1 SOCIETIES OF KI.AMATH FALLS certain quitclaim deed executed to you, A.O. IL W l.inkville l.islge No lit) meet" in the A <). I'. W hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting Brothers al ways welcome. John Vaden, M. W. J. W. Htenien., Recorder. Evangeline f^slge No. 88 Degree of Honor laslge . .... la in the A. ". IL W. hall every second and fourth Thuradavs hi the mi mt h. Nnncy N . \\ hite.C. of H. Jesse Marple, Recorder, W. O. W. Fwaunu ('amp, No. 79W. W. O. W.. meets every Tueialay evening ut 7 :3I) o'clock ut Manderson's hall. All nelghlairscnrdially invited. K. Brandenburg, Clerk. A. F A A. M Klamath l.tslge No 77. Meets 'alurday evening on or la1 fore the lull miain <>f each month in the i Masonic Hull. W. T. bliivr, W. M. W. E. Howduin. Secretary. <) E. K. Aloha Chapter No.hl, meets III the Masonic hall every second and fourth Tuesday evening, in each nicr.lh. Christine Murdock, W. M. Jeanie B. Kearnes, Secretary. I. <).<>, F.—Klamath l/alge No. 137 meets every Saturday evening in the A. <>. IL tV'. hall W. H. North, N.G. Guo. I.. Humphrey, Secretary. I ► umt which purports to convey the south hull of the .oil'll r»>t qusitur and the noitii weal quarter of th« south east quarter of Section ill, an<i t.'.e south west quarter of the soiltli went quarter <d Section 20 in Township 38, Mouth of Range East of the Willamette Mi ridiun in Oregon, containing PIO acres ol hind, and for inch further re lief HR to the Court limy seem just Slid ill accordance with law and equity. Till» auiiiliioii« in served by publics lion thereof in the Klamath Iti-publlcan. a weekly newspaper, published at Klnmnth Fulls, Oregon, l>v order ol f IImi. Ileury l„ Henson. Judge of said C ourt, which order is dated the 25th day of March, 1'1)7, lequiriug this sum mons to I m > published once a week for at h ast sia consecutive weeks, and cov eting a jieriod of .ontinuous publication of at least forty-two 'lays. THOMAS DRAKE, Attorney for Plaintiff, Klamath Falla, Oregon. 4 4—6-16 For rings go to L. Aha fa-wis. line just arrived. New F.wanna Encampment No.40,1.0.O.F. Encampuieiil meets secund and fourth Saturdays in the month in the A. O. IL W. hall. C. Brower, C. P. Geo. L. Humphrey, Scribe. Pros|H-rity Rela-kah Isidge No. 104 I. O. O. F. meets in the A. O. W. hall every first and third Thursdaya ii, | the month. Francis E. Boyd, N. (i. »UMCT MAtADIt Frankie Hammond, Secretary. Le.taJullr illuSisud. (n..d done. $1.50 mx I sabils. .I mm I f -M — K of P.— Klamath Lodge No. fill | meets in Sanderson's hall every Mon and all M m Iti Wart. a year day evening. lls-rl Bamla-r, <’. C. tow « an Mwmtr jowauu. John Y. Tipton, K. of It. and S. a numhl, pubin atwa dr.oed $0.50 M. W. of A.—Isslge meets in the •o ths taíMuM latnaM. «I th. A. O. V. W, hall evary first and third Wed. Wednesday in the month. ROAD er A nt«U«AM «ORDO» W. It. Melaiuglilin, Consul • IsxA of 7i psgss. conlauuug W . A . I'bclps, Clerk. MAGAZINE READERS F rrsters of America—Ewauna Camp, No. 01, meets in the A O. IL W. ball every M-cond and fourth Fri<laya in the mmill. 0*1 ’• " ill"'Ml, C* IL F. E. Jamison, Rec. F’oc. Women ol Wissicraft, Ewauna Circle No. 047, meets every second and fourth Friday in Sanderson's hall. Mrs. Itollie Virgil, 6. N. IDoneY for You Lakeside Inn MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r Modern iniproveinentH. 73 rooms ami suites. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc.. Etc Did ^ou Ever Realize that the Klamath Project i. really two distinct systems? Che Upper Project SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > utilizes the water of Clear I.ske. and will irrigate about b’> 000 acres of excellent lands lying in l.angell, Yonna ami Poe Valleys. Construction Ulork T 1 n 4 J 1 inn J 1 upon the f’pper Project will liegin ea'iy in the Spring. This the Reclamation Service has ctntly announced. Bonanza is the metropolis of the I'pper Project. If you are at all acquainted with the country, you w111 know that Bonanza lias absolutely no fear of rivalry. I 1 BENNETT, BUESING & Klamath Falls Realty PROP’S. has advanced several fold since the la-ginning of work on the Lower Project. Business pro sells for from L'S) to |J25 front foot. Re.i< lots from |150 up. And it will go higher. First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South ern Oregon and Northern California: also to favorite camping, hunting and fishing grounds. * Bonanza Realty will advance by jurui*« in the Spring. If you are looking for sure profit, buy now while pFbperty is low. You can get lots that will lie business propertv at prices ranging from |2 to *5 a front foot. You can vet splendid residence lot. for 135, up. We can sell you some desirable lot. tor |20. Horses Boarded by the Weel Special attention given transient itoek and •prrial ratsi to freighter». Grain bylheiark. Hay by the bale or ton. Phone-Main 44 4* If You Can Save $5 a month you can invest in Bonanza property, We make terms so easy that anyone can buy. This is your opportunity to share in Klamath county’s prosperity. >J $0 75 120 color te phau^sfA, p«tur««]W qua. u> CaUarsM “d Total ’ a-v -7C ... $2.75 BONANZA IMPROVEMENT CO All for Klamath Commercial Agency Building SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMf-8 FLOOD BUX. . SAN FRANCLVO A I Notice lor Publication Called Hfat •• ! a i<l ofllr« l.afcevlrw, Ore gon. April 12. )•»?. Notice la hereby given that In eumpllanrr with the provision« of the actol I’ongrraa of June 3, IWVw, entitled. • An act lor the «ate of timber land* tn the Mtate« of <'nllfornia. Ore gon, Nevada, anti Washington Territory,” a» attended to all the l*ubl c Ixind Mtate* by act of Augunt 4. iHrt, Philip W Mnydrr of Klamath Fall*, county of Klamath Htatr <>| Oregon, ha« Oil« day filed I i ibl« office hi« • worn «taiament .No. x*»7o, lor the purchase of the nf'/r*! r’^ne** He«’ a and uw,en«l< of Bl • N' • .1. I,• S.. . - R Ma i • b a R and will oiler proof to ahow that the land •ought 1« more valuable for Ita tlmtn’r or •tone than for agricultural purpocc«, and to ••tablieh bi« claim to «aid land before th« clerk cd a latnalb countv, Oregon, at bl« ufht r at Klamath fall«, Oregon, ou Tuesday• 2nd «lay of Julv. I1M7 Hr name« a* «lines«*« Kdwin Krhtlnaw. o«rar North. Robert Horn ng and John Brett all of Klamath Fall«. Ore ron Any and all person« claiming adversely the abovr>«lriM’f I bed land« arc r«.M|ue«trd to fl I* their claim« In thia on vr before «aid .’nd «!•) IK | i'« <27 J N WATNON. Register r * c 3 V P ■ <1 n • a •> "C // f t /C • s J 3 4 — 1 1 C * I 1 « •i a. Notice For Publication Finte l States Land Office, luikcview, Oregon, April 12, 111)/. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provision, of the .ct of Congress of June .’!, >878. entitled "An act for the rale of timlier lands in the State, of California, Oregon, Nevada, ■ and Washington Territory," as extend- ed to all the Public laind States by act, of August 4, 1892, Bessie Carlisle, of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath. I State of Oregon, has thia day tiled in 1 thia office her sworn statement No. : 3tOO, for the purchase of the n*gnw<4 of Sec. No. 11, in Tp. No. 37 S, It No. 10 E, W M, ami will offer proof to show that the land .ought ia more valuable for its timlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said lurid liefore the Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at hi. office at Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, 1907. She names as witnesses: .Mark T. Howard ami Frank Johnston of Dairy, Oregon, and William Hames and Ben Carlisle of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly« the above-described land, are re quested to file their claims in thia office on or before said 3rd day of July, 1W7. •I. N. WATSON, Register. 4-25-C-2T < In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. R. N. Da v, plaint Iff, vs. George I!. Fariali, defendant. To, George II. Fnrrali, defendant $• herein: In llni name of the Stale ol Oregon, You am hereby required Io appear and answer the complaint lll.-d againvt von in the above entitled suit, on or la-fore Saturday, the 18th <lny id May, HW7, being the lust day of the lime prescribed m .........r<let for the publication of this summon-: tbelirst publication thereof lieing on iIn .th hiv I p> il, 1H07, and it you fail so tn npprnr nc.i! answer for want llieieof the plaintiff herein will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the said complaint, to will For n decree of the Court removing from the 4ili!r.‘.iff’’title a cl’ud created V> / / f J— / * / / / ! K * 13 1« XT AC a 7 At > 1 á L J! -A a / • w c / • • "’ n • • a • n r. /> c * - 1 >!•' A Ä IC Q 7 w I % 4 ♦ L /TN i/rr 7 1 1 ’ // - 4' T It 13 ii • r i / • • 7 It i* fl I Í ' • • * 1 • 11 11 I /1 3 ___ f —irr. 1 ' !• 11 1 1 /1 zr it ■ /G n It II 4/A A ---------- — OREGON ST - / • • Xt 4 J J- 1 w-» •• 1 t to 7 1 4 • • « ! ■ • • // to it it -■ • • IK 1 r y 4 y V 5 /f 1. a « r: —i/ — ---------------------- (1 r rt Summons / / • ■ /1 >r» /r th 41 i 9 d-9 • ' ■9— • • I ¥ It' /4 /1 s. i'S tkd /r /4. »? ri CALIF DRNIA 7 1 •