I PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE feet, thence on south line of Main You are hereby required to ap|>ear and street 24 feet to place of beginutng, and answer the complaint filed against you CIVIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR To the Honorable County Court of the that plaintiff recover his costs and dis­ in the above entitled suit, on or la-fore County of Klamath, State of Oregon : bursements herein and such other and Saturday, the lMth day of May, 1907, KLAMATH FALLS Iwing the last day of the time prescribed We, the undersigned, residents and further relief as to equity |>ertains. All kinds engineering and draughting legal voters of Wood River precinct of May 1«, 1907, is the last day of the in the order (or the publication of thi« said County and State, would respect­ time prescribed in the order for publi­ summons ; the first publication thereof fully ask that a license to sell spirituous, cation of this summons, the first publi­ being on the 4th dav of April, 1907, and DR. WM. MARTIN malt and vinous liquors, in lees quan­ cation thereof being on April 4, 1907. it you fail so to Mp|H-ar and answer for tities than one gallon in the precinct This summons is served by publication want thereof the plaintiff herein will DENTIST aforesaid for a period of six (th months in the Klamath Republican, bv order of apply to the Court (or the relief prayed 'îffice over Klamath County Bank from the third day of May, A. D. 1907, Hon. J. B. Griffith, County Judge of Iorio the said complaint, to wit: For be granted to .lames M. Emery at Fort Klamath County, Oregon. dated March a decree of the Court removing from the Klamath in said precinct, county and 29, 1907, which order requires that this ' plaintiff's title a cloud created by the State, and your petitioners will ever summons l>e published once a w»A for certain quitclaim deed executed to you, six successive weeks, from April 4, 1907, and which pur)Kirts to convey the south pray. Chas. Weetiehorn, L. Hessig, C. G. the date of first publication of said sum­ half of the south east quarter and the COUNTY SURVEYOR north west quarter of the south east Copeland, I.. C. Sisemor, Richard Mel- mons prescribed in said order. .1. C. Rl I I NIC. quarter of Section 19, and the south base. John R. Sellers, Al Melhase, R. A. Civil and Irrigation Engineer, 4-4-5-lfi Attorney for Plaintiff. west quarter of the south west quarter Moon, Rov R. Wise, T. J. Jackson, LAND SURVEYOR. of Section 21» in Township 3H, South of Harry Pearson. G. I.. Cline. IXtniel Summons Runge 15, East of the Willamette East Main St., below 4th Ryan, Sr., Harry Brooks. W tn.M.Skeen, In the Circuit Court, Klamath Coun­ Meridian in Oregon, containing 1'UI M. P. Morgan. H. S. Jones, J. H. Hee- KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. acres of land, and tor such further re­ ► ¡g. 11. H. White, I.. S. Penton. W. II ty, Oregon. Lydia M. VanBiimmer, plaintiff, vs. lief as to the Court may wtu just and Norton. W. S. Simpson, I.ouis Brannan, DR. C. P. MASON J. B. C. Taylor, G. T. Gray. J.T. Dixon. C. N. Gordon and Lucy L Gordon, de­ in accordance with law ami equity. fendants. DENTIST This summon« is served by publica­ D. E. Noah, L. W. Copeland, H. B. To C. N.Gordon and Lucy 1. Gordon, tion thereof in the Klamath Republican, Office in American Bank A Trust Com­ Looslev, G. S. Hoyt, J. B. Cain, J. H. defendants. a weekly newspa|-er, published at pany's Building Smart, R. H. Iatngston, A. Kirkpatrick, In the name of the State of Oregon: Klamath Falls, Oregon, bv order of PHONE 614 M. F. Parker, Paul Parazoo. John Gray. You are hereby required to appear and Hon. Henry L. Benson, Judge of said KLAMATH FALLS OREGON J. J.-Brophy. answer the complaint tiled against you Court, which order is dated the 35th This petition will be presented to the in the above entitled action, on or be- «lay of March, 1907, requiring thia sum­ Honorable County Court of Klamath WILL A. LEONARD, t--r«- Friday. May 17, 1W7, May 10, mons to be publisht-d once a week for County, Oregon, on the 3rd day of DENTIST 1907, being the last day of the time pre­ at least six consecutive weeks, and cov­ May, 1907, J amxs M. E mkrv , scribed in the order for publication of ering a period of continuous publication Petitioner. Withnw-.Melhase Building this summons, the date of the first pub­ of at least (ortv-two days. lication being on April 4, 1907, and if Summons THOMAS DRAKE, you fail so to auswer, for waut thereof, Attorney for Plaintiff, Klamath Falls, C. F. STONE in the Circuit Court, Klamath Coun­ the plaintiff will take judgment against Oregon. 4-4—5-16 ATTORNEY AT LAW ty, Oregon. you for|20S.90, with interest thereon at Thomas B. Stephenson, plaintiff, vs. OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE 10 per cent per annum from March 20, Edgar Z. Devoe and Glen E. Devoe, de­ 1907, and |50 attorney's fees, and for Notice for Publication Klamath Falls, Oregon fendants. the costs and disbursements of this ac­ Untied State* Land Office. Lakeview, Ore­ To Edgar Z. Devoe and Glen E. De­ tion, and that any proj>erty attached gon. February A, 190?. voe. defendants. Notice 1« hereby given that in compliance J. V. M’TIMMONDS herein may l>e sold to satisfy such In the name of the State of Oregon: judgment. This summons is served by with the provlalona of the art of Congr«*»« of TAXIDERMIST AND TANNER You are hereby required to appear and publication in the Klamath Republican June 3. ll?t. entitled "An act for the sale of i timber tanda in the Htatea of California. Ore All work guaranteed first-class answer the complaint filed against you by order of Hon. J. B. Griffith, County gon. Nevada, and Waabincton Territory," aa in every respect :: :: :: in the above entitled suit on or before Judge of Klamath County, Oregon, extended to all the Public Lan«! State* by act Friday, May 17, and if you fail to an­ dated March 29, 1907, which said order of August 4. 1*9’2, j < hn >1 Grove», of Incot. RVGB AND ROBES A BBBCIALTV swer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will requires that this summons lie pub­ county of Shaata. State of California, ha« thia >•«— HENLEV RANCH day filed in thia office hl« »worn atatemvnt apply to the Court for the relief de­ No. 3525, for the purchase of the we1*»*1* aw‘4 I manded in the complaint, to-wit: for a lished once a week for six successive ae'^ Sec. IT and w'jiie’g of H*-c. No. 20, in Tp weeks, from the 4th day of April, 1907, decree that he is the owner in fee of the the date of first publication prescribed No. 3K 8, K N o 10 E W M, and will offer proof to »how that the land «ought 1« more valuable following described premises, in the in said order. for ita tirotn*r or atone than for acricultural J. C. Kl ’ TENIC, City of Klamath Falls, Klamath Coun- purpose*. and to e«tabllah bl« claim to »aid , Attorney for Plaint iff. ty, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a ¡and before the Clerjc of Klamath County, ' Oregon. at bia office at Klamatn Falla, Ore- point in the south line of Main street in Summons Con on Monday, the 3rd day of June. 1W7, said city, said point being southwest­ He names as witness?«: In the Circuit Court of the State of Archie Johnston, C. D. Wilson. T. If. Shan* erly and distant V> feet from the north- Oregon for the County of Klamath. | easterly corner of lot •» in Block 33 in non, all of Klamath Fall«. Oregon, Joseph Bur* R. N. Day, plaintiff, vs. George 11. hart of Ingot. California. said city ; running thence southeasterly Any and all ¡>er*ons claim.n< adversely the ’ and* at right angels with Main street 120 Fan ah, defendant. above d -cribed lands are requested to file defendant To, George H. Farrab, feet, thence southwesterly, parallel with their claim« in this office on or before «aid 3rd , Main street 24 feet, thence northwester­ herein : day of June. .90? In the name of the State of Oregon. 3 2*5 30 J. N WA1SON, K a; $ I 0 0 o To the Retail Liquor Trade: Having opened branch houses in Merrill, Bonanza and Bly, I am 'now prepared to fill al! orders for supplies from ¡these points. thus saving you time and] expense J > X Q > C. D. WILLSON X KLAMATH A. Q FALLS, ORE. 1 n • o <><><> <><><> <><><> • One Hundred and Twenty=five Dollars FOR A LOT 50x120 FEET Can you find a better investment in the city? You are paying the present value price and will thus secure the benefit of the increase FRANK IRA WHITE - 31,110 « 1S.H24.3»» «, HWl.tHt • • Capital Stork, fully paid..................... Surplus and Undivided profit«. Individual I»vp<>«it», subject to check Cashier'« Check« outstanding iWuiand Certificates of iH-poait......... of the Depot k ♦ 274,343.«# • ••ss a • • • • ♦•.4M.O7ft.O3 Buy a Lot in Hills’ Addition z ALEX MARLIN, Jr Cashier