CITY B L YING YOl’R JEWELRY OR II AV ing your work done at HEITKEM- PER’S "id surely result in your be satisfied. Mv stock of High Grade can be procured, and mv pleased customers absolutely l'or one ■ Musical Instruments. Phonographs. Records, Supplies. Strings, Sheet Music. Etc. A big line to select .trpuh. Send for catalogue. * City Prices. 1 Pay the Freight G. HEITKEMPER. JR. Republican Block I» (• (» f> * I» $ I Klamath Falls, Ore « jiiiKenrs * Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Toys BRIEFS See Adv for marsh lands. Get your straw hat at the Boston. Watches. L. Alva Lewis. Closing out sale at the Boston Store. While coming to Merrill Sunday E. \. Korn and two companions from Klam­ ath Falls, narrowly escaped a serious accident. While crossing the irrigation ditch at Frank Graybavl's place the front wheels ol the buggy struck the steep emlMinkiuvnt with such force as to bicak the doubletrees, hurling the occupants forward to the ground. \ few scratches were the only injuries sustained and the horses were not hurt. Some steps should be taken to make this crossing safe. As it is. it is a menace to the traveling public,—Record. Hardware Hotel Milliner, 10th and Pine St. Clean looms only. Clean lied* for 25 and 50 cents. Tell your friends. Miss M. II. Mitinier, manager. 4 25-tl l*o you know that 1 have all kinds of property for sale at a bargain. Mark I.. Bums, Klamath Fall*. Oregon. Closing out sale at the Boston Store. I have business property that I am Harry Stevenson of Douglas County offering at a great sacrifice. Must be -old quick. Nee.l money . Be suro and was arrested .at the Klamath Marsh this week by Deputy Sheriff Wheeler oil the see me. Mark I.. Burns. Hair Brushes—moat every kind and charge of deserting hif young wife. The .quality. Prices right. Star Drug arrest is due to family tumbles, the marriage hav ing Ix-en opposed by Mm. More. Stevenson's parents, After the cele- Closing out sale at the B stop Store. mony lie entile to Fort Klamath. Then The Klamath Bar ha.- been purchased tlie parents relented and took thia by George Biehu, method of bringing the young man l Mrs. IV. J. Bietinan arrived here from back. Portland Monday evening. Ifaml scrub brushes and soap« al the Miss Bessie Looeley ot Fort Klamath stai Drug Store. is visiting Mrs. C. B. Crisler. I*. F. Driscoll, of Bonanza, was in the city Saturday for the pur,wise attending Get your straw hat at the Boston. Closing out sale at the Boston Store. I the meeting of the directors of the Water Users Association, to which A. T. Wilson of Olene was in the city I ottiee he was elected at the last annual Friday for the purpose of making final meeting. This is tlie first meeting Mr. tive-vear proof on his homestead. Driscoll inis attended and he was duly Dr. II. W. Cox of Nevada is visiting ’ sworn in by the secretary. As usual he I ! friends in this city. Dr. Cox was for­ had a good word to say for Bonanza ami merly a resident of Klamath County. stated that there w ill lie more building Edison's gold mould record phono­ ' done then- this summer than in any U graphs at Newsom A Underwood. town in the county. J. T. Emerv of the Fort was in the ATTENTION ol investors and money * • city during the week for the purpose of makers is called to tile Al*, of the securing a license for the ensuing six Chetko Copper Co., appearing else- months. w here in this paper. J. Frank Adams of Merrill w in the Get your straw hat nt the Boston. I 1 city Saturday for the purpose of attend­ , ! ing the meeting of the directors of tlie Circuit court will Convene in Lake­ view next Monday. It is probable that Water User- Association. Judge Benson will not I m ' able to attend, FOR SALE—One eleven passenger owing to the illness of Ins brother, but stage coach. All in ,>erfect order. For in the event that such a contingency particulars call on or address if. M. arises Judge Burnett ol Salem will o> Coss, Medford, Ore. 4-18-4t cupy the liench. Get your straw hat at tiie Boston. Closing out sale at the !’■ mton Store. We are not so old, but wc have got the GOODS and our PRICES are right Builder's Hardware Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Bln and Royal Graniteware Tin,Wood and Wi! low are Sporting Goods Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Al! the latest Newspapers and $ Magazines ii •___________ Most complete line of PIPES to select from Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 Pm ma Block According to tbe provisions of the law enacted bv the ia-t legislature dip­ ping ol sheep must lx- done in I lie presence <>l Mate or Government in- s|>ect<>ra. Where tins is m>t done It will not lie recognised ami must l>e done Over again. I*o not buy blended whiskey. When FOR SALE — Fire-month Poland you want pure whiskey «ee that it is China boar pig. 11. E. Pointer, John Manufacturers of All Kinds of put up under the government'« “bonded Gleim lancli. 4-25-31* Arrangements have Ix-en made where­ warehouse stamp.'* as is the Continen­ I will pay the above reward for by timse living in Merrill and vicinity tal whiskey. Water Mill whiskey. Nor­ may have tneir treight rent via Grass mandie rye and F . F. V. rye. Sold by a watch niy repair department C. I*. Willson. Lake if they choose to do so. Last Friday evening Mrs. J. M. Pink­ Work was liegun this week on the Bo­ cannot put in perfect running nanza creamery and it is expected that erton enteriamvd a uiiuiU -i er ing cards ami other games. Prior to the departure of the guests a light Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a Specialty acre. Abel Adv. luncheon was served. County Surveyor William» is in Lake Get your straw bat at the Boston. PHONE 381 County completing the work <>i sutvey- Prof, and Mr». G. R. Carlock of Mer­ ing out the canals ami ditches for tlie rill were in the city Saturday. Mr. | big irrigation works that are to be con- Carlock, who last week purchased the , strutted by the Hewitt Laud Company. All kinds of Finishing Lum­ Merrill Record, is carrying his editorial Major and Mrs. C. E. Worden left 1 burdens lightly. The Republican wish­ ber now on hand. this morning for Pan Francisco, where es him unlsmnded success in ids new j they will meet their daughter, Mae, who Large assortment of Doors venture. will, after a short visit in tlie bay city, Any one wanting property of any and Windows made up and return borne with them. They aecoiu- kind in Southern California or if you ' parneti W. F. Worden in his launch to ready for immediate de­ Teter's Landing, from which point they have property to sell or trade, write J. livery. FL Paddock, Klamath Falls, Oregon. drove to Grass Lake. 4-18 tf 1 Closing out sale at tlie Boatou More. Can furnish an order on the For sale, cheap; two good row boats. If you have not trie-«! the M iuw ay supplies legal grounds for any sized build- Inquire at this office. tf blacksmith shop it will pay you to do The government says that Continen­ ing within twenty-four so. Try it and see. tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor­ Closing out sale at the Konton Store, hours. mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure An adjourned meeting of the Inland for it is put up under its supervision in Large stock of Flooring in Empire Club will lie held Saturday bonded warehouses. Fold by C. D. three grades. evening, when every memlx-r i* urged Willson. to be present as there will be business Ixm iiey’s and Bishop's delicious can­ ol importance to be transacted. dies at Newsom A Underwood. Contractor Jacolison landed the city­ One of the causes for tlie remarkable hall at the corner of Fourth and Klam­ growth of Newsom A Underwood is the ath streets Monday and is now al work fact that no expense or trouble has been <> on the library building, which will rx:- (' spared to procure the finest st»s-k in the B cupy the site vacated by the city hall. (• Mate. Tbe great prescription business 1' FOR SALE.—A lot of fine driving, I they do is on account of their using only ► draught and saddle horses, at a price pure fresh drugs. » that will sell them. Phone or write to * Chafing dishes at Newsom A Under­ , Liskev Bros., Dairy, Oregon. Swan wood. Lake ranch 18 miles from Klamath Falls. (• If you want to buy a lot in the Fail­ 1 L'4-'imo. Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? Jack Baglev, of the firm of Brennan view addition No. 2, aee me. I have an The difference in cost of a good fence and * and Bagley, arrived here Monday night. interesting proposition for yon. Ar tf <• a poor one is so small that it pays to buy * He will remain a couple of weeks when Kuties, Klamath barber shop. Don’t send your money to outside dealers 1500 acre stock ranch, with pasture ► he will return to Hd River and wind a good one. I will have I will guarantee to save you money on , up his interest* there preparatory to privileges on 1500 acres of land adjoin­ ing, the llOlXt acres being under good I t becoming a permanent resident ot this a bill of goods A Carload of Ellwood Fences $ fence; new house and barn; farming city. P About May 1st. It costs nothing to examine them, but if If yon M t—1’ go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let- Newsom A Underwood make a implements and 1G registered 1’ercheron you investigate you will be s irpri«ed how cheap they aie. horses, also IS horses part. Pi-rcheron. ter to our wholesale bouses, where you can select anything you like. specialty of jierscriptions, only pure, Everything that tbe farmer need“, I have. ’ fresh drugs me used, with the lestllt This is one of the finest stock farms in ► that the medicine has the desired effeci. Northern California. See or writs, E. J Don't forget that I have taken the agency for the entire ♦ E. Fitch, Merrill, tire. 1-1*1 4t * Ixiwe's Stock Company will present * i‘»r Klamath Money, money, money. I must have J line of Pianos of the if 4« *,■* 4* *j* •». S* *ja •». 4* *i* *♦* *i* *♦* 4- X ■ the bMUtifal comedy druuM m four money. 1 need money, money, money, acts, entitled May Blossom, at Hons« rand Lake Counties. Samples of some of the make^ ton's opera house Monday night .May and in order to get money I will sell 475 J are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, acre- of the finest land in Klamath 13tli. Reserved seits now on sale. ♦ County lor fit) jier acre. Mark L. i for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. ! Closing out sale at the Boston Store. ALLEN SLOAN DON J. ZUMWALT BET’T F. WITHROW Hurns, Bio..m , K li l ulls, (hegon. a Secretary President Vice-Free, à Treas. If you are in need of medicine during $ All that remains unsaid, just consider All kinds of wagon-ma I; I ng arid re ­ the night or if yon have a precription KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. you wished filled you can get it at pairing done at tlm Midway blacksmith 1 that it has been said :: :: :: Newsom A Underwood by calling at fhe shop. All work guaranteed. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000. FULLY PAIO home of Dr. Maston—next door to our Alikindsoi (¡nest perfumes at New­ Store. som A I iiilal wood. Just arrived at Alva Lewis’s, now “Every drop pure," is wliat can be 41 line of jewelry. said of <'oiitin. n'al whiskey, Water KLAMATH FALLS, GREGOS New l id Egg Cypher« Incubator Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. fol -ale at office ol T. V> . tephelis. V. live. Sold by C, II, Willson, i Long Lake Lumber Co. A first class show and nothing cheap but tlie price at the opera house Mon­ day night May 13th. Mr*. Richard Shores Smith expects to leave Saturday I >r a briet visit with tier ,>arvnts in Eugene. Closing out sale at tbe Boston Store. LUMBER Cabinet Work. Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, L. ALVA LEWIS Chitwood Dr* uà Co. PURE DRUGS office Fine Stationery blanks Waterman's Fountain Pens W. 0. HUSON, Manager A Well Fenced Farm ♦ f ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BISHOP’S j Furniture 5tore $ i * is the place to furnish your house : : GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man i E |{R S P.'ANO I OU S ABSTRACTING AM) .SURVEYING Hamath Fats, Ore.