Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 23, 1907, Image 6

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Notic-e 1« hereby given that th«- Coun­
ty C«>urt for Klamath County, Oregon,
fitting in probat«-, «li«i on the 1st day of
May, 1907, apiwint me as administra­
tor of the estate of George McDonnell,
All |«ersons having claims against
said estate will present them to me on
or before six months, at my office in
Klamath Falls, Oregon, duly verified as
provided l>y law.
Dated this May 2, 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of Geiirge
MelKinnell. d«*ceased. 5-2—5-33
Notice tor Publication
Impartment of the Interior, Iatml
Office at l.akevivw, Oregon, April 25,
Notice is hereby given that K«»y F.
Whitney of Klamath Falls, Oregon. ha<
tiled notice of his intention to make
final five year proof in support of his
claim, \iz: Homestead Entty No. 3370
made February 1st, 1905, for thesLnw'j
and n\,sw»4 of Sec. 12. Tp. 37 S, R 10
E W M, and that said proof will be
made before Register and Receiver, at
Lakeview, Oregon, on 10th dav of June,
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land vii:
Frank Jonnston, D. W. Burrell. M. T.
Howard all of Dairy, Oregon, and
Charles Wager of Klamath Falls, Ore­
Notice for Publication
timber lands In the state» of UaUf**rnia, Ore
gon. Nevada, and W»*hington Territorya-
extended to all the Public Land States by act
ol August 4. l>92. Carrie M. Clvndvnning. of
Klamath Falla, county of Klamath, State of
Orvgou. has this day tiled in this office her
sworn statement No. AV*, tor the purchase of
thenw‘4»v'4 n,1*wl<Svc of 2 aud uvl4*v»4 of
and will offer proof to show that the land
»■ought is more valuable tor its timber or
stone than for agticuitural purpota», and to
establish her claim to «aid land betoru the
clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at his office
at Klamath Falls. Oregon, oa Wednesday, the
5th day of June. 1907.
She names as witne-ses:
Mont White. John II Hamilton. Frink Hall,
T. H. Nicholas, all ot Klamath Falls Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abiive-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before »aid Mh
day of June, 1807.
; > *-V
J. N. W tSTON, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land Otto*, Lakeview. Oregon,
March 20. IW7.
Notice is hereby gi i»
1 en that in compliance
with the provision» < oiuie act of Uougrv»« of
June 3.1878. entitled I ‘ Au act for the sale ol
timner lands in the i siate» ot Ua.tforuia. ore­
gon. Nevatla.and
axhington Territory,’’ as
extended lu all the Public Laud Sta’es by «
of August 4, 1892, Willi am W . Mendenhall, of
Klamath Falls,county of Klamath. Stale of
Oregon, has this day tiled ¡u tul» office his
sworn statement No. Ö55, (or the nurehase
i of the se^ne’* ii’^se1^ and
ol Sec. No.
,8, in Tp. No. 37 8. K No. 9 K. W M.
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone
than .or agricultural purpx»*e>. aud to estab­
lish his claim to »a.d land before the clerk ot
Klamath county. Ore at his office at Klam
ath Falls, Ore., on We tnesday , the 5th day of
June. 1907.
He names as witnesses:
Archie Johnston, Pan John-ton, Gottfried
Neubvrt and Bertha L
Mendenhall all of
Klamath Falls. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before »aid Mb
day of June, 1907.
0-38 - 3-a»
J. N. WAT8ON. Register.
I Ing a III be held at 10 o’elork a tn on July 9.
Notice for Publication
1007. before the Register and Receiver at the
United States Iziml Office. Lakeview, United states Laud Office in Lake) leu. Ore
Oregon. April 12, 1907.
The »aid rout«* taut having, In a proper
Notice is hereby given that in com-
pliance with the provision» of the act ot affidavit. filed Marvli a. IMIT. »vt forth lari»
which »how lhat after due diligence |n*r»«*nal
Congrvss of June 3, 1N78, entitled “An service of thia notice canuol be made, it la
act for th«- »al«- of timber laml* in the hereby ordered and directed that such notice
States of California, On-gon, Nevada, be given by due and proper publication
and Washington I'erntorv," as extend­
¿MF 06
J. N. Watsuu, Regia ter.
ed to all th«- Public Lam! States by act
ot August 4. 18112, Stella O. Campl>ell,
Notke for Publication
<<f Klamath Falls, County of Klamath,
State of Oregon, lias this day tiled in
Called States I sud Office, l.akevivw. Ore
tills office her swot 11 statement No. 3597, goa. February
tor the |wirvha*«* <it the w **»0*4 iie*4»w '4
Notice 1» hereby given that in compliance
and »0'4nw *4 of Sec. No.
tn l'p No. with the provialons of th«» act of Congiessuf
37 S. R No 11
F. W M, ami will otter
I June 3. Is7s. entitled “An act fur the »ale of
proof to show that the land sought is timber lands in th«' Htatvs of California. Ore
more valuable for its timber or stone gon. Nevada, and Washington rvrrlt*»r\. a-
than for agricultural purpose», amt to extended to all the 1‘uhlic I and Stale» by a* t
establish her claim to said land befote ot August I. LsVJ, <»»hn II Grote», ui Ingot,
county of Shasta, state of Calif<*rnla. ha« thi»
the Clerk <4 Klamath County. Oregon, »lav filed in this office hl* »worn statement
at his ottice at Klamath Fall», Oregon, N*» '■ <2 >, for the puieha»* *»i th»* •»»’’4*»w'4 >0’4
on \\ ednv-day, the 3rxl «lay ol July, sv’ 4 S4»c. i? and ■*1 ¿14* 1 4 »»i s » N«» j*», m Ip
No Bff i: \
1 \\ M >» i«t v. || ..‘f.
show that the land »ouglit 1» lui'i» valuat>l«*
she names as witnesses:
i‘*r its timber or »lone than for agricultural
R. II. Dunbar «•( Klamath Falls, purpOM's, and Io establish hi- claim t«> -ai l
Oregon, J. O, llamaker of Bonanza. land before th»* Clerk of Klamath County,
Otigon, Mike Iksiher, 1‘. 11. shannon, Oregon, at his uffic*- at Klamntn Falls. Ore­
gon on Monday th»* h >1 day of Jun«', I'» .
l-oth of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
II«* tianies a- wit ii *■<»«•»:
Any ami all persons claiming adverse­
Atchiv .’oiln>»|oti. C !>. Wilsuti. T. If su.-ui
ly the above-described laml* ar«- ic not», all of Klamath Fall», Oregou. > < pli Bur-
qiic-te-l to til«- their claims in this ottice hart of Ingot, Caltfvrnta.
Any ai.-l all p.
*'.alining advvr»« :y the
on or before said 3rd day of July. l'.V7. »box v dv>cribe«l lands
are requested to rt le
their claims inti '>■!...■ on
1 .. .■ c»hl ; d
day of June, itffL
3 2H- 5-30
Notice tor Publication
ATSON*. Il* Il »1er
Contest Notice
1‘avarlment •■( tin Interior Unite.I state»
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Lan<t Otflcv. Lakevle** Ot*'lt*>ii. -May I. IW»7
Oregon, April 12, 1907.
A autflclent cunte»t atttdavit having been
Notice is hereby given that in com­ riled In this office by Htvlla M Marlin, con
pliance witli the provisions of the act of tvfftaut, again» bunie»tead entry go .*99*>,
twp 27, H.
Congress of J une 3, 1.H7K, entitled "An matlv May I n . ¡9tKi, for H*S<*c
Range 10
by ('baric« W. Peter-on, Contr»u*e.
act tor tiie sale of timber lands in the in uhich it H alleged that (among other
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, thing») »aid Cba>. " Pc hr »on ba» not been
and WasliingtonTerritory,” a«extended on »aid land for the »lx month» laat pa»t and
to all the Public Iatnd States by act ot : never did live conilnu«>u»ly on «aid land or
improve It and ha« m holly abandone*! »aid
August 4. 1>'.*2, the following persona land, and that »aid an«-«** ! abaen* • froiu said
have tiled in this office their sworn land Ma» not due to hi» employment in the
statements, to-wit: Lucien B. Apple­ Army, savy or Marine t'orpa of the I nllod
agate, of Klamath Falls, County of state* a» a private »oidirr, oiflctr, »**ainanor
Klamath. State of Oregon, has this .lay marine during the Mar Mtih .Spain or during
any other war lu which the I'nlted Míate»
tiled in this office his sworn statement may be rngagvd, «aid partie» ar** hereby
No. 3571, for the purchase <4 theswl4 notified tuappear, re»|>on<1 and offer evidence
swr'a of Sec. No. 25, in Tp No. 37 S. K touching »aid allegation at lu u’clo< k a. ru. on
June 27. 1W7, before "
t*. We»t. C. h .
No. 9 E W M.
('ommiBBioncr at Milver Lake. Oregon, ami
Elmer I. Applegate, of Klamath that final hearing Mill be held at 10 o’clock u
Falls, County ot Klamath, State of Ore­ m. on July b. fgu7. before the Register and Re­
gon, has this day tiled intliis office his I ceiver at (he Oiled btate» Land Ohh *■ in
Lakeview. Oregon.
sworn statement No. 3570, for the pur-
Th»* »aid contestant hat Ing. in a ¡ ro¡>< r aft)
cliuse of the nw ‘4»« '4 of Sec. No. IS. in davit, filvii April 30. pac. »«i lorib íaet» which
»how that alter due diligence personal -er vier
Tp No.
>• R N 1" F. W M
That they w ill offer proof to show of thi» uoticv can not I m * made, it I» hereby
that the land sought is more valuable ordered and directed that »uch notice be KiV •
tn by due aud proper publication.
for its timlier or stone than for agricul­ ¿H¡>» Oda
wa T mo . s , t' gister.
tural purjss-e*. ami to establish their
Contest Notke
claim to said land before tlie ( 'lerk of
Klamath County, On-got., ■>' hi* ollice
at Klamath Fails, Oregon, <>u Tuesday, Land Uitu » , Lake\ tv», <>r«g«-n,
A »uitti i»*nt contest a~idavit
the 2ml 'lav of Jtilv, 1907.
Hied in this bfflcv by jam« * F <
They name a* witnesses:
ant against b»*mv»tvad rutty n
47, made
31, Town*
John Jan’svii. Fred Jan-«.-«. •>. Neu- I>eceinb**r 4. l‘-*r. I« r NF.’ ♦ Meet
i F 'om•»
<erl, Heiman Schmor,* all > : Klamath »hip «7 8., Rang* *« E.. b B»*l)l
Cuuicftcv. in v ich it » a 1 l«*i
that *ai*l
Falls, Oregon.
B<*njamin F. Ju » ha !»• * r I
u up real-
Any ami a’.l persons claiming adverse­ dence on »a*d pt
anV has
cult Iva:
I, and
i totally
ly the aliove-described lamin are re- rd any ¡zuriiuH
than »lx
for iilij
tplest- I to tile their claim- in this office abandoned the
on or l.- fure said 2nd dav of July. 191*7. months la-t pa-' . aii'l that »aid alleged ab-
sence from the >aol land I» Hot due tu hl*
J. N. W Cr.-oN,
employment lu the Army, savy nr Marin*»
4 25-*"
Vni(e<l States Land Of«c, Lakeview,
gon, February 28, 19U7,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance I
Notice for Publication.
'with the provisions of the act of Congress of
’une 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
United States Land office. Lakeview, Oregon,
timber lands in the States of Cslifornia, Ore­
April 12. 1907.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
extended to all Public Land State, by act of
with the provisions of the act of (k>ugre»ot
August 4, 1892. Joseph C. Howlett, of Ingot
June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for tne Mie of
county ol Shasta, State of California, ha* this
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
day filed in this office his sworn statement
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
No. 3495, for the purchase of the
and ■
extended to all the Public Land States by act
■‘jsw’.jof Sec. No. 8. in Tp No. 38 S.
No. 10
of August 4, 1892, Andrew j. Santamaw, of
HUM. and will offer proof to show that the
Royston, County of Klamath, State of
'«nd sought is more valuable for its timber ot
stone than for agricultural purposes, and t > Oregon, na> this day filed in this office hi»
»worn statement No. S5fi0, for the purchase of
establish his claim to said laim before the i
the >’ nw1 € and
of Sec. No, 26, In Tp.
Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, at his of­
No. 37 8.. R No. 9. E W M. and will offer proof
fice at Klamath Fall,. Oregon on Monday, the
i to show
that the land sought is more
3rd day of June, 19U7.
valuable for its timber or »tune than lur
He names as witnesses:
agricultural purposes, and to establish bi«
T. H. Shannon. Archie Johnston, j. H. Dris­
cmim to said land before the clerk of
coll, Allen Sloan, all of Klamath Falls. Ore­
Klamath County at his office at Klamath
Fails, Oregon on Tuesday, the 2nd day of !
Any and all pershns claiming adversely the
July, W07.
above-described lands are requested to tile
He names as witnesses:
their claims in this uince on or before said
John Brett. T. H. Shannon, ohn Hamilton
3rd day of June, 19V7.
and Bert Hall, ail of klaiuath Fall», Oregon.
J. N. WATSON. Register.
Any and all persons claiming adversely th'*
above described lands are reuu»**ted to file
Notice for Publication
their claims in this office on or before said
United States Land Office, Lakeview, Ore­ 2nd day of July, 19u7.
44B—6 JO
J. N. WAT s ON. Register.
gon, March 22, 1967.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance ’
w ith the provision» of the act of Congrca of
Notice for Publication
June 3. 1378, entitled “An act for the sale of
department of the interior. Land of:.ce. at
timber lauds in the States of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory," as Lakeview. Oregon, April 9, I9ff7.
extended to all the Public Laud States by act > Notice is hereby given that Margaret R*-*ut-
ley cd Klamath Falls, Or* gon. has filed notice
of August 4, 1892. Je.se H. Jones, of Ingot
Corps »Ji (be United
a private soldier«
county of Shasta, State of
California other intention to make final commutation
"fliirr, seaman >r marine »luring the war with
has this day filed in this office his sworn , proof in support of her claim, viz: Home­
HjMitn or »lur 111 :ig any other war In which the
Contest Notice
statement No. 3494, for the purchase of the . 2 stead Entry No. /»19 ma le March 9. ¡90», fur
Viaited Hiatts tna;
rtigag-il, aid parties
the swl4 nwl4 Sec. 18,Tp. 39 S,R 10, E W M, an«1
se,*i nelj-e'i and se\ ne1. of Sec. No.
r>* * artment of the Interior. l’nit» *l sta’es ar«- hereby notiti* 1 to ajq ar. respond and
in Tp. No. 37 8, R No. 9 E W in. and will “ffer that sai«! proof will be made before the clerk
L*tn*i Office, Lakev iew Oregon, May 3. 19U7.
offer evidence l eiuhing *aid Mlleganon al lu
proof to show that the land sought is more of Klarnath county. Oregon, at bi» office at
A Miflh ient contest affidavit naming been o’clock a. m. on Jun- la, l'.M7, befure j. IL
valuable lor its timber or stone than for agri­ Klamath Falls, Oregon,
Griffith. County Judge, at Klamath lad», ore
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim June, 19U7.
She names the following witnesses to prove testant, against homestead entry No. 32H*. gon, and tba. lit»»; hearing w 1 iI be held at Id
to said land before the clerk of Klamath
mad» *»«ft.
•K 4 4NW‘4
19U4 for E’p’W'^. -E'
4 • .
o'clock a. in. on Jul,*.* 37, ¡'*’7. before •!,«- Regis­
county, Oregon, at bis office at Klamath Falls, her continuous residence u¡*uu. and cultiva
N’W^SE1«, ■‘ection 11. Tow nah ip 39 H Range ter and Receiver at the Cnited biatv» Land
Oregon, on Tuesday the 4ih day of June tion of, the land, viz:
Burrell Shot!, J. R. D.‘xon,e John A. Short, lb E.. by Herbert C Brotz. Conteatee, in which office in Lake view. Oregon.
The said contestant having. In a ¡>ru|M-r
and R C. Short all uf Klamath Falla. Oregon. it 1 b alleged that, among other thing'», »aid
He names as witnesses:
Herbert Brotz has utterly faded in respect to affidavit, filed May 3, cju 7, »et forth fact»
T. H. Shannon, Archie Johnston and Allen
•aid entry, to comply with the public land which »Low that after «lu ■ dtl'-gem •• personal
Sloan of Klamath Falls, Oregon, aud J. H.
lawi of the U. H. and th»* rule« and regulation» service of this notice can not
niade.lt i»
Driscoll of Bonanza. Oregon.
established thereunder relative to establish­ hereby ordered and directed that such notice
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Notice for Publication
ing and maintaining residence upon said be given by dm and pro|»er publication.
above-described lands are requested to file
land: that for more than six months prior to
Cnited State- Land office. Lakeview, Or
J N. Watson, Resister.
their claims in this office on or before said
April 22. 1W7. the »aid Herbert C. Brotz has
gon, March 30. 1W7.
4tb day of June, 1907.
Notice for Publication
Notice is hereby given that in compliance completely abandoned said entry. an«i ha»
J. N. WATSON. Register.
with the provisions of the act of Congress of cea-ed to reside on the same an*! has made his
State« Lanl office, Lakeview, Ore­
June 3, 1878. entitled ‘‘An act for the »ale of horn* at Ch.co. California, where he now re­
Notice for Publication
gon. May ¡6. 1907.
timber land** In the States of California. Ore­
Notice 1» hereby given that In compliance
United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." 1» his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine
with the provision« of the act of Congre»« of
gon, March 30, 1907.
extended to all the Public Land Stales by act Corp» of the U. ti., during the war with
Notice is hereby giwn that in compliance
June 3.187S. entitled **An act fur the aale of
of August 4, 1 a 92, Emma Hamilton, of Klam­ -pain or during any other war in which the
with the provisions of the act of Congres.* of ath Fails,county of Klamath, State of Oregon, Cnited ritates may be engaged, said parties timber land» in the State» of < ahfornta. Ore­
June 3,1878, entitle 1 “An act for the sale of
has this day filed in this office her sworn are hereby notified to appear. respond and gon, Jievada, ami Wa»hiugton Territory," a>
timber lands in the States* of California, Ore­
extended to all rhe Public Land .State« by act
btatement No. 3>»59, for the purchase of the I off-revidence touching said allegation at 10
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
of Augu.nl 1. IftffJ, Charle» « Adam»,of Klamath
^nw*4 su‘4ue?4 bee. 2, and i*e’4neJ4 of Sec. o’clock a m. on June 21, 1907, before Geo.
extended to au the Public Land State» by act
rail», county of Klamath, State of Oregon,
No. 3, in Tp No. 37 S. R No. 10, E W M. Chastain, County Clerk of Klamath County,
of August 4, 1892, Lena Noel, of Klamath Fall»,
fil**d in thia office hl- »worn *tat»*uivnt
and will offer proof to »how that the land at Klamath Fails, Oregon, and that final bear­ b»*
county of Klamath State of Oregon, ha» thi»
Xu. 36'27, for the parcha»e of the ne‘4ne’ < Hee.
sought is more valuable for its timber or ing will be held at 10 o’clock a nt. on Jone 27,
day filed in this office her sworn statement
IU and w^nw.’i of
II, In
or stone than for agricultural purpose», and 1W7. before the Register and K» « »Ever at the
No. 3.547, for tht purchase of the *w>4 *0’4 of
Ko, 3a M, R.
No 9,
to establish her claim to »aid land before the Cnited States Land Otflee in Lakeview , Ore­ Tp.
Sec. No.‘28, inTp. No. 37 ». R • . 9 E W M,
■nd will offer proof to »now that the
clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office gon.
and will offer proof to show* that the land
land •<.'ighl 1» more valuable lur it» tloibtr or
7L‘.‘ said conic «taut having, In a proper affi
at Klamath Fails, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
aloue than fur agricattural p<«rpu»<is, ...id tu
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
5th day ot June, 1907.
eal»bll»ii in. claim to »aid lau I before tlie
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab­
show that after due diligence persona! ser­ • lerk 01 1»lainaih «'ouniy, Oregon, at hi*
Hbe names as witnesses:
lish her claim to said land before the county
ottice at Klamatri ra.l», «z.eg iit, ou Mood»/,
Mont White, C. B. Ciendennirm Frank Hall,
me Illi .lay ul Align»!. IA1.'.
clerk of Klamath county. Oregon on Wednes­
T. H. Nicholas, «11 of Ku math Fall*, Oregon. by ordered and directed that - ■ n notice be
lie lialir • a- Wlille-»es:
day the 5lh day of June, 1907.
< . W. MnlUey, h. K apetr er Frank I;. Mott
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the given by due and ¡«roper pub«»*-ation
She names as witnesses:
A. 51. Jauoauu au ul K.auia.n kalis,
■ 9— M
J. X. Wat*on Reginter.
above-described land» are requestel tu fib*
Fred Noel, John Irwin, R. E. Dunlap of
their claim» in this office on or before said 5th
any «nd nil I ' raoio claiming a I .ei «cly tb«t
Klamath Falls, Ore., Jesse C. Cravens, of
above-<le»criiie<l ian<i» are re |U»»tv.| to tile
day of June, 19»)7.
Contest Notice
Dairy Ore.
me'.r t laiiiia IU thia office ou or iM.-ior<' -aid .»lit
J N. WAT.4ON, Register.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
L» i artment of the Interior I'nlted State« iiay ol August, l'A/7.
- 2:i-7-Zi
J. N. WATSON. Register.
above-described lands are requested to file
(.and uffh»«, Lakeview, Oregon, Ma; 3 1997.
Notice for Publication
^heir claims in this office on or before said 5th
A auAclent context affidavit having b<.*en
Notice for Publication
Cnited Hate« I.and Office, Lakeview, Ort
day of June, 19V7.
•d n thi» office by Marnuei ft. King uoti-
J. N. Watson. Register.
gon. March 20. J9O7.
t»*-th t. againxt honie<t**ad entry No.
Cnited Hiate- Land Offi< •, Lakeview, Ore­
Notice h» hereby given that in compliince i ,ad- .rune 25, 1903, for lota 22 and 23, .**.'<•. lu,
gon, May 10. Iuu7,
w ith the prov. on» of the act of Congress’of lota h and 9. Mec’ion 15, Towmddp 33 M., Range
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby g.vun that in (oinp.iaf.tu
June 3, !<8. entitled An act for the »ale of 7’a E., by Andrew J. Mioggy < onted-e. In * »
In the matter of tlie Estate of Nyron F. timber laml» in the Hiatus of California, Ore­ wi^cii it ia alleged that (among Mher thing-) with the pruvisibns oi th».* act of Congre»» of
June 3, IM'M. cnmled “Au a< t lor the rale of
Drew, deceased.
gon. Nevada, and Wa-hlngton Territory.’’ a- *aid Andrew Xoggy di«.*! j . iu -- 21, 1'.*» ; that
Notice is hereby given that Mary A. extended to all the Fublic Land Hiatus by act Eruma <’. Mli-ggy i» the uldow ot ami the only luubcr laii'iA m ihv ntMiu“» ol < aiifuruia, (>rt •
Drew, administratrix <4 the estate of of August 4,1892, Jame« J. Whitcomb, of .'L d ii'-.ruf -ai<l Andrew «Mlo^gy, <1 •• a « c *I ; that gon, Nevada, hika W* i uiugiou ’JerriUM)," as
Nyron S. Drew deceased, has filed in the ford, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, has sine*- Ch»* death of the -aid A .dr« *. •!<>ggy, the extended luaii the i'uuiic Land 8iaies oy act
County Court of Hate of Oregon, for tin- this day filed in IM» office hi» sworn sta:**- »a:d Ein.ua < , Hhxgv. hi« M id«»*, ami tire only ul tugu»t 4, 1 m 9 z , N</an hiille, ui soluu,
county of Hulenuwo, mat ut Miebi(an, lia.
County of Klatnath, the final account of ment No. 3."»:». toe the purc^a-e of the
ben. ha» utterly iaii«<l in rewpect to »aid.
her administration of said estate ami and 11 w'4 •»w’% of .- •< . No. 4. in Tp No. •> ,H. K entry to <ui ij»!y with the ruh*» aud reguia* Ibis *iay filed in thi» uiiice bl* sautu alali -
that the Court lias fixed Saturday the No. G E W M, and will offer proof to show that tiun* in ewtabiiobing and maintaining rv»i- merit no , 3041, tor tue puruna,’i ui the
27th day of April, 1907, at the hour of the land -ought is more valuable for its tim dem • upon »aid land, hm that »lie ■■ the [ nw*.4sw‘ j and w sjiwj« ui flue. No. 2 » in Tp. Nt*.
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as her or »tone tiian for agricultural purpo»»- death <f her hukbaml, Audr* .* -’«ggy, June I 37, b, K N*/. 9 E, U M, n.rl w i.i uitcf p«uut to
sUuw nidi tlie land suuki »'. i - I m » u valuable lur
the time for hearing the objections '■> and to establish his claim to '•aid land before Ll
«he has mad<* h».*r horn»* at Lak»» i
said account ami the settlement theteof. theCierkof Klamath Comity, Oregon, at hi- If» .« ti, Florida, ami that »luce ¡a»t named it.« tiiuoer or *i*ni'.' u«4*M iur agi »ciHiurui pm*
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this office at Klamath Fall», Oregon, on Monday, date, »be ba** utterly fail« *! to cultivate »Aid pi*»*-», and to <?-lubl;-ii m« < .aim tu said I a UU
uviore ibe < leu. ol hiauiaili < ount), Oregon,
28tb dav of March. 1907.
or secure th*' cultivation of ti*c »aim ;
the 3rd day of June, 1907.
al h'» oltl*'«' hi lx a i.a
l.H . i 1-.i. . f , O. u
04 r.4«r»-
He names »■* witn« s -« j -:
<iay, the t>ih day >•, a 14u u , 1 u..
Administratrix of the estate of Nyron S.
W. J. Anderson of Forest, Oregon, E !ga'
i.j 4>auae.*> a. WilueA c«;
Drew, deceased.
Navy or Marine Corp» of til»*
M . a« a
Virgil of K'amnth Fall», Oregon, H.b. Farm«
John H. (. i/iuuMii, J. I*. Coft, Win.’»'»tol mh <1
privat«- so.dier, o h*-ir, »i.aman «u mimm*
lee of Ashland, Orcgun, C'Jayioii E. Burton •
.Moul Wnilc allot KiMHiaih lulls, th» 4011.
Notice for Publication
during t in* war w.th ¿pain pr during any other
Ashland, Oregon.
Any a'j i all p*o-*« ih
.l ining *»<lv« 1 -• jy the
:i'.-! l*> hj
Any a .d all persons ci.iirning adver-* ly th*- uar. ■ d ¡ a t * - ar ? h r »by
United States Land Office, Lakeviea, <>. ■
re»noml and offer evidence touching above d -»uil./ed lands are it*<4nested to ii*e
above-de*crlbed laud- are requested to file
gon. March 20,1907
hi this
; uh U4 buluie sa I * 1
at x a • x«<tion at ¡Uo’c.iK s a. m. on '-me 21, me«! »
Notice I, hereby given that In eomoliani e their ciaims in this office on or before naid 3rd
• in > a. of Align t, 1W7.
with the provisions of the net of Congre«. of dny of June. 1907.
v 2s! :-25 •
. N.
A'I3’JN, Register.
I Klar ath Fall*»/ Or«/on, ami ti at final hear-
3 28 ->30
J. N. WA I HON. Reg)» er.
June» 187S entilltd " a u act lor the sale of
Nolic« for Publication
Chile I State» Land Office, l.akevivw o * gnu,
Mat bl, I’iu7
Notice 1» hereby given that 111 compilative
with tlie provision« of thu act of t utigrv»» ol
June 8, 1878, untitled “An act for the »ale of
11 in her land» In the Htatva of Calttornla or*
gon, Nevada, aud Washington Ierritory.” a«
extvuylvd lu all the Public Laud Ulates by a» t
<»f Atfgust 4,
Joseph llurkart of Ingot
county of sha»ta. state of California, lit»
th»« day tiled In thi» office his »worn state
ment No.
&M4, fur the purchase of the
ne‘4»w‘4 and
Swtlou N»*. 17, In Township No..« », Rang«* N«»
40 F. W M, and w ill offer proof tu »how that th*
land «ought 1» more valuable for it« timber of
»tone than for agricultural purp«*«***. »ml to
establish hi* « laini to «ahi lami b< for«* the
Clerk of K latnath County. Oregon, a’ hh
office at K lainaili Falla, Oregon, oil U * I
nvsday, the 7th «lay of Augnai, r«*
He names a* w itnesse* :
J II Grow« ot Ingot, < allfuriiia, Archie
i«*hiiBt<»n. < l> Wilson ami I II. shauiem all
of Klamath Fall«, Oregon.
Any aii*l all person* claiming a«hvr»v
ft I»*
above-described laml» are r< >tu««hd l>
their claim» lu this office un or beioru »« <1 ? in
day of tiigust, 1997.
Notice for Publication
('uiled States Land oilice. I «k \ ••«,
Oregon, May id, 1907.
Notice is hvtrb) given th.it tn out-
plianev with the provision* of the act ot
Congress of June 3, HITS, entitled " All
act tor tin- s.ile <>f timber land* in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
amt Washington ierritory," a* extrud­
ed to all the Public I aiu I States by act
of Augm»t 4, IM*2, William S Slough,
ot Klamath Falls, < '-tinty <>t Klamath,
State ot Oregon, Ims tin* day tiledin
tins oftii e his »worn statement No, it>_.l,
for tlie purchase ot the
lot 3
I Tp. 89 8 11 No. 10 l. w '1 ur I
of Sec. No. 34, in Tp No. .'is S,
II No. 10 L tt M and util ><fi«-« pi<>>(
to »how that the land sought is more
valuable for its tiinl>vr >>r »tone than for
agricultural purp >»<•». ami to establish
In» claim t<> »aid laud before t lie Clerk
ot Klamath County, Or«-g -it. .it lit» office
nt Klamath Fall*, Oregon. <>n Mondav,
tlie .'»th .lay of August. 1907.
Ilv name* a* witnesses
B. W. Masot w . il M i- i
u i .
Faiiglit and .1 B. Ma» nt all "t K umalh
Falla, < ht*goii.
* \ iiv inni nil |M*raon* ( Inlming a*lvur*«4»*
Iv Ihc nlxivu «lea* i iln*«| lumia arti ii’<|iivMt-
«•«I l<> 111«-IlH-ir « Ialina in thi* <>tH<<«h>ii
01 lx-(«»r«< -ni.I 5th «hivot \iiunat, 1907,
5 28—7 2ft
J. N WAT.MIN, Ib uiotv
Notice I or Publication
Cnited »laie» Land office, LakUVICW, Or»*
gull. May lit. IW7.
Nolle* I» hereby given that III compliance
with the provision« of the avi of Congru«» ot
June I 1878, vtHlllvd “All •* I lur the »alv of
limber land» in th** filate« of California, Ore-
goil, Nevada, and Wa«hlngt4*ii I< rrllory ." a*
extended to all the Public L»u*l Míale« by a* 1
Whited of
Bullanga, County
of Klamath, Miste *r
Oregon has ilii» «lay filmi m ihl» uffivt* Illa
»worn siaivniviit N
• »»;. lor the marcha»« uf
8, s’. a »wtt IIW I I «lut
the «
nw Il Iff
Nu. 24
hi Tp.
No 17 M,
* M. bik I Mill
offer proof
thu laud <*ught I«
llUMv \a!uableb>r It» titulier or •tune ihsn fur
Mgrleult tirai purpfNMM, *n*l lu vslsldlfeh his
v I m I ih |<>»aid inibì before th* Clerk uf K lamatli
county, Oregon, at hi» ulflrv st K lainaili
Fall», Oregoll, uh Tuesday thu tith day uf
August, IWT.
II«* name» ay wltnri
T II. Nhannau, Arc
and J. C. Mimili
Any and all |> r»«*n» via! ulug a«|vcrsvly the
•how dvM-rit»« «I ittii.i« ar*- r**|Ue«tu*l hi fila
their claim» tn this nifi* » ou or bufóte »aid DU*
«ta) of Augn »t. luu
523 7 25
J N tl ATMON, Rugblrr.
Notke lor Publication
IV part count *»t U m * Interior, I.and (if
lic< at Lakeview, Oregon, May |H, I'M)?.
Notice is hereby given that William
I. Carlisle, of Klamath Kalla, < Oregon,
has flhul notice of hie intention to imtku
final the year proof in «tipporl «>f hi*
claim, vim : ll*»iiir«tra«l Entry No. SUM
Hindu July 7th, 1102, f»»r the
Sec. 2H. n’ Jnwi4 g|l(| »r'^bw ’4 bee. 33,
rp. 37 S, R ii I \\ M. and that amd
pi «1 will I m * made lM*f«>rv the Clerk * f
Klamath Counts, Oregon, at hi* **tth««
nt Klamath Faile, Oregon, on Che ftth
day «>1 August p.k)7.
He namew the lollowing witi e«nuB to
prove hi* «'onlintioii* ru<o*lriice upon,
ati’l uitlih.iti*»ii of, the land, \i/:
A M. Jamleoii, .lulu» >» Lull*»* k. J. (\
Read* aiol John IL»gleBt«*ih all of Kkem*
nth Fall*, < lrug*»n-
J N. W a T> o N, IhghH r.
Vines ani Liquor*
Kry Wi-^t, liniMirf
>>f Choice Vintage
i»* (’igítri
F irst-Cla*** Ci
lVl ft
w \ ht A 13«»*«. Prop
.N‘f V ICU
w. II. !>t t v*i r, Manager
. ... 1
fw ./ j
m i HAnn
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Capital Stock $100,000]
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Interest Paid on Saving« De potit»
g. M. Hl'HH, C.hltr
M ason &S lough
Æoliolot? line of 1 iivosat-
nients flint -will innkt'
flic? iMirelu Isei
City Property
Farm Mortgages
The New Way
ofdoing the family washing—the way which changes it from
dreary drudgery to a cheerful household duty—u by using
Laundry Trays
Install a modern ^Standard*
Laundry hi your home and there
will be no water to carry, no
leakage or dan>|> floors, and no
tubs to empty or upset. It will
increase the selling value of your
H. BOiViN, the Humber, Agent
PllfiXI J16
Klatna h hulla, Ortgon