Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 23, 1907, Image 7

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Notice (or Puhlkntlon
t acks, depots, water stations, cuttings
|*eparlmt*nt ol th« Interior, Lami Of and embankments, will condemn ami
fica at laikcview, Oregon, May IM, JH07 appropriate two strips of land each
Notice Is hereby given that Jesse C , fort) live (45) feet wide, lying on« on
Craven«, of Dairy, Oregon, haa tllixl ’the northwest and the oilier on the
notice of hia intention to maku linai southeast »id« id th« aforementioned
commutation prool in support of hi« right of wav for its entir« length, ami
daini, vial Homestead Entry No, 34M6 immediatelv adjacent thereto, in th«
mad« Kept. II, IHOA, (or tl>« lie1« Sec. |-aid East Half <>f tlm Southeast quarter
24, Tp. 37 S, It 10 I W M, ami that »aid ol »aid Section II, all or »aid tract«
proof will lie mail« tador« the Clerk of containing nine amt live liiindred »«v«n-
Klamath County, Uiegmi, on tl.it 2ml three llioiisamlth« (9,573) acres,
that the ilaimigi*» lor taking ! Mini con-
day of July, loo;,
11« liani«» th« following witn«»»«sto demoing said right ot wav be assessed.
Tliis «iimmoti« Is published by order
prove lii« continuou« residence upon,ami
lion, J. It. Griffith, County J lldge of
cultivation ■>(, th« lumi, vix :
County, made on th« 30th diiy
it. E. Dunlap ami K. I . Whitney
Hv »aid order ol the
Imth ol Klamath Fall», trank Johnston of April, 1907.
that this summons
ami II. W. Crawford both of Dalrv,
I l>e published in the Klamath Republi-
< >regon.
5 23 7 1
J. N. WATSON Register enii once a week for six (ti> consecutive
week- I'll« date of tie* fir»t public«
tlon *>f tills »iiliimoiis was tin* 2nd day
Notice for Publication.
of Muy, 1907.
t*i»ib’«l Mlntm |.an<| u HI <*♦.*, I akvvlew, Git fun,
Jtated this 3<Jth 'lav <>f April, B»>7.
April 12. 1007
W. I'. Fl N I'>N.
Notice I* her* by glvm that In cunipllaiic«
with Ihf pr<»x I■l«in* of thr art of Comer*’*« ol
Juw8. IWn, entitled ••An art for 11»»* ••!*’ of
Umber land« in th« «tat«* of < • lllornlM. On -
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,“ a*
r«loii<lr<l lo all the Public I<au4 Mtatr* by a« l
of AtiguH 4. IMM. William J < arlUI**, of
of K lamatli Fall«. < utility of alamaib. Hfatw of
Oregon ha* thia <l«y filed in thia olffr« hl* i
«worn atairmeut No :flN for the purrha*« of
ne‘< ft Hec. No i.i in I|>, No J7 M, ii
No. log, W M. ami will offer proof to »bow
that th« land sought
la inure valuable
fur Ha limber or Hone than fur agricultural
purpOM’«, an<1 to rauabllah hla claim to said
laud before clerk <d Klamath county a: hla
offlrr atKIamath Falla, Or* gon. on Wednesday,
the ftrd day of July iwr7
Hr name* a* wilncaae*
Frank lobnatun and H*»y r Whitney of Dairy,
Oregon. Neaala « arllale amt u llllatn H Harnva
of Klamath Falla. Oregon
Any and all |* raon* claiming adversely th*«
almvr deter I bed land* arc rruurated to F. Ir
their claim« tn thia ulftce on or be*ur« aald Jrd
day of July, IW7
4J A 37
J. N. WATVON . Krglatcr.
Notice fur Publication
geo, apt
with (hr
»talas l.an<l oner l.ak«vi«w, Or.
: i.’ IWI7.
la hereby elven that In compliance |
prurHIona of th** •<*(<>( «’ongreaa of |
Jync J. 1M7I». ••nllll«’d. "Aa act fur the «•!• of ,
limber lend* In th«« Miat«-« of < allfurnla, orc
gun, Nevada, and Waahlnglun TtvHory.*’ a* .
ratandM to all th« l*ub| *• Izind Mtalra by act
of Augual 4, a KW, Fhlllp W
Mnydrr of <
Klamath Fall*, rontity of Klamath NtaU* of
Oregon, ha* tbl* day 0ltd in tbla <>®re but
aw<>rn «tatrmunt No, & j 76, fur the purchaae of
th« ur 4»c'i •li«»«'< Hr* a and nw’^nw’^ of |
Hr< N<> V in Tp No S7 U.K No. 10 K W M.
and will offer proof to *how that th«* land ‘
•«Hight i* mor* valnabir for It* tirot*r or
•tone than fur agricultural ptirpo»«**, and U*1
e«tabH*b hl* claim t<* *a1«1 land I m * fore the 1
I clerk of Klamath coiintv. Oregon, at hl* office 1
I at blamatb rail«, Oregon, on Tuesday, lb« j
1 ?a l day uf Julv. Itu7
In thr Circuit Court of the State of lie tiainr« a* wltne*»’*
Edwin Krhtlhaw, o* ar worth. Robert Horn- '
3 Oregon, tor Klum*th County
• mg an I John llr« tt all uf Klamath Fall», or«’
W. F. Arant, 1‘laintlfl, vs. Albertiue 1 g«*n.
E Finck, otherwise Allirrtine Finch,
Ati) and alt prraont rialfding adv< r*ely thr
I whose true name i» unknown, 15 (end­ 1 above dex rlbrd land* are r«*jU«*ted to flic
their claim* n thi* off* •• on wr before »aid
day of July, IW7.
\ T<> the al«ivr named named Alliertine •'nd
J. N. WATXON. Rrgittrr.
*t . Fmck, otherwise Alhertine Finch,
who«e true name is unknown
Notice I or Publication
In the Name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby require I to aiq« ar ami
t’nib- I State* Land Office. Lakeview.
answer the complaint tile.I against you Oregon. April !2. |9W.
in the above entitled »nit on or before
Notice in hereby given that in com-
Thursday, the Sixth da> of June, 19l>7, pManct* with the provisions of the net of
that laelng the last day of the time pre- <’«mifreag of June .3, 1H7H, entitled “An
scrilx-sl in th« order for pnldicnti ai of act l”r th«* rail’of tinil*cr W ih I n in the
till» summon» a« made by thr Honor-1
ai>lc J. I'.. Griffith. County Judge ol 1 State« of VAHfornia, Oregon, Nevada,
Klamath County. tiregon, <lat«<l Apill and Waahingtoii Territory,” a* extend­
25th, 1907, and which order also direct» ed to all th« Public Iand Stab*» by act
that said summon» I m * served by publi- 1
cation tliereof once a week for six sne of August 4, IHW2. Jte»»ie Carlisle, of
i'e«»ive week«, th« first publication to be I Klan.ith iall«, C«*Uiitv of Klamath.
on the 25th day of April, P4)7, in K>iut« >>f Oregon, ba» this day tiled in
tin» «tin« In r »worn statement N
the Klamath Republican, a weekly
new»pa|M*r pulislie I at Klamath Fal's. j tlltHt, for the pnrcha»e of the n'^nw
Klamath County, Oregon, and if von of Sec. No, 11, in Tp. No. 37 F,
fail so to answer, for want tliereof, tin* No. Ill E, W M, ami will offer pr<»
plaintiff will apply to the Honorable to .how that tin-land »ought 1» 11101
('ircuit < *ourt of the Mate of < >regon, lor valuable I 1 it« tiinU-r or »tom* than for
Klamath County for a decree of ««id agricultural purpose and to establish
Court, that you, the said defendant, tier claim to «aid laud la-fore the Clerk
bail’ mi interest or ,•*' •!« in or to th** of Klnniath County. Oregon, at bi»
following descrilied real pt "pert i : I'iie office ut Khtmath f all». Oregon, o
W. '4 of the.*-. W.
<>| Section hi in \\ «dre-<<t.n the 3rd day of Jui/, I'*»..
she naiue« »• wltt!>««e»:
s . ,, i i: <, i
. m
Mark T. Howard ami Frank Johimton
that til« title ■>( this plaintiff thereto IS
Hairy, Oregon, arid William Barne«
i goo«l ami valid and that he is the owner
I in fee thereof; that you, the defendant, • and Hen Carli«le of Klamath Fall»,
’ I m * forever enjoined and debarred from : (ire gon.
Anv and all jier»on» claiming adverar •
n»»crting any claim whatever in or to
Mid real pro|M*rtv adverse to this plain- ly the above*de«cribed land» are re-
tiff; and for such other relief as to the > ■pie»te<l to tile their claim» in thi»
office on or before »aid 3rd day of July,
Court shall seem meet in equity.
I »07.
c c BBOWI i:
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Petition Lor Liquor Ucenae
In the Circuit Court of the State of To the Honcralile County Court, of the
State of Oregon, for K luma th County.
Oregon, for Klamath County.
We, the undersigned, residents and
California Northeastern Kailway Com­
pany, a corpnration, plaintiff, v». Ix*o legal voters of Klamath Precinct, said
S. Kobinaon and the Klainuth Water County and State, respectfully petition
I'ner» Association, a corporation, de­ that a licence to «<*11 spirituous, malt
ami vinous liquors, in le»s quantities
tTo lx*o K. Robinson, one of the alrove- than one galloon, in the precinct afore­
said, fora ;>eriod <>f six months from
named defendant«.
In the name of the State of Oregon, the Hlh day of Jn’v, A. D. 1007, I m *
you nr« hereby reipiircd to appear and grantc'l to John W. Dyer nt Kano, In
linawer the complaint filed against yon «aid Precinct, iiml your J’etitioncrs will
in the alMive entitled action, on or lie- ever pray.
Al flecker, Fani linai, John W. Ixiu-
lore June 13th, 1907. Said date lieing
hi week» from the date of the first pule den. N. W. Deal, Harry II. Pearson,
Z Wation of this Hiimmims, and if you Montgomery Sherwood, C. M. Madison,
so to appear ami answer, Plaintiff i I>. J. Jam««, • teo. ( Way, Wesley Cole.
will apply to the Court for the relief de- . S. J. J’oole, E C. Bobbin*, II. Curti«,
inamlcd in complaint, namely for judg­ D. Havilin, J A. Poole, <4. G. Kerns,
ment for the camlcmnation ami taking <>. F. Kerit», A. M. Omnliey, L. A
>f strips <il laid within the East Half of Jinkeii», M. Martin. T. X. I.eClain, H
(lie Southwest quarter of Section 11, W. McCormick, II. I.. Chapman, Chas
townahip 40 South <>( Kang« H Eaat of Marsrow, J. E. Hernby, A. <>. Gillnian
Willamette Meridian.
A strip sixty 1 I). I., (tordon, Eugene Spencer, F. II.
T.0; feet in width, being thirty 30) feet bowning, Ihirk Wilson, E. I.. New»
>n each side of center line of u railroad banks, C. M. Wilson, Thomas Wilson,
tow located ami surveyed along and Olner M. Fly, E. II. Coiqier, John
ipon the anid Eaat Half of the Sonth- ('oimolly. Jr.. If. A. I inmitt, G, W.
Aest quarter of said Seel ion 11, more Sorrel-, J. A . Grimes, J. I1. 1 litclii'iii k,
tarticnhirlv described ns follows : Com- ; I>nii Doten, John Connolly, I N Man­
licni'ingnt a point on the North line of derson, A. Wi«e. Will. I • llli’hel t v , |>. S.
Ju- I .1st Half of the Soiltlie.i«t <(aarter McCollum, Geo. W. Keg. F. 1. ' inz.o,
if Section II, Township 40, Soutlr of Chas. Gordon, J. E Xculiini.’, O
lange H East, of Willamette Meridian,' Backstrom, I.. W. Ander.oi),
it or near a point kn/iwii as "Engineer's | ' Phillip«. Joe II. Moore. E«ll Morgan
tieorgc Chute,
jurvey Station (i No. 2003-40/’ thence Jim llnrnes, Gedrge
Chrne*. J).
I>. M
tinning aouth sixteen degree« fifty- Brown, Salon Allen, J, A. Zion, F. T
lirce an<l a half minute« (15v 53>u’) Maxwell, C. A. Barnebnig. C. W. Gra­
test, through said Section II, to a |s>inl ham, Hugh Kerwin. A. I’a-lay, C. E.
<i the south boundary line of said anb- Iliddix, 1!. M, Krnin, M. E. Spencer,
livision which is nt or near the point Jr.. W. I’. Pradock, 1 led I. Chapman.
mown ns "Engineer's Station <1 No.
Notice is hereby uivt ii that the fort •
♦75-00"; also for the purpose nf proper going petition will be presented to said
mist met ion, sei'iitity, eonvenieiico and County I >ni t oh the 3.<l il.ii tf Jolt,
^hation of said i >ud and for side , 1907.
Lakeside Inn
The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County
KKM4Mm »
Loan« ami Discount*
Overdraft» ..............
Bond* mid Warrant«.
Banking House, Furniture and Fixture«
Keill Estati
1 " i im Bank«
Cw»h in Bunk ...........................................
• • • •
• •
• • V
59.252 M
MRS. M. McMTI.LAN, Prop’r
Modern improvements.
73 rooms and
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
Rooms, Etc., Etc.
l.l A HI 1.1TI1M
f 100,000.00
51 I :• ■
19,456 49
I, Alex Martin, Jr., Ca.hier of th« alrove named Bank, do »oleinnly
»wear that the aliove »tatemcnl ia true to the ix-«t of my knowledge.mJ belief.
Ao:x M aiitim , J r ., Cashier.
Fubrcrilwd am) »worn to liefore me thi» 7th day of January, 1907.
' 1». V. K i ykkniiai . i ,
Notary Public for Oregon.
• 00000-0OOOOOO
Every drop
Qf Old Continental Whiskey
Water Hill Whiskey
Normandie Rye
F. F. V. Rye
is as pure as Government inspection can make
it. It is bottled in bond under Government su­
pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso­
lute purity.
City Meat Market
is the won! that tells the story, and when the
government places its O. K. on whiskey yon may
be sure it is pure.
Sold by
g Wholesale and Retail Dealer
4 j-
Ji .4*3
To acquire riches if you start right
Here is the ways
Buy* one or more lots in the Hot Springs addition
to Klamath Falls. The investment gf a few hun-
dred dollars NOW means a profit of thousands in a
few years.
Hot Springs addition is in the heart
the city of
Klamath Falls, whose population will be 25000
in less
than 10
Hot Springs Improvement
FJimath Falls, Oregon