K LAM A TH REPLBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor. LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE were either not for sale or the price was prohibitive. Mr. Gates says the Deschutes sites are all right, but the owners of them cannot guarantee the water supply, as all the waters of the river are tiled on by the Deschutes Irrigation X Power company. and his conqiany could not afford to take chances on seepage from the canals when forty or fifty thousand dollars would l>e required to construct an adequate plant. Capital, always wart, is doubly so in this instance. HUGO’S SHORT MEMORY. Bourne Works canal, is offered for sale. It consists of wagons, harnesses, stretchers, double trees, scrapers, slips, carts, scrap iron, track iron, blacksmith coal, donkey engines, centrifugal pumps, blacksmith outfits, tents, Ixrats, »hoes, underwear, overalls, rttblier goods; and a full line of groceries. No reasonable ■ ■ r w ill be reins. 1 tor all or any part of above articles. 1 r further )>articillara call at Camp 1, and see M V’-i'N. I’AN Is A Co., or E. W. GOW EN. Tdd Different Version« of a Story on Th reo Occasiona. Notice For Bids The committee on building of the ls>atd ol trustee«, of Grace M. E. church of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will receive bids for tl.e erection ol a church build ing on their lot« north of the public school, until 12 o'clock noon, May 25, 1907. All bid« to lie aeeoni|>anivd with . a certified check for $200. I'lana and specifications can be seen at the ollie«) id the secretary. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. J. F. CROFT. Secretary Building Trustees. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon this 7th day of May, The Revue llelalomadttire publishes United States Senate, Washington, D. in anecdote on Victor Hugo which by C, April 30. 1907. It.¡ill) will be considered very chura, •y eharac- Hon. 1. I.. Mulit. Ashland. Oregon. teristle. Right utter Napoleon lll.’a Dear Senator: coup d'etat Viet >r liti. > and Schorl- I have received yours of April 24th cber. n well known politician of that and note, with pleasure, that my efforts period, tted cd together t igether from l'iris. l’aria, A City Warrants in the Southern Pacific land grant case abort tiuie afterward, when Hugo met are appreciated. Sctioelclier nt his i i nc lu lìrtisscls, the Mr. Hawley talked this matter over HIP poet salii: “Yes, my <!.»ar friend, you with me when he was in Washington IV- can boast of havmg , neo sc insi me iu last February, and we together called very much, I bad no coubt but that deiuption of the follow illg « arrant» : on the president and placed the matter we wen* done for " Turning to the 1473 1483 1 192 before him. At his suggestion, we took 1475 other guests, be explulued: UM 1493 Treasurer ’ s Notice it up with the attorney general and we "We were on the w.ty to the North 1476 1485 1494 are now keeping it before his eyes. I em railroad depot and were <ttlng si 1477 1486 149ft have had several personal conferences Notice is hereby given that there are lent and uneasy In the ouiulbus, our 1178 148/ 1496 with the attorney general in regard to funds in the County Treasury for the hats drawn deep over our forehead«. 1479 1488 1497 this case, and at the request of Repre redemption of Klamath County warm Presently it regiment of Infantry paua- 1489 1498 anta ad by with fly uig colors and resound 1480 sentative Hawley and myself, an order 1490 has been sent to District Attorney Bris No. 14518 and No. 14519 protested on ing music. At the sight Sclioelelier for- 1481 1491 tol directing him to make an investiga November5, 1904. Interest on the same got nil caution ami, leaning out of the 1482 Interest i »n alw»vv warrant« reuse» window, shouted, ‘Down with Caesar!' tion into the facts and report as to «ill cease from this date. I Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Instantly I caught hold of him and May 9, 1907. what steps the department can take to closed his mouth with my hand. One Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, this compel the railroad company to dispose day of May, 190,. word more and we should have been Sth day ol May, lt<>7. L. A lva L ewis . of its land in accordance with the terms Treasurer of Klamath County, Ore. done for." J. W. S iemens , City Treasurer. of the acts under which the grant was Two years later Bchoelcher visited made. his friend lingo In Guernsey. At iliu- I realize, and the department realizes Do you want to buy property that Do ycu need visiting cards? Il «o call that this is a very difficult problem to will be a gilt edged investment? Buy ner agaiu the coup d’etat was discuss eli, and the poet called forth recollec at the Republican office «here you will solve. There are many fine legal points in the Hot Springs Addition. tion« of times past "Do you still recol involved, and until a thorough investl- lect, Bchoelcher." he asked, "the day find the latest st vies in cards and type. gation has been made by the district of our Hight? Wo really came off very- attorney, the department will be un FROM OUR EXCHANGES lucky. But didn't we act like mad able to express an opinion as to how New Addition men, shouting ‘Down with Caesar!' far it can go under the existing law. (lake County Examiner, Stay 16, 07 ) when that regiment was passing by? It may be that before any effective Of course we were too ludlguant to be Mr. Mason, of the firm of Mason Owing to the rapid sales o( South | remedy can be provided, it will be nec , Slough, real estate dealers of Klainath able to keep our temper." M id land townsite property, the man essary to pass a special act of some sort; Falls, has been in Lakeview on busi- j Several years lapsed, and again of a character yet to be determined up ness before the land office for the past Schoeleher was a guest In Hugo's agement iis« found it necessary to plat ! on. In case special legislation is neces week. house. Conversation turned to civic another addition. The new addition courage and the like. “Well, my dear has just Ix-en tlliil with the County sary, I intend to do everything in my (Lakeview Herald, May 16, ’07.J Court and lots are now on sale at the power to put it through the senate and Bishop O’Reilly, of Baker City, is to Scboelcher." Hugo sai l to his friend. Representative Hawley is ready to ex deliver the Fourth of July oration at “I must tell you something I have offices of Croft A Nowlin and Mark L. ert his efforts in the house. In fact, I Lakeview. He will honor himself, his had in my heart for years. In a crit Burns. This new- section is the most desirable believe that the entire delegation will auditors and the day they celebrate. ical moment of your life you showed a ’ i weakness which grieved me deeply. and lie. I located of the entire townsite. , unite in behalf of such legislation, both W'e are informed that Harry May- j You will recollect that day when we. It is within three minutes walk of the in the senate and in the house. The nard, the ex-pugilist who used to visit after the coup d’etat, left Paris and Midland i*v|w>t ami consist« of a 40 acre I project is a worthy one and no legiti- | mate objection can be raised to the pas this section with a little traveling show, bow- I. while a regiment of Infantry tract of rich alluvial land sloping gently I sage of such a law. We are in hopes recently fell heir to an estate in Eng was passing by, at the sight of these from the Ea«t tn the very edge of Ixtwvr killers of our liberty and in n rage, that the present law is amply broad to land valued at $750,000. having no command over myself, Klamath lake at the point where the [Centrxi Oregonian. May 16. 'OT.J permit the Government to compel the railroad reaches the Eastern shore. Harry E. Whitney of Klamath Falls shouted out. ’Down wit’i CaesnrT I There is no more sightly location for a i Southern Pacific to sell these lands to still have you before u y <. es trem bona fide settlers in quarter section and Geo. W. Osborn of Tacoma. Wash., bling with for-r. catching h >K1 of me town in the state of Oregon, and the' tracts at not more than $2.50 an acre. each filed on a timber claim Thursday, . by the lapel of my coat und forcing great scope of rich country turrounping If investigation proves this to be the before Commissioner West, me down <m tLe seat, so concerned you case, the problem will be much easier j summer l4ike ■were for your precious life.” People looking for timber claims are of solution. If we are compelled to go to Congress for special legislation, getting quite numerous these days. A POINTED PARAGRAPHS. it is a foregone conclusion that the Mr. Dunbar of Klamath Falls and a friends of the Southern Pocific will in party of four have been looking over When fish bite freely they’re little terpose objection and we will have to : the timber here. ones. fight them before we get what we want. (Priueville Review. Muy 9, *uT.) The Impudence of some |a-ooie la the But if it comes to this and if a fight is H. V. GATES IN CROOK. only great thing alxeit them. necessary, I, for one, am ready to de H. V. Gates returned with his daugh To burn a letter may show a lack of fend the rights of the people against ter yesterday afternoon from a trip sentiment, but it la in many cases a the assumed rights of the railroad, through the west end of the county, mark of good Judgment and I believe, in fact I know, that the and left today for Shaniko on their You often hear a mother say to her administration will give us its support way to Hillsboro. The object of the child, “IIow often must I tell you?” if we have to take this matter on to the trip was to discover a suitable power How often must you lx? told? floor of congress. site for the Prineville Light & Water There is one thing you should put off I consider the Southern Pacific ques company, and Mr. Gates announced till toinorriw that you might do today, tion the most important one now pend that he had failed after a tour of 236 and that is sitting down und counting ing so far as the people of Oregon are miles. He visited every available site up your troubles. concerned. It is doubly important to in the Deschutes valley, including the , Some men hot only feel that the the people of Western Oregon living Matoles, Squaw creek and the Tumello, world owes them a llvinz, but are sore along the line of tne Southern Pacific I without finding anything within the, because there are no collection agen road. It is because of the vast import reach of the company’s treasury that cies to collect It for them. ance of this question that I am devoting was suitable for the purpose. Thej If you brag that you are contented so much attention to it myself. I shall Matoles he pronounces the best for a people say you might as well be a cow, remain in Washington as long as I be , small power plant, such as would be 1 and If you are discontented people say lieve by so doing I can in any way as required by this city, but the sites' you have a grouch, and there you are —Atchison Globe. sist the department in its efforts to solve the problem. Thanking you for your words of com mendation, I am, with sincere personal regards, K. C. H. S. Class of 1907 Very truly yours, Class Colors • Gray and Gold J. B ourne , J r . it gives assurance of its future prosper ity. Nine out ol every ten |x'rsons who have visited the townslte of South Mid ! land have purchased lots. There is no safer or surer Investinent in Southern Oregon. Only the advent of the rail-> road is necuasary to start the rapid building and development of the town, which is destined to la< the future rival of Klamath Fall«. For further information inquire or ad.Ire»»t’KOFT A NOWLIN or MARK L. BURNS, Klamath Full«, Oregon. FREE ELECTRIC IRONS KLAMATH FALLS LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY STYLE and Plenty of it: GOOD GARMENTS made in that safe-for-customer way— that s what you find at THE TOGGERY SHOP Every article the best of its kind MENS SUITS. HATS. SHOES and FURNISHINGS of the better sort Brennan <T Bagley Fashionable Furnishers VI 'ithrow-Aielhase lini Id 'n% firn RAI IÌWIN "il,mitE aild Ar,TOL- ULD. T l.DALUnin TIRAI. llll'LEtlENTS ESTABLISHED 1B75 Builder’s Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies, Iron Pipe, Iron, Steel, Horse Shoes Paints and Oils, Crockery and Glassware, Graniteware Class Roll Resolutions of Sympathy Whereas; It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the universe, to whose will we all must bow, to take away our sis ter, Gertrude Manning. Therefore, be it Resolved, that Prosperity Rebekah Lodge has lost one of its most esteemed members, the community a kind, hospi table neighbor, the parents an effec- tionate daughter and the husband a dearly beloved wife. Resolved, that by this great loss, we are reminded that all must pass through the valley of the shadow of death, and while we know that words avail little in such a bereavement, yet they are the only medium through which we can ex press our love for our departed Sister, and extend our sympathy to the afflicted family. Resolved, that our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days, a copy of these resolutions be placed on the min utes, copies sent to the bereaved hus band and parents, one to each of the county papers, one to the daily paper, and one sent to the “Pacific Odd F el low” for publication. Respectfully submitted. L0RINDA M. SAUBER. NELLIE C. VAN RIPER, ANNA J. O’FARRELL. Klamath Falls, Ore., May 17, 1907. Equipment Lor Sale The entire eqnipn ent belonging to Mason, ! a C m ó C o ■ ., » contractors for F lorence B oorey L ue G lenn L eonard A lice L ucile C ox F rank E arl W ilson A ugustus A lva B onney L ep . oy G ilbert A pplegate Commencement Program. May 31, 10,30 A. M. High School Chapel. M arch and I nstrumental S olo ..................... .... I.istz MISS LETA NICKERSON I nvocation S alutatory O ration and JUDGE J. B. GRIFFITH. O ration ............................... “The Square Deal” FRANK EARL WILSON. “We Are a Part of All That We Have Met” FLORENCE BOOREY. Oliver Gang Plows O ration Genuine Oliver Plows sold al the same price you would have to pay for the imitations BURGE MASON. ........................................ “The Parliament of Man” LEROY GILBERT APPLEGATE. ..............................................................“Child Labor” LUE GLENN LEONARD. Disc Harrows at special prices and a 16 Shoe Hoosier Drill with Press Wheels and Alfalfa Seeder at a very low price Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Linoleum P iano S olo MISS MAE WORDEN. Silver-plated and Solid Silverware O ration “High Ideals” AUGUSTUS ALVIN BONNEY. O ration and V aledictory .............................. “The Holy Grail” ALICE LUCILE COX. Q uartet ............................................. MESSRS. MASONS and FAUGHT. P resentation of D iplomas JUDGE J. B. GRIFFITH V iolin S olo ... “The Last Hope” G ottchalk PROF. A. L. CAMP. Oliver Sîeel Plows SOLE AGENCY FOR OLIVER PLOWS IN KLAMATH COUNTY V ocal S olo O ration - Oliver Chilled Plows i Class, Doors and Windows Studebaker Buggies and Wagons Agent Firemans Fund Insurance Corporation KLAMATH FALLS, ________ •______________________________________ _ OREGON