Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 18, 1907, Image 6

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    cultural purpoNp«. and
••tabll»h hl« claim
Notice For Publication.
NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO LAY the date oi entry or at all; that he has not re­
sided conliniioii.lv oral all upou .aid land;
to «aid land 1x4 or a the clerk ot ilamath
that ainee making Mid eutry he ha> com­
county, Oregon, at hi« ofUco at klamath Tall«,
gon. Feb. 28.1907.
pletely abandoned the Mine for more thau
We, the undersigned freeholders, re­ •la mon.h. prior to the tiling of thl. affidavit;
that Steral has not been upon Mid land but
siding m Komi District No. 8, in the ba> completely abandoned the Mine a. herein
County of Klamath and State of Oregon, set forth: that Mid alleged absence from the
through which the following described Mid land was not due to 111. employment In
proposed road will run, hereby give the army, navy or niarive corp, of the United
a» a private soldier, officer, seaman or
notice, according to law, that on the 1st State,
marine during the war with Spain or during
day of May, A. D. DM)", we will petftion auy other war tn which the United State,
the Honorable County Court of said may be engaged Said parties are hereby
County and State for a public County notitled to appear, respond snd offer evfdeuee
Mid allegation at 10 o'slock a. in on
Road to be laid out by said County touching
April 11, 1907. before Geo. Chastaiu. county
Court according to the statute in such clerk. at Klamath Falls. Oregon, aud mat
case, made and provided, having its final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a m.
points of beginning and termination, April 1». 1907, before the Register and Receiver
at the United state. Land Office in Lakeview.
course and intermediate points as fol­ Oregon.
The Mid contestant having. In a proper
Commencing at a point where the affidavit, tiled Feb. M, 1907. set forth facts
county road from Keno, in said county, which .bow that after due diligence personal
to the Oregon-California State line in­ service of thl. notice can not be made. ill.
herebv ordered and directed that such notice
tersects the north and south line be­ be given by due and proper publication.
tween the east one-half and the west
- I -
.1. X W kTCON Reei.-.-r
one-half of the north-west quarter of
Section 27. Tp. 40, 8 of R 8, E. W. M.,
Notice fur Publication.
and running thence due north to the "nites! State» Laud Office. Lakeview . Oregon.
March IS. 19i>-
common corner to the north-cast quar­ Noliee i» herví i giteti :bat A.ariah l‘ Wil»on
Oregon I.a» tiled notice ot In. Hiten
ter, south-east quarter, north-west quar­ lion olene.
to make final five year proof in support oi
ter and the south-west quarter of the his claim, via' Homestead Entry so. 2S7:t
made March 2. Vati, lor the w nw 11 ti w‘, -w >,
south-west quarter of Section 22, town­ See 23. Lot 7. »•» It. and Lot 2 section 1 t ow n
Hauge le E W M. and that Mid proof
ship and range‘aforesaid ; thence due will be S. made
before the c lerk ol Klamath
west to the north and south line be- County. Ore., at til. oirlce al Klamath Fails
Oregon, on the :trd day of May. 19117.
ween the south-east quarter and the He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
south-west quarter of Section 21, town­ tlon
of. the land, VII :
ship Tftnge aforesaid: thence due north Samuel Dixon. C. 1. Andrews. K. J. Po.lt' and
. X. Suow. all ut Olein , Oregon
to a point o00 feet south of the Klamath Ml—6-2
J. N. WATSON. Register.
River; thenee in a northwesterly direc­
Notice for Publication
tion through Lots 2 and 3 in Section 16,
township and range aforesaid, along the
most practicable line, said line to ap­ United States Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­
proach said Klamath River at no point gon March 1 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
nearer than a distance of 500 feet, to the with
the provisions of the act of Congress of
187M. entitled “An act for the sale of
north-west corner of Lot 2, Section 16, timber 3 lands
in the Stales of California. Ore­
township and range aforesaid; thence in gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.” as
extended to all the Public Land .States by act
a northwesterly direction along the di­ of August 4, 1892, Isabel Johnston, of Kiatnaih
Falls, county of Klamath. State of Oregon,
viding line between Lots 1 and 12. in has
filed in this office her swuru statement
Section 16, township and range afore­ No. 353-\ for the purchase of the
nw‘. and
nüswt4 of Sec No 6, in Tp. No.37 S, K. No. 10 K,
said; thence westerly by the most prac­ w m , and will offer proof to show that the
ticable route across the south half of the land sought is more valuable for its timber or
than for agricultural purposes, an i to
north-eaat quarter and the south-east establish her claim to said land before the Keg
liter and Receiver at I.akertew. Oregon, on
quarter of the north-west quarter of Friday,
the 17lh day of May. 19U7
Section 17, township and range afore­ She
Archie Johnston. Pan Johnston. Trank H.
said, (to the north-west corner of. the Hall and John Brett, all of Klamath rails,
south-west quarter'of the north-west Oregon.
Any and al! persons claiming adversely the
quarter of Section 17, township and above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before »aid 17th
range aforesaid; thence in a northwest­ day of May 19U7.
J. N. Watson, Register.
erly direction by the most practicable 3-7-5-9
route across the north half of the north­
west quarter of said Section 17, town­
Contest Notice
ship and range aforesaid, and the south­
east quarter of the south-east quarter of
Section 7, township and range aforesaid, Department of the Interior, Unite«!
to the Countv Road, running through
States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
the said soutE-east quarter of the south­
March 11, 1907.
east quarter of Section 7.
sufficient contest affidavit having
That on the first day of the term of
said Court, commencing in said month, been filed in this office by Mason C.
we will present a petition to the Court Meaervey, conte»tant,ae»in«t homestead
for the purpose aforesaid.
entry No. 3431, made May 8, 1905, for
Dated the Sth dav of February. A. lot 1. section 2, township 37 s, range 10
D. »07.
e, by W. F. Brvne, contestee, in which
C. V. Nelson. A. D. Gillman, A. IL
Naftzger, D. L. Gordon, F. H. Downing, it is alleged that Bryne has utterly failed
C. J. McCollum, C. M. Wilson, Miss in respect to said entry to comply with
Minnie McCollum, D. R. Doten, F. T. the public land laws of the United
Nelson, R. W. Tower, J. L. Padgett, N. States,relative to establishrhi; and main­
P. Edwards, John Connolly.
taining residence upon said land ; that
he did not establish a residence in a
Notice for Publication
house on said land within six months
United States Land Office. Lakeview. Oregon, from the date of eaid entry; that he has
February 28, 1907.
never resided continuously, or at all,
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of upon eaid land, but for more than six
June 3, 1978, entitled “An act for the sale of months prior to this date W. F. Bryne
timber lands in the States of California. Ore­ lias rna«le hi« home elsewhere, and has
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." as utterly and completely abandoned said
extended to all the Public Land States by act
st August 4,1892, Eugenia M. Fax, of Klamath . homestead entry, and that hie alleged
Falls, county of Klamath. State of Oregon, has absence from the Mid land was not due
this day filed in Ibis office her .worn state­ to hie employment in the army, navy or
ment No. 3533, for the purchase of the sej* marine corps of the United States as a
nwJi sw>4 ne'4 net, sw‘k and nw‘4 se>, of
Section No. 26, in Township No. 38 s, Range No. private soldier, officer, seaman or marine
XO E W M, and will offer proof to show that the during the war with Spain or during
land sought ia more valuable for its timber or any other war in which the United
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to i States may l>e engaged, said parties are
establish her claim to said land before the
Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, at his hereby notified to appear, respond and
office at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Monday, i offer evidence touching said allegation
the 3rd day of June, 1907.
at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 26, 1907, be­
She names as wltr esses:
fore the Register and Receiver at the
Ed Ecbtinaw, W’m Lashua, M If Wampler
and Geo Biehn, all of Klamath valla, Oregon. j United States Land Office [in Lakeview,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the ’ Oregon.
above-described lands are requested to file
The said contestant having, in a
their claims in this office on or before Mid 3rd proper affidavit filed February 16, 1907,
day of June, 1907.
set forth facts which show that after
J. N. WATSON, Register.
due diligence personal service of this
3-14 5-1«
notice can not be made, it is hereby
ordere<l and directed that such notice tie
Notice for Publication.
United States Land office, Lakeview, Oregon. given by due and proper publication.
, 3-21-4-18
J. X. W atmon , Register.
Feb. 28, «07.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance i
with the proviaiona of the act of Congre«a of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the Mie of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land Slates by act
ot August 4, 1892. George Hurst of Klamath
Falla, county of Klamath State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office hia swern
statement No. 3514, for the purchase of the
sti nwJ4 and ne*4swJ4 of Sec. No. 32 in Tp. No. i
37 S, R No. V E, W M, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim to said
lan«l before the Clerk of Klamath county
Oregon, at his office at Klamath Falls, Ore- :
gon, on Thursday, the 2nd day of May, 1907.
He names aa wltnts.es:
Wm. I-ashua, Edward Echtlnaw, John Smith
n<l Louis Fleshman, all of Klamath Falla, Ore­
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file 1
their claims In this office on or before said 2n<l
day of May, 1907.
J. N. WATSON, Register.
Contest Notice
Department of the Interior. United Btates
Land Office, Lakeview. Oregon, February 27,
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in thia office by Charles Woelk, contest- I
ant, against homestead entry No. 34«8. made
July 7.1905, for
swJk. Sec. 32, se'4
se^, Sec. 31, Tp. 37.8, R 11 E, by John Slerzl
contestee, in which It 1« alleged that Hlerzl
has utterly failed In respect to said entry to
comply with the public land laws of the
United Slates and the Zules and regulations
established thereunder relative to establish- I
Ing and maintaining residence upon said
land; that ha did not establish a residence in
s house hi said land within six months from
Oregon, on Friday, the 3rd day o! May, 1907.
Notlee Is hereby given that In compliance I He name« a« w ltnea»«*a
with the provisions ol the act ot Congress ot
J <’ Hniith, H I* t’ranmer, Il W keewee and
Junes. 1878. entitled "An act tor the »ate ot ' .irchyc 11 kee»ee all o( klamath rail». Oregon
timber lands In th«« States of California, Ore­
Any an«! all peraon» claiming adveraely the
gon. Nevada. and Washington Territory." as above demerit* :d land» are reque«tv«l to file
extended to all the Public Laud Slates by act their claims
this ofllce on vr| t»e(orc aaid
of August '«. 1892. Johu Y. Tipton ot 3rd «lay ot May, IW7.
Klamath Fells, County of Klamath, stale of
Ill 4 U
J N. WATHON, Keglater
Oregon, has this day Died In this office his
sworn statement No 1527, tor the purchase ot
Notice (or Publication
tie', and e'jnw1^ ol Bee. No. 29.
tu Tp. No. 38 S. R No. 10 K W M. amt will
I nited States land Office. Lakeview, Ore-
offer proof to show that the land sought Is «.■ h Mari h N IM
more valuable tor Its timber or stone than tor
.Notice 1« hereby given that In compliance
agricultural purposes, ami to establish hl. with the proviaiona of the actof f’ongre»« of
claim to Mid laud before the Clerk ot Klamath June 3, IM7M. entitled “An act for the »ale of
county, Oregon, at his office at Klamath timber land» in the statet of California. Orc
Falls. Oregon, on Mouday the 3rd day ol gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.‘
June, loiyr.
extended to all the Public I and Stale« by act
He names as witnesses
of lugiiwl 4, 1*92, Jaine* J Whitcomb of Med
W'tn. Lashua. Ed. Echtlnaw, J. Y. Johnsen ford, county <>f Jackwoti, state of Oregon, ha<*
and Mark L. Burns all of Klamath Falls. thl» «lay tiled In thl» office hl« »worn alate
ment No. ;ikiu, tor the purcha»e of the »’p«’*
Any amt all person» claiming adversely the ami nw»w'4 of HvC No. 4. in Tp No. 3M s K
above-described land» are re<|ue»te<l to file No «• E U M. an«l w ill offer proof to »how that
their claims In this office on or before Mid 3rd the la nd »ought I* more valuable for It* tlm
day of June, I9t>7.
her or atone than for agricultural purpoae«.
and to «»tabli»h Im claim lo «al4 laml bvtor«
J. N. W V I SON , livgtwtcr
tha Clerk of Klamath County. Orrg«»n at hl»
«ifHue at Klamath Fall« Orrg««n, «»n M«>n«!av
Notice for Publication
the.3rd «lay of June, I9»’7
He uamc» a* wltn«'»«e»:
fulled Mates Laud office, Lakwlvw, Orc,
U. J Antternon of F«»rv»t. Ur« gon, FMgar
gon. March «. 1907.
Notitei» hereby given Hist In compliant« Virgil of Klainatb Fall». Oregon, II ." Parmc
»ilh the provisions ut the sei of Uougress of he of Ashland. Oregon, Clayton K. Burton of
June 3, >878. entitled "An act lor the sale ot A»hlan«l Or»‘g«»n
Any an«l all |>erw«>u« claiming adven«<y the
timber lands In the State» of Callforula. Ore­
gon. Nevada, ami Washington Territory." a. above described land» are requested to flic
extended to alt the Public Land States by act their claim« in this office on or before »al t 3rd
of August 4.Ora L. Meservey ot Klamath day ot June. 1907.
3 A -5- jo
J N WATSON. Register.
Falls, county of Klamath. »tale of Oregon, has
this day tiled in this office her sworn stale-
ment no, 3573. tor the purchase of the n1, ne*.
se‘4ne>4 and ne>. nw«. of Sec No. 13 tn Tp. so.
37. 8. R No. 9 E, W M. and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses. ami to establish her claim to Mid land
before Register and Receive at Lakeview.
Oregon, on Fridav, thel7lh day ot May. 1907.
She names as witnesses:
Archie Johnston, Daniel Johnston, J. M.
Derleth, M. C. Meservey all of Klamath Falls.
Any and all persons Claiming adversely the
above describe«! lauds are request««! to file
their claims In this office on or before »aid
17tbday of May, 1907.
3-14- 3-1«
I. N. WATSON Register.
Treasurer’s Notice
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in the County Treasury for the
redemption of all Klamath County war­
rants protested on and prior to October
31, 1904. Interest on same will cease
from this date.
I)ate«l at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this
4th day of April, 1907.
L. A i . va L ewis ,
4-4 4t
County Treasurer.
Do you need visiting cards? If so call
at the Republican office where you will
find the latest styles in cards and type.
& S lough
We have a choice line of land» In tract» large ur »mall, .to »uit pur­
chaser» ; u I. mi city property of all dwrlptiom.
• • I iiNOi’finee • • •
On receipt oi two cents in stamps 1
will send descriptive literature of Klam­
ath County to any a<l<irvss. — Mark L.
Burna, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
We carry a full line of Insurance, Including Life, personal Accident
Fire, Steam Buller, Plate Glaaa. and Liability lnaurance.
The New W<ay
beautifully illurtralrd, good atone«
and article« about CaMurma
and all the far U «t.
Notice for Publication
ofdoingthe family washing—the w»y which changes it from
dreary drudgery to »cheerful household duly—iaby using
• y«w.
United State» Land Office Lakeview. Ore­
gon. Feb. 2, 1907.
Notice I. hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the actof Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled. “An act for the .ale of
timber lands in the state, of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory." a.
extended to all the Public Land Btatea by act
of August 4, is».’. Everett E aerkendall, of
Klamath Falla, county of Klamath Blate of
Oregon, has thl. day filed la ibl. office bi.
«worn statement No. 3.522. for the purchase of
the nw*«nefgand ne*« nw'k <>t.8e< No a. in
Tp. No. 37 8. R No. 9 K W M. and wilt offer
proof to .how that the land sought I. more
valuable for it. timber or stone man for agri-
Laundry Tray«
• l»x>k ot 7S ps.es. conlsiiung
120 colored pholo^sphs «J
ps tumqsae spots ia CsUoctu*
sad Oregon
* ) 7 7
All for
Tool . . .
• •
Install a modern
I.aundry in your homeand there
will be no water to carry, no
leakage or damp floors, and no
tuba to empty or upset. It will
increase the selling value of your
• •
C«g out this advsrtuetneni
ud send with $ I SO to
H. BOIVIN, the Plumber, A<ent
klttnuh lallt. Ovwgwa
tUbv Pay Rent?
It’s So Easy to Own a Rome
Buena Vista Addition
tf. The Ideal Residence Section if.
Street Car Line is built to the addition and will soon be oper-
ated. Electric lights and city water. Each lot on a gentle slope,
making good drainage. Good soil. Avenues are wide and lined
with Poplar, Boxelder, Maple, Walnut and Elm trees
Notice of Final Settlement
In the matter of the Estate of Nyron S.
Drew, deceased.
Notice ¡8 hereby given that Mary A.
Drew, administratrix of the estate of
Nyron 8. Drew,deceased, has filed in the
County Court of State of Oregon, for the
County of Klamath, the final account of
her administration of said estate and
that the Court has fixed Saturday the
27th day of April, 1907, at the hour of
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as
the time for hearing the objections to
sai'l account and the settlement thereof.
Dated at Klamath Faile, Oregon, this
28th day of March, 1907.
Administratrix of the estate of Nyron 8.
Drew, deceased.
M ason
BLOCK 9—Lot« 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23.
fl—Lot» 5, 5.
7—Lot» 2, 3, 4. fl, 11, 12.
10— Lot» 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
18, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
15, 2f’>.
11— Lot» 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.
13—Lot «5.
BLOCK 14—Lot» 1, 2, 3, 7, 8.
15— Ix)t8 1,2, 4,
23—Lot» 4, 5, «,
41— Lots 25, 26,
42— b>tH 2, 3. 4,
43— I»t« 4, 5.
99—Loti 5, 6, 7.
101— Ix»ts 3, 4.
102— Ix»tH fl, 7.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
7, 8, 9,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
BLOCK 103— Txjti 4, 5,0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
i ;. 11
104— IxitR 2, 3, 4, 5.
105— Ut« 1, 2,3.4, 5,0, 7, 8,9, 10, 11.
100—ix)t« 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
107—Lot 12.
110—Lot 5.
112—Loti 1,2, 3, 4.
151—Loti 11, 12.
Greater Klamath Falls
will soon be
From Lake to Lake
Get Your Home NOW!