In nùe«ncTof thè Roman finiperor'C!>n’- stantin«* In 321 orderlng that all worS sbould evase in ih«* clties “on Ih«* ven <VIL ENGINEER and SURVEYOR eralo Sunduy." but permittltig neve« If You Want to Drivo Away Dissasc, sary fami work to be attendsd to. St. KLAMATH FALLS Turn Shepherd. Louis Kepnblle. “Oil worker» are never bald." aald ft I kinds engineering and draughting druggist. "Visit our oil region* or A Hardship. those of Russia. Examine the work Favored Walter I'm golu’ to h* r e men's hair. It is soft and (hick and DR. WM. MARTIN glossy, for petroleum cures Incipient her.* when r y week Is up. Regular Guest- Eh! You get good baldness, and if your hair Is thiuning DENTIST nib some In. Never mind the suiell. pay, dou't ,v«>u? "lie. 'boot the same's everywhere." It will do you good. "Aad tij * besides7” x "Sbepliertls enjoy remarkable health. l'A good many ." The oild odor of a sheep seottls to drive "Then vv hat’s the mutter?" awav disease. Sheep are especially "They «leu't allow no time for goln' good for whooping cough. In the sheep out t > meah. 1 have to e.u here."— country when n child takes the whoop London M ill. COUNTY SURVEYOR ing cough It is the custom for the mother to put It to play among the The Dang«r. sheep, and the next day it is well. A lawyer while conducting bls case “The men and women who work LAND SURVEYOR. cited tiie authority of a doctor of law among lavender, gathering It or ill* yet ¡dive. tilling it. never have neuralgia or nerv “My learned friend." interrupted tho ous headache. Lavender, moreover. Is Judge, "you should never go upon the ' l Ä M A T H FALLS, OREGON ns g >od as a sen voyage for giving tone authority of atty save that of the «lead. to the system. Run down persons of The liviug may change their minds." • DR. C. P. MASON ten work for nothing In lavender plants Nos Lol sirs. In order to build themselves up. DENTIST “Salt miners can wear summer •ffice in American Bank and Trust Com clothes in blUsard weather without Ths First Thought. "What would be your first thought if pany's Building fear of catching cold, for colds are uu- PHONE 614 known among salt workers. Breweries ;i>:: v.ere to strike oil or in some other ■ ccome and !• nly wealthy " • •ALAMATH FALLS OREGON and tanneries and printing ink fac .1). I suppose, like ¡ill th«* rest of tories bar out consumption. Turpen tine works and ropcwalks bar out rheu • ¡i. my first thought would be eon- •er: in' the shortest aud quickest way WILL A. LEONARD matism. Copper mines bar out ty to Naw York."—Chicago Record Her- phoid New York Press. DENTIST tiX E. B. HENRY TRADES THAT CURE ILLS. ‘ ffice over Klamath County Bank MELVIN D. WILLIAMS” ivil and Irrigation Engineer, East Main St., below 4th Wlthron-Melhase Building When Chloroform Was New. Here is a curious little story about Sir James Simpson, the man who in PIERCE EVANS troduced the use of chloroform into surgery, and a peril which he escaped, ATTORNEY AT LAW as rvcorded by Lyou Playfair. Simp son when busy with his researches In i.LAMATH FALLS, • OREGON to the subject of anaesthetic« culled one day on Playfair and asked if he bad anything new likely to produce- C. F. STONE anaesthesia. Playfair bad just pre pared a liquid which seemed worthy ATTORNEY AT LAW of trial. Simpson, who knew no fear, OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE prepared instantly to test it on him self. This Playfair refused to allow until It had first been tried on rabbits. Two were procured and placed under the effects of the anaesthetic. Next J. V. M'TIMMONDS day Simpson proposed to try it on him TAXIDERMIST AND TANNER self. "We might as well see how the All work guaranteed first-class rabbits have fare«!." said Playfair. in every respect :: :: :: They found both the animals dead. Klamath Falls, Oregon BI GS AND ROBES A SPECIALTY P*o« — HENLEY RANCH E. WHITLOCK UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Hol<ler of License No 29. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Happens Once Every 2.500,000 Year». A remarkable freak In moon phases was noted in the month of February. ISfai, a month which lias gone Into astronomical annuls ns "the month without a full moon." In that year January and March each bud two full moons, but February none. A writer In a leading astronomical Journal n<«*« the following language lu describing It: "Do you realize what a rare thing in nature It was? It has not happen ed before since the beginning of the Christian era or probably - nee the ere atiou of the world! It will uot occur again, according to the computations of the astronomer royal of England, for—bow long <lo you think? Not un til after 2.300,(«<0 years from IS,:»;”’ KLAMATH COUNTY BANK It has laen decreed by Hame Fashion that visiting cards »liould not lx* written. Xccordinglv, thorn* who wish to bend KLAMATH, OREGON knee to this inexorable old lady sbollili call at the Republican otlirv and leave I ALEX MARTIN. E. It. IIEAMES, ALEN MAUI.IX', Jr their order lor cards. This otHw has President V ice- President Cashier just purchased the latest styles both of tvpe and cards and is pivpaiisl to <lo work for you that is unsurpassed lor «Ivie and quality, I - STATEMENT I'l'C. H, II*”'- l or mbH illation of Kliimiith county, aildre.-s Mark !.. Burns, Klamath Falls, hi socifi rs Oregon. 1 oans and l>i»count«...................................... ♦ S74. l43.d6 The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County I < iverdraft« . SOCIETIES OF KLAMATH I ALLS Hanking House, Furniture and Fixtures 'H .................. ... Heal Eatatr M.N24. Ill .................. .. «.166.9» . 21X6,1991.6# A. O. I'. XX' l.inkvill«* I.islge No 110 Pue from Banks.................................... .11.1''l meet« ill the A.O. I'. W. hall every Ci'-h in Hank ............. ........................................................................................ ruesday evening. Visiting Br«>liiers al IH,075.113 ways welcome. John Yaden. M. XX. J. XV. siemens, Recorder. 1.1 VIlll.lTIKS Capital StiM'k, fully paid........................................... f list.isst. do F.vai'gvline Lodge No. S.4 pegrtu* id Snrnhis and l'ndivi.le.1 nrutlts. ... 1.1,21.1.01 Honor laslge meet« in the Y.O. XV. Individual Ih-poiiitb. aulject to check ............ ................. 514,101.03 hall every second and fourth Thursdavs Cashier’s Checks outstnnding .................... .......... .................. 1,0.11 Hi m the month. Xancv X . XX' lute. C. of fl. He in a i ul Certificate» ol iX'posil....................................... .............. ... ... l»,4«6.4fi Jesse Marple, Recorder. ♦<d«, 075.03 XV. O. \V. Ewatina Camp, No. 799. XV. O. \V., meets every Tuesday evening I, Ales Martin. Jr., Cashier nl the named Bank, do solemnlv at 7:30 o’clock at Sanderson’s hall. All swear that the strove statement is true to the be»l ,d mv knowlrxlgesnd Ix-lief, neighbors cordially milled. A ik M victim , .hi., Cashier. C. K. Brandenburg, Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to twfore me this Till day “I January, ll<0.. -I vt] 1' V. K»v«l SMI I . A. I A A. M.—Klamath 1 «Igv No Notary 1‘ublic for Oregon, 77. Meet« Saturday evening <>n or !«■ fore the mil misui of each month in th«* Mas Ha . W. I Shive, W. M. IV. E. Bowdoin, Secretary. <>. E. *■. Aloha Cl.apu i N>.01, meet» in the Masonic hall every second and fourth Tuesday evenings in sech nicntli. t’lirixtinq Mur loch, XV. M. Jennie E. Reauies, Secretary. • O OOOOOO OOO OO O 000 0000-00 (X> • $ Q a I. O. O. F.— Klamath laalge No. 137 meets every Saturday «veiling in tin* , A. O. C. w. hall. tv’. II. North, N.G Geo. L. Humphrey, Sectetarv. Ew an mt Encampment No. 4<1, 1. «».<>. F. Encampment meets seco mi and fourth Saturdays in th«* month in the .t. O. U. ball. c. c. Brower, c. 1'. lieu. I.. Humphrey, Scribe. I’rosju-ritv Rebekah laxigi* No. 101 1. <>.<>. F. meets in th«' A. <>. I'. XV. hall everv first and third Thurwlays in tiie month. Francis E. Boyd, N. <«. Frankie Hammond. Secretary. K. of I*.— Klamath Txslgt* N >. ' meets tn Sanderson’s hall everv Xf.ui dav evening. IG-rt Bnuilx-r. C. C. John Y. Tipton, K. of R. and S. M. XV. of A.— I.islge meets 111 the Domestic Weather Prophets. Probably everybotly knows that there A. O. 1'. XV. ball riri v first an I third are hygroscopic plants which Indicate Wednesday in the month. The Christian Sunday. XV. B. Xlelavngh'in, Consul I The keeping of Sunday, the first day more or less clearly the quatitit. XV. .X. Phelps, Clerk. • of the week, as a sacred day in mem moisture in the atmosphere. A strip of Foresters of America—Ewaun.i Camp, ory of the resurrection and'of the de seaweed hung in an exp >s«*d position XV. hall scent of the Holy Ghost dates from frequently does «buy ns a ¡»opuhtr mid No. <>1, meet« in the A <>. tti. beginning of Christianity. It was easily comprehend« I w.-nth r glass, al every second and fourth Friday« in the C. 1 •. Wills« fi. <'. I: called the Lord's day in all th-* church though it may be doubted whether its tie nt h. E. E. Jamison, Rec. •*•«■<•. es. but gradually acquirtsl the name of predictions are of much value. More Sun-day from the Romans, who called reliance can be placed in til« lu-bavlor XViunen of XX'issIcrsft, Ewantia Circle th«' first day of the week dies soils, or of a pine twig, which may very readi X". <147, m«'«'t» everv ««-etyid an«l fourth day sacred to the «tin. Th«- first official ly • e press«-1 Into ««-rvice as a domestic Friday m Sanderson's hall. recognition of Sunday as a holy day la weather prophet. -Cologne Gazette. Mrs. I»o||i.' Virgil, G. N, I o Having) opened branch houses in Merrill, I Bonanza and Bly, I am ’now prepared to fil! al! orders for supplies from these points, thus saving you time and expense' > > C. D.iWILLSON KLAMATH IFALLS, ORE. Buy a Lot in Hills’ Addition Just Hast of the Depot One Hundred and Twenty five Dollars FOR A LOT 50x120 FEET BIGGEST LOTI ' ’ 1-'1 ' - ....................... . I Ronds and Waiian! ■ SATALLEST PRICE Can you find a better investment in the city? You are paying the present value price and will thus secure the benefit of the increase i * * FRANK IRA WHITE w <