People of Klamath, Attention! Lots will be sold in HOT SPRINGS ADDITION To Klamath Falls on the following Terms: $35 down, $5 per month, and up; no taxes for two years, and no interest Streets Macadamized; Sewers and Water Mains Laid; Cement Sidewalks; Trees Planted; Money Returned with 6 per cent Interest in Case of Death We are placing the Maps. Price Lists and Contracts for Lots in Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Falls with our outside offi. es in all the large cities of the C .a.t, and there will be an immediate and large de­ mand, as the proposition is well and widely known. The part of wisdom is to buy in your own town. Our terms are from K’A down and a month, with no taxes for two years and no inter.»: Macadamised Streets. Cement Sidewalks. Shade Trees, Sewers and WateE included in price. In case of death, money returned with « per cent interest. Later on this opportunity will have passed, and you will i„ >. ■» from the other fellow and pay his profit. See that he buys of you instead. The advent of the railroad w ill increase your property values 100 per cent. Don’t miss tin’s chance, or it will be the i. met of vour life HOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY of OREGON Also Agents for Midland, Dorris, Mt. Hebron, and Good Farming Property Subscribe for tlio I y ’I'BLICAX Buy Lots in Hills’Addition I Just East of the Depot The Dread of the Housewife The pleasures of many homes are still marred by that weekly horror ‘‘wash day.'' Borne still cling to the idea that by doing their washing at home they are saving money, without stopping to figure the cost. In most cases the cost of the wood alone would pay for the work being done at the laundry. $125 The Klamath Falls Steam Laundry is now equipped to handle all the family washing in the city and is making a special cut-rate price on this work. With our increased capacity and all the latest labor-saving machinery, we are able to do the work at about one-half what it can be done bv hand. We d/e and restore color to fa_. “ silk ...3 Ktandcovers plain 2 STARCHED CENTS , Skirts ................. 7 Nightdresses....... 4 4 Drawers................ 4 Chemise........ 4 Corset Covers.. . 2 Waists................... 7 . Waists, boys....... 4 Ki monas............... 7 ’ Wrappers.......... 7 , Aprons.................. 2 I Child’s pieces....... 3 I Shams, pair......... 10 Sasli Curtains. ...3 Pillow Covers . . .3 Bonnets................. 3 I Sleeves, pair ... 2 j Belts...................... 1 ✓ NOT IRONED CENT« Overshirt«....... .. .5 Undershirts .. .. .5 Underdraw er« . .. .5 Nightshirts. . .. . 5 7 Combination... Pajamas, pair.. ..10 Under Vest .. Hose, pair ... . . .3 Neckties .... . ..1 EXTRAS ( ENTM Blankets, woo), pr. 50 “ cotton , “ 2Ó Quilts................ . .. 25 Bedtick»... ... .110c lip KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY CAMPBELL & SMITH, Prop’s Phone, 331 FOR A LOT 50x120 FEET Can you find a better investment in the city? You are t paying the present value price and will thus secure the benefit of the increase FRANK \RA WHITE