealers in the city, put together. We have the goods and we have the right price. The prettiest pattern, the best tit, most durable clothing—that is what we are selling at our closing out prices. Call and see our special lines. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS We have referred to our line of Waists before, but only slightly. This week we want the ladies of this county to know that THE BOSTON STORE has the largest assortment, finest quality, best fitting, latest designs and nobbiest shirt waists ever brought to this city. All we ask of you is to examine them and we are sure of pleasing you. They are selling at closing out prices and give you a rare opportunity. The Boston Store = L. Jacobs & Co