Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 21, 1907, Image 7

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Stockmen 5 Attention
Owner» of th« following descrilied live
■tuck now in the Held, on tbo former
Mitchell runcli, are requewted to remove
such uiiiuinl« us soon as possible.
Charges against such animals should
be settli d when stock is taken out:
Itay mar«, weight about MM), brand on
left thigh either I.S <>r levers IS,
Two-year old sorrel horse, blase face,
left bind loot a hite. I>im brand low on
left shoulder.
While horse, weight ulsml fi’iO, daik
man« and tail.
Hay man', weight about HUG, white tip
nose, star lortdiead, slight crop light
car, lingular dim luuml on hit
Bay iniiri*. weight alsmt MM>, no brand,
bark brown )curling mare colt, wl.it«-
star in forehead.
bur k blown mare, old, hit Inn I fi»d
while, mare wilh.eoll probably six or
eight months old.
Sorrell mure, flax man« and tail, blaze
face, weight about tHX), brand lazy heart
oil left side
Buy colt, liorw, star in fu «, branded
O on left thigh.
Brown mare, weight about 630,
branded |* on light thigh.
Aged bay mure, three white feet,
brauded on left thigh what ap[»*ura to
Ire lazy SX.
One black mulley cow with Isith ear»
One red mulley heifer, umlcrbit right
ear and up|««r »lope leit ear.
One r<*d heifer, ear mark crop, split
and unrlerbil.
< hie yearling heifer,
Enrrai’gisL L amí ami I vvistwi . nt Co.,
by Frank Ira White.
Oregon, at hl» otfi> « »l Klarnalh Falla. Ore­
gon, ou Tliiirulay, tli» 2ud day of May, 1907.
Ile narria» ■» wltn*»»ea*
W m Laatua, Kdward Kchtlnaw, John Smith
nd Louis Ftaibman ali ui Klam»lh Pali«. Ore­
Auy and ali p« r»on» »laliulrig a-lveru ly th»
at»,«» d«« rlb«d land» arv r*«|u,-»t«4 to fik-
llielr nlalms In liila uinee on ur bufUr» «a 14 Jud
day ol May, llMr7.
J. N. WATSON, Kegl l«-r.
City MeatMarket
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
lebrmiry H, 1907.
A sufficient cont<*«t affidavit liming
liaviiig Is i'ti filed iii thi» office by James
F. Croft, conte.taiitl against hom«»t>-nd
entry No. 'JHI7, made Ihicemlier 4, 1902,
for n«,4 ►i-c. 31, twp. 37 »., range 13 e.
by II. I'. Jon«., I'onteste«, in which it is
alh-g«'d thnl said 1!. F. Jones haa never
taken tip residi'iic« on »aid pro|>»rty, and
lias not cultivated miy portion thereof,
mid ha» totally ubandoiicd the same for
more than six month» lu»t past, and
that said alleged abwiii-« from the »aid
land waa not due to his employment in
the army, navy or marine corf.» of the
I'nitedState, a» u private »"Idler,officer,
M«ainan nr marine during the war with
Spain, or during any other war in a hl«h I
the United State» may b«< engaged.
**aid parties are hereby not die, 1 to ap-
[«•ar. re»|>ond and offer evidence touch­
ing said allegation at Id o'clock a. m. '
mi Aprils, 1907, liefore .1. ft. Griffith,
County Judge, Klai,..ith I alls, < iri-gon,
and that final hearing will I»- held at 10 (
o’clock a. in. on April IN, 1907, before i
the Register and Receiver at the Cnited
Stat«» Lund Office in lakeview, Oregon.
The »aid contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, fih»l Itecemlier 31, 1907, set I
forth fai ls vtliicli ahoia that alter due
diligence personal service of this nolle«-
can not l>e made, it is hereby ordered
an«! diri'- t. l that such notice lie given
by du« mid proper publication.
2-113 2*
J. N, W ats in , Register'. I
Sealed bbls lor the purchase of lbs- M.
E. church building will be received ur.«
til noon, March 3i), lfki”. Also seal'd
bid« for the removal of tin- building onto
iota one block north of the public »chooL Department of the Interior, United
Wr reseivc the right to ieject any aid
Stat«» Lund Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
nil bids. Address the Secretary < ( the
February 8, ¡907.
Jto.nl of Trustees oi the M. E. church,
A sufficient contest affidavit having
Klamath Fall», Oregon.
I wen tll<d in this office l>V Beauford E. j
Hayden, conlestant, sguinst hnmefiteail,
Notice fur Publication
entry No 3419, made April 1*4, 1906, for
t'uli<-4 filatea I sn«t Offic«-, Lak«« '«*. Oregon, aw*4 M«*g, a4K'. A, e*g ne^.nw’g ne^.sei'. '
February ».IW7
Nolle« Is hereby given that In compliance 7, Ip 37 »,range 10 e,by P.W Snyder,con-
with th« provision« <>l th« art <»t fuugr«»« «4 te te«, in which it is allegd that said
June 3,1*7». <ntltle4 "tn »< I tor th» »ale of I*. W. Hnyd«r haa utterly faile-i in re-*
tlmlH-r land» In the mat«« <4 callbrrnla. On - s|H-cl to suid entry, to comply with the
»on. Nevada, aud Washington Territory," ••
public land laws of the United States
eltenrted loan the I’ublto Land Mat»« by act
ol Augutl 4. INK. K igenla M. I ax, ol Klamalli mid the rules and regulations established
r»li>,eouniy ol Klamath, aisle ol Oregon, haa thereunder relative to establishing ami
41,,» day file-l lu il,i. ollie- LI. »woru »lat»- maintaining residence upon said land;
Mcnl No X'sci, for the purchase of the «■',
that lie did not establish a resilience in
nw*. ■’•*. n-'*. oe*, -w*. and nw*. •»’. "t
Kecilon Ni- 'X, In town.blp No. w «. Itangv No a house within six months from date of
10 F. W 14, and will offer proof to «how that the said entry; that he has never resided
land »ought 1» mors valuable for It» Umber or continuously, or at all upon said land,
•tone than lor agricultural pur|-o«e«. and to
but tias for more than six month» prior
Mlabtlali bl» claim lo Mid land before Ilia
l lerk of Klamath l ounlv, Oregon, at hl» to this «late wholly nliandoried said entry 1
office al Klamath Fall«, or« gon. on Mou.lay, and ha» made hia home elsewhere; that
(lie 3r«t day of June. 1W7
hie allege«! iibrence from said land was
He nam«-« a* wliria«»«»:
not due to hit emplov merit in the army,
K«l Kchlinaw. Wm 1-a.hua, M If Wampler
navy nr marine corp« of the United
and < co ftlebn, all of Klamath Mil«. Oreg ui
>\ny and all parsona claiming adversely the Statea a» a private soldier, officer, sea­
above <le«cr I bc«t land» are requealed to n I« man or marine during the war with
llislr claim» In thl« office ou <>r b<-b>rc »al l 4.1
Spain »r during any other war in w liicli
day of June, 1907,
the United States mav be engnge«l.
J X. WATSON, Rig!.ter.
Said parties are hereby notified to ap­
1-14 5-1»
pear, rt'»pnnd and offer evidence t nich­
Notice for Pnblkatlon.
ing »aid nll<-gati<>n at 10 o’clock a. m. on
Department <»f th<» Interior» band office, at
May 15, 1907, Wore Geo. Chastain,
Lakeview. Oregon, Feb. J7. IWC
Moller in hereby given that John N Moore, County Clerk nt Klamath Fall», Oregon,
K lardikn ol rbarlei* II M«»nro. In Mine, of A«h- and that final hearing will I m - held at 10
land, Oregon.!»*• filed
of hi* •ntrntlon to o'clock a. m. on Muy 20, 190“, liefore tl.e
makvfihal fivryear proof in»up|»ortofhitclaim
VI«1 llomeMcad Entry No. jtjo made April Regi-ter ami Receiver at the
Stub's Land Ollie« in Lakeview, Oregon.
Pth. I WO. for thve’j ow^and n», tie»« Mee. Jtt
Tp. 3* H, It a. E W M. and that «aid proof will
The »aid eonteslaiit having, in proper
bi i< adr before the clerk of Klamath county.
affidavit, tik'd January 31,190", set forth
Oregon, at hl» ofin u at Klamath Falla, Ore­
facts which show that after due diligence
gon, on the l*i day of May. 1107.
lie name« the foll4»wlng witne»-«,i to prove |s*r»oiml M-rvice of this notice cun not be
hi* euiitiiiuon« r»**idencc upon, and cultiva­ mud«, it is hereby orderd mid directe,!
tion of, the laiol, vlt:
that sueb notice be given by due and
Thoma» <». Meyer, ( ha*
Home». Thoma*
II. Morri» and Janie* M. Hailey all of For« t, proper publication.
2-14 3 2s
J« N. W athon , Rcgistei.
for You
Did Vou Cver Realize
that th« Klamath Project in really two distil.et
Cbe Upper Project
Utilize» the water of Clear Mke. and will irrigate
slsrnt 115.000 ai r«- <4 excellent land» ijing m
lutngeil, Yonna ami P<x! Valleys.
Construction UJork
upon the ( pper Project will begin ca-ly in the
npring. This tiie Reclamation Service lias rv-
ctktly atinouticvl.
Lakeside Inn
is the « etrnpolis of the Upper Project. If you
are at all acquaint««! with tne country, you will
know that Bonanza has absolutely no fear of
Klamath Falls Realty
MRS. M. M c M illan , Prop’r.
ha« ftilvancffd several fold $ince the l*eginning of
work on the Lower Project. Boa men» property
•elN for from $.50 to 1125 front foot. Rvaulence
lots from |150 up. And it will go higher.
73 rooms and suites.
Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club
mis, Etc., Etc.
Bonanza Realty
will advance by jumps in the Spring. If you are
looking for sure profit, buy now while property is
low. You can get lots that will be business
property at price« ranging from
to $5 a front
foot. You can get splendid residence lots for $35,
up. We can sell you some desirable lota for |20.
If You Can Save $5 a month
fl 1
you can invent in Bonanza property, We make
term* so easy that anyone can boy, Thia is
your opportunity to »hare in Klamath county’»
Klamath Commercial Agency Building
First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to
a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South­
ern Oregon and Northern California; also to favorite
camping, hunting and fishing grounds.
Horses Boarded by the Week or Month
Special atUutivn 'jirrn traruirnt ituck
t'ur. ifa
anil rjxcial rater tu freightere. Grain
l/hmnth fr
by the rack. Hay by th« baie ur tua. Pituite-il ain 44
Pre tide nt
Clce-Precide nt
Capital Stock $100,000
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Interest Paid on Savings Deposits
Notice of Settlement of Account
D pnrtment of the Interior, United
States lanid Office Lakeview, Oregon,
February 7, 1907.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office by II. E. Dudley,
contestant, against homestead entry No.
3464, made June 1, 1905, for*«1» ge1»,
sec. 17, no1» ne’., see. 20, and nw1.
nw*., sec. 21, twp. 3H a., range 10 e,
W. F. Collins, contest««, in which it is
alleged that said W. F. Collins has
abandoned the said land for more than
six months last past, and has failed to
cultivate and improve the said land an
required by law, and that said alleged
absence from said land was not due to
his employment in the army, navy or
marine cor)>s of the United States dur­
I ing the war with Spain, as a private
soldier, officer, seaman or marine, ’or
during any other war in which the
United States may l>e engaged. Said
i parties are hereby notified to appear,
renjMind and offer evidence touching said
Notice for Publication.
at 10 o’clock a. tn. on March
United State» Land ofllcs, Lakeview, Oregon,
29, 1907, before («co. Chastain, County
Feb. 2», 1907.
Noth'» is hereby given that in Compliance Clerk, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, and
with tbo provision» of the actol Congrs»» of that lilial healing will lie held at 1J
June», IH7R, entitled "An act for the sale of
I o’clock a. m. on April 6, 1907, liefore the
timber lands In the Htatesof California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as Register and Receiver at the
extended to all the 1'iibllc Land Hates by act States Land Office in Lakeview, Oregon.
ol August 4, 1»W. George Hurst of Klamath
The said contestant having, in a
Fall», connty of Klamath Htale of Oregon,
proper affidavit, filed January 2, 1907,
has this day filed In this office his sworn
statement No 3514, for the purchase of the set forth facts which show that after
si« nw>4 and ne'«sw'4«t Hee. No. W lu Tp. No. due diligence personal service of this
37 H, K No 9 K. W M, ami will offer proof to notice can not be made, it is hereby
show that the land sought la more valuable ordered and directed that such notice
tor Its timber or stone than for aRtlcultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said be given by due and proper publication.
J. N. W atson , Register.
land before the Clerk of Klamath county I 2-14-3-2«
In the County Court of Klamath County,
< iregoit.
In the Mutter of the Estate of J. L.
Roberta, DucuMcd.
Notice is hereby given that J. T.
Roberta, th«* administrator of th« estate
of J. I.. Roberta, deceased, han rendered
and presented for settlement, and filed
in said court, the final account of hie
administration ol said estate; and that
Saturday, the 23rd day of March, 1907,
at 10 o’clock a. in., at the court room of
»aid court, at Klamath Fulls, Oregon,
in said State anil Connty, han been duly
appointed by Mid court, for the settle-
inent of raid account, at which time
and place any person interested in said
estate may ap|>ear and file exceptions
in writing to the said account, and con-
teat the name.
Administrator of Said Estate.