DAIRY Dairy is pli-uaantly »ituated on the went Hide ol V oiilia Valley, near the center ol Klamath County. It han two k < mm I general aturee with enter- piiMing, up to-date dealer» who enjoy a large trade from surrounding val­ ley», a hotel and fes-d barn, and a school house Il is eiirrounded by a rich farming community with winch it is connected by a farmer»’ tele phone line and also a long distance line. 1» on the »tag« line, twenty miles ea»t a»n’t gone to Califor- the tlrrst lime. I.a»t winter I prepared u . nia yet, owing to Ills inability to sell of! banquet that wn» given to him ut Salem, hi» stork at price» that »lilt him. I j and saw him for the second time. I Mr. Hedge’» fox terrier dogs killed a | naturally »upposi-d that Io* had entirely porcupine the other dav, on the hill forgotten me, but when hi* entered the • near Dairy, after a hard fight, and u» a hotel office lie came directly up to me, I consequence got their nose» well filled uiktendi-d liia band and said, ‘How do with quills. you do Mr. Uoiiiior.’ It »truck me ns a Messrs. \y . | . ’A’. |, I, w, f. an I th«* Klam* tit li biisin Io u--rk on th« ditch foi th«* 10 uHon. Mt», tivurgr Smyth was in Dairy Saturday doing »--im shopping, and vis­ iting en route E. Egert, who live» twelve Inile» north ol Dairy, I» talking ■ >( putting in a telephone line to 1:1» place. Mr. Freucr, the I’m- valley 1-utclier, make» regular weekly trip» to Dairy ' 1 flow with a »upply ol frc»h ln-ef. l.ust Saturday night or rntber in tlx* siuull hour» of Sunday morning m rola-it cut, * f tbc feminine gender, in­ vaded the burn of Giltiert Anderson, ut Daily, nml seeing n large hit Lang-ban low I III the male persuUHlon pelrlied U| mi | i u b>fty la-ain, made advance» to­ ward hiiu which were, |>erli>ip», more forcible than lender. The majestic fowl -.lid “Tut, tut. tut" to the cut’s proposal, nml sliied iiway. H- r i-at-lnp was persistent, liowi-ver, nml taking tin- bird's left wmg, -Iragge-I ratlu-r Ilian walked, off with him toward ln-r rocky home amid tlm juniper», hi» birdship protesting uu I v'-cHi-raiing loudly at every »tep, It is pr-ibubl«* thnt the h- line's lovelorn utt.e limciit for the bird would have I h -,- ii »uecesslul but for the interference of sundry and various mem- met» of the g*-nu» canine id the village, whose loud voiced protests were succe»»- fill iw «Iriviiitf Her away, uixl th«* bird rv* t«trti«*li bu»iip-»s of mutual ilili rest. Member» of the Dairy school board are beginning to think that the |M>sitlon of -i-les-l director 1» more Inumrous tlmn boom able, on account of the muny meetings they have to hold to prepare for the building of a m-w »chool house. 11 i ertainly i» no joke. Mr, iin-i Mr». Wiley, who have Ireen tanning the John Sh-»>k place, toi-k a «ii-lden notion to go to heattie Saturday last, and departed on the afternoon ■tags for that city. 1 Corp»of the I’nlii-d ,•(< i-r. •»•maw or insrlfw -luring th» w»r with Spain or -luring any other war In which ths l?i.lte<1 Slate, may be engaged, »aid parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer eviden-e lo-mlilng -aid allegation at lu o’clock a tn. on rune IS, 1W>7. ts-tore J. II. Griffith. County judge, at glamalh Falls. Or» gon, and that final bearing will be held at lu o’clock • tn. on June '17, I'.rt. before the Kegi. Isr end Keceivcr at the Culled state* Land office tn l-akevlew, Oregon The »aid contestant having, In a proper affidavit, Bled May t. 1W/7 set lorth taels which show that alter due diligence personal «ervlce of thl» notice can not be made. Il Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice 1» given by due and propa» publication . - J S Wa-.-.r, l-.-z -'er. Wanted-Bids for Clearing . I’erson» who will contract to clear sagebrush and plow ground are invited to »iibmit bide for doing the work on an aert-agr basi». Land to Is- < leared along Macadam Road. F kvnk I ks Wurtz KLAMATH BARBER SHOP A Block in First Addition at a price August I iskry contemplati-» buying n that will sell it. T. W. Htephem. 5-9-2t Eurnivm are ho|»e(til that the recent Jack lor bleeding purpose»- lie »-"lid , rain»« have npr«Mite«l tin* lately plant**! gladly pav (tout) (or n good one. RESOLUTIONS Ol SYMPATHY grain mih ! Ntiirtr I it to growing. Th« It I» rv|»irte ineatead. un ici the borili • »nr«* uprouted. no matter how dry the Hall of l inkville I-odge No. 110, A. 0. mountain wall. t-> I inrik t ittvr, lu- t’. W. •utniner it, n crop in well gMured. Heights,!. Klamath Fall», Oregon, May 14, 1907. A dialitici »hock <>| an eartlijiiuke wie J. Connor, of Salem when- he ha» Whereas, It ha» pleased the Al- long kept a hotel, i» »topping at hi» (■•It by many people in the valley last migthy God, the Supreme Master of the lame Ris k ranch, Swan Lake valley, W. diie.dav morning, alsnit 5 o’clock. Universe, to remove from our midst the w ith hi» »nnor and <-x|ws t. Your correspondent was enjoying hi» wife of our brother A. J. Manning. Therefore, Be it resolved by Link* i g«¡Co. 11 \. o : v. while we Imw with humble submission to the will of the ctoet High, we do not the less mourn with the Is-reaved hus­ band and family ill their irrepairable lu»». It,—-Ivel, That ill tile death of hi* wife, brother A J. Manning lias h*»t a loving wife ami helpmate. l!i-»ohed. that these resolutions be spread ujhui the records <>f this Iasige and a copy la* transmitted to the I m - rrave-l family ami to each of the newt- |ai]a-is of Klamath I alls. JOHN VADEN. J. W. SIEMENS, W. MARTIN. AND INSURANCE SURETY BONDS WRITTEN I can sell your ranch at a fair price Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. John l.ogue. one ol the delegate»-elcct to the I. 0.0 F’ grand hslge, left Wed- Also Agent for LONDON AND m—diiy morning for D- Grande, where th>- grand lodge meets, lie represents, LANCASHIRE HRE INS. CO. irrpait, tire lodge of that order at Bo­ nanza. Get your eltaw hut at the Bouton. / aim to be reliable A.HELMING&CO. Wool, Fur and Hide Merchants If you are seeking an investment » in Highest Cash Prices Paid for Wool, Mohair, Hides and Fur Warehouse and Office at Goodrich Lum­ ber Yard in east end of Klamath Falls ASHLAND IRON WORKS (Incorporated; ENGINEERS. FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS General Job Work Otho and Works Croft & Nowlin Il -Iman a: an-t 9 ASHLAND. ORE. .Manufacturers ol Pneumatic Sawing En­ gine. Saw Mills. Architectural Iron Work. Iron. Brass and Bronze Castings City, Town or Farm Property We have an See us before you buy. unlimited variety of property to show you, and If you buy from us you will save money Croft & No wlin PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE Do away with barbed wire Investigate the Sliding Loop Top Estlr ale- furnished. Orders promptly filled RESOLUTIONS Of SYMPATHY Spring Styles in UlalluOver Shoes When Walk-()\ ers go on. Shoe Troubles go off KKK STORE Kxcludve Agency CAMPERS, TAKE NOTICE! Hall ■■! I inkvilli- I. -Igt- N". 110, A. <). U. W. Klamntli Full», Oregon, Muy II. l!k)7. Win-ieus, It pleated the Ruh-r of the I'nivrisu to n-move from our midst our brother, J. W. Ei imleiibuig. therefore, B<- it resolved by Linkville Ixxfge No. 1)0. A. »I. (’. W., that while we bow with humble subnnsiion to the will <. Hana«* io E. by (’baric» W. I*eier.<»i>n. < ’«»nteuee, in uhich It is alleged that (among other thing») »aid C’haa. W. Peterson ha*» not been on nh IU ¡anti tor the »ix montha la»l pant and never did live con11niiou»ly on said land or improve it ami ha> u holly abandoned t»aid lam!, am! that *ai«l alleged absence from »aid land was not due to hi» employment in the Army, savy or Marine Corp* <»! the Cniteerviuv of thia notice can not be made, it 1» hereby «»rdered and directed that such notice be giv­ en by due ami proper publication. 5-10 -6-13 J. N. WA lso.x. .tegiMer. «Farm Hands* I City Property Merrill Town Lots Bonanza Lots X I VV 'e on n very desirable land in small tracts adjoining the town of Merrill Contest Notice Department of the Interior, fnlted Slates l.aiul Office. Lakeview . Oregon, Mav S. 1907. A »ultteleui contest »«id.Ut having been filed In this office liy lames F. L’rotl, contest­ ant against b»un-»tia,l entry so. 2M7, made December I. 1-0-’. ter Nt-?. S.-clIon 81. loot« shlpS7 8.. Hauge 13 £.. by Benjamin F. ion,-», t onteblee. lu which It Is alleged that .aid Benjamin F. rones has never taken up test- denee on said properly, and has not Cultlvat- ed any portion thereof, and has totally abandum-d the same tor more than six mouths last past, and that said alleged ab­ sence troui the said laud is nut due to his employment In the Army wavy or Marine s Klamath Commercial Agency I I I i «