Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 25, 1907, Image 1

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    Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
Official Newspaper
of Klamath County
NO. 4
to dedicati :
Minnier'aiid will lx- known as tbe Hotel I
Minnier. It is lasing furnished mid
will las run aa a first class hotel. Mis*
I* Purchased by the Klamath luikr
Miarner is quite well known to the
Navigation Company
Fall» public, having Is-en con­
Bishop O’Reilly Will Be Here in June
the famous Pelican Bay
For 1 hat Purpose
L'sfge For th«- present no meals will
The Klamath 1-ake Navigation Colli-
be serve!, but thi* addition will un­
pauy this week cloeed a deal for the
R«v. Father Feusi received a letter doubtedly be made ere long.
purchase of 475 acres of land at Teter's
1.11 ml mg the consideration Isitiz f'i,<Ms> M 01. lay from BishopO'Keilly stating he
t-all at the office ol the Klamath De-
would be here during the last week in
Tbe property was owned by Mark I..
vel qnnent Co. and see the inducements
June, at which time he will dedicate the
Burns. It ia the announced intention
offered to purchasers of lots in Hot
Catholic church in this city. He will
of the Navigation Company to improve
Mprings Addition ami at Midland.
also administer the sacraments of con­
this property and make it one ol the
Special inducement« are laring offered
firmation ami first communion, The
Street Cars
strategic |»»ints for the control of lake
will take pla» the last Kun- (or thirty day*.
Running Soon traffic. fl is expected that it will play ceremonies
Miss Maud Baldwin entertained in­
<lay in June.
an lm|s>rtant part in the California-
The Bishop will visit Midland, Mer formally Friday evening, when a large
Northeastern freight and nesse liger busi­
This city wtjl have the long antici-
rill and Bonanza during his stay here, i numtier of her young friend* had a
ness when that road ia built near enough
which be will go to laikeview, I moat ilelightful evening. Card games
paled pleasure of witnessing the opera­ to the lake to divert traffic over Ha line.
where be will deliver the Fourth of July were played and luncheon was serve«!.
tion of a street car line. Manager
All kinds of wagon-making and re­
Buell has a force of men at work lialast-
I'rejtarations will tie made for special pairing done at the Midway blacksmith
ing the track and as soon as the work is
music on the occasion of the dedication shop. All work guaranteed.
completed he will place two care in ser­
of the church.
The bridge builders are working on !
One of the delightful parties of the
vice. He refuses to stste how soon thia
tbe bridge over the canal on 11th street.
will occur, but says that it will not lie «••ason was given by Mrs. E. R. Hearne*
Church Services
thi* week, adjoining the Hut hprings
j when she entertained a number of her
very long until they ar>- running.
friends on board the launch Buena
M. E. CHI B j CH
All kind* of finest perfume* at New-]
' Vista last Thursday. The guests were i
Irrigation Notice
at 10 a. m. Preaching soin A Underwood.
1 taken to Squaw Point, where they dis­
The primaries for the eelection of nom­
B. Kt. Geo. Bishop will have an nppoa
Tbe approach of the canal bridge on inees for Councilman were held Monday,
embarked and enjoy is I a delicious at 11 a. tn. Junior league al 3 p. rn.
mg candidate for the office of Mayor,
As the season (or irrigation it dote at luncheon. Cards were played both go­ Epworth I .eague at 6:45 p. rn. Preach­ the Hot Springs tract, over the Espla­
and that man will I* ('. I. Rolierl* of hand, it would I«- well in order to avoid ing and coming and the event was one ing at 7:30 p. rn. Strangers and all will nade, as well as the foundation for tbe whyn the following gentlemen were
the hardware firm of Roberta A Hanks, delay) for thote expecting to use city i of the most pleasant outings ever given receive a hearty welcome. I*. Conklin, bridge, will be completed this week.
First Ward—F. E. Ankeny and A.
lie gave his consent last Friday, ami no water lor watering lawns, garden*, trees, on the Upper lake.
160 acre* choice farming land, 80 Caatel.
sooner had the announcement been
acres fenced, small house,
per acre,
Second Ward—J. R. Stilts and Geo.
Preaching services next Sunday at 11 four miles from Merrill. E. E. F:tcb,
Have you walked over the Hot
made than there was a reforming of or for cooling ptirpoaes, to place their
forces al) down the line. Mr. Roberts order* (or meter* Immediately ; »« water
Third Ward-Dr. G. W. Maston and
day school at 10 o’clock and B. Y. 1*. U.
is one ol the most popular men in the (or the al«>ve pur|«»ei will be furnished that home you expect to build?
The rock crusher on the Hot Springs
Addition will be running in full force A. E. Bamber. .
city. He has lived here neatly all of hi« by meter only.
Buy a lot in Midland which i« going at 7:15 p. m. Everyone invited.
next week, which means the commenc­ The convention for the selection of
leave Older« at our office, corner Third to Is« one of the im|sjrlant town« in
life and bus raised himself to a high
ing of the work of placing crushed rock candidates for the offices of Mavor, City
position among its men of affairs. He street and Klamath Avene.
Klamath County, prices 4-'»‘• per lol ami
on the etreets in the Hut Spring Addi­ i Recorder and City Treasurer was held
for San Francisco Tuesday.
is possessed of strong |>er»otial following ' Ki«M,ril F ai . ui I. ioiit *M> W atkh C o upwards.
I Tuesday afternoon, and aronseii more
that will greatly aid him in the contest.
FOR KALE—2 lots with 16 room interea.’ than any like event in the his­
His name ha« been connected with the
house. The greatest bargain in Klam-
iih Fall*. Must lie sold within 30days. tory of the city. The result was as fol-
race ever since the campaign opened,
Will take 11575 ell cash. This great j lows:
1 /w z
but he steadfastly refused to give hi«
i. j//»S
offer wont last long. Come q'uick and ; For May< r—
J M/f Z
consent, maintaining that there were
I see. Mark L. Burn.
B. St. P»e«> Bi
i C RAT else LÁKC I
other men whom he l>rliei<«l more de
C. I. Roberts i
serving ol the honor. The pressure,
however, Irecame too great, ami when it
Uff CM If
A. L- Leavitt
was put up to him on the question of a
public dutv. he no long'-r hesitate I, but
l>airv is pleasantly situated on the
willingly stepped into the arena.
west side of loiina Valley, .near the
’ W. Siemens io* the nomination for
Mr. Roberta has lieen a member of
! Treasurer.
the Council from the First M ard, and
two goo 1 general stoirs wills enter­
While preforming the duties of that office
prising up-to date dealeis who enjoy | The sdfpriae of the .day w*s the vote
' received 6v Mr. Roberts and Mr. Wag­
he has at nil times given it the careful
a large trade ir on surrounding val­
ner. Their frien !« did not expvet that
attention that it required, lie is pecu­
*1 5 »< rs ».
leys; a liotei ami teed barn, and a
they would poll nere the number
liarly well qualified for the office of
school house. It is surrounded by a
cast, inasmuch as it was generally ad­
Mayor ami will gather around him the
itch farming community with which
'/ I rtf z
support id the conservative voters of the
it is connected by a tanner«' tele­ mitted that the convention was merely
• itv
phone line an l also a long distance a legal f ■rmality. It it gem-rally. ad­
mitted, however, that the result of the
A. I., la-avltt flnslly mustered up
line. J« on the stage line, twenty
convention means the certain election
’«V/wr a / z
courage en< ugh to announce himself as
miles east <>l Klamath Fails.
.♦'♦« rr
ol both Mr. Roberts and Mr. Wagner.
a candidate for re-election to the office
of City Recorder. It would lie an un-
Flank Cutter tia« iieen clerking for the
Sales of Realty
usual thing it an election would pa«»
n»t week.
that would not witness Mr. la-avilt a« a
Tl.e days ol sunshine and dry weather
candidate, (or lie seems to l>e |«jsse»sed
Croft A Nowlin report the following
have set in, ami the roads are getting
of the office seeking gerni in an aggra
during the past few days:
vated form, and is apparently unable to
To Dr. Lena Fitzgerald and .Mrs.
resist its ravages
He has little lio|ie,
Laura Lowentree, 12 lot.« in South Mid­
A i'r< . \
with their spring work tins fine
however, of l»eiiig successful 111 hi« pres­
ent effort, lor the fsipnlar sentiment is
To Mrs. Laura Lowentree, 320 acres
I. F Davie«, Riley Wood* and Wm. of State land.
strongly against him. due to the inabil­
I'li-msnu were in Klamath Falls Friday
ity of a large numlier of citizens to find
To M.C. Meservy, 320 acres titol«er
.md Saturdav. Mr. Woods brought out * land.
him in hia office at the proper time.
new wagon for Manual Vierra.
Thi" is a serious matter and one that
To Nora Edine, of Michigan, home­
the people seem anxious to remedy by
Ed Wallis, a veteran at the business, stead relinquishment of John Colem.in.
the election of Mr. Wagner to the office.
baa been driving the stage lietween Bo­
To Dr. Lei a Fitzgerald, 68 acres of
nanza and the Falls for the past ten marsh land.
■ lava. He had eleven passengers on hie
Straw- Lakeman
up trip Friday.
The 1 Oregon Journal think* it Strange
Mis Sara Ijikeman and Dr. E. E.
that b liter should be scarce at Dairy,
Straw were married in Santa Rota,Cal.,
Keno is situated in the .Southern
above all places in the state. The place
last Friday. Dr. Ftraw. who i* Mayor
of Klamath County, on the
was named years ago, when butter mak­
of Marshfield. is well known in thin city,
Klamath river, at the terminus of
where he has resided and where live his
navigation. Two steamers land here;
An agent fur the government irriga­
mother, several brother« and a sister.
mail, express and passengers are
tion service «»« recently in the valley
transferred from the stage to the
, trying to boy horse« for u«e on the build­
boat at this point. Adjoining Keno
ing nt tbe c 111 1.
00 the w e-t 1- a large belt of ttniYwr,
4* bl AiS M’
Joe CMujrn and hi« daughter were in ami on the ea-t is a large holy of
Miss Mauile Engle ami Collie Gray
WtifH 4
Dairy Sunday.
Accuiupanying them
marsh lauds. Near Keuu, on t><e
were married at the home of Mrs. T. J.
was a Miss Williams, lately from the river, is immense water power. Tele-
Jackson in this city Tuesday afternoon,
East, who ha« been stopping with the I ln.u e connections with *.11 partb of
Rev. J. B. Griffith officiating.
the country. Has a good school, two
agent at Yainax for a few day*.
Engle is the daughter of 11. I.. Engle,
store« and two saw mills.
Ed Ha Dey was here Saturday, escort­
formerly a resident of this city, but now
ing his brother and his family, who re­
Mr. Day has returned from Sleepy
residing in Marshfield. The bride is
cently arrived from Nevada, and is look­ Creek, where he went to improve his
also a sister of Mrs. Jackson anti Mrs.
ing over the county with a view of buy­ homestead.
n »VxM,
A. (astel of this place. Mr. Gray is a
■k ’ — ..
ing a farm. He drove a very fine team
resilient <>( Hairy. The many friends of
Joe Grimes, w ho is going to work for
moles whico he brought with him I.. <>. Mills nt Pelican Bay, is moving
the young couple wish them much
from the Tesei t State.
his latuily there.
Mrs. N. S. Drew report* that when
Col. William McDonald, of San Fran­
Mrs. trehie Johnston entertained a
The firm of Brennan and Baglei
J. L. Padgett is atsjut to sell his ran 'h.
nunKr oi friends nt her home last Fri- cisco, who a short time ago, through she enn e to uncover the 1 otatoes which He has gone to Ashland to look at some
opened for business Saturday. Owix
to the fact that they have been iiiih ' h ’' Iny 111 honor of Miss lsala-1 Ewing of Capt. J. AV. Siemens, purchased a were buried duii'g the winter, it was property, and if the property meets his
Misslkrtha I reuer and Richard D. to get all of their goods on accun' " Marquette, Midi., who Ims been visit- ranch near Bonanza, is here for the pur­ discovered that they had all rotted. She expectations the trade will lie made.
Wagner were married at the home of the congested condition of th«« fnu.ii .ng Mis. Johnston during the winter. pose of looking over his property. The lost fifty sacks. It is supposed that the His ranch is within a half mile of Keno
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ¡business, only a small |wirtfon t t >> Miss Ewing expects to leave for her Colonel is one of the best known insur- ground where they were buried was too and the value is ID,< 00. A large portion
ance men on the coast.
ward Fruerin I’< e Valley, Kumlay April big stock of high grade men'- f'lniish- home «luring the coming week.
of this ranch will come under the ditch,
While waiting upon ami nursing his and the man who gets it will tie lin kv.
14. Miss Frc'ii r is one of the most Ings that they are going to '■»'■ v n.<-
Money, money, money. 1 must' have
Business or residence lots purchased
poptihr girls in the Coniitv ami ha» a ready for the inspection of the pubit«' K u ev. 1 need money, money, money, in the lint Sprin.s Addition at the brother, Albert Beigdorf, was last week
Thus. McCormack has returned from
Dr. Johnson was Portland, while there lie purchased the
host <>( friends «Im e.tend their good Mr. ltrennan, who at m. • o r.•pre­ i ni in older to get money 1 will sell 475 present time are absolutely sure to show taken quite sick.
wishes. Mr. Wagner I- an employe of sents the firin, «fates that '• • h'>|«‘« to u iis of the finest land in Klanmtli from fifty to a hundred percent profit called, but was a good deal puzzled to Andrews timber claim of lt>0 acres, ad­
the Electric Light Company. He 1« 11 Illi «• nt o the i ihh I s on hsli'l w ithin ti e County for *10 per acre. Mark I.. on the investment within twelve determine the i.atuie of liis ailment. joining his homestead. He also pur­
He treated him, however, and in a, few chased an electric dynamo. This plant
man of splendid qualities and deserving next ten day«, and w lien 1'... >< cm - one Burns, Broker, Klamath Falls, Oregon. months.
of the finest lines of lie • ■ liiini«hie_»
of the high esteem ill which he i
H. M. Knox returned to this city Fri- days he was on he load to recoveiy. w ill be pul in at his saw mill. YJork
If you think you cannot afford to
ever seen in this city u II i>e at the di-- buy n lot for an investment, why not day for the purpose of closing up li is Charles is a’oo c «nva eecent.
liy hia main' f'tends. Mr. and
will begin at once and the lumlier for
po«al of the critical pur ■ uiser.
Wagner will mnke their hoi
Little Vida f'earsou was kicked by a the powi r house is on the ground. Mr.
Imv on the monthly payment plan? affair in this county. preparatory to no­
Donald street in a neat eottag
If you limit to ow n .1 lot in n pio«|iei- Call mid see tin Klamath Development 'ing to Idaho where he expects to en- pony Friday mori ing ami quite severely McCormack expects to furnish Keno
completed md furnished by Mr. YY **g‘ oils tow It ami feel a- if it did not cost t '0
hint, »die ami lu r sister. Velma, were with electric lights in the near future,
.i iiih! Cor a 1 gage in the mining business.
anything, call and sec the K r.tnath t'e- lot !
Ma«on A Davis, contractors, fin «lied riding the pony to sch<«d that morning. or ns soon as tlie plant and wires can be
velopmimt Co.
• chiiii I through the Hot Springs tiact The cinch became loose, letting the put in. This wid make Kenoindepen-
» ’
Keno Canal Bids Opened The Bennett sliniv that appeared at aie
blanket «lip back, ightening the pony dent ol the -landurd Oil Company. He
can nl«o furnish other |«>wer if desired.
which ran ami threw them off, and then If Uncle Kam should compel him to va­
the opera house I ti lay amt Saturday
___ ______
____ sight
___ ___
the old _ mill
he ___________
has another
120 acres all u .<1. r uni, tine oil the public school and which lias been kicked Vida on the side of her head. cate
Last liid.iv was the day «et for the ' night was thoroughly enjoyed by a
opening of Mila for the construction of 1 large audience at each of the perform­ eight mile* horn Klamath I a’ls, *18.50 remodeled into a hotel by Colonel Hula­ She was unconscious for a time, but is place a little further down the river
..xx, «t...
1 where he can put his dynamo.
per acre. E. I'. Fitch, Merrill. 4-11-*, bird, has been rente 1 by Mies M. H.1 now convales in;.
the Keno canal. But unu b.d was sub- ance*.
Announced Candidacy
Last Friday
No Contest for Office
of City Treasurer
Leavitt Decides to Buck
Fate and Be Re-Elected
City Recorder
Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer,
and the Councilmen
Are Named