Th. Childish Vote. Too Much. A g<»»| «tory I» told of Miglior Foil, Ilio filinoli* bllNSO Ilmi* Upon II thn« Im was «Ingin« •*Th« Buff." when n childish vol* <• from «mimwlmro In tliu ■tuli» «udilenly pip**,I in anil attempted to organ I x** mi Impromptu duel. Un fortunately tin* next Him of tiu* song wen "IliirlC Whitt »olimi I h flint whirl) break« upon mine «ar?" Tbl« «*» tickled tlm fumy of tin* great vocalist thill be lmr«t Into a hearty fit of Inugliter timi left tin* platform, followed by the pl Miilnt. Twin* they euiite buck mid at* tempted iho -, am. mul finally they had to ghe It up In de»|telr. mil* li to ilio emuMeiimnt of the mnllem-e No Additions to Didland For tin* asHuiam-i, of puri'liii»era of lota in tin* low n *>l .Midland, a> well uh to furnish infoi mut ion to people lntere»ted in lamia in or near to Midland, which purchaser » or owner» of laini might l*e affected by tin* report» to effect that avverai addition» would I»* mad«* to Mid land, we take th!» method **f »luting that there will lai no additione to Mid land for »otin* year». We ran give tliia ilMiiranee, for the i<*aaon that we own laini on all «idea of the town »ite, all of w Inch w ill la* kept vacant, except the vacant html on the »milli ami the eouth* enet of the town »ite, which ha» been »et aside for the um * of Nti»k yarda, »Iu d» anil loading p*-n».— Mini am * l ow** Women ol Woodcraft, Evanna Circle I No. 017, im-et» every second und fourth Friday in banderaon’a hull. Mrs. Dolile Virgil, G. N. E. B. HENRY KLAMATH FALL' Ali kind» engineering ami draughting DR. WM. MARTIN CllStkO C0PP8r CO* I« n * offering it» fir-* allotment **f Tica- try .'•**■ k * DENTIST Many Kind« of Day« In Ona. A mean Hi.hir day I» Iho average or menu of all llm appirent «olar day»Jn a year. Mem ^>|.u tlm l< Hint uliown by a w**ll regulated * Io* -k or watch, while iippiireiii solar tino* I» l but eliow'n liy n well * *ii**trmt*d sun dial The dliTerenee between III** two ill Ul»y time I« tlm eqmiil'Ui of Ilin** mid max amount to Nlxteen llllllllte. mil twcll ty one »e*und» Tie* n»ti'*>i *>nil*'ul day begins lit noon ami tin* *'l *li.< nt tin* pr*** riling midnight Tlm ■ .*l*i* .1 mid ineiin Molar d*iy» uro bolli Invariable, but one day of III** litter I h *-*|>i:ll to 1 day .'I minute, und •"•*! .'•■'>'* »••■omi» of Um former A Sale P.rch, SOCIt’TIIS OI KLAMATH FAILS A. O. I'. W.— f.inkville Inslge No 110 meet» in III** A.O. IJ. W. bull II every TuvMiay evening, Visiting Brother« nf- wav» welcome. __ Yinleti, _________ John M. W. . J. tV. Miemena, Kworder, Idvangidim* l.*»lg*' No. mm |>egr<....... . lb ll*n l.oilg*- 1111*1*1* III th** A. * *. I'. 5V, hall cii-iy s<-* oiid un i (oiiith Thurmiav« in t b<* month. Num-v N . tt iiitv, C. o( II. Je««e Marple, Recorder. tV. o. tf. I'wimna Camp, N' * 71)1' tt’. O. tt'.. inidH i-vi-iv Tu**»dav evening nt 7 :30 o'clock ut r*midi*r»on’a hail. All imiglil»*! • cordially invited. C. K. liiandetiburg, Clerk. t. F. A A. M.— Klmnnlh l.ilg*- No 77. M«*i*t» Saturday evening on or be for** llie lull ino**n >*i each monlii in the Maaouic Hall. tV. T. Mliive, tt’. M. tV. K. Bowdoin, i-ucrutary. At th<> <*rowded dow ntown corner tlm frlgbteued |»*d**HtrlmiH wer<* »curry lag out of tbe w ny of Street cura, automi»- o F.. S. Aloha Chapter N<>.bl, ni**et« bile», delivery wag<*u« nml poli* emuli in th** Masonic hall every SWCond ami ou iior»eba.'k bmitli Tuesday eveninga ibtach tncnili. •’tloahj' exe|alim**l tlm wlmlow waah- <'liri»tiim Mm 1***1», W. M. Jennie E. or, Imiklng down «>n tliein troni lils Keamee, Secretary. pereti on tlm narrow ledge of a tlfteen I. <>. o. F.—Klamath L>»lg<* No. 137 ■tory wlmlow. "Fin gjnd I uln’t In tliat meet« every Saturday evening in tlm rrowd!” l'hleng** Tribune. A <>. F. W. hall W. II. North. N.G. Geo. I.. Humphrey, Fecielarv. Almott at Good aa Art. Ewauna Encampment No. 4'i, I.<>.(>.F. Enrampuient meets » mui fourth Kmall Edith wiih vlaltlng In tin* oinn try for the firnt tlm**. >atur*lay» in the month in the Brower, C. I*. "What <lo y.iu think of our rural A. o. I', tt'. hall. C. Geo. L. Humphrey, Mcrlbe. M-cu**ry. dr ir''" i.ked li**r grandmother, "Oh, It I hii ’I h > I»,.I"' replied Kdlth. I'roaperity Rel*ekah lx»lge N*>. 104 "It l>»>k« ii I iikm I .1« natural oh real the I 0. O. I Ih* *■! • m I h>- A O, I . W. hall everv lirst ami third Tbursday» in ater «ceucry.” < Tn* ago New«. tin* month. Franci» E. Boyd, N. G. Frankie Hammond, Hecrelary, Coliniin—No'. CoHuelon K. **( I*.— Klamath Ixxlge No. 0<l 'Ite .fudge III till*, divorce «ult there Meem« to I h * «ini** collusion lH*tw*-<n meets in .**andvt«on'» hall every Mon- i.i\ *■*. * nine. Bai I Bambei C. C. the man mid lu» wife Tb.* Wife Col Jolip V. Tipton, K. o( 11. ami >. hiNlon? No. It’» l***i*ti colll»loll eier M tV . *1 A.—Ixxlge meet« in II e alnee the ccr>*ni**ny! Pittsburg Ga A <•. I . tt . hall vn-iv fb»t and third sette 'I Ino*« Wednesday in the month. tV. It. Melaiuglilio, Consul Not Has W.ll. tf. A. I’liell*», Clerk. Agile« ar** you writing. Mia- F**re«ters **( America—Ewauna Camp. nlu? Your will? Minnie N'** t'l’i I .'corgi* t*ro|**i4i»l No. til, meets m tbe A. O. t'. tt . hall writing my won’t Inst night, ami I t d*l him I’d niiswr- every s*-**oi,*i ami fourth Friday» in the month. C. I>. ttillsvn,C today. —London Mfcet. h E. E. Jamison, K**c. Sec. Chetko Copper Chetko Copper CIVIL LMIINIIR and SURVEYOR Office over Klamath County Bank F omhanv . Chetko Copper MELVIN 0. WILLIAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR Civil and Irrigation Engineer, LAND SURVEYOR. Chptkn Cnnnpr Pn L/IIU UUp|JCI LU. Chetko Copper Co. it .<><><> .<><><< '* «- .. » • i.*-* -i. i *,. , ■ » Own* THIRTY copper claims «00 acre ■* and two water rights on the Cbetko river in Can County. < tregon, w it hin eighteen mile* of ( hetk Hari*r, on the Pacific < Jcean. On one of the claim» i- a fifty-loot vein o'cnj ¡»*r ore which is living deve!* ;*d th r < r tain» 13 ¡>er cent copper, ar gold l*er ton ; making a total of $90.40 per ton East Main St., below 4th KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Attontinn MASON P. DR. C. DENTIST Office in American Bank > Trud < puny’s Building WILL a . LEONARD DENTIST Wlthrow-Melhase HuHdinx F. $4,000.00 $27 jjo -m. d*-! n* ar Trinity - apitai./*-•! at $5.000.000 is »t '. nz at SM to $10 p1 , ..ire; ami tl.<* Halal Ma C* pp-- < »liar*- on the Boston ami other markets. m* PHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON C. MII g IIIIUII STONE I- / » C ( , n RP t* VIILIIXO »I'jiLi lompanie«, ami ih COI $1.000,000 eonUtiniog ont bodies tb*t greatly exceed in value the ores of the said tv now selling its first block of treasury stock at | 30 cents a share m a- Copper Stock Buyers b arn the facts about the ChetkO Copper properties, the Shares will MOB advance t flOO a.-l **’.*er per -r are. ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE Klamath Falls, Oregon J. V. M'TIMMONDS TAXIDERMIST AND TANNER All work guaranteed flrst-cla»« in every respect :: :: :: Hl OS AMI* kOHIM A »F» IAI.TV NSNI.EV L-^a. I, Lx r|’|'Lf at 30 i ent» a share is way far the Ix-st Copper .'tock buy *: the 'lay. It has the hi» grad** iop;»-r-gold ore in quantity and th*-rig:.’ masagenwaL Iti* MCVt* Advance in price, and that soon .'ample** of the Chetko Copper gold or*- and pros ¡«cluse» can be -een at t! For Shares, address RANCH E. WHITLOCK UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER C. W. EVANS C. & .IE E. Mining Agent and Share Broker Holder of Urente No 29. K LA M AI 11 E AI» L>, Lakeside Inn, Klamath Falls, Oreg- Ashland, Oregon OK h< i O X All makes at Our Hats wear and hold their shape closing out prices, which include Stetsons, Gordons Panamas, Split Straws. Etc. Etc., See our line of Shoes. Our assortment is the best in tiie countv. See our line of Fancy Ribbons. W h i te Goods are offered at the great sacrifice prices, Do not buy until you see them. Men’s, Women’s and Children's hosiery—a line unequalled in variety and quality, Every pair goes at closing out prices. A beautiful line of extra tine quality Men’s Silk. Lyle, Linen, Mesh,Balbriggan Underwear. Men’s, Boys’ and Youth’s CLOTHING This week we want to call your attention to our Clothing line. We have two lines that we are proud of— the Kuh, Nathan & Fisher Brand and the Acorn Brand. There are more of these clothes worn in this county than any other line, and we sold them. If they did not give satisfaction we would not be selling more Clothing today than all other dealers in the city, put together. We have the goods and we have the right price. The prettiest pattern, the best fit, most durable clothing—that is what we are selling at our closing out prices. Call and see our special lines. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS We have referred to our line of Waists before, but only slightly. This week we want the ladies of this county to knew that THE BOSTON STORE has the largest assortment, :•.test quality, best fitting, latest designs and nobbiest shirt waists ever brought to this city. All we ask of you is to examine them and we are sure of pleasing you. They are selling at closing out prices and give you a rare opportunity. > X U- » ’\ The Boston Store = L. Jacobs & Co Si »ca*ttoiato ;s-'i*.- I» treasury stock-