-CITY B Klamath Falls. Ore « unueny s « I» l> 1» I > Fine Line of Fresh Candies Latest Novelties in Toys !• All the latest Newspapers and <• Magazines Most complete line of PIPES to select from * Long Lake Lumber Co * Manufacturers of All Kinds of LUMBER t We are not so old, but we have got the GOODS and our Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Roberts & Hanks $100 Reward I will pay the above reward for a watch my repair department cannot Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, AH Kinds of Mouldings, I XT ».L* ä TP «F f Jk Manager Well Fenced Farm e The difference in cost of a good fence and ♦ a poor one is so small that it pays to buy f a good one. I will have ♦ A Carload of Ell wood Fences ♦ t f t t GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man About May 1st. It costs nothing to examine them, but if you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. Everything that the farmer needs, I have. ♦ A 1.1.EN SLOAN r*-i ary KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000. FULLY PAH {•ABSTRACTING AND a ** ** * * * 41^444.^ 4»4i4»4» 444.^ X DON J. ZUMWALT President A7.AMA7/Ì FALLS, SURVEYING Í * * * ** * * Emma Block Phone, 173 . last long. Mark I.. Burns, agent. The Hot Spring- Improvement Co. For Sale—120 acres ii> 1-ower Klamath are busy with the work ul improving J Marsh. Price |10.00 per acre. .Mason the tract, and are taking advantage ol the tine weather. ‘ A Slough. If you want to buy a lot in the Fail­ Small tracts of well located tule marsh Band sawing and Turning, lands offered fur une week al *2U per view addition No. 2. «ee me. I have an interesting propoeition for you. acre. Abel Adv. Odd-Sired Doors and Windows a Specialty If you are interested in securing [arr- Kulies, Klamath barber shop. If you are looking for a home in a tine fect sewerage around -your home, buy a PHONE 381 I ' lot in the Hot Spring» tract. locawon, or for an invertment, you Mrs. B. E. Hayden and little daughter should not overlook the Hot Springs arrived here Saturday evening, f'lii» ( tract. All kinds of Finishing Lum­ I is the first time Mr. Hayden has seen Don't overlook a g'M»l thing, the little present from the Stork. Mr. 1 remark w as often made that St. Johns ber now on hand. and Mrs. Hayden have rented the i was too close to Portland to make u Galarneau residence and wi I make city. But look at St. Johns today. Large assortment of Doors their home there as ». P. R. R. now Iteing constructed from ing within twenty-four Weed to Natron, which will connect events. Poitland and Frisco, via Klamath hours. If you have not tried the Midway i County, it 1» safe to say tiiat lots now blacksmith shop it will pay you to do filing as cheap a* will go like hot Large stock of Flooring in I so. Try it and see. cake» in less than five year« al |5o0.— three grades. POTATOES—If Jim ."traw's potatoes Marx L. Burns, agent. aren’t first-class, don’t pay him, that's Fine line of stationery at Newsom A ail. Telephone ¡05. 4-18-21 • Underwood. V < ' ' J' FOR SALE.—A lot of fine driving, For rings go to L. Alva Lewis. New draught afvi saddle horses, at a price line just arrived. that will sell them. Phone or write to 1500 acre sto.9 a •.fa* »I a »Le »I a »I a »A a »I a fence; new house ami barn; farming v “ “ “ “ “ ” T7 “ T7“ “ “ “ “ “ “ Tf TT T? T7 T? ä l-24-'inn>. implements and 16 register.«) Perchemn FOUND—A Release of Mortgage te- I» } leasing a mortgage recotded in Jackson horses, also 18 horses part Percheron. I» This is one of the finest stock farms in Countv, Oregon. Owner may secure same by proving property.—M ason A Northern California. See or write, E. Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? E. Fitcii, Merrill, Ore. 4-18 4t : (¿LOUGH. 4-4 tf w. O. HUSON, PRICES are right Builder's Hardware Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Blu and Royal Graniteware Tin, Wood and Willoware Sporting Goods Anv one wanting property of any kind tn .Southern Calilorma or if you have property to »ell or trade, write J. E. Paddock, Klamath Fall», Oregon. 4-18 tt Mr. and Mr». Ales Martin, Jr., expect to leave next Wednesday lor an extend­ Edison’s gold mould record phono­ ed trip to points in California ami Mexivo. graph« at Newsom A Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Nolan and son FOR S a LE—One eleven passenger stage coach. All tn ;>erfect order. For arrived in this city Wednesday evening particulars call on or addre«» H. M. trout Astoria. Mr. Nolan 1» associated C om , Medford, Ore. 4-18-4t 1 with K. S. Smith in the Altamont • ranch and also a memlier of the firm of Free Lecture on Christian Science at Nolan A Smith, attorney». Mr. and >pera bouse Thursday, May 2, 8 P.M.by Mrs. Nolan will make their home at Dr.|Franci« J. Fl uno of Oakland, Cali­ ' Altamont. fornia. Dr. Fluno belongs to the C. S. The laying of the water pipe in the B. of lecturers of the mother church of Hot Spring Addition will commence Beaton. He will also lecture al Merrill next week, Saturday, May 4th. lxiwney's and Bishop's delicious can­ FOR SALE — Five-month Poland dies at Newsom A Underwood. China boar pig. H. E. Pointer, John Mrs. E. W. Gowan entertained the Gleini ranch. 4-25-St* Five Hundred Club Saturday. De­ Janies H. Owen», the L* Angele* licious refreshments Mere served and . contractor |whu is ¡to erect several new the usual game of "50U" played. Mr». buildings at the Klamath Agency, Richard Shores Smith won tlret prise. I passed through this city Saturday on hi» | See the insurance plan lor selling way to the Agency. lot», by the Klamath I»evelopment Co. Market gardening will tie done m the One of the cause» for the remarkable tract which Arthur C. lewis recently growth of Newsom A Underwood is the purchased from John Matney on the tact that no expense or trouble has been I East Klamath Falls tracts. The land spared to procure the finest at0U. Tiiis great bargain w<>nl wool. G. HEITKEMPER. JR. :: Hardware Prof. A. S. Cantp is now located in the Worden block, over Stilts’ notion store, ano is prepared to leach violin, mandolin, banjo, guitar and piano. Mr. Camp is an ex;>ert piano tuner and is also prepared] with music for all occa- »IOII-. 4-25- It 1 Pay the F reight Republican Block HORN—April 21, IH07, to Mr. ami Mrs. II. E. Pelts, a »on. The name of the Log Cabin rustau BORN—April 18, IW, to Mr. and rant ba» been changed to the Eagle Mrs. A. J. Manning, a »on. * Cate, by the new proprietors, E. L. See Ady for marsh land». Nile» and daughter. BORN—April 2:i, to Mr. and Mt«.. DIED—Friday. April |!>, Mal«l May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Beck. John lX-puy. a aon. Funeral services were held Saturday. Watches. L. Alva larwis. IImid scrub brushes and soap* at the Hotel Minnier, 10th mid Fine St. Mar Drug Store. Clean rooms only. Clean I h -H s for 2'> S. C. Graves »»• in the city from Ro | and 50 cent«. Tell your friend». Mi»» nanta .Saturday on matters ;iertaining M. H. Minnier, manager. » 25-tf to a timber claim. lx. 'you know that 1 have all kind» Man and wile want work where wile of pro|>erty for sale al a bargain. Mark can do cooking mid man th» outniile L. Burn», Klamath Fulls, Oregon. work. Address T. B Holley 1 have business property that I am offering at a great sacritice. Must be I Ml pt. Wilson. accompanied by »eV- sold quick. Need money. Be »tire and vral Indian», passed through here Fri­ , see me. Mark L. Burns. i»._ day on their way to Portland, where ! ^HmrjRruslie»—most everv kind mid' they are to appear as witnease» Udore qualitv. \Price» right. Star Drug the United state» Grand Jury in the 1 Store. Ralpli Jackson vase. VYING YOVR JEWELRY OR HAV’ ing your work clone at HE1TKEM- PER’S " ill surely result in your be- ing satisfied. Mv stock of High Grade Jewelry is as tine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one vear. Musical Instruments. Phonographs, Records. Supplies, Strings. Sheet Music, Etc. A big line to select from. Semi for catalogue. City Prices. BRIEFS J put in perfect running order. L. ALVA LEWIS Chitwood Druá Co PURE DRUGS office supplies Fine Stationery legal blanks Waterman’s Fountain Pens BISHOP’S Furniture Store I is the place to furnish your house A I i F ob » ai . k —Seed oats,barley and w heat; 1 Newsom A Underwood make a also liay , allot which will lie delivered specialty of perscriptions, only pure, ill this city. Inquiie of J. D. Carroll, Don’t send your money to outside dealers • fresh drugs are used, with the result Henley. I will guarantee to save you money on that the medicine has the desired effect. I e a bill of goods FOR SALE— One Kimball piano, one A South flidland cabint sewing machine, one Ediaon pho­ If you MUST go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let t A Ireatltiful tract nt land, platted in I • nograph. Will sell all or part. Will I I ter to our wholesale houses, where you cnti select anything yon like, town lot», located adjacent and to the A consider trade lor town properly in tin» >< nth of the ¡own of Midland and with- city, Bonanza or Merrill. Let me have in nve minutes widk of the railroad tu Don’t i forget that I have taken the agency for the entire your offer.—S. K. N oel , over feed ot site, Lots sold for cash at re«s- j [ Dutt ul.ie discount, or on k-imsto suit pur- stole. 4-4 if clia».-is, tiile peiliet. south Midland J line of I ’ianos of the E HR S PIANO HOUS ft»r Klamath £ If you arc in need of medicine during 1» »iinaied upon the main line of the A and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the mal kes 1 Southern 1‘mitie, now under construe- the night or il • oil have a precription ii.'i, tioin Heed, Californi», to KI hiii - * n Easy terms on Pianos, or \ loll wished filled you call gel il at aili i-.iil«. Giegoti, and is located in ¿are now on my floor. Newsom A Undeiwisd by calling at flic tin- center of one of the largest dis- A few ¿for cash we will give you a liberal reduction, home ol Dr. Mabton—next door tu our dii< t- in Southern Oregon. I ehoi.-e loir. Icit and now on sale ns low A more. a» liny Holler». Th:» is your time to A Ail that remains unsaid, just consider We invite land owner» to lint their get in on tie-ground floor iiml invest in A a town destlneii in the near liitlfe to be that it has been said lands with us. Our extrusive corre- one ul the Intu'-t commercial centers m A A .pindem e aid Mr. Mason’s advertising Kismiitli roe,nty. A < e I it| >in, a address nil eomtnunica- A 111.11., v<- pm ii» tn t"iii h with sev«-riil A tioi,»'to, South Midland Town Hile Co. A 1.. m.- «lei to.I want lai. I lor actual A I’tk.Hi k E vans , »<-> I, vim-lit, ,M ason A S’Lol o H. It Cor responding r-t <-re I ary, M auk L. B i hnm , Just arrived at Alva Lewie’s, new J. F. N owlin , ime of jewelry. Local Agent». I * B. ST. GEO. BISHOP *pnoiie, Residence 66 J “ sioie 61 I *