DAIRY Dairy 1« pleasantly situated on the west side <4 I on mt Valley, near the center <4 Klamath Comity. It has two giMai gem-rul stores with enter- prising up toelate ilealeis who enjoy a largo trade ftoru surrounding val­ leys ; a hotel and feed barn, ami a school house. It is surrounded try a rich farming community with which It is connected try a farmers' tele­ phone line ami also a long distance line. Is on the stage line, twenty miles east of Klamath Falla. |.iiil<- Res Kmyth has been quit* Sick for «oiiii* day«. Four young men, friend, <4 tin* Ru<-ck« uni llltti-r«, arim«l recently from Ohio, and will make tln-ir L"ui<*» in K lamatli <'ounty. Klamath Indiana Inform m<* that trout In considerable nunilx*i« are ap- |«-aring ill Sprague river, ami » --tue g-Kul one, have la-ell caught this spring. Wm. riirmann <- x | m *<-I s hereafter to make Weekly freighting trip» to the Falla, in the intvre«t <4 tin- Dairy mer­ chant,. Ilusinese ha« grown so niuch lately a« to make this plan profitable. Cha». II. Bergilorf of Pino Flat baa Ixa-n quite sick for the pa»t week from congestion <4 the lungs. Ilia wife, who ia teaching the Dairy school, was ob­ liged to diamiaa her school for several e able to irrigate some oOO acres ol land which would otherwise l>e “dry.” The Dairy school district held an­ other election .‘•atnrday last, to again vote on the proposition to vote Ironda to the amount of ll'rljl) for the purjsaw* of erecting a new school house. Thia time op|H>»ition did not materialize ami the pro|»>aitloii carried unanimously. Only 11» Vote» were cast. Till* time great care wa« taken to »< ■■ that all the technical |«>inta rrf piled w itli, so that sued, could Ire «ol-l I hear that several to l>id on the contract for the erection of the building, wle-n it comes to that. Nuno'young b<«»llum«, with malice aforethought, went through the resi­ dence of J. O. Hamaker, lour mile» east of Dairy, and tore up things generally one night last Week. They tilled ut> Ilia well with a lot of lumber and trash, »hot Into the house, |»itired a gallon or more of molasses over the furniture, and did other uncanny thing«, w hilu the family was away from home. It is pretty well known who the parties are, and the strangest part of it Is that they assume to Is- r*-»|»-ctal>le young men. Kuril mischief-doers ought to I m * made an example of. pri—< til ih< umIx-iit, < |,;t« Flackllt, who i« cliargml with Irving | BLY partial, unworkmanlike, un*l with sev- - oral other -linqueni-i<-a! and (or the Bly I" situated In the southeastern appoint ment <4 soint-otie el«e ill his part of Klamath county and com* •tcu'l, ulthougli no on*’ else is named. maud* all the trade of Kprague river Tom Miclusela little l»ecially so. Mr. Liskey is over from Bonanza. Wm. If. Bliss, the northside home­ Tlios. Ilamersly made a flying trip to steader, is anticipating the early arrival Drew’s Valley Sunday. >4 hi» wife and 'laughter from the east. George Boyd and wife left tor their The ground 1« again dry enough to homestead near Bonanza. permit the farmers to plow and to put Mr. Heesig, the Fort Klamath mer­ in grain, and many of them are doing it. chant, was in town this week. Cha«. Woelk was in the Fall* la«t O. Peterson anil John and Charlie wrek to mukv g'esl his Contest lor the Stilidt left for the timlx-r this morning. John bterlz homestead, in the north Mr. and Mr*. Th-»-. Garrett returned part of the valley. from Lakeview, where they were on 1 he Beck Bio«., who have made a timber business. »Iin-V*. of the grow ing of Brome grass, Mrs. Alls-rt Walker returne 1 fritti have a quantity >4 Biome grass seed on Klamath Fall«, where «he was called sale at >e Ige'» »tort- hi Dairy. during the illness of l.'ike and Roy. Edward S«-dge left Dairy for his Arthur l.angell <4 Bonanza has taken bome-tea-i iii latngeil vallt-v Monday | possession <4 the Pioneer hotel. The morning, riding one of his mule« and former proprietor, W. F. Reed, intends leading the other, having a pa< k on the i to remain in the country some time to latter. But the mule he waa riding fill his position as Road Supervisor. evidently didn't like the arrangement,' The ba«ket sup,er given in benefit of for he pretter condi­ notwithstanding the mule's objection», and the mule finally gave up the fight. tion and travel has started and every­ thing jtoints to a busy summer. O. T. Anderson and Earl Walker re­ Wanted-Bids for Clearing turned Saturday from a trip of two ________ weeks to Prineville, where they were Persons who will contract to clear looking after buying cattle and horses. ■agebru-h and plow ground are invited to submit bids for doing the work on an NOTICE TO BRICK AND STONE acreage basis. Land to be cleared along CONTRACTORS.—That the bricklayers Macadam Road. F rank I k « W hite . and stone masons have organized a B. and M. I. I', in Medford and on the first day of May, 1907, the eight-hour law will go into effect. The jurisdic­ tion of this union includes Jacksen, Josephine and Klamath counties. For further information inquire of Robt. ,M. Huggins, Medford. Ore. 4-1 l-4t The Yonna «alley friends of Mr. ami Mrs. Herlrert Arrant are much pleased over the report that a new baby daugli- A petition ia in circulation in the ter Ims arrive I In their household. Mra. Arrant wa« formerly Mi»« Minnie Berg- valley, which ba, been quite numerous- dorf of Daiiv, and wa» a aocial favor- ly signed, asking the County Court to | appoint a new road supervisor in place lie here. A dancing party wa» given la»t Fri­ day evening by Mr. aiui Mra. A. L. I (Brown) Michael at their residence in Pine Flat, which wua largely attended, and a tin*- time ia re|>orted. Nearly all the young men ami maidvnwof the «al­ ley» udjaiiiil wore there, and they didn't “go home till morning.'* Messrs. Geo. Ritti-r, .la»|»*r Bennett PROPRIETORS and other farmer» haring land a>«;. for the ssr nw‘4 1$, Tp.39 4. It 10. E W M. and that >ai I proof will be made before the clerk of Klamath county. Oregon, at hi» office at Klamath Fall», Oregon. June, 1907. She name.« the following wltne«w, to prove her continuous residence upon and culti va- linn of, the land, viz: Burrell Short, J. R. Dixon. John A. Short, and R • Short all of K amath Falls. Oregon. J. N WATSON. 4 1«>:, in Tp. No. 37 S . K No. ». E W M. and will offer proof io show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agriculture; purposes, and to establish hi, I claim to »aid land before the clerk of Klamath County at bi, office at Klamath Falls. Oregon -o Tuesday, the 2nd day of July, mr He name, as witnesses; John Brett, T. H. Shannon, John Hamilton ami Bert llall, allot klamatb Falls,Oregon. Any and ell person, claiming adversely the above described land, are requested to file their claims in thl, office on or before said 2nd day of July, 11'0?. 4-1» « 20 J. N. WATSON. Register. Croft & Nowlin r I The Dread of the Housewife r ---- I. ( The pleasures of many homes are still marred by that weekly horror “wash day.” Some still cling to the idea that by doing their washing at home they are saving money, without stopping to figure the cost. In most cases the cost of the wood alone would pay for the work living done at the laundry. I The Klamath Falls Steam Laundry I i« now equipped to handle all the family washing in the city and is making a special cut-rate price on this work. With our increased capacity and all the latest labor-saving machinery, we are able to do the work at a>K»ut one-half what it can be done by hand. We dye and restore i. color to faded goods and ste.nn or dry clean ladies' and men’s suits. Dancing School In Conservatory Music Hall every Monday, Tuesday and Thurs­ day evenings, from 8 to 11 Oliver Gang Plows Oliver Chilled Plows Oliver Steel Plows Genuine Oliver Plows sold at the same price you would have to pay for the imitations Disc Harrows at special prices and a 16-Shoe Hoosier Drill with Press Wheels and Alfalfa Seeder at a very low price Highest Cash Prices Paid for Wool, Mohair, Hides and Fur Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Linoleum Silver-plated and Solid Silverware Warehouse and Office at Goodrich Lum­ ber Yard in east end of Klamath Falls Glass, Doors and Windows KLAMATH BARBER SHOP Studebaker Buggies and Wagons Agent Firemans Fund Insurance Corporation KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON OUR SPECIAL PRICE FOR ROUGH DRY WORK: A.HELMING&CO. Wool, Fur and Hide Merchants SOLE AGENCY FOR OLIVER PLOWS IN KLAMATH COUNTY S r Cleanliness and Good Work Guaranteed. Also Agent for LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. I IRONED STARCHED CENTS Counterpanes. .10 “ fringed.. 15 Sheets................... 4 Pillow Slips......... 2’, Pillow Bolsters...4 Tablecloths.......... 4 “ large or hemstitched ,rt Towels.................. 11.< “ bath............. 3 “ roller .......3 Napkins.. .............. 1 *9 Cloths...................1 Flour Sacks........... 2 Doilies.................. 1 Handkerchiefs. . . 1 *4 " silk Standcovers plain .2 CENTS Tkirts.................... 7 Nightd resses......... 4 Drawers ............... 4 Chemise.... ............4 Corset Covers....... 2 Waists ................. 7 Waists, boys..........4 Kiinonas ............. 7 Wrappers............... 7 Aprons ................. 2 Child's pieces...... 3 Shams, pair........ 10 Sash Curtains....... 3 Pillow Covers ..3 Bonnets................. 3 Sleeves, pair ....2 Belts...................... 1 I NOT i IRONED r CENTS Overshirts....... ...5 Underdrawers . ...5 Nightshirts.... .5 Combination... ..7 Pajamas, pair.. .10 Under Vest... .3 Hose, pair....... . .3 Neckties........... ...1 i 1 EXTRAS CENTS I Blankets, wool, pr.50 ' “ cotton “ 25 Qui! ta................ ...25 I Bedticks. .... 10c up [ Hweaters........... KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY CAMPBELL & SMITH, Prop’s Phone, 331 / r r