Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 25, 1907, Image 6

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    Notice, Sale oi
School Bonds
Notice it hereby given that sealed
bids will l>e received upto May 29 at 2
o’clock p. tn. at the office of Treasurer
of Klamath County, Oregon, for the
pnrchane of 10-20 year optional bonds
issued by School District No. 1, Klam­
ath County, to the amount of *7,900.
Bonds to l>e issued in denominations of
six bonds of *1000 each and one bond of
*1250. 2 per cent of amount of bid
must accompany the name. The right
is reserved to reject any or all bids.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this
18th day of April, 1807.
County Treasury.
41» 4t
Do you need viaiting card«* If w call
at the Republican office where you will
And the latest st view in card« and type.
Treasurer’s Notice
Notice for Publication.
Notic« tor Publication
United States Land OMee. Lakeview, Oregon,
March ». 1907
Notion la hereby given that In compliance
with the provlelena ofthe actol (’«agrees of
June A 18T». entitled “An act for ths seisot
timber lends in the States ot California. Ore­
gon. Nevada, and WMhlngton Territory," M
extended to all the Public land Hta'e* by act
of August «. 1S»J. William W. Mendenhall, ot
Klamath Falla, county of Klamath. Slats of
Oregon, has thia day filed In inis office his
rworr statement No. 35M. tor lhe ourchase
ot the se4neit n'jse'» and swi^se1^ ot Sec No.
*. in Tp No. 37 S. It Na. 9 K. W M.
and will off»« proof to show that lhe land
eought is more valuable tor lie timber or atone
than .'or agricultural purposes, and lo estab­
lish bla claim to said laud before lbs clerk ot
Klamath county. Ore., at hla office at Klam
ath Falla. Ore., on Wadnsaday. the 3th day ot
June. IW.
Ho names aa witnesses:
Archie Johnston. Dan Johnston. Gottfried
Neubert and Bertha L. Mendenhall all ot
Klamath Falls. Oregoa.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo tile
their claims in this office ou or before said 5th
day ot June. HN7.
S JS-5-»
J N WATSON. Register.
Tnlted Steles Lend Office, Lakeview. Oregon.
February M. 1907
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with lhe provisions of the act ot Congress ot
Juno 3,1878. emitted "An ecl tor the sole ot
limber lends In the Slates ol Cnlltornla. Ore­
gon. Nevedn. and Washington Territory." as
extended to all tbo Public Land States by act
of August 4,18FJ. Eugenia M. Fax. ot Klamath
Falls, county ol Klaiuaih. Slate ol Oregon, has
Ibis day tiled In this office ber sworn stale
mem Ne. 3MS, tor the purchase ot tbe set»
nw<w ■*'« n,<s he's •*’< and nw'< »e<4 ot
Section No. 88. In Township No. 38 s. Henge No.
10 K W M,and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable tor Its limber or
stone then for agricultural purposes, and lo
establish her claim to »aid land belore the
Clerk of Klamalh County, Oregon, al bls
office at Klamalh Falla. Oregon, on Monday,
lbs 3rd day ot Juno. 1997
She names as wllnesses:
Ed Echllnaw. Wm l.ashua. M II Wampler
and Geo Biehn. all of Klamath rails. Oregon
Any and ell persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to flle
their claims In this office ou or before said 3rd
day ol June, 1997.
J N WATSON Register
3-1« 314
Notice for Publication
Notice i« hereby given that there are United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­ I
funds in tbe County Treasury for the gon March 1, 1997.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
redemption ol all Klamath County w>r- with
the provisions of the act of Cougressot
rauts protested on and prior to October I June 3 1ST». entitled "An act for lhe sale of
| timber lands In ibe mates ol California. Ore­
31, 1804. Interest on same will cease gon. isesada. end Washington Territory," as
extended to all lhe Public Land States by act
from this date.
ol August «. 1892. 1-abel Johnston, ol Klamath
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this Palls, county ol Klamath. Stale ol Oregou,
has tiled lu Ihla office ber sworn statement
4th day of April, 1907.
No 3536. lor lhe purchase ol the alj nat, and
of Sec. No «. lu Tp. No 87 S. it. No. W K.
L. A lva I.gwis,
w M. and will offer prool to show that lhe
4-4 4t
County Treasurer. land sought is more valuable tor its timber or
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office. Lakeriewv Ore­
gon March 20. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in eomnliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June 3, 1878 entitled "An act for tbe sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon,Nevada. and Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
ol August 4. 1892, Carrie .M Clendenning. of
Klatnath Falla, county of Klamath. State of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this office her
sworn statement No. 3M8. for the purchase of
tbe nw'jse1« n'jswljSeC of 2 and t>e'.4»et4 of
Sec No. 3. in Tp No. 37 8. R No. 10. E W M.
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for iu timber or
stone thsn-for agticullural purposes, and to
establish ber claim to »aid land before the
clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at his offlee
at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on Wednesday, the
&th day ot June, 1907.
She names as witnesses:
Mont White, John H Hamilton. Frank Hall,
■'t H. Nicholas, all of Klamath Falls. Oregon
Any an I all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this offlee on or before said 5th
day of June, 1907.
J. N. WASTON. Register.
Notice for Publication
United States Land Offic. Lakeview, Ore­
gon, February 28. 1907
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
rune 3, 18'*, entitled "An act fur the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as
extended to all Publie Land States by actol
August 4, l»9.’, Joseph c. Howlett, of Ingot,
county oi Sha-ta, State of California, has ibis
da, fi led iu this dffice his sworn statement
No. 3495, for the purchase of tbe wl^ael^ and
I'pv^ of Sec. No. 8. in Tp No. 38 S. R Jfo. 10
K W M, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber ot
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to
establish his cla m to said land before tbe
Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, at his of­
fice at Klamath Falls, Oregon ou Monday, tbe
3rd day of ju ne, 1907.
He names as witnesses:
T. H. shannon, ^rchle Johnston, J. H. Dria-
soll, Allen Sloan, all of Klamath Falls, Ore­
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Ole
their claims in this offlee on or before said
3rd day of June, 191/7.
J. N. WATSON. Register
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­
gon. March 22. 1987.
NMiee Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision« of the act of Congress of
Jone I, 1878, entitled “Aa act for the sale of
Umber lands In tbe Stales of California, Ore­
gon. Nevada, and W Mb I ng ton Territory," aa
extended to all the PubUe Laud statu by act I I
of Angus* 4. 1892. Jews M. Janes. of Ingot,
county of Sbuta, State of
ha» this day filed In thia office hie loom
statement No. MM. for the purchase of tbe sH
e»5< ne'^nei^ and se»X ne% of Sec. No. W>
in Tp. No. 37 8, R No. 9 K W m. and will offer
proof to xbow that tbe land «ought lx more i
valuable for Ila timber or «tone than for agrl-
anltnral purposes, and to establish bls claim
to said land before tbe clerk of Klamath
eoonty, Oregoa, at bls office at K la meth Pella,
Oregon, on Tueeday the «th day of June
Henemes m witnesses:
T. H Shannon, Archie Johnston end Allen I
Sloan of Klamath Falls, Oregoa, and J. U.
Driscoll of Bonansa. Oregoa.
Any and all persona claiming adversely lbs
above-described leads are requested to flic
their claims In Ibis office on or before said
«th day of June, 1907.
J. N WATSON. Register.
atone than lor agricultural purposes. and to
establish herclaim lo said laud belore the Keg
later and Receiver at lakeciew. Oregou. ou
Friday, the ITtb Jay ol May. 1W7.
She names u witnesses:
Archie Johiision, Dau Johnston. Frank 11
Hall and Johu Brett, all of Klamath rails.
Any »nd all persons claiming adversely the
above duacribed lands are requested to file
ILeir claims in this office ou or ueiore said I7tu
day ol Muy. 1997.
J. N. Watson. Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Stale» Land office. Lakeview.Oregon,
K. !. > 1907.
Notice is hereby gjven that In compliance
with lhe provision* of the act of Congre«* of
Junes. 1873. entitled “An act for the »ale ol
limber land» in lhe State* of California. Ore­
gon, N«»ada. aud Washington Territory." a*
extended to all the Public Laud State* by act
of August 4 1892. George Hurst ol Klamath
Falls, county ot Klamsth State of Oregon,
has this day filed in ibis office his swi rn
statement No. 3514. for the purchase of tbe
s'j nw‘, and ne', »w‘, of Sec. No. 32 iu Tp. No.
37 8. R No. 9 E. W M. and will offer proof to
»bow dial the land sought 1» more valuable
for its timber or stone than tor Mlicultural
purpo«es, and to e»labli*b his claim lo »aid
land before tbe Clerk of Klamath county
Oregon, al bis offlee at Klamalh Falls. Ore­
gon. on Thursday, the 2nd day of May. 1907.
He name» as wiln;**»*:
Wm. 1-asi.ua. Kdward Eehtlaaw. John smith
nd Louis Fleshuian all ol K.aiuath Palis, Ore*
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described land* are requested to file
tneir elaima in this office on or before »aid 2nd
day Ol May, 1997.
J. N. WATSON, Register.
United State» Laud uit.ee, Lakeview, ureguu.
April 12. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress ol
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act fur tne sale ol
timber lands In tbe States of California, Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land State» by act
ot August «. l«rt. Audrew j. Santamaw. of
Royston, < ounty of Klamath, «Hate ol
Oregon, has this day filed iu this office his
swurn statament No. 3580, for the purchase of
tbes^nw^ahd nl^aw« of 8ee.N0. 28, In Tp.
No.37 8 . K No. 9. K W M. and will offer prool
to show that the laud sought is more
valuable tor its timber or »tone than for
agricultural 'purposes, and lo establish bis
e alm lo said land before the clerk of
Klamath Onnty at hie offlee at Klamath
Falla, Oregoa *« Tueeday, tbe Jod day of
July. 1907.
He names as witnesses:
John Brett. T H. Shannon. John Hamilton
and Bert Hall, all ot klamalh Falls. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described leads are requested to flle
their elelms In this offlee on or before said
2nd day of July. 1907.
J. N WATSON. Register.
United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­
gon, March », 1907.
Nolle* is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
June 3.1878, entitled “An act for the sale ot
limber lauds iu the State» of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tbe f’uhll: Land States l>y act
of Augusts, 1892. Lena Noel,of Klamath Falls,
eounty of Klamath State of Oregon, has ibis
day filed lu this office her sworn statement
No. 3547, for th* purchase of the
aeti of
Sec No. 28, In Tp. No. 37 H. R No. 9 E W M.
and will offer prool to show that the land
sought Is more valuable fur its timber or none
than for agricultural purposes, end to estab
list ber claim to »aid laid before the county
clerk of Klamath county. Oregon ou Wednes­
day the 5th day of June, 1M07.
She names as wltneases:
Fred Noel, Jonn Irwin, R. E. Dunlap of
Klamath Falls, ore., Jesse C. Cravens, of
Dairy, Ore.
Any and all person« claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested lo hie
their claims In this offioe on or before said 5 h
day ot June, 1907.
J. N. WstallII, Register. I
The American Bank and Trust Co.
Capital Stock *100,000)
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Nolle« for Publication
United Mates land Office, lakeview. Or»
gon. March JO, 1907
Nolle» Is h»r»by given that In eompllanew
with th« provisions of th» act ot CoagrsM«»
JuueS. 1878. entitled "An act tor the sale ot
timber lands In the States ot Califorula. Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory?'aa
ealended to alt lhe Public land Slates by act
ol August «, 1«93. James J Whiloomb. ot Med
ford, county ot Jackson. Slats ot Oregon, has
thia day lied in this olioe hie sworn elate
inenl No 35»». tor ths purcbMS of the sltaw%
and nw'* swl4 ot See. No. 4. In Tp No. 38 8 K
No. « K W M. and will offer proof lo chow that
the land eought Is more valuable for Ils llm
ber or atone than lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land tie tore
the Clerk ol Klamath County. Oregou at bla
offlee al Klamalh Falls. Oregon, on Munday,
Notice For Publication.
lhe3rd day of June, 1907
He names as witnesses
United Stales Land offioe. Lakeview. Ore­
W. J. Anderson of Forwi. Oregon. Edgar
gon, Feb '38.1987.
Notice Is hereby given that tn compliant*« Virgil ot Klamath Falls. Oregon. H.S Parine
with tbe provisions ofthe act ot lung roes ot lee ol Ashland. Oregon. Clayton K. Burton ol
June 3. 1878. entitled "An act lor ths sale ot Ashland Oregon.
Any aud all partons claiming advtr scly lhe
timber lands in lhe States ol Cai Horn la. Ore­
gon. Nevada and WMhlngton Territory." aa abova daaertbed lands are requested lo flle
extended to all the Public Land States by act their ciaitns In this olftoe on or before said led
ot August 4. 1*92. John Y. Tipton ol day of June, VJOT
S Ji
J N W A THON ttrgister
Klamalh Falls. County ot Klamath. Stalo ot
Oregon, hu this day filed in thia office bis
sworn statement No 3327. for lhe purchase ol
On receipt of taocenl» in «tamp« I
the »4 »<% ■"<» «‘»nwlfl ot Sec No. 29.
send descriptive literature of Klam­
In Tp No 38 S. R No 10 K W M end will
offer proof lo show that the laud »ought Is ath County to any addreaa. Mark I..
more valuable for lu timber or alone than for Burna, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
agricultural purposes, end to establish his
claim to »aid land before lhe Clark of Klamath
county. Oregon, at bla office al Klamath
Falls. Oregou. on Monday the 3rd day ol
June. 1997.
He names as witnesses
Win Lullus Ed. Echllnaw, J V. Johnsen
and Mark 1. Burn* ail of Klamath Falla.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely the
beautifully illuMisIrd. good atonrs
above-described lands are requested to 4.e
and sitíeles about CaLf or ma
their claup» lu this office on or before said 3rd
and all do- far U cat.
day of June, 1997.
J. n . watson . Register
Utaresf Paid on Savings Deposits
ff. M. Bl tin. CooHitr
M ason
& S lough
ABSTRAUTH OF TITLE niatle with neat neun an<1 rllttpaLh.
Invite allenlion to our FILING CABIN KT NYSI’KM
Keiil EMtnte
We have a choice line of lamia In tracts largo or «mail, to suit pur
chasers : al*» city property of sll dcs'-rlpllons.
ItiNtininee • • •
We carry a full line of Insurance, Including Life, Penumal Accident
Fire, Steam Boiler, Plate Glatts, and Liability Insurance.
a monthly publxahon drwot xi
to the larmu^ laxernto oi the
Notice for Publication
United States Land office. Lakeview. ore,,
(on. March 8.1997.
Notice 1, hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congreu ot
June 3, 1878. entitled “An act lor lhe aale of
timber lands lathe m aces of Cslltoru la. Ore­
gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land States b/ act
of August 4.1392, Ora L. Meservey, ot Klamath
Palls, county of Klamath, mate of Oregon, has
this day filcl in thh, office her sworn stale,
□lent vo. 3573. for the p irrhase of the n'w nr',
se',ne', and ne1, nw , of .Hen No. IS In Tp so
17. 8, fl No. I I, Wk and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its limber or stone than for agricultural pur-
a !»ok o4 75 psge*. cr>»u»mmg
120 colored pliu«ofra|4is of
JQ 75
pa tureeque q>-<» ia Calli orma _________
Al! lor
T«J . . . $2-75
Cut ant thia erWevtiaesar-nl
aud send wh L $1 SOto
lUbV Pay Rent?
Notice for Publication.
It’s So Gasv to Own a Rome
Buena Vista Addition
The Ideal Residence Section if.
Notic« for Publication.
Department of the interior. Land office, at '
Lakeview, Oregon, April S, 1907
notice Is hereby given that Margaret Rout-
ley o< Klamath Palls, Oregon, has died notice :
other Intention to m ake Anal commutation1
proof In support of ber claim, vis: Home
stead Entry no. 14* made March *. 1901. for
tbe ewt4nwt48ec.l8.Tp.g9s.lt 10. E W M. and
that said proof will be made before the clerk '
ot Klamath county, Oregon, at his office at I
Klamath Falls. Oregon, on tbe .Mb day of
June, 1907.
She names the following witnesses to prove ,
ber continuous resideace upon and cultiva­
tion of. the land »fit:
Surrell Shot«. J. R. blxoa. John A. Short,
and R C. Shor« all of Klamath Falla. Oregoa.
Notice for Publication
Notice for Publication
posse, and to establish bsr claim 10 said land
be tors Register aud Rooaive al Lakeview,
Or ague, ou Friday, lbs I7lh day ot May. 1*97
She names aa witnesses!
Archie Johnston, Daniel Johnston. J M.
Derletb, M. C. Moeorvoy. all of Klamalh Falla.
Any and all persona oialming adversely ths
above described lands are requested lo Sis
their claims tn thia olfico oil or belore eaid
ITthday ol May. 1M7.
ATHON. Register
»1« AIS
3. N.
United States l-and offlee. Lakeview, Ore­
gon. March to 1997.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
June 3, 1378. entitled "An act for tbe sale of
timber land* m tbe Stales of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada aud Washing ton Territory," a»
emended 10 all lhe Public Lend States by act
of August «. UKtl, Emma Hamilton, of Klam
atb Falta.county 0' Klamalh. State of Oregon,
baa this day Hied In this offlee her sworn
statement No. 355». for the purchase of the
»■{nw!4 sw'^ae1^ Sec. 2, and se!4ne'z4 of Sec.
No. 3, In Tp No. 37 8, R No 10. K W M.
and will offer proof to show that tbe land
sought is more valuable lor its timber or
or stone than for agr.cultural purpose», and
lo establish her claim to said lend before the
clerk of K'.amatn county, Oregon, at hla office
at Klamath Kells, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
Jib day ot June. 1907.
She uarnea as witnesses:
Mont White. C. B. Clendenning, Frank Hall,
T. H Nichols«, all of K »ma h Fells. Oregon.
Anv and all |x-rs >na c aiming adversely the
above-descr»bed lands are repieslel to flle
their claims in thia off!;e on or before said 5tb
day of June, 1907
8-'«- >l»
J. X. WATSON. Ke e’er. '
Street Car Line is built to the addition and will soon be oper
Electric lights and city water.
Ea’h lot on a gentlo slope,
making good drainage.
Good soil.
Avenues arc wide and linod
with Poplar, Boxelder, Maple, Walnut and Elm trees
'»—Lot» 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. ft. 7, 8, 9. 10. block 14—r.oew 1, 2. 3,7, ».
BLOCK 10T—bits 4, 5. rt, 7, 8, », |0. H. 13,
15—Ixita 1,2, 4, 5, ft, 7, ». 9.
II. 12. 13. 18, 20, 21, 22, 23.
I 1, 14.
ft—f»»a 5, 5.
23—I.f/tn 4. 5. ft. 7. 8, !»
104—IZH« 2, :i. 4, r>.
7—lx»ts 2, 3. 4. fl, 11, 12.
41— Izita 25, 2ft. 27.
UK>-lx.t» 1, 2.3.4, 5,6, 7. «.», 10. II.
42— Uta 2, 3, 4, 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
10— Lots 1. 2. 10. 11, 12. 1.1, 14, 15,
10ft—I/.tn 4. 5, ft, 7, 8, », 10, Il
I 4
1ft, 17, 19 , 20, 21, 22, 23,
43— Ixjtn 4. 5.
107—L>t 12.
13, 2«.
»9—Uts 5. fl. 7.
110— Ln 5.
11— Lots 1, 2. 4, 5. 7, 8, 9.
101— Ut» 3, 4
111— Lote I, 2. .1,4.
13—lx>t 5.
102— Ut» ft, 7.
15t—Lite 11, 12.
Greater Klamath Falls
will soon be
From Lake to Lak
Get Your Home NOU !