I Notice Sealed bid» for the puicha«e of the 'I. E. church building will lie received un til noon, March .30, HHi7, Ala» «caled bid* tor the removal of the building onio I I* one blnek north of the public «choi I We reavive the right h, rc.ect any nr d all filii«. Addie«« the Secretary < I the Itoi,rd of Triiatee* of the M. I . church, Khtinulli I ill«, < rregim. City Warrants sought 1« mor«* valuable for It« tlmlxr or stone than for agricultural purpose«, and to ratabilah her claim to «aid land b(*for« the clerk of K lamath county, Oragon, at his offici al K lama*h Falls, Oregon, on W* dn< «daj th»* 6th day of June, pan. Mio* names as h U iicnmc « Mont While, John II Hamilton, Frank Hall, T If Nicholas, all of Klamath Fall«, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely th«* above «l*-«*'rit»e*l lands are r« <|Ue»t* d to file tlielr claim« in this office on or before »ai 1 5*.h day of June, 1907, ’*■ J. N. WAMToN. Register ’ Content Notice f Notice i* hereby given that there Hit* I ’epai tmi lit of the Interior, I'nited fund* in the town treasury for the re* State* Land Ollies«, Luketiew, Oregon, deiiiptioi, of the following warrant*: March 13, H»i7. Interest i e.l-cs 'laudi 21, ||M)7. A «uflieient contort affidavit Laving 1414 1415 Illo 1417 Lein Hied ill thia oilier by Eugene l>. 141M 1411* 1420 1421 Taylor, conteatant, again»! homestead 1422 1423 1421 >470 ei try No. .'1.358, made lanuary fl, 1905, 1471 1472 for nw Sec. 15, Tp .’17 S, It 1|*# E, by Ihlted at la math I' »II«, I II • gull, till* lean Mane ladleiix, contewtee, in which 21«t day <>l 'larch. 1907, j it i* ulll-gdl tlult «Hid JfUII Marie .1. W <11 MEN.-, t ’ily Trea»iiier. ; LeBeitx liuo wholly abandoned •aid tract; that lie ha* cliangcd hi* real* Notice lor Publication deme therefrom For more than Mi« VnlU'4 Mate« L<u l Office, tuikrvlew, Ore- month* »nice making «aid entry; that gon, March 22. HM7. , «aid ti;u.t i* not settled upon ami culti- NuUcv I« hereby given that In compliance with thr pfuvlalull» ol th«’ <* t of <*ougrr»» ol ■ vated by raid party a* r<-<|tilrrd by law, Ju hr J, |M7*. rntHIr»! -An »' I Ltr tli«- » m !*- of am! tlint «aid abandonment and ab liiiitM'r land« In tlic* Htat«*« of California. Ore sence *na not dm< to entry man'« <on- tfoii, Nrvaila. an*! Washington Territory,*' a* ployinent in tin1 Army, Navy or Marine <'«tm*1ri1 to all lh«‘ Public f.aioi Mtafo« by art of Aitftutl 1, 1392, J«*««* If. Jon«*», u| Ingot, ' t'orp* <>i the I'nited Mate* a* a private county <»( Mha«ta, Mat« of California «■(Idler, officer, seaman or marine dur- ha« thia day rthd In till« olft*?«* hl« «worn I ing the war with Spam or during any altteinml No. lor the purrha«** of the «,»., other war in which tin- tinted State* »’'*< lit«’*•**•* and m -’4 nr‘4 <»i Mr<*, No In Tp N«» 37 m , It No 9 £ W in. and will off- r may • engaged, «aid jmrtie« are hereby ¡roof to aliow that the Ian I auuKht ia tn in notified to upja-ar, respond and offer valuable for it« thiiiw-r or atone than (or agri evidence tom bing «aid allegation at In » ultural pur|»sav«, and to ratabilah hl« « ¡aim u’clock a. in. on April 2b, 1!A*7, fa-fore to aal<l land b lore the * lvrk •*! Klamath <iro. l*ha«tain, Count\ Clerk Klamath count), Oregon, at hi* oflh «• at Klamath Falla. Oregon, on ruoUy the |(h «lay of June l ai!*, Oregon, and that limit hearing J9U7 will Im hel l at 10 o'clock a. tn, on May He tiainra aa wltneiaoa; H>. 11*07« beioie the l!egi>ter and lie- I II Shannon. Art hie John»t<»ft an 1 A I’ll r eiver at the I oiled Mate* Land oilice Ml «» mii of alainafh Fall«. Or*-gon. an I J H in l.akrview, Oregon. J>r*>a<'«»ll of lloiianla. Oregon Any aud all |M*ra«jn» claiming «<h-twl/ the Ibe «aid coiiteatant having, in alniA<■ d*’«* t1l»«-d land« arc rv|U<i’a*.ed Io Ob proja r allidavit, tiled I ebruary their » lain»« in thia «• on or b> fore «aid I‘«i7, *et forth fact* which »how that Rh day ol June, or. aftei due diligence |>ei* 'lull M-rvice id » • W J N. WATbO.N. F.rglatrr. tin* notice cannot l»e made, it I* hereby Notice for Publkatlon or hoed anil directed that *tieh notice t'nltrd Mtatcs l4Atil Office l^knvlvw, t»re He giren by due uid proper jinblieation. gun, March Ha»7 3 2*. 4-25 J. N. W ATM IN, Register. Kotler 1« hereby given tliat in compliance with the provl«loits ot th« i of C'ongr* »- ->f Jun«' 3, I«7«, entitled "An «u I for thr sale <>| tlmlM-r land« III thr atar-of CaHfornla, Or«- g<«n, Nevada, and Washington l- rrttorj," a« r a tended to all t hr public Land rtate« by a*'l ol August 4. IMFJ, I a - um Noel, of Klamath Falls, <<miity of alamsth state <<f Oregon, ba* thl« da> filed in thl» offle«* Erf sworn statement No i‘d7, forth ptir«’ha*e <>t th«’ «*’4 «r’^af Mr«’ No. J* Hl Ip. N<* r*. Il No. *• I W M. and will *>tfrr prm*t to «how that thr ian I aought i* more valuable for it« timber or «tour than lor agricultural purpo*«*«. and to r«tab li«h her claim to «aid land tMtf«»rc the county clerk of alamath « ount). Or<*» >u uti U- ln< day the -«lb •l*> of Jiiuv, 40U7, sh«’ names a« witness«’»; Fred Noel. J.dm frw n. It F D inlap of Klamath Falla, ore, J<•••<• <’ «‘ravens, ol Hairy, ora Any and all persons claiming adversely the atnivr dcM'rit»«-d lauds are requested to file their claim* In this offive <»n or b« forw said ‘»th day of June, IW7 t 23 m J. N Wat*«m, Register. Notice for Publication. f’nlted '»♦a!»*« Land office. Lak« ' lew nregofi. March JO. IW7. NotU'e 1« hereby given that In cvnitdlaucc with the prnvlalon« of the act of Congrea« of June ;t, l«;a, entitled ••Ana< l for the wale of timber land« In the Htate« of California. Ore gon, N't\ada, anti Washington Territory." a« eiteto!« d to all the Public Laint Hta»e« by act of Auguat 4, lauj, Wilhatn W. Mcudetihall, of Klamath Fall«, county of Klamath, state of Oregon, ha« thia day filed in tnin office hia rworr statement No. 3&M. for the Durcha«e of the •e»4nc’< n’|ae\ and *w’<«e‘ 4 of Hec. No. g. In Tp No 37 M. R No. 9 K, W M, and will ofer proof to »how that the land aoughl 1« more valuable for ita timber or atone than .or agricultural purpoaca, and to ratab- Hah his claim to Mild land before the clerk of Klamath county. Ore., at hla office at Klam ath Falla, Ore., on Wedneaday, the Mb day of June, 1907. He name« a« wltneawet: Archie Johnston, ban Johnaton, <«ottfried Netibert and Hertha L. Mendenhall all of Klamath Falla, Oregon, Any and all person« t lai ml ng adversely the above-described land« are requested to Air their claims In this office on or before said 5th day of June, 19u7. 3-23 V3U J. N.WATHON, Register. Lakeside Inn pt KjA|aa|h fa]l«| Qrejon, on Wednesday, the I Mhdsy of Juns, 1907 < Hhe name« As withes«*«! Moul White, C. It. Clendennlng. Frank llall, T. H. Nicholas, all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any and all perk ma claiming adversely the shove described land« a o rsquesle! to file their c's'm« in th'« ffi ■■■ on or before said 5th , day ol June, 1907. 3-2R ,E30 J. N. WATeON, Register. | Notice for Publication United Hiate» Land Office, Lakeview, Ore- ( gon. March 24,1907. Nolle« I» hereby given that In compliance , with the provision« of the set of Congress of Habe 3, W8 entitled "An act tor the ••)* ol timber lands 111 the 8tate«ot California. Ore gon,Nevada, and Washington IMtrllory," aa "«tended to all the Public l.asd Htate. by act ol August 4, 1HW. Carrie M Clendennlng. of Klamath Falla, county «I Klamath, State ol | Oregon, has this day SKd In this office her , Ça orn statement !U» I t the purchase of, the nW««»'« nH«W<, «ec. of 2 and 11.-!«..% of ( Hee. No. 3, In Tp No. 37 8, H No. 10, k. W M, | and-will offer proof to show that the lapd 9 MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. * * F e e * Moth-iii iinprovi-iiK-iits. 7.3 rooms and suites. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. Did Vou €ver Realize e e e that lh»« Klamath l*r«*j*-ct ia really two tliatinct syatema? t ---- a Cbe Upper Project SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS e* Fi 1 J utilizi-« tin- water of Clear L’ke. an,l will irrigat alwdit <MMI a« re« >>f excellent land» l*'ing in Langell, Vonna and Poe Valley«. LJ Construction UJork Ì / V « Upon the Cpjier Project will lie-in ■•a-lv in the Spring. Thi» the Reclamatioii Service has ct fitly announced. Bonanza i I* the rnetrojudi» ol the Cpjier Project. If von areatali acquainted with the country, you will know that P>otianza has absolutely no fear of rivalry*. BUESING 4. BENNETT, Klamath Falls Realty PROPS. ha« advanced several fold since the beginning of work on the I>>wer Project. Business proj>erty sells for from $5') to $125 front foot. Residence lots from $150 up. And it will go higher. First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South ern Oregon and Northern California; also to favorite camping, hunting and fishing grounds. Bonanza Realty will advance by jumps in the Spring. If yon are looking for sure profit, buy nowr while projierty is >w. You can get lot« that will be busine»« rojiertv at price* ranging from $2 to $5 a front mt. You <-an get splendid residence lote for $3.5. p. We can sell you some desirable lots lor $20. Horses Boarded by the Week or Month. 4» X !>y the Special attention given transient ttock ami apecial ratet tu freighter*. (¿rain k. lhi>. by (he bale or (on. Phone-Mam 44 ïl»€‘ Cur. Main anJ 'Jth St». ¥ou Can Save $5 a month . Eosi End you can invest in lionanza property, We make terms so ea»y that anyone can buy. This is your ->pportunity to »bare in Klamath county '* prosperity. r < > k BONANZA IMPROVEMENT CO Klamath Commercial Agency Building * *3i I 1 MO DOC - ST e MIDLAND 1 r A ! - ------------ »If »I t c j - n L • /J »-»I // /0 It Klamath County Oregon * j : i L L ’y /»* /L <7 <8 /V ISOLV i . 1__ !—!— i — j 1—Lii- : 0 * 2 • • *1' -X2-J r r ; . J —1 BUY A LOT IN MIDLAND! /j There are no additions' r» — T 4 /¥ a a M 11! ELM 4 % 1 4- to Midland and will» not be immediately ad joining the townsite, MAIN since we own the va cant land on all sides. of the Town • 3 kt- Lots A, B and five H in H acres of land east of Notice for Publication t'nlte l State« l.«ti<l offli-i', Laksvtew, Ori son, Marell JO. 1907. Notice 1« hereby given that In compliance > with ths provlalona ot the set of Congre«aof June 3, IS7Í. entitled -An act for the «ale ol timber land« In the State« of California, Orc , gon, Nevada and Wa«hlngton Territory," a« , «atended to all the Public Land Ulate« by act 'of August 4, 1H92, Emina Hamilton, ot Klam ath Falla, county of Klamath, Stale ul Oregon, ha« thl» day filed In this office her «worn Ktalcment No. 3M0, for the purchase of the ■,Snw!a «’»'.ne1. Hee. 2, and «e'^ne', ol Hec. No. 3, In Tp No. 37 H, K No. 10, K W M. and will offer jiroof to ahow that the land «ought 1« more valuable for Ila timber or I or stone than for agricultural purpc«es, shd to establish her claim to «aid land before Hie clerk ot Klamath county, Oregon, at his office ' ÎTÎoneY íor ?.'ou Lot A Will be used as if AC 3 7 IT 1 «i L’o 1 4^ >/ 33' J Î u TT’ • 10 0 Î 7 4 1 " J" 3 i <r 1« *• Oregon 3 fly /T /3 .. 4-« 1 • 7 ir 11 pens and Loading pens Klamath Falls r in « Stock pens, Feeding MIDLAND TOWN CO (A LINDEN - -TT TT“ / ; 4 LL- IS XL. i- Ad 3 «r» k • 1 1 10 » • 1 7 4 r 3 < 3LC a i: - ■ —A Ì1- y— II D. Lx It J *• «r» /r /4 It £2 • • • • I 9 1 ¥ It' /4 • 1 It IÎ 1 JL-L. It 1 •