Notice, Sale ot School Bonds Notice for Publication. Notice for Publication Cnited star*» Land Otter, Lakeview, Oregon. March JU. I«*T Nol> ot June 3,1«?». entitled -An act for the sale ot limner land* tn the Slate, ot California. Ore­ gon. Nevada, and Maihington Territory," a* extended to all the Public Land Sta>e* by act of August «. MN, William W. Mendenhall, of Klamath Fall*, county of Klamath, Slate of United States Land Office, l.akevivw. Oregon. February 28. 19U7 Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provUlon« of the act of t'ongreas of June ; fNMllM * Ku act |M ’• *ale of limber lands In the States ot California Ore­ gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory.” a* •Blended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, llttJ. Eugenia M. Fax. ot Klamath Falls, count) ot Klamath. State of Oregon, ha» (ha day filed in this office her sworu »late ment Nu. 3533, for the purchase of the »r‘4 nn*4 swl4 ne‘4 tie14 sw‘4 and nw‘4 »0’4 of Section Nt-. 26, tn 1'oun*hlp No. > *. Range Nt». 10 K W M.anti will tiffer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpt»*»**. and to CCtablish her claim to »aid land before the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his office at Klaiuath Fall*, Oregon, on Monday, the 3rd day of June. I- mt She name» a* Hltne**v*: Ed Echtinaa. Win l.a*hna. M H Wampler and Ueu Btehn, a’l « 1 Klai ath »all*. Oregon Any ami all per*on» claiming a«i\er*ely the above-.le*crilM'«l ian« received up to May 29 at 2 i o'clock p. tn . at the office of Treasurer of Klamath County, Oregon, for th* purchase of 10-20 year optional Ixuids I ifiplltxl by School District No. I, Klam-I Oregon, ha* tbl* day filed in tuts office bl* ath County, to the amount of |~,26O. Fworr statement No *kS55, for the Purchase ot the *r\ne‘4 andsw^se»* ot Sec. Nt». Bonds to l>e issued in denominations of 8. iu Tp Nu. 37 S. R No 9 K, W M. six bonds ot flOOO each an I one bond of anti will offer proof to show that the land »12 50. 2 per cent of amount of bid sought is more valuable for its timber or atone must accompany the same. The right than .or agricultural purp.»>v-, and to estab­ lish his claim to »aid laud before the clerk ot is leaeived to reject any or all bids. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Klamath county. Ore . at his office at Klam­ ath rails* Ore., on W • tnes lay , the .»th day of 18th dav oi April, 1907. June. 1907. L. ALVA LEWIS, He uarne-« as witnesse*: 4 18 4t County Treasury• Archie Johnston. Dan tohnston. Gottfried Neutxrt and Bertha I Mendenhall alt oi I*» vcu need visitili»; cards? If so call Klamath Falls, Orcgou. at the Republican office "here you will Any and a’l pvr*«»i»* t .i adversely the find the latest styles in ca^ls and type. above-de.*cribvd laud* are lequoted to tile tniire vahmlile (or ita timlwr or «tono than (or agricoltura! |iiirp*H*i*i>, ami to eatabliah Iter daini to «aiti lami lieforv thè Clerk o( Klamatli County, Oregon, at Ili» office at Klamatli Falli, Oiegon, on Watlnemlay, thè 3nl ilav ol July, IW7. Sii«* namea a« witneaae«: R. li. Dtuibar o( Klamath Fall», Oregon, J. O. llamaker <>( Bollatila, Oregon, Mike l»ooher, T. II. Miaiuiun, Udii o( Klamath Fall«, Otegou. Ativ ami all |>erMiii» claituing u lver-«* lv thè alHive-«lei><*rit>e<| lami« are re- <|ile«te( July. 11M7. J. N. \\ ATHON, -i lìegi»tei. Notice for Publication 4» John Brett. T. H. Shannon •obn Hamilton and Bert Hall, ail of kiamath fall,. Oregon. Any and all ¡»ersons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2nd day of July, 1907. 4-18—6-20 J. N. WATSON. Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. Lan 1 office, at Lakeview, Oreguu. April 9, I9U7. Notice is hereby given that Margan t R -Ut­ ley o< Klamath Fall.*, Oregon, has filed notice of ber intention to make final commutation proof in support of her claim, viz: Home­ stead Entry no . 3.%9 mad«- March 9. 190f>, for lhe bw>4 nw‘4 Sc< ln.Tp, .39 8.K 10. £ W M. and that sail proof will be male before the clerk of K’a nath county. Oregon, at hi» office at Klan a’h Falls, Oregon, on the 5th day of June, 1997. Sne name* the following trito.•»«e, to J rove her continuous residence U|H>n *nl cultlva- tion of, the land, v iz: Burrell 8liOit, J. K. Dixon, John A. Short, an 1 K 0. Short all uf K a.math Fall«. Oregon. J.N. WATSON. 4-18-5-.'» Register. United State» Laud Office. Lakeview, Ore- gou, March 22. 19S7. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the pr ivi.ion. of the act of Congre»» ot June 2. 1H78. eutitled "An act for the »ale ot timber lauds in the State« of California, Ore. gon. Nevada, aud Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August t, 1892, Jesse H. Jone», of Ingot, county of Shasta, state of California has th » day fil.-d in this office his sworn statement No 3431, for the purchase ot the s', se‘4 ne',»e>4 and sef. ne>, of Sec. No. 35 in Tp No. 37 S, K No. 9 E W m, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or »tone than for agri- cultural purpose», and to establish bis claim to said land before the clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at bis office al K lamath Fall», Notice for Publication Oregon, on Tuesday the 4th day of June Unite l States Land offi-e, Lakeview, 1907. gon. March 20. 191/7. He names as witnesses: Notice is hereby given that in compliance T. H. Shannon. Archie Johnston and Allen with the provision, of th*- a*-- of Congress of Sloan of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and J. 11. June-l, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ol Driscoll of Bonanza. Oregon. timber lands in the Atatea of California. Ore­ Any and ail persons adversely the gon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as above-described lands are requested to rile extended to all lhe Public Land States by act their claims in this on or before said of August 4, 1S9J, Emma Hamilton, of Klam­ Sth day of June, 1>J7. ath Fall,, county oi Klamath, Stat*- of Oregon, 8-28-i> 0 J. N. WATSON. Register. ha« this day fhed In this office her sworn statement No. KM, for the purchase of the Notice for Publication sj^nw‘4 aw'4ne<4 See. 2. and se'^ne’i of Aec. Tnited States Laud Office. Lakeview, Ore­ No. 3. in Tp No. 37 8, R No. 10. E W M. gon, .March 20, 1907. and will offer proof to show that Nhe land Notice ia hereby given that In compliance sought I, more val lab! for its timber or with the provisions of the act of Congress of or stone than for agricultural purposes, and June 3. U7>, entitled “An act for the sale of to eatabiish her claim to »aid land before th* tfiuber lauds iu the Stat ■« of California. Ore­ clerk of Kiamath county, Oregon, at hi« office gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Weducsilay, the extended to ai. :be Publll f.an30 J N. WATSON. Register. lish ber claim to said land before tiie county clerk of Klamath county, Oregon ou Wednes­ Notice for Publication day tne 5th day of June, 19U7. Cnlted States Land Office, Lakeview. Ore- She as »ftness**: F.el No. Drew, deceased. No. »i E W M. him ! w.iloffer proof to >how that .»once ia hereby given that Mary A. the land bought 1» more laiuab'.e for its lim­ Drew, a/hninibtratnx of the estate ol ber or stone loan lor hki {cultural pur»*o.-e*. Nyron S. Drew,deceased, ha» filed in the and to e*tab.i*H hi* claim (<• *>nd ¡and bvtor»4 County Court oi State ol Oregon, for tn. tbffiCierkoi Kiamath C ouihi . Oregon, at hi* Cuuin ol Klamatli, the final account <>i office mi Klamath fa!!«, Oregon, on .Mon-<-tioi • ! , lee of A*hinu i. Oregon, < la\ l •„ E tl. rtou Raid account and the «ettlement tin- Ashland. Oregon. Dated at Klamath I' h II*, O*e^..,,. .1,. Any aud alt perboob claiming h I ht «••lx i 2Nth dav of March. 1907. abovc-dv»cr>bi'i i/cl hc »a^d 3rd Admiris ratrix of the «'«tateuf N’ytun S. day of Junr.isv?. Dtew, deceased. 1 3-28 -5-30 J. N. W atson . Register. IUIII HHIHAAH » be-/*rMMeati The American Bank and Trust Co. Capital Stock $ 100,000' Klamath Falls, Oregon .*• Ink rot Paid on Saving* Ikpoiit* ji B. M. Ill tltl. Cjthlrr Notice tor Publication I’liited State* l-ainl Otlice, Lakeview, Oregon, April 12. 1907. Notice is hereby given in coni- their claims tn tin» office ou or be tore »aid 3th p’i.ince with lhe provisions o( the act of day ul June, 19o7. Notice for Publication 3 28 vVJO J N . W ATSON. Register. Congress ol I une 3, 1878, entitleer hinds iu tin* gon March A*. 1907. Notice for Publication Notice for Publication States o( California, Oregon, Nevada, Notice ts hereby giv.-n that tn coninHanc* With the I revisions of the act ot Cougress ot Vuited States I.anti Office, l.akvvicw, Ore,, ami W ashington l',-i i itui y,us exlvuilv*! to all the Public luiinl Stat**« by net ol June’. I«?« entitled "An act for the sale of 1 United State« Land Office, Lakeview. Ore- gun. March •». 1907. Notice t* hereby given that in romp hat ice August 4, 1892, the following persons timber land- in the State, of California. Ore gun March 1. 19U7. gon.Nevada, atul Washington Territory." as Notice i« hereby given that in compliance with lhe provisions of tiie act of Cong re»» of have filed ill this otliee their sworn extended to all the Public Land States by act won the provision» uf the act os Dong re»» of Juue 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the »ale oi June 3 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of of August 4. 1882. Carrie M Clendenning. of limber ¡ana» m tne Males ut California. Ore­ timber lands in tiie Mate.* of Calitoruia, Ore­ «tatenientl, to-wit: Lucien B. Apple­ Klamath Falls, county of Klamath. State of gon. Nvxatia. and Wa*hingiun territory, a* gon. Nevada and Washlugum Tvrritory,” as agate, of Klamath Fall«, County of Oregon, has this day tiled tn this office ber extended io all the Public Land Mate* in act extended it» all the Public Land States by act Klamath, State of Oregon, has tin- day ot Augu*i 4. l.N'C, l*abvi Johnston, oi Klamath •aorn statement No. 35,5«. for the purchase of Kali*, county ui K.ainatn, State of Orvguu, of kugust 4. I m C OraL. Meservey.ol Klamath filed tn this office his sworn «latetuent the nw‘.«e‘, n',<«'. Sec of 2 and', ol ha» nivti in tin* vttit» m: sworn ■taieniem Falls, ctumiy ot Klamath. Mate of Oregon, ha* Sec. No. 3, in Tp No. 37 S. R No. 10, E W M. No. .W«, tor lhe purchase of the .*’* n». 4 and ibis da-, filed in this office ber sworn state­ No. 3.'>7l, for the purchase of the sw '4 nWaw*4 of Bsc, No 6» in Tp Nc ST s, K. No. 10 K. and will offer proof to show that the laud w .4. and *111 offer pruvl to »bow that iuv ment No.3573, for lhe purchase of the n’e ne*4 sw y of 8<*e. No. 25, 111 Tp No. 37 S. K *’>‘1 ne‘4 tiw 4 of See. Nt». 13 In I p No. \ * | \\ \| sought is more valuable for its timber or land sought is more valuable tor ns timber or »tone than for agiicultural purposes, and to stone than for agricultural purposes, ati«l to 37. S, R Nt». 9 E, W M. and w ill offer proof it» Elrner I. Applegate, of Klamath e*iabh»h her Claim to »aid and before the Reg­ establish her claim to said laud before the ister and Receiver at Lakeview, Urvguu, ou »how chai the land sought is mure valuable for Falls. County oi Klamath, Mate of Ore­ its limbt-r or stone than for agricultural pur clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at his office Friday, the 17th Jay ot May. 19U7. She names as w itneswvs: ’ poses, and to establish her claim t*» said land gon, has this day filed in this otliee Ins at Klama'h Falls, Oregou, ou Wednesday, lhe Archie Johnston, ban Johnston, Trank H. 5th day of June, 1907. Hall and John Brett, all of Kiamath rails, before Register and Receive at l*akevlew, sworn statement No. 3570, (or the pur- Oregon, on Fn-iav, the I7tb day of May. 1907. She name- as aitnesaes: Oregon. etiase ,f the nw *4 of >*i'. No. |s, in She names as witnvsse»: Mont White, John H. Hamilton. Frank Hall. ' Any «.nd all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to rile Tp No. 38 8, R No ID E W M Archie Johnston, Daniel lobnston, J M. T. H. Nicholas, all of Klamath Fails, Oregon. ibeir Ciaim» in ibis o«hce ou or oetore »aid 17iu That they will offer proof to show Derlvth, M. C. Meservey all uf Klamath Falls. Any an I all persons claiming adversely the day ot .May, 19U7. 3-T-5-9 J. N Watson. Register. Oregon. above-descr.bed lauds are requested to tile that the land -ought is more valuable Any and all persons claiming adversely the lor its tioilwr or »tune than (or agricul­ their claims in this office on or before said 5th da, of June, 1907. above described lands arc requested to file Notice for Publication. tural pur|s>ses, and to establish their their claims iu this office ou ur before said 3-28—5-30 J. X. WASTON, Register. I’nited States Land office. Lakeview, Oregon. Ktbday ot Ma y. 19u7. claim to »aid land before the Clerk <>( APTll 12, 1907. 3-14- 5-16 j. N. ATHON. Register. Klamath County, Oregon, at his office Notice for Publication Notice is hereby given that in compliance at Klamath Fail«, Oregon, on Tueaday, Tinted States Land Offic. Lakeview. Ore­ with the provisions of the act of Congress of Notice for Publication the 2nd day of July, 1907. gon, February 28.1907. June 3,1878, entitled “An act for tne .»ale of Unite« I States L.m*l Office, fjikeview, Notice is hereby given that in compliance timber lands in the States qi California. Ore­ They name as witnesses : with the provisions of the act ot Congress of gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory.** a* Oregon. April 12. 1907. John Janssen, Fred Janssen. ••. Neu- ■tine 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the .ale of extended to all the Public Land Stales by act Notice is hereby given that in com­ l>erl, Herman Schmor, all < ( Klamath timber'and* in ihe State* of California, Ore­ of August 4, 18V2. Andrew j. Santamaw. of gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as Royston, County of Kiamath. State of pliance with the provisions of lite act of Falls, Oregon. * »tended to all Public Land Stales by act of Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi* Congress of .lune 3, 1878, entitled "An Anv ami all |s»r»<»n» claiming adverm*- August -I, 1S92. Joseph C. Howlett, of Ingot, sworn statement No. 3580, for the purchase of act for the sale of tiuil>er lands in the Iv the alsive-ilescrils-l land» are re­ county oi Sha.ta, state of California, hastbi* tbes^nw1« ard n’-*w»4 of Sec. No. 26, in Tp .'•tales ot California. Oregon, Nevada, quested to file their claims in tin« office day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 37 S . R No 9. E W M. and will offer proof and Washington Territory,” as extend­ on <>r before «aid 2nd day of July. 1907. No. 3485, for the purchase of the »‘.se'. and to show that the land »ought is more ed to all tiie Public Land* States by act .1. x . W VTBUN, s'j.wi^of See. No. 8, In Tp No. 3» 8, K No. 10 valuable for its timber or »tone than fur of August 4. 1892, Stella O. Catnpliell, 4*25—6 27 Register. of Klamath Falls, County of Klaiuath, E W M, an 1 will offer proof to »how that the agricultural purposes, and to establish hi» -•tale of Oregon, has this day filed in land sought is more valuable for its timber ot Ciaim to said land before the clerk uf On receipt of two cent« in stamps 1 stone than for agricultural purposes, and to Klamath O«inty at his office at Klamath this office ber >*orn etateawnt No 3W7, h 1> * cl* nt to -aid laua before the Fa’la, Oregon «»n Tuesday, the -nd day of lor tiie purchase of tlie w : ,*-<-:4 nr'q-u 1, will non.I de-criptne literature of Klam­ and sehn**4 of Sec No. 8, in Tp No. ath County to any ad*ire»s.— Mark I.. Clerk of K ama b County, Oregon, at bis of­ July. 1907. 37 S, K No. 11 ’j W M. t w ill offer fice at Klamath Falls, Oregon ou Monday, the He names as witnesses: 3rd day uf ji_n , 19i/7. prf to stiow that thr . . id »ought is Burn«, Klamath Fall», Oregon. H‘ acre a- witnessci: T H. si annon. Archie joxnston, j. H. Dris­ coll, All< n Sloir.all of Kiamath Falls. Ore­ gon. Any a id ail p -raons claiming adversely the above des ribei laid* a e nsI nested to file tbeirclai a* in this office on or before sa.d 3rd day o June. 19U7. 3-2S--5-30 J. N. WATSON. Register. CN4’Í. fí. WOHDHb Prvt&ttl Fl RST ASON & S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS A eliolcv 1 i 11<* of hi\rL‘st< niL'iils t lirit w'iii uniisi tilt* ptirelnisei Illi>llt‘V Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH The New Way of doing the family washing—the w»v which change* it from dreary drudgery to a cheerful household duty— it by uting L.iundry Trays Initall a modern ^tarciorcT’ commies li. BOIVIN, the ¡‘lumber, Agent SHOWING Che latest shapes in Stetson Rats at Derby fiats, Dunlap and Knox Styles, only $3.50 Ji new line of negligee and golf shirts, plain and fancy patterns with collars to match Laundry in your home and there will be no water to carry, no leakage or damp floor«, and no tubs to ernptv or uptet. It will in« rea»e the selling value ot your home. t'tmsu joo tlan.i h t^Ui. Onttn O F An assortment of the latest fashions in spring and summer clothing, showing correct wear for 1907, can be seen at our store •l«r I«? We have been careful to buy the best and are confident that you will share the same opinion with us after exam ining our goods vOryRIGHT 1906 FRIEND BROS ÇLOTHINS CO. MILWAUKtE Our Superior Shoes ami Oxfords conibino dogaitco with oom­ fort, A larger variety than ever to suit disoritninating SL50 te $5 The new garments arc superior in quality and workmanship. They show’ the progress made in the art of tailoring. We can say that with certainty for our clothing is made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Friend Bros. THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE MEN’S STORE IN TOWN i