CITY BRIEFS W, P. Smile lias disposed of his shingle mill to I. T. Tillman. llHM) tine woolen* from which to select See Adv for marsh lauds. your spring and summer suit, lit Watches. L. Alva Lewis. Guaranteed. K K K Store. Edison’s gold mould record phono 1 inly nine days mure remain lieforo graphs at Newsom A Underwood« the great contest close». Have you C. J. Laird of Laird's Lauding was in voted yet? the city this week on bu«!ne»«. J. R. Chambers, owner of the Knelt For Sale—120 acres in Lower Klamath lake preserve», was in the citv Friday Marsh. Price <10.00 per acre. Mason ' for the purpose of paying his luxe». We arc not so old, but wc have got the A slough. I make a specialty of tine high grade makes of movements I 9111 now making a sp< ■ ally of hand­ GOODS and our PRICES are right Elgin», Waltham«. Huiuiltons. Boe« and Crescent tilled Only nine days more temain before ling elmice dairy farm». Be sure ami cases of the finest designs. Attractive prices and good jewelr. the great contest close«. Have you «ee me it you want something good. have Uen the reasons of my success in the jewelry business, voted yet? Mark I.. Burns. In regard to watch and jewelry repairing. 1 do only Swellest line of lints in town Justin Now ix the time for you to get vote« first class work, and guarantee fully, all my work. A tiial at K K K Store. Thoroughbred «nd ' fur your favorite candidate in the James­ mail will c "vince. If unable to call send me your work by Stetson brands. town Exposition contest. or express. Now is the time for you to get vote« l.ow ney’« ami Bishop's delicious can- I am agent for Columbia and Victor Graphaphonef, «nd for your favorite candidate in the dies at N'ew-.u 1 A Underwood. carry a full line of machines, records and supplies, Extra Jamestown Exposition contest. F. II. Mills bus leased a suite of room* parts lor re[>airs. Send for catalogue, A large and well sc- W. R. Davis made a living visit to his in the Withrow-Melhasv building, und Ban ­ lected stock of musical goods. Violins, Bows, Guitars, home over Sunday. lias moved his office there. joe. Mandoline. Accord ian«, and small goods, strings, trim* Small tracts of well located tule marsh ings. etc. You will find the Ix'st stocked Flioc lands offered for one week at *2il per Dept, in Klamath county at the K K K Kindly call and inspect my store. We're glad to meet you acre. Aunl Adv. and ¡»ave-youtake a look whether you buy or not. 1 Store. Walk-over ami Nupntan brands. Miss Bessie Applegate returned to her All the latest novellies in leather home at Swan latke tills week. |H>-tul card- at the Star drug store. Try the homemade bread, cakes, pies, ♦ FOR SALE—»4«t acres timber land at etc., at City Bakery. Bread, six loaves 1 base of Eagle Point, midway to Pelican Republican Black fur 25c. Phuue or leave your orders. t( ' Bay ; a good place for summer cottages KLAMATH FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Smith have rented the ! half mile mi lake front; deep water Chitwood home on Ewauna Heights, lor steamer to land ; a million to one where they will live until the new resi­ mid ball standing pine. Address box dence they contemplate building us 294, Klamath Falls. 21-50 readv tor uccupancy. Ralph Jackson, who was arrested for Good clothes are always made to assault, with attempt to kill, on George measure. Inspect the stunning lineol Smith, near Yainax, la-t w-eek, wits Spring samples at K K K Stoty. taken to Portland Sunday morning, Now is the time (or you to get votes ( where he will be confined until his for your favorite candidate in the, trial. Jamestown Expoaitkn contest. One of the causes for the r.-m.i kaiile Fine Line of Fresh Candies growth of News, in A t'tqlerwood 1« the If you have not tiled the Midway i» fact that no exp<'ii-<- or trouble >1:1» >> wii will pay you todo ' blacksmith shop it Latest Novelties in Toys spare ! to pnrc'tre the finest »lock in the . eo. Try il and see. State. The great prewriptb n '• in. «- 1 Your friend may they do is on account of their usit g only to The Republican, pure fresh drug«. him to subscribe and he can cast three , votes for your choice of the most popu­ Charing dishes at N'ew«om A I mler- ¡¡ Most complete line of PIPES to select from lar girl in the county, the winner tu be wood. sent to the Jamestown Exposition. You friend may not ls> a subscriln-r FOR SALE.—A lot of fine driving, to The' Re|wtblican. If be • not. get : draught and saddle horses, at a price him to siUnx-ribe and lie can cast three •e oi ul lite Hie n tno-t pipit- that will sell them. Phone or write to i vote« for your choice Liskey Bros., Dairy, Oregon. Swan Iar girl in the county, the winner to be ( Lake ranch lSmilesfrom Klamath l alis. sent to the Jamestown Exposition. Half mask« at the Star drug «lore. l-24-6mo. A pie social will be given in the M. I Invitations are out for a masquerade trail to >>e given in Houston's o; era church at S o’clock on Friday evening. house Monday evening, April 1st, by j Man'll S2ud, Music by Mr». Zumwtlt, Harry Galarneau, Gertrude and Vitro Francis J. Bowne. Beals; reading by Mi«« Mamie Boyd, Don't buy your clothes of! the shelf, when you can have them made fur you “The Woodchuck and the Owl;” Uni­ I will pay the above reward for at the same pi ice». See the Spring and que Acquaintance contest. Admission, including refreshments, ain’t» 25 cent»; Summer suitings at K K K store. children. 15 cents. a watch my repair department WANTED—I am a steam engineer Sulmcribe for the Republican ami tote and am also experienced in electric cannot put in perfect running work and would like to secure employ­ (or the must popular girl to represent ment at or near Klamath Falls. Ad­ the county at Jamestown. Frank Bryant is suffering from an at­ dress Henry Pray, La Muine, Shasta order tack of diphtheria, ami is being attend­ County, California. 3-21-3t F ob S ale —I have ten lot« in First Ad­ ed by Dr. Maxton, who stale« that dition to Klamath Fall«, overlooking ev ry precaution has been taken to con­ both lakes; nice residence projierty: five- fine the disease. Last reports were to minute walk from High school; good | the effect that the patient was very , drainage, city water, etc. Prices from much improved. If you want to buy a lot in the Fail-1 4150 to <.150 each. Lots will surely double in twelve months. Easy term», view addition No. 2, see me. I have an f 100 down ; you set your time on balance , interesting proposition for you. at 7 per cent interest; or will exchange, K^ulxs, Klamath barber shop. for cattle, large horses, or mules. E. W., MARRIED—A t Fores t, Su nday, M arch G owan , Klamath Falls. tf 17, Charles Biehn and Miss Zora E. make a Anderson, Rev. J. B. Griffith officiating. Newsom A Underwood specialty of perscriptions, only pure, POTATOES—Jim Straw has a few fresh drugs are used, with the result sack, very fine Early Rose and Burbank that the medicine ha« the desired effect. seed potatoes ami other varieties for Our entire stock to go regardless of cost. 2t-50 General Freight Agent Luce of the sale. Telephone 105. Attend one of our SATURDAY SALES Southern Pacific railroad states that the H. C. Wilson of the Agency was in office supplies legal blanks and you will attend all. «.< <.* j * v* merchant« and other shippers of this the city Saturday, lie was accompan­ city and county have the privilege of ied by Fnperinteiident Chalcraft of the These sales will continue until our entire shipping their goods via any station Ciiemawa Indian school, who visited stock is sold <-* •> «.* v* > c* they choose an l that it is immaterial the Agency to secure pupils for his in­ whether that ¡ioint is Ager. Thrall or ititution. Pokegama. At the time that the an­ Full line of purse» at the ¡-tar drug / nouncement was made that such ship- I «tore ments would be refused it looke I as if F ob S ale —000-acre stock someone was barking up the wrong tree Klamath County—the l»e«t anemlirig investigation. Re­ < • * Everything else in the Hardware line at reduced prices Newsom & Underwood by calling at fhe cently |15,(K) ter to our wholesale houses, where you can select anything you like. ♦ Call and investigate Goods and prices. home of Dr, M iston—next door to our stolen tn Chehalis and so far no trace of f ¡¡Don't forget that I have taken the agency for the entire store. the culprit» has been found. GEO. R. HURN * Statements oi account were mailed to J ¡line of Pianos of the EILER for Klamath A small cottage with #44444444444- 4* 4* 4*4*4*4*4»4»4‘4-4*4*4*$r every subscriber of the Republican who A Beautiful Lawn is in arrears. Those who received them »'mJ Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes will b1 entitled to a vote in the great ÍH .More Attractive than a Mansion ¡»are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, or in a barn lot. contest if they will ad I 4- to.the amount Spend a few dimes for blue grass, of their bill. Those who ri i-eived no (• DON J. ZUMWALT BERT E WITHROW ALLEN SLOAN for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. statement are entitled to u vote, pro­ orchard grass, , ..... thy or clover ».... B) President Vice-1 r fi Tr>a«. Secretary vided they send us two dollars. '1 lie ; and make your door yard a little beauty ¡’ All that remains unsaid, just consider (. ct that no statement was received in­ spot, it will make your wife grow ten KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. I dicates that you are not in anears to ye?rs younger. Try it. You can als > that it has been said • • secure the very best ns-ortment of all any great extent. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000. FULLY PAIO We invite land owners to list their kinds <>f garden weeds (in bulk) fora — - — lands with us. Our extensive corre- vegetable garden. Phone 251. C. A. Dalzell. 3-7-4t gg spondence and Mr. Mason’s advertising The Lakeside Irn Bar. C. Ross An- L “ S'OfC g| trip have put us in touch with several KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON “ , LI- F parties who will want land for actual Person for High grade Wines, settlement. M ason A F loigh . tf quors and Cigar«. i Are you interested in a good watch? Hardware Builder's Hardware Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Bin and Royal Graniteware Tin, Wood and Willoware Sporting Goods HEITKEMPER Watchmaker-Jeweler-Optician « jtnKeny’s * o !¡ All the latest Newspapers and !; Magazines t Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Í p Roberts & Hanks j Phone, ¡73 Pm ma Block KfrV/ $100 Reward You are cordially in­ vited to attend the Brick Store Co.’s L. ALVA LEWIS We offer bargains in all our lines that cannot but make yon buy Chitwood Druá Co» Fine Stationery Waterman's Fountain Pens Yours for trade The BRICK STORE Co. tfk 1 4 W W W W W W W W A Few Prices at HURN S HARDWARE STORE i I BISHOP’S i Furniture Store j; ¡¡is the place to furnish your house I! ♦+ 4 4 4 b ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING S PIANO HOUSE B. Klamath Falls, Ore. ::